ChiefofStaffBruce says--Heads of state, and many heads of large corporations or other organizations, have a “Chief of Staff.” Some families hire a "family office". I have a friend who took such a job. Regardless of best efforts, gaffes occur (i.e. shit happens). No human being can prevent 100 percent of missteps or misstatements in a large organization or in life. OldTimmerTed says--The older you get the more missteps and misstatements happen. You got to put that into proper perspective. Such is life.
LuckieEddie says--BUT we can adjust our perspective. Yes we can. When around sunshine and warm weather and encouraging folks, a guy's perspective can change. Yes it can. When I went for my run on Christmas day up 'er in 'em mountains. I briefly talked to a senior gal who was hiking. I said--Merry Christmas--She said--It's hard for me to think it's Christmas day with being our here in the mountains hiking; it's sooooo nice!--Yes it is--Then she responded, the only thing I don't like about nice is the the cost!
JimHockey says--I think as we 'age' it's smart to keep things in perspective and appreciate what we can do and not what we wish we could do... I call Jim, JimHockey as he is from Canada and was a long time hockey player. He has all his front teeth knocked out and has big braces on both knees. He still plays golf and pickle ball but not as good as he use to he says. He said--You learn to enjoy life the best you can; Don't worry about the score soooo much but just enjoy the environment. In fact, we don't keep score playing golf anymore and have more fun than I ever did. We aren't soooo serious. We are running out of time to worry about the score all the time. And who really cares anyway. Ya, there seems to be a window of opportunity and the window is slowly closing. Such is life.
A 89 year old guy told me--We have been coming down here to Sun Valley for 30 years. I would have never lived this long if we didn't. It's that therapeutic. I met Bill (i.e. anybody can be a Bill). He told me that he doesn't play pickleball or tennis anymore but can still play golf. He lost his equilibrium because of some strokes. Actually fall playing tennis and hurt himself pretty bad sooooo he doesn't want to do that again but can still play golf. He told me that he is just amazed how folks with physical and mental conditions just do things and enjoy life. Folks here are sooooo encouraging to each to other. They just lift each other up. He went on to tell me that he was in law enforcement before retiring. He said he has been in many many homes of folks in their 50s who were just miserable, just waiting to die. That was their life. Ouchy ouchy! As a famed billboard on Boston's Southeast Expressway proclaimed in the early '70s about Boston Bruin premier center Pil Esposito: "Jesus Saves. But Esposito scores on the rebound.

My pickleballfriendofromWY a.k.a. TheCat said to me--If I were were home, I would be sitting on the couch eating chips. In fact, my extended family back there are doing that right now. I was talking to a child of other pickleball friends who was down her in Sun Valley for Christmas. She told me that this life style is soooo good for her parents (i.e. age 69). They are soooo active physically and socially. If they were back home in IN, they would be just sitting in the house. Huh, interesting. BigPete says he has this saying on his refrigerator--Enjoy's later than you think. George Bernard Shaw prophetically observed, "Life is not a brief candle...It is a sort of splendid torch, which I've got hold of for the moment, and I want to make it burn as brightly as possible before handing it to future generations."
What magnifies your personality (i.e. either good or bad)? Money doesn't change who you are, it just magnifies it. YaBut if you were Jim Harbuag's wife, his new contract of $7 million a year might magnify your personality. Cadillac Jack says--Life would be a lot different if, if, if. Is that true or not? Maybe or maybe not. Maybe in some situations and in some situations probably not. It seems that attitude does make a difference. SusieQ says--Being around encouraging upbeat folks can and will affect an attitude; they can affect your attitude which will have an effect on your life. Oh ya! Here is an example of many situations of life in a 55+ community. I invited some picleball buddies to come and play at our community. When I got to our court, theCanadiancouple who I invited were already there. They were playing with a couple of elderly ladies who probably never played before. They were sooooo nice to them. Were treating them like queens. You would think they knew each other for years. They made them gals feel, oh sooooo good!
Proper perspective! Women will never be equal to men until they can walk down the street...with a bald head and a beer gut, and still think they are sexy. Joe (i.e. anybody can be a Joe) played pickle ball with us. He told us he is a very active guy. He was 69. BUT he has shingles and it has really zapped him. He would rather just sit on the couch or even sleep. Everything seems to be hard for him. It takes a lot of energy to do anything it seems. I asked him--soooo it really has affected you both physically and psychologically? Very much. He said that when he plays pickle ball he forgets about it and it's great. But, when he sits down it affects him. He forces himself to do things. Soooo folks, get the shot!!!! Many things in life seem to make it easier to just sit on the couch, eat chips and feel sorry for yourself.
ItchieBitchie says--Sometimes or at some time we need to get disentangled to find our proper perspective. When we disentangle, it results in purity of spirit. IthchieBitche, that sounds deep thinkin' to me. Albertus Magnus, St. Albert the Great, as he is know from the 13h century is considered by some among the world's greatest intellects said once--The goods of the intellect are knowledge and talents...we must learn to ignore vain glory...placing ourselves at the service of God, detaching ourselves from our own light. Now that might be a bit dense for Joesixpack, but the rest of you will get it. Bingo!
Getting old isn't for sissies. SusieQ says--Sometimes I fear that I'm alone, nobody cares, and the innings are starting to fade. SusieQ, that sounds sad and serious. You are one tough cookie. I know you and you will manage. Yes you will. Cadillac Jack says--It is fully human to deny what we find unpleasant or chilling, but when the drive-by precludes one from the facts, from facing real-life implications, then it's wholly unproductive, a dead end. Such observations are akin to saying to one who cannot hear: "But you don't look like you're deaf." Does this make any sense to any of you?
Just what I wanted! I bet none of you got a gift from your family like the one I did (i.e. I requested it). I got something that I wanted but really didn't need it. Now that is affluence folks. I really don't have any wants or needs. This gift is really over the top but I will use it. This gift is purely pleasure. It will make me smile and will think of them every time I use it. But, something that I really didn't need. I'm lazy, that is why I wanted it. It's unique. I wanted and got tear-away warm up pants. Yep! They have snaps on them (i.e. like the basketball players use) sooo I can just tear them off. That way when I wear them in the early morning to ride my bike to another park to play pickle ball, I don't have to take my shoes off to get my pants off; just tear 'em off! I told you it was a non-necessary thing. Such is life.
If you don't have thick skin, don't read this part! FrustratedEdniaFromTX says--My husband, BadAttitudeFrank, is always negative. I mean always. He drives me crazy. He's always sour and unhappy! He's in love with his makebelief misery! He's not fun to be around. I would like to kick his butt! Ouchy ouchy! Do any of you folks have spouses, friends, acquaintances, parents, kids, and neighbors who are this way? If it's your spouse, it's the worse 'cause you are around them all the time. I guess that is why folks get divorced (i.e. just one of the many reasons folks). Sooooo can a person like this change? GeorgeTheCrook says--No one will change unless they want toooooo! Soooo if any of you are always negative, I suggest you do a self-judgement or have someone else evaluate you. You probably aren't as good as you think! Maybe, just maybe, you need to see a medical doctor. Your life is miserable and you make life for the folks around you miserable tooooo.
Sunshine and warm weather seems to help a guy's attitude maybe. The paper says (i.e. soooo it must be right) that the Sun Valley has most consistent sunshine in the land. I guess that is another reason who the Super Bowl is here in the Valley. Of course, BigBuckFolks come which helps the economy. The paper said that a ticket in the South end-zone bleachers is $7,000--parking fees not included. Personally, I don't get that--why would anyone pay that to see the Super Bowl. But, it's supply and demand folks and folks are willing to pay it. It seems like something is wrong here folks (i.e. my opinion). CrazyMarvin says--We need to tax this more, what's another $500 on that ticket.
TheEliteHudle. My opinion--Folks who think they are in TheEliteHudle (i.e. marvel-us) are in for a shock. Something will happen to them to adjust their ego, arrogance, obnoxious thinking (i.e. a health problem, financial problem, death, or the aging process). If folks think they are really something, they aren't good folks (i.e. my opinion). Folks who are confident humblerookies are the best. Not the DuaneTheWorms (i.e. marvel-us-me) of the world.
Recently I was asked to sub for a friend in a latter pickleball league she plays in. As I was waiting my turn, a guy sitting next to me started a conversation. He eventually told me that all of a sudden one day he lost sight in one eye from glaucoma. Then he had a small procedure done at the hospital and got a serious infection. He said, he will never be the same. It all happened in a short time. Wow, I said. How old are you?--69. That is my age! He then said--I still thank God every day that I can still do what I can. I have had a very good life and appreciate every day. My response to him--I think being thankful is a good prayer. What do you think?
MissPerfect says--Understanding is the path to empathy. Empathy is the key to human connection. JaneTheYackWoman says--Alzheimer's is death in slow motion. I joined a Alzheimer's caregiver support group at Broadway Christian. I met many nice folks with the same sad stories. One of my new acquaintances and I went out for breakfast recently (i.e. he's 85 and a Christian). We had a very nice talk (i.e. a great story is a great story, and when it's a true great story, it a great story for sure!). Everyone has their story. I asked him how he is really doing. He said--It's amazing, I'm very content. I'm not restless. I'm at peace with the situation. Sooooo, is that an attitude or what? Oh that attitude! The consensus is that he has the proper perspective (i.e. when it fits, you feel it!).
Throughout this year, Cardinals coach Bruce Arians warned his team that every football season is long, arduous and full of twists that could exhilarate one week, exasperate the next. In other words, try to be the cool guy on the rollercoaster, the one who isn't screaming. Hey, that sounds like life. Life can be just "crazy"!
Perhaps Robert Frost said it best: "In three words, I can sum up everything I've learned about life: It goes on."
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--You have reached a bad age when all you exercise is caution.
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