babies lately (i.e. grumblers). Always complaining about something. They get a lot of technical fouls (i.e. they need to grow up). Recently, the paper agreed with me and said the same thing. They seem to have a histrionic behavior. They whine (i.e. do you want cheese with your whine) and complain. I don't enjoy watching them as much. They think they are being picked on. They aren't but just think sooooo. Saturday question--Why are are some folks that way and others are not? There must be a reason. I was talking to a friend some time ago and he told me that one of his family makes a mountain out of a molehill (i.e. a big time kvetcher). Why does that person do that? I don't have a clue. What do you think?
Rattle the folks! I was talking with a past president of a 55+ community owners association. He said that most of the folks who own in their 55+ community were/are successful folks. They managed business, owned business, had powerful jobs, made major decisions etc. When you get a 1,0000 of them together, you have a 1,000 opinions which they all think are right (i.e. and maybe they are). It's a challenge. LuckieEddie says--Then you add the super age factor and the hard of hearing factor and the can't remember factor to the pot, it's really challenging. Some meetings are more like, "Live From NY, It's Saturday Night Live". When you drive through the 55+ communities, you really can see that. Such is life.
Obviously he didn't see that wall! SpeedyGonzales was just running his life like a fast break (i.e. wide open; as fast as he could). It looked like a sure score at the end. Then he just ran his fast break into a wall. He didn't see it coming (i.e. a sizzle became a fizzle). It seems like I like to sit, with a cup of coffee, and just read the paper more than I use tooooo. I think I must be just really relaxed, lazy or tired. You ever fell that way? Some folks are forced to take a break 'cause of illness or an injury. Others just take a break. LuckieEddie says--Give careful thought to your ways; don't get out of whack! Such is life.
If you had more free time or any free time at all, what would you do with it? Time is a finite resource, just as money is. What we do with a little is often reflective of what we would do with a lot. How we handle what we have now determines the spirit and style in which we would handle much more. So what would you do if you had spare time or more spare time? ItchieBitchie says--I don't have time to think about that! Inspire me erv, don't ask me silly questions! To that I say--Would you like some cheese with your whine? My Daddy, Chester, said to me--erv, most folks don't spend enough time thinkin'.
.Unconsciousable! MissPerfect (i.e. who is something special) says--Whatever occupies your mind the most becomes your god. Sooooo I have no idea what occupies your mind the most. I can't see into your mind. What occupies your mind anyway? Maybe I don't want to know. MissPerfect says--erv, you don't want to know! Ouchy ouchy! Would you want other folks to know what you think about sometimes? Achoo! Achoo! Achoo! Seriously ItchieBitchie, what lights up your mind? It might be hard for you to verbalize but try. I get floor burns just thinking what it might be ItchieBitchie! ItchieBitchie says--That's not neither here nor there; soooo let's move on! TheAZ-DesertRat says--As your thinking goes, so goes your entire being. Such is life.
One of those! These gals are "one of those"! Yes they are--my friends--have good hearts--they are very cool (i.e. they are always happy)--fun to be around. They lift my spirits. I bet you didn't see that description of them coming when I said--"one of those" now did ya. You thought the thought of them being "one of those"! They live up to their team saying--Cool People Smile! (-: They are always bubbly. I should pay them just for the opportunity to be around them.
I read this while eating my oatmeal with a half a banana on it--May God happy you! Some folks are malaise when you talk about God. I can understand why they are turned off by churches or religious actions sometimes. Really I can but not by thinking about God. I think (i.e. my opinion) there is a huge difference. I was talking to a friend (i.e. she seems very smart) recently and she said that she was turned off by the church for a while--how come--hypocrites! Those hypocrites are folks, not God. There is a huge massive difference here folks. Hey, you don't have to agree with me. Really. I'm all right with that. Really. Hey, just let me wish God's happiness on you even if you are wondering if there is a God or if you don't believe there is a God. You aren't out any money. I have no power to affect you. None! Just say thank you for caring about me. Such is life.
Optical illusions Look at the picture one way and you see an old hag; look hard at it another way and you see a beautiful girl. Saturday question--Do we ever look at things wrong? Do we see only what we want to see? Crazy huh! Sometimes, it appears, that our expectation is different than reality. Have you ever done something stupid and said--What was I thinking? Where did that come from. I really can frustrate myself sometimes when I do that. And it ain't nutten new for me! Ouchy ouchy! I never see those stupid things coming; I didn't see that coming! I have to ask myself--erv, did you see that? Did I really do that. I can't believe that! Wow!

I saw that! Yes I did. Arlene and I had breakfast at Eggingtons (i.e. our favorite breakfast place). Our waitress was a sweetheart (i.e. very very nice young lady). I told her that she was professional but very real. I watched her when she wasn't with us but just doing her work. She was happy and just showed she was a good person. Good things will happen to her--no question. ANYWAY a couple of weeks ago I asked our waitress (i.e. who also was very nice and a young lady--only has young people as waiters and waitresses) if they are trained--yes we are; and we have to pass a test). Is Tom (i.e. he's the owner) demanding--he has high expectations of us but is a good boss. He is very selective who he hires; many times from the same families or friends of the same family (i.e. he sorta kinda knows what he is getting). I think you can sorta kinda see that Tom runs a good business. I can see that. He has a lot of folks who patronize his shop. Must be a reason.
corked The term "corked" can be substituted for "screwed." Meaning: To impose on another boat's fishing territory; to take advantage of. Context: Used by the crew members when another boat cuts in front of them and "steals" the fish they were trying to catch. Have you ever been corked a.k.a. screwed? I met a retired professional fisherman playing pickleball recently. The salmon gather in the bays (i.e. during ebb tides) and when the strong incoming "flood" tides happens the salmon catch a free, fast ride through the Johnstone Strait to spawn. The fishermen can make a huge massive score it they are in the right place at the right time (i.e. the prime Salmon is the Sockeye--biggest money maker). This only happens for about 3-4 weeks out of the year in this strait and only when the tide is right. The money a boat can earn is directly related to how fast the crew can spool out the net and pull it back in (i.e. can be big money folks BIG MONEY). If you are not in the right spot at
the right time, you make nutten or pennies). Seine/Drift fishing is like the Minneapolis 500. Boats run aground, run over nets and crash into each other with adrenaline pumping regularity. Competition is fierce and the space between boats is scare. Boats will often try to steal another’s fish by laying their net only a few feet upstream of another boat’s net. When this happens, one boat catches all the fish and the other has an empty net. This is called “corking.” SusieQ says--I didn't see it coming but, boy, did I get corked! Such is life.
I did not see it coming! I got a good break this week. It just fell in my lap! The break came through observations, a newspaper article, what a pickle ball friend said to me, and listening to the advice of a friend. I really think this is going to impact my life. In fact, I think it has already. Big time, huh! The accumulation of those experiences gave me a vision of improving my life. No rocket science folks but just reminding me of stuff I knew but was not applying (i.e. got away from what I believe). It wasn't the jingle jangle of money. It was much more important than that. AverageJoe says--85% of our learning is derived from listening. Saturday question--Are you a good listener? Do you really care about other people and their opinions? Or are you much more interested in talking about yourself (i.e. inflating your ego)? Miss perfect says--If you are not a good listener, it's very hard to learn--it's amazing what you'll hear if you just listen! BusinessmanFred says--The biggest lesson I have learned through the years...is to listen to your people...to get their ideas and listen to their impact...I make a lot better decisions when I do that. SusieQ says--What you'll learn all depends what you are listening for? And there is a massive huge difference between hearing and listening folks. Such is life.
P.S. I also learned the meaning of malaise from a friend this week. WildWillie says--erv, it's easy for you to learn a lot 'cause you don't know much to start with. WildWillie, you do have a point there! Such is life.
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--Past experiences should be a guide post, not, a hitching post.
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