Disclaimer: Don’t use any information in this “It’s
Saturday” to settle some bar bet or win an argument with the ladies at your
bridge table. I have no idea if any of
this stuff is right!
Saturday question: How close can you stand to a lightning strike? MissPerfect says—I don’t know but I would
like to have my sister-in-law, KnowItAllBetha, be the guinea pig! Ouchy ouchy! I read this in the paper (i.e. soooo it must be right)—About a
guy who was taking a whiz against a big old pine tree on the golf course when
the tree was struck by lighting. I
guess he got the shock of his life! Can
you imagine the look on his face!
up and smell the coffee erv! If I am
wrong then your are right but if some folks think you are wrong and that I am
right then there is the possibility that you might be right or might be
wrong—soooo there is no one (i.e. no matter how sure they are that they are
--right) who is right or wrong all the time—right? They might just think they
are right or wrong. I think I’m right
in my thinking but I might be wrong?
SusieQ asks--Do you ever over complicate formulating your
life? I think I do. Yes I do.
Here is some advise I got recently that I think will help me to simplify
my solutions to my sometimes overly complicated problems. I’m sorry; I love you; you were right; I’ll
just let it go; It’s not really that important; It’s just ego, I’m acting like
a baby; let me just calm down; let me look at it from their point of view;
don’t worry about stuff that might not even happen; don’t over react. Now that aught to do it folks. If I can just remember them when I get bent
out of shape. Such is life.
LuckieEddie says—Let me help you formulate your opinion. OneSmartGuy shared his knowledge--I have
noticed three distinct types of workplace believers throughout my 24 years of
walking with Christ. First, many of us come to Christ out of a need for
salvation. Our hearts have been touched by His call on our lives. We reason and
analyze the claims of Christ and make a decision for Him. It is the convenient
time to accept Him in our lives. This first stage is often characterized by a
"Bless me, Lord" attitude toward God. It is the first stage that primarily
brings salvation into our lives. Some never really go past this first stage.

I met a gal who teaches kindergarten in the hood. She says--Already at that age many kids are
already in my face and are agitators and obnoxious (i.e. have a chip on their
shoulder). Ouchy ouchy! I read in the paper, soooo it must be right,
that a kid’s personality is formed by the age of 5 (i.e. but predicted by age
of 3 and full developed by the age of 7) and it’s a good chance that they will
remain the same the rest of their life. But life events and other stuff might
modify it some though. Sooooo how in
the world can we change a person if their personality is ingrained into
them? Is it possible at all?
says a lot as to who you are!
OneSmartPerson says—Don’t gossip (i.e. half of gossip isn’t true and the
other have I wouldn’t believe) in the workplace. It will limit your potential to succeed. It will hurt working relationships. It will not do you any good in any way or in
any form. Remember, if you gossip about
others, you will gossip about the folks you are gossiping with. They know that soooo they probably aren’t
going to tell you toooo much (i.e. I wouldn’t). You lost their trust. I
think Solomon (i.e. some think the smartest person ever to lived) said once--A gossip betrays a confidence--gossip separates close friends--words of a gossip are like choice morsels; they go down
to the inmost parts. I would have liked to have taken old Solomon out for
breakfast (i.e. my treat of course) and pick his mind. He seems like an interesting guy. I wonder what those guys are for breakfast
back then. You think bread and fish and
maybe some fruit? Remember Solomon was
a very rich man. He could eat anything
he wanted. Back then, the rich were fat
and the poor were thin. Now days, it
seems like it’s more the opposite. Huh,
Big mouth running
story!! I was running my normal route
in our little town (i.e. 3 miles) when a senior widow friend and I had a
conversation. I asked her if she was
dating—she throw her arms up and got all excited and said, heavens no!; if it
happens it happens if it doesn’t, it doesn’t.
She told me she met the boy friend (i.e. he’s about 70 sooo do you still
call him a boy friend) of a mutual acquaintance this winter. She said she wasn’t much impressed with
him. I said with my big mouth—Well, I
could never be married to her. Well, this week, I was running again and she was outside. I stopped and told her I was sorry I said
that about her friend. She said—I don’t
try to analyze you erv! I really don’t
know for sure if she met that. But,
reality is, I could not be married to our mutual acquaintance. We are just aren’t compatible!
SusieQ says—I get frazzled! Why SusieQ? Symptoms of
the problem are consistently in front of me and I can’t get away from
them. It’s a constant irritation that
just rubs me and frazzles me (i.e. like a dripping faucet). CrazyMarvin says—SusieQ deals with extremes
way different than most. Maybe it’s
cause she has an extreme, prize-winning ass; I have never seen anything that
large on such a small person!
friend and her prize winning “6weekmuffins” (i.e. she’s not the one with the
world-class derriere) impress me. She
formulates and stimulates my thinking.
Yes she does. She is
fantabulous! She is a kind person with a good heart—my kind of person). She is
way opposite of SleazyRita who has the “skanky, rode hard, put away wet”
guys each told me about a family member who seems to struggle somewhat with
life (i.e. seem to make life harder than it should be). One said—Their family member has always
added things up like 2+2=5. Another
person said—Their family member seems to always go to the left when told to go
to the right. The third person
said—Their family member is always right; always, even when they are wrong and
won’t listen to anyone (i.e. always recreating the wheel). These three folks might be a little
belligerent, obnoxious, suborn, disagreeable, or iron-willed. How did they get that way? How did you get the way you are? My mentor would say—erv, we are all
programmed (i.e. formulated) by our past--by our genes and our environment. Such is life.
How and when was the earth formed? I have no idea but when hiking in CO in the
South Valley Park with family, there was a sign that said the rock ridge was
formed about 300,000,000 years ago from a volcanic eruption. I read in the paper, sooo it must be right,
that there is enough bubbling in the massive ”supervolcano” under Yellowstone
National Park to fill the Grand Canyon more than 11 times. If that sucker would erupt, now that would
formulate things a lot different. It
would be a ‘cataclysmic’. I guess stuff
has happened before sooooo, really folks, why would it be a surprise if it
happens again. AverageJoe says—That stuff happened a zillion years ago; that
will never happen again! AverageJoe,
talk to the folks in Nepal about that!
Are you onesmartperson? A onesmartperson sent me this riddle. Let’s see how smart you guys are! Only 5% of Stanford University graduates figured it out he says
sooooo…! Can you answer all the seven
of the following questions with the same word?
1. The word has seven letters… 2. Preceded God… 3. Greater than God… 4.
More Evil than the devil… 5. All poor people have it… 6. Wealthy people need
it… 7. If you eat it, you eventually with die.
Answer below.
Hey you! I went to a friend’s dad’s funeral recently. The pastor said that we are saved by God’s
grace—not by our works, not by our actions, not by how much money we have, not
by how important we are but by God’s grace.
Bingo! Now that is hard to
fathom folks especially in a capitalist society. A free gift of that magnitude is unfathomable to many. Now believing that can really formulate a
guy’s mind and soul if we can get our arms around it. Oh ya! ItchieBitchie
says—How does that pastor know that is true; maybe it’s just mythology! He said
it says it’s in the Bible. Sooo how do
you know if the Bible is right? Maybe
the pastor is just an other-worldly person! Well ItchieBitchie, that is the
great mystery of having faith in God. ItchieBtchie, the only source of knowing
about that, for me, myself and I, is my personal faith in God and by the way
God has affected my life (i.e. now that is hard to argue ItchieBitchie). Soooo if I’m right, I’m right and if I’m
wrong, I’m wrong. But if you are a
betting person, put your money and life on the grace thing (i.e. that is my
a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
says—"The secret to staying young is to live honestly, eat slowly and lie about your age." Lucille Ball
is Nothing.
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