In one of C. S. Lewis’ Narnia stories, Eustace, a young boy, turns into a dragon because of his bad behavior. The lion Aslan shows him a well with bubbling water. Eustace is eager to jump into the water to heal his sore leg, but the lion tells him he must undress first. Eustace peels off two layers of dragon skin, but each layer reveals a new layer. Aslan says, “You will have to let me undress you.” The process is painful! When it is over, the lion throws him into the water. Eustace becomes a boy again. Saturday question--Do we ever turn into a dragon and have many layers of dragon skin?
My sisters and their husbands from MI are here in AZ for a couple of weeks. We were wine-ing the other night. Trust me, you give them a few bottles of wine and then you find out what they really think! We did some drinkin'-thinkin'! Family is soooo much fun. We told old stores and laughed a lot.
Basted! I haven't heard that term since our Mom, Anna, used it years ago back on the farm a mile and a fourth south of Roseland, MN. She taught my sisters to sew, I think. Great memories of our Mom. ANYWAY I got a tear off warm up pants a.k.a. a swishy pants from family for Christmas. The wast was about 2 inches toooo big. Our daughter said--Put a couple of tucks in it. Soooooo Jan, my friend who is the wife of TheND-BeetFarmer, basted a couple of tucks by hand, had me try them on and then sewed them on her machine. Jan and TheND-BeetFarmer have been married for a zillion years and have made a lot decisions. They make their decisions over a few beers; they call it drinkin'-thinnkin'! I have no idea how many beers they drank while "drinkin'-thinkin'!!!!" God only knows!
ItchieBitche says--Let me tell ya, it is the tragedy of the world that no one knows what he doesn't know--and the less a man knows, the more sure he is that he knows everything! DuaneTheWorm (i.e. who has a maniacal ego and acts like a cyborg) is heavily disguised. Don't trust him folks; he's all about himself. Abraham Lincoln said--You can fool some of the folks all the time, and all the folks some of the time, but you cannot fool all the folks all the time. SusieQ says--DuaneTheWorm doesn't know it but he will end up holding the bag. He doesn't have tapetum lucidum.
Our culture is always changing; probably always has. Vince Lombardi said--If you score a touchdown, act like you've been there before (i.e. old school). That's changed! The theory now is--If you don't want me to dance in your end zone, keep me out of it; if you're not winning, you can't act crazy! Crazy actions dovetails with winning! Ask "new school Cam Newton." Yabut when Cam doesn't win, he's not near as flamboyant. LuckieEddie says--If you want to win, you got to be better than pretty good. But a person can get over confident and get waylaid. Then they just "brick it!"
LuckieEddie says--The next time you tell someone “I love you,” make sure that person can reply “I know,” because they’ve seen your love in action. Folks who can do that are "mighty good folks!" They are "industrial strength" good folks. Talk is cheap but...! Trust me!
One of my brother-in-laws likes to have a beer once in a while. I texted him and asked him what he would like. He said--amber ale. Soooooo we were at the grocery store and Arlene and I were looking at all the beer. I asked a guy who was looking for beer tooo--you a beer drinker--sure am--my brother-in-law wants an amber ale, what should I buy--I suggest you wait until he gets here and take him to the store and let him pick out what he wants and buy it for him; otherwise you will end up with beer in your frig that he doesn't like and you don't want! Trust me!
I changed my hot tub MO this year. Yep, I did. I don't talk but just listen. I can't learn anything if I'm talking. I went hot tubing after pickleball the other day. There was another guy in the tub who was about my age from MN. He asked me where I was from--IA--he said, I rode RAGBRAI (i.e. Register's Great Annual Bike Ride Across Iowa) 7 times--have you--ya--I ride it alone being self-sufficient but I'm a alcoholic and have been sober for 43 years: I contact AA in each town and stay in homes; I go to a meeting in each town; I will travel miles to speak and help folks who are suffering with alcoholic addiction. When I left I said--Keep up the good work helping alcoholics, guy. He said--Trust me, when I help others, I'm really helping myself. Huh, interesting. Trust me folks, sometimes I hear but don't listen. I want to be a better listener (i.e. with my heart). When I'm talking or thinking of what I'm going to say (i.e. all about me), I'm not a good listener! Ouchy ouchy! I went to Jefferson Elementary Monday morning to volunteer--no school--Presidents Day. Da! That is what happens when I don't listen. I need to listen more!!!! Sooo Arlene and I go to the library, guess what, not open. Da! Good thing we didn't go to the Post Office or the bank! But Starbucks was open! Such is life.
Trust me! ItchieBitchie says--Remember and do not forget. ItchieBitchie, I must admit, I don't always remember and do forget sometimes as to what is important to me and why I'm on this earth. It's not about how great I think I am, all though some times I think that is what is important. But it isn't. Wonderful, wonderful, and wondrous Betty (i.e. who actually reached her peak in jr. high) says--Trust me, thinking you are greater than what you are doesn't last long! TomTerrfic really thought he was great but now is "stone dead!" Ouchy ouchy!
David Feherty does a standup show that is quite spectacular. It's all about his life in golf, the drinking and lots of stories about life on the tour. Here's one of his stories: It was back in the 70s and a soon-to-be prominent golfer (Ray Floyd) was playing at Augusta for his first Masters. Back then the players could not bring their own caddies but had to use one of the locals. Floyd told the caddy master he wanted a big fellow who could handle his bag, but who also would keep quiet, no advice needed. The caddy who was assigned Floyd said, "Hello Mr. ...........". Floyd said "Hello." And followed that with, "That's the last I want to hear from you." Everything went well until the 10th hole when Floyd pushed his drive into the right trees on the par 4. After surveying the scene he said out loud, "I'm going to hit a low fade out through that opening to carry and land mid green and then roll over the crest down near the hole." Surprisingly he pulled it off exactly and turned to his caddy and said, "How's that?" The caddy spoke for the first time and said, "That wasn't your ball."
Here, for instance, is how Feherty, playing "Feherty," talks about his alcoholism: I would go for my annual physical once every three years [arched eyebrows] and my numbers were all right, until the last one. My doctor was looking at the chart, and he said, "How much are you drinking?" And I thought, Oh god [slumped shoulders], here we go. I said, "Well, you know, one and a half, two and a half bottles a day." He said, "Of wine?" And I said, "No, Irish whiskey." The doctor said, "My god [mouth agape], these numbers should be in Cooperstown! They're Mickey Mantle's! Have you ever thought about getting help?" And I said, "No! [bewildered look] I can drink it all by myself!"
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans.
MyFriendJean says--Be someone else's sunshine. Be the reason someone smiles today.
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