SusieQ says--erv, my feelings about your "It's Saturday" is that you are "way off base" (i.e. just barber shop talk). You give me terrible gyrations. My suggestion to you SusieQ is for you to stay away from your feelings, those unreliable, betrayers; they always cost ya! I will guarantee that this "It's Saturday" is not an apocalyptic experience. It comes with a money back guarantee! You can bet a milk shake on that.
All-in-all my running up 'er in 'em 'er mts is a great time for me. GREAT TIME! A famous psychologist (i.e. not a hip-writer) said--The three great enemies of spirituality are crowds, noise, and busyness. ItchieBitchie says--Put that on your front burner. He also said--Love folks when they are least lovable because that is when they need it the most. Yes, but...! A caregiver in our Alzheimer's support group said recently--The folks who he appreciates the most say--I have not a clue what you are going through but I care about you. MissPerfect says--It is soooo hard to be around folks who aren't normal and perfect like me and sometimes their caregivers as well (i.e. I understand that and accept it). Yes, but... Such is life.
My pickleball partner the other day was Jackie. I asked her if she is always this happy and nice--I try to be, she said. She carried me on the court (i.e. I just laid back and let her make all the hard shots). We had a lot of laughs (i.e. a very good time)! How old are you anyway Jackie--81--you must be eatin' the right biscuits! What a hoot!
Flip the pancake! I played in a more competitive venue of advance players recently. One of our opponents was maybe pretentious; my opinion. We were ahead and I served. She messed it up and said it didn't count as she had her paddle up which she said meant she had time out. Okay! We played some more and I was serving again and she said it didn't count 'cause she said she didn't hear the score. I wasn't very nice when I said the score loud and asked her if she heard it and if she was ready. My partner said--erv, she is trying to get in your head. Crazy! Next thing PEDs! Hey listen folks, this is very rare (i.e. maybe she wasn't ready and maybe she didn't hear the score--could be). Yes, but.. most folks are just the opposite, very nice (i.e. maybe I was the person who wasn't nice--could be). I met /playedwith a new guy the same day who was a peach of a guy, just a peach (i.e. a class act)! Such is life.
Joesixpack says--I'm snookered! Yes, but...! A simple answer to what causes El Niño and other tough questions is--nobody knows! For those of you who knew that answer, I give you the game ball. SallyWhoKnowsEverythng probably won't agree with that answer and would say--yes, but...! Here is something that might help you--It's not hard to tell an alligator and crocodile apart. One will see ya later and the other will see ya after while!
Headlines in the paper after the NH Primary--Trump, Sanders tap into sense U.S. off-track. I read this while eating my oatmeal with a half a banana on it--Has there ever been a more turbulent era in American history? The two political parties seem hopelessly divided, our role in the flammable Middle East seems indefinable, the value of the unborn and marriage drift further from God’s ideal, and our fiscal indebtedness grows by the hour. Yet God remains uninvited into our situation. A nation that proclaims “In God We Trust” seems to put trust in everything but Him. GeorgeTheCrook says--Yes, but...Everyone seems to have a good life and are doing pretty good soooo why do we want to change. LuckieEddie says--You know what they say folks, it needs to get real bad before folks will change and it ain't bad enough yet. Soooo what do you think of that statement? JakeSmart says--America is starting to see the the light--but there is a Bud in front of it!
Yes, and...! My mentor told me once--I can't tell if my Avalon is running or not as it is soooo quiet (i.e. he was old and probably couldn't hear very well anymore). Well, here is a stepback. Arlene and I went for a Smashburger the other night. We got out of the car and I tried to lock the door. It just beeped at me. What? I thought maybe I forgot to put it in park soooo I got in the car. Guess what, I forgot to turn the car off (i.e. obiviously didn't hear it). Such is life.
Yes,'s might be my sight tooooo! We were having a bagel at Kokobelli the other morning. We were sitting by the window and there was a senior couple sitting on the patio. She appeared to me that she was an "in charge" type gal according to her body language. I then noticed she had a tattoo on her leg. Soooo, are gals who are in charge more likely to have tattoos? I have no idea. Was just wondering. Soooo in the afternoon, I was heading to a pickleball venue on my bike. I was approaching a 4-way stop in our resort. There was a lady coming from my right in a golf cart (i.e. very aggressively). She waves me to go ahead (i.e very aggressively and animated). It was a 80+ degree day and her age was about the same. By her body language, she appeared to be an aggressive gal. I noticed she had a snake tattoo on her leg. Huh, interesting. Yes, I got closer, it wasn't a snake tattoo but was just a varicose vein! Man-o-man.
I was playing in my regular Thursday group (i.e. 10 folks in a round robin). One game I was matched with Johnny (i.e. probably the youngest of the group). He said to me--erv, which side do you want (i.e. a certain side gets to serve first)--I don't care Johnny--He said--I always think that the oldest guy in the group should get to pick!!!!!! He made me smile.
I was visiting a pickleball buddy and his wife at their park model last week. Their daughter known as "The Birdwacker" (i.e. a very nice 38 year gal--just like her parents) from the Midwest was visting her parents along with her 2 younger children. She told her mom who told me later--I get tired of Dad and erv talking about their hurting knees! Yes, but...some day she will understand that! Maybe! What a hoot!
Two old friends met at a local social gathering and one was struck with how sad and depressed the other was. "You look like your world is about to end," said Jack. With a sad face, Joe replied, "you don't know the half of it. Three weeks ago, an aunt of mine died and left me $100,000." "That's terrific! "Jack said. Scarcely pausing Joe added, "Yes, but...Two weeks ago, this cousin I never heard of died, and I was his closest relative, so the lawyer said I'd inherited $95,000, all tax-free." "So why is that bad?" "Yes but...Then last week a grandfather I haven't spoken to in 10 years passed away, and he left me almost half a million dollars!" "So what's your problem?" "Yes but...This week: Nothing!"
ItchieBitchie says--I guess we all have "free will" to do somethings what we want. Saturday question--Do you like free will? Not everyone does. Some folks like everyone to make decisions for them. They don't want the responsibility. They want the government to take care of them or somebody! Jesus said to the handicapped guy at the Bethesda healing pool--Do you want to change? If the beggar changes, he would have to find another way to earn a living (i.e. not everyone wants to change). Jesus healed him. The handicapped beggar didn't know who healed him when asked. Yes, but...He didn't ask to be healed either (i.e. don't know if he even believed in God). Interesting to me.
As my old friend Jim says--Happenstance, na, I don't think sooooo! Yes, but...I gave Sarah some cash anyway! Remember last year when I wrote about the street gal, Sarah, who was living in the desert? Well, I ran into her and her dog outside of Fry's Grocery the other day. She said she does live in an apartment; just recently lost her job but will start a new job next week. Soooo how do you pay your rent--my rent is paid for through the end of the month but I don't have any money for food. I gave her some money. A true gift has no strings attached. Yes, but erv...! Joesixpack says--We exist to assist!
Yes, but...! I recently had communication with a Northwestern College alumnus who I haven't had contact with for maybe 50 years or so. We had some communication by email. I told her that I remember working with her using business machines on the third floor of Zwemer Hall. I rememberr asking her out for a date. She turned me down as she was dating her future husband. She remembered it differently--she remembered it that we went on a date but I never asked her out again. What a hoot! It made me smile. I remember her as a very nice and pretty gal (i.e. I bet she still is). Such is life.
Yes, but...! ABlueBunnyicecreameater says--...none of us like doing something that makes us uncomfortable-and we all have that "something"! 
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--Make the least of the worst and the most of the best.
P.S. Please "keepmeinmind!" The "me" is many folks. You know who they are. Just "keepthmeinyourmind!"
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--Make the least of the worst and the most of the best.
P.S. Please "keepmeinmind!" The "me" is many folks. You know who they are. Just "keepthmeinyourmind!"
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