April 28, 2018


It’s Saturday and I’m back again—There is no one with endurance like a person who sells insurance! I'm laughing but it's not a joke!

Barbra Bush a.k.a. the enforcer said—You can decide to like life or dislike life; I’ve decided to like it.

MissPerfect says--One of the reasons that amazing folks are amazing is that they think differently. I know folks who are just amazing to me.  Some of you folks are on my list of amazing folks.  I’m especially thinking about YOU.  Some folks might think the folks who I think are amazing are not the same as the world would think are amazing.  Why? Well, I might think differently than the world culture thinks as to who are amazing. Believe me, you guys are amazing.  Hint—It doesn’t necessarily have to do with money or power; some real amazing folks have neither, but some do.    

I really think there are amazing folks who don’t know they are amazing.  Also, I think there are folks who in their mind are amazing, but who in my mind aren’t (i.e. “fake” amazing). It all depends what bench mark we use.  It just amazes me how some folks have all the answers!  

Think about this folks! All folks who you are around are influential (i.e. par for the course).  Yes, they are; they influence us positively and negatively.  Folks all impact us (i.e. part of our environment that shape us who we are—part of how we are programed).  That is done both genetically and by us being copycats).  Sooooo folks, I am saying that all of you influence me if you like it or not (i.e. again some positively and some negatively).  I like the impact of some of you more than others (i.e. lighthouses to me) and choose to spend more time with some of you (i.e. by design).  I try to be more like some of you than others.  I try to always improve.  I try to change!  A while back I asked if folks change from being liberal to conservative; I got this response from a friend who has qualities who I try to copy—"You asked if anyone was liberal and became more conservative a while back...I raised my hand.” I read this while eating my oatmeal with half a banana on it--According to early Christian tradition, Paul wasn’t much to look at—bald-headed, bandy-legged, little guy. By his own admission, Paul came across as not especially powerful or impressive (1 Cor. 2:3-4). But his passion, intellect, energy, and courage made him stand out (i.e. on the fast track to world success). Shortly after Stephen’s death we find that Saul (i.e. Paul’s previous name) has become a leader of the effort to stamp out the Jesus movement. Paul himself summed up his early life this way: “Formerly I was a blasphemer, persecutor, and insolent opponent. But I received mercy because I had acted ignorantly in unbelief . . . Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the foremost (1 Tim. 1:13-15). Then he changed from a persecutor of Christians to a promoter of Christianity.  Wow! That is a 180 degree turn.  Amazing!

Is this amazing or just good business?  "You have learned your lessons well. You first learned to live upon less than you could earn. Next you learned to seek advice from those who were competent through their own experiences to give it. And, lastly, you have learned to make gold work for you." - The Richest Man in Babylon    ~    I read this in the paper soooo it must be right--Across all incomes and all ages, the average American is donating 3.32% of their income. Like any population the range of values is diverse, from a whole group who gives 0% to the selfless few donating 40%+ of their income. Saturday question—Are you and I takers or givers?

This is just amazing!  It’s not my idea but I have read it many times and buy into it.  Forgive folks and don’t harbor ill feelings.  Just forget about stuff.  Your life will be soooo much better.  Don’t be a bitter person. Get rid of your bitterness.  The only person that ill feelings affect is you; the other person most times doesn’t care and doesn’t even know you are bitter to them.  Soooo why hurt your own life (i.e. hit your head against the wall).  I have a friend who has a strong quality of accepting folks as they are; just plain accepts them.  He really does this.  I have got a lot better with this in my life.  I pretty much don’t get excited about folks who I don’t agree with (i.e. their philosophy of life, their life style, or their thinking).  It makes life a lot easier let me tell you.  BUT, you can continue to be bitter; that is up to you; you get to make the decision.  And decisions have consequences as an old decease friend, Paul, would say to me!  Such is life.

It is always amazing what hobbies folks have. A friend told me that she likes to go shed-hunting.  I asked her what in the world is shed-hunting.  In winter or early spring, she looks for antlers that bucks have shed.  And what in the world do you do with shed antlers anyway?  They are used for many things but a lot for decorations.  I found it interesting but probably won’t go shed-hunting; maybe mushroom hunting though! But you never know, I have changed my mind many times.  If she would ask me, I probably would go shed-hunting!  Huh interesting.

Amazing, just amazing to me every spring.  Our Mom, Anna, liked flowers. When she passed in 1969?, my big sister (i.e. only in age) took her ivy.  She gave my little kid sister and I snips of this ivy and we each started our “Anna’s Ivy.”  Since that time, I think all of Anna’s grand kids have a plant from the original “Anna’s Ivy.”  I put my “Anna’s Ivy” in the basement each fall (i.e. don’t water it) and bring it out each spring.  Bingo! It comes back to life.  Why do I do that?  Cause my Mom, Anna, always did it that way!  That ivy is amazing in many ways.  It is as resilient as Anna was (i.e. she was a good one—just didn’t live long enough). 

Amazing, just amazing!  I read it in the paper soooo it must be right.  Crazy.  And China owns about 1.2T of the total debt.  They have a dog in the fight folks.  This tariff negotiation is going to be interesting.  I read that Japan also owns that much debt.  ItchieBitchie says—We have options: Spend less, tax more, print more money or default!  It can’t continue this way; or can it? This could result in a protest! ha ha I’ll keep reading the paper and let you know!  BUT, you will now it first from your smart phones.  The time I read it in the paper its old news.  BUT it appears that most folks really don’t care. They just don’t want it to affect their life style (i.e. a large percentage of folks have it very good compared to the world population). Sooooo let’s just continue Americanism and borrow more money!  The more the better!  China likes to buy our debt! Such is life.

Money can do amazing things but…!  I read this while eating my oatmeal with half a banana on it--In 1514, Albert of Brandenburg became the archbishop of Mainz, the most powerful church leader in Germany. In order to win this appointment, Albert paid Pope Leo X an “installation fee” of 10,000 ducats, which Albert borrowed from a German banking house. To enable Albert to repay his loan, the pope issued him a license to sell indulgences throughout the German principalities, provided Albert split the proceeds with Rome. When salesmen fanned out across Germany hawking indulgences—essentially a written guarantee promising escape from the punishment of sin—it aroused the ire of a monk named Martin Luther. So you could say that Albert’s ambition and Leo’s greed touched off the Reformation. Peter and John ran into another unsavory character when they traveled to Samaria to check on the gospel’s progress there. Simon was so impressed with their spiritual power that he offered to pay Peter for the secret, one magician doing business with another, as Simon no doubt thought. But among the many things money can’t buy is a relationship with God. 

I am amazed by you folks who are amazing to me. Amazing that you tell us, text us, email us or send a note telling us that you pray for Arlene and I (i.e. some of you tell us you pray for us daily).  I say thanksamillion.  We really appreciate it.  You are amazing.  Yes you are. My hat goes off to you.  We need your prayers and want your prayers. We make no bones about it. I believe that you mean what you say, well all of you except one of you. ha ha You know who you are!!!! WorldClassLarry (i.e. who always has his lights on) says--Sincerity is soooo real and easy to feel; phoniness is sooo real and easy to feel as well!  It really isn't that amazing to figure that out (i.e. it's not rocket science). Some folks who have said they pray for us are not church goers and some have life styles that some of you might not agree with.  They really touch my heart (i.e. they are soooo real). Some of  you church goers might not like to hear this (i.e. you might not what to read this last sentence)--I have been in several support groups where some caregivers have expressed disappointed in some church goers (i.e. maybe their expectations are tooooo great or their disappointment is legit). Ouchy ouchy! JoeBlow says--For some folks, talk is cheap.  Such is life.

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean says—No one has more driving ambition than the teenager, who wants to buy a car.

April 21, 2018


In C.S. Lewis’ novel That Hideous Strength, a character makes a commonplace observation: “I suppose there are two views about everything.”  “Eh? Two views? There are a dozen views about everything,” comes the rejoinder, “until you know the answer. Then there’s never more than one.”  Remember folks, I’m just a little old farm boy from a mile and fourth south of Roseland, MN soooooo I surely don’t know many or any answers.  Remember that when reading this “It’s Saturday.”

This noise is what a sixth-grade grandson told a friend...Papa have you seen the movie Constipated? It's not out yet! Here is some noise from TheOtherWarrenFromOmaha--The fattest knight at King Arthur's round table was Sir Cumference. He acquired his size from too much pi. What do you think of these noises?  That is what I thought. 

There are many noises that try to influence us, and they do. We might not think they do or we might not even realize they do but they do.  CrazyMarvin (i.e. who is a leaker and a pathological liar) says—All those noises helped me be who I am; I am sure those noises helped me become how great I am today. Of course, it might be just luck or ironic. I really have no idea.  But I know that I’m way better off than the guy across the street!  Bingo!

While eating my oatmeal with a half a banana on it, I read what Dr. J said—"Average athletes think they are good until they play against someone who is great—same for musicians, artists, teachers, or any other role in life. To know who we really are we must see ourselves in light of a higher standard. The more we get to know Christ—“the image of the invisible God” (Colossians 1:15)—the more accurate picture we have of ourselves. He is our true mirror.” My Daddy, Chester, would say to me—erv, those who really think they are great probably aren’t; those who don’t know they are great are probably the great ones.  My Mom, Anna would say—erv, always do what is right and you won’t need to worry about much.  I still hear their noise! 

Here is some noise I heard recently.  I was approached by an acquaintance the other day.  The conversation went like this—erv, I see you trotting around town; you don’t go very fast—no, I go pretty slow don’t I but it works for me—why don’t you join me; I only run 2.5 miles—huh, I couldn’t run half a block as he grabbed his big gut—like you said, I go slow; how old are you anyway—I’m 52—how much do you weigh—310 and it’s all paid for.  Such is life.

I had a nice talk with a friend recently (i.e. I really like him as he is a real guy with a good heart; my kind of person).  ANYWAY, he told me that his health is affected by three things that are really bothering him. Those three things caused him not to be able to sleep at night.  He shared them.  I agreed with him that they are concerns (i.e. a lot of noises in his head alright).  He said that it seems that stress has caused him health concerns.  I agreed. I told him he needs to get rid of some of that stress.  He agreed and said he is working on it.  I’m concerned about him.  I care about him.  I wonder if he is different than others.  Can any of you relate? 

Another friend (i.e. a super senior) shared with me her dreams (i.e. weird dreams) that wake her up (i.e. crazy).  She hears the noises.  Do you think those dreams mean anything or are they just dreams?  I always wonder.  I read in the Bible that dreams did have meanings (i.e. were interpreted) but now days, it appears that folks don’t think soooo (i.e. I have never heard anyone having their dreams interpreted).  Why the difference?  I tell you what, I have no idea.  What do you think?  That is what I thought.  Such is life.

Recently, I had soooo much fun with a friend.  It came about with him evaluating the value of some guns I have.  I was thinking of selling them and he is an expert.  We had soooooo much fun together that it was just crazy.  I really like this guy as he is real and has a good heart; my kind of person.  Because of him, I decided not to sell the guns (i.e. they aren’t that valuable but just have a lot of sentimental value to me.  I decided to learn to take one of them apart and clean it up (i.e. I want to learn which gives me a new experience—learned by YouTube).  Because of this fun time, we have decided to enter into a small business opportunity.  It is more about having fun than the money.  What a great opportunity.  It just fell into my lap a.k.a. blind stroke of luck; happenstance, na, I don’t think soooo folks. 

I’m smarter than I thought but that doesn’t take much!  I have really learned and relearn some stuff recently (i.e. heard from a lot of noises and made a lot of mental pictures).  I was reassured in what I believe, the way I want to try to be, and how I don’t want to be.  I learned this mainly by watching and listening to others; most of the experience this time came from watching folks who I don’t want to be like at all.  I just don’t agree with them (i.e. their actions and what they say by how they try to present themselves). I just maybe might be in the majority with my thinking; just maybe (i.e. self-promoting folks like other self-promoting folks).  I was visiting with a pickleball buddy about the actions of a person—I said that maybe that person is rather head strong; she said, headstrong, he’s obnoxious.  I was thinking that but didn’t say that.  Sooooo all you folks who strengthened my beliefs and values, I say thank you.  You teachers will never guess it was you! I think that is funny and maybe others might think it is tooooo!  Bingo!

ItchieBitchie says—You hear and will hear a lot of noise in your life time.  No question.  We do have a choice as to what noises we will listen toooo.  Those noises will affect us.  Personally, I think it’s very important that we choose certain folks to be around.  I have chosen many of you to be around and hear your noise.  Thanksamillion for you noise.  "Everything around you that you call life was made up by people that were no smarter than you. And you can change it, you can influence it. Once you learn that, you'll never be the same again." -- Steve Jobs

Another noise that is heard all the time is money.  Don’t kid yourself; it affects folks.  I read this--Becoming rich can mean losing old friends over time because it’s harder and harder to relate once the divide begins and compounds. There are fewer people who you can trust and empathize with that - a certain sense of isolation is bound to happen. You believe that? That is what I thought. 

This is warm to the touch soooo be careful when reading and believing it. Sooooo be cautious.  ItchieBitchie says—I get all confused about a lot of stuff.  I’m sure many of you have the answers about these questions by a Christian church. I think this series of talks is interesting. I plan to listen to them.  I have an extra special interest as our nephew-in-law will be giving some of the talks.  I want to see if he knows all the answers! ha ha
Are the Jews saved according to the Bible?  If I read it right, they are the chosen people. This is a lot of noise without answers.  I believe what I believe (i.e. that Christianity is correct but I also believe that I'm not right in everything  I beleive--I can’t promise you I’m right).  Soooo you ask, erv, how do you known what you believe is right? I just told you, I don't!  A smart friend (i.e. who has impressive club head speed) says—What I think really doesn’t matter (i.e. I think he is saying that God is God and is in charge)! I also heard on the news that the main-stream noise about the tariff is that the tariff is really going to hurt the price of soybeans—the price has gone up!  Crazy! YaBut, the news said…!  A friend who is a farmer (i.e. who spends a lot of time at the grain elevator) told me that the last time this happened, the U.S. sold the beans to Canada and Canada sold the soybeans to China.  Canada made a killing, he said.  China needs U.S. soybeans to feed its people.  LuckieEddie says—There is more than one way to skin a cat! I believe there is only one way to salvation.  That is what I believe.

I know the answer to most questions. Yes I do. The answer is, I don't know! God's understanding I cannot fathom!

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean says--Do not let what you cannot do, interfere with what you can.

P.S.SharpasatackNelson says--You really don't need to begin saving for retirement before you reach 60. At that point, simply save 250 percent of your income each year and you'll be able to retire comfortable at 70.

April 14, 2018

tough tough tough

"Advice is one thing that is freely given away, but watch that you take only what is worth having. He who takes advice about his savings from one who is inexperienced in such matters, shall pay with his savings for proving the falsity of their opinions." - The Richest Man in Babylon  Soooo folks, be careful about the advice/opinion in this "It's Saturday." The advice in this "It's Saturday" might leave you bleeding by the side of the road!

I had a pickleball friend tell me that she has plantars fasciitis.  I would have never known it if she wouldn't have told me.  She must be “one tough cookie” to keep playing.  Sooooo I called myfriendSecretariat, who I knew had plantars fasciitis a couple of years ago and asked what he did to get over it.  I knew it hurt him but didn’t realize how bad it was and how much it hurt (i.e. he didn’t tell me the whole story before).  This guy is as tough as a $2 steak soooo it must of really hurt!

I have to get tougher as a friend told me recently—erv, you have to learn to not to give a...what others think (i.e. get tough)!  Our culture really messes me up (i.e. I don’t like it; it can hurt relationships).  I do think that when men are around women, they are careful and concerned how others think of them (i.e. public opinion is very strong). They don’t want to be considered a womanizer or whatever. I’m a risk taker soooo I don’t let it affect me (i.e. toooooo much anyway).  I read in the paper soooo it must be right that some men are very careful or become reluctant to interact with women in the workplace.  They are justifiably afraid they could be accused of something soooo terrible they would be fired.  A “fake” claim itself is all that is needed.  Now all this is tooooo bad.  Crazy!  I have a long time female friend, who goes to our church, (i.e. a very nice, caring person) give me a hug the other day.  Sorry to say, I did think what others thought but I really didn’t give a…!  Her caring was soooooo great and appreciated (i.e. I was going to use the word love instead of caring but some of you (i.e.who are extremist and alarmists and over reactors) would get it misconstrued)!  Such is life in our modern culture!

Verooooom! Before you know it, you are 90 or 100.  MyFriendJean is 90 and I use to tell her that she would live to 100. I told her recently that I have revised my estimate to 120. I told her that by the time you get to 100 they will be able to replace every body part sooo you will be you but not really be you.  You will need to keep your old glasses, or I won’t recognize you! She just laughed. There really are a lot of tough super seniors who are really tough mentally and physically; they are just plain tough (i.e. tough as nails).

Much stuff isn’t near as tough as they use to be; we have many modern methods, equipment, and technology that really makes things easy (i.e. way easy).  I learned from Jessica, our daughter-in-law, last Sunday that there are folks who are called UX (i.e. user experience designers).  They enhance user satisfaction with a product by improving the usability, accessibility and pleasure provided in the interaction with the product (e.g. they do things soooo it is easy to use a web site; as easy as 1 2 3;  anybody can do it).  If it isn’t easy, we will go where it is easy.  UX takes the toughness out of it and put the easy into it (i.e. it’s all about getting our money).  By the way, our Jessica is a UX to Arlene and I (i.e. she makes life a lot easier for us a.k.a. a sweetheart).

President Trump is walking out of the White House and heading toward his limo, when a possible assassin steps forward and aims a gun.  A secret service agent, new on the job, shouts, “Mickey Mouse!”  This startles the would be assassin and he is captured. Later, the secret service agent’s supervisor takes him aside and asks, “What made you shout Mickey Mouse?”  Blushing, the agent replies, “I got nervous. I meant to shout Donald.... duck!”

LuckieEddie (i.e. who is wired different than most folks) says--It’s a tough world out there let me tell ya! Ya really have to be tough to compete in the world of business; It takes great planning, being smart and have some luck (i.e. ya gotta have a plan).  I walked into the cafe to have breakfast with a friend (i.e. age 72 who was/is a successful business man).  He was already there sitting in a booth making and reviewing plans for his business day (i.e. still working).  He is one tough dude in many ways.  ANYWAY, the picture is the method he uses to plan his day; nutten really new!  ha ha He made me laugh.  One reason that I had to laugh was that my plans look about the same sometimes. In fact, sometimes I can even read my plans!  I asked him what he had on his notebook.  He told me what each one meant.  What a hoot!

I was with a friend recently who told me this—I have some immediate family who has dementia.  He used to tell me about Kurt Warner time after time (i.e. he really likes this guy).  Then as time went along, he couldn’t remember all the story soooo I had to help him with parts of the story.  Now, he can’t remember Kurt Warner at all and I must tell him the story.  Now that is tough to take folks.  My friend is a very good person with a good heart; my kind of person.  This is erv’s 2 cents worth—Dementia, I hate you; you stink! A friend I make in AZ playing pickleball is going on a 2-month mission/volunteer trip to South Africa.  I told her that I am envious.  Arlene and I talked about doing this sort of thing when we retired. Not to be! Dementia, I hate you; you stink.  Such is life.

A person can be tough and talk tough but when you gotta go, you gotta go (i.e. folks aren’t soooo tough then let me tell ha).

Our friends, Evan and Lindie, hiked up to Wind Care in the Usery Mts. in AZ the other day. They said that the web site said it was moderate and the ranger station said it was difficult.  Evan said to Lindie at a more difficult spot-- Suck it up cupcake and let’s get going!  He said he heard someone say that a few times. ha ha  If it’s moderate or difficult, it’s still tough for most folks no matter how you rate it.  Arlene and I have hiked to Wind Cave a couple of time and I would say it is moderate compared to going up to the Flat Iron in the Superstition Mts. let me tell ya. Now that is difficult.  Everything, including what is tough, is relevant now isn’t it.  Such is life.

I watched the Men’s Final Four and a little of the Women’s Final Four.  I was amazed how physical the women were.  They were really physically tough. It almost hurt me to watch it how they beat on each other and how they fell down etc.  That has to be (i.e. my opinion) really taught and coached.  Women, by nature, aren’t that physical (i.e. they are tough in many ways, but they don’t beat on each other instinctively)—they are usually sweet (i.e. my opinion). I know in our culture we are seeing more woman getting into physical occupations and guys getting into more traditionally woman occupations but still the percentages are rather small (e.g. not tooooo many female diesel mechanics).  You just don’t see many gals doing mass murders with K14s or bombing places (i.e. gals would rather learn how to put their face on etc.).  I don’t think most little girls play with guns and cars or watch violent videos or play violent video games.  Mainstream news never talks about the percentages of boys of fatherless homes who become violent and who comprise a large percentage of the prison population.  My opinion, that is a huge massive problem of our society.  But it seems that very few talk about that.  Maybe cause it’s not a vote getter (i.e. maybe not politically correct)!  What do you think of that?  That is what I thought.  I feel real bad for males and females who are in an abusive situation or a fatherless home (i.e. such a disadvantage—my opinion).  The government can throw money at it but I don’t think money is the answer.  I tell you what, those women basketball players were tough (i.e. physically and mentally)!

MissPerfect, who looks really tough (i.e. you can decide how you interpret the word tough either one of two ways) says—Women can take more pain (i.e. tougher) than men; men when they get sick are like little cry-babies)!  AlbertHammer says—Ya but it seems that women cry a lot easier; they cry about anything and everything (i.e. crying physically or crying like complaining vocally); they don’t seem very tough.  But it’s tough to tell if their crying is fake or real (i.e. a manipulative maneuver maybe)!  Saturday question—Do you think guys like gals who are real aggressively tough or gals who are tender, very kind hearted and sweet or maybe a gal who has some of each?  I have my opinion on that; you do toooo I bet. Such is life.

Our son, daughter-in-law and Charlie and Rookie came last Sunday—We have watched the Masters together for many years.  It’s a tradition like no other.  What a fun time we had.  ANYWAY, an acquaintance told me about his Masters’ experience this week.  It was Easter Sunday and his son and family were over for Easter dinner.  His son told him that a friend had tickets to the practice round for Monday but couldn't go.  He said he could have the tickets.  Sooooo he and his son decided to go.  They left at 2:30 and it took them 20 hours of driving (i.e. ran into snow) and got there the next morning at 10:30. They stayed until 5 and then drove the 16-hour trip back home. Now you have to be pretty tough to do that. 

This public opinion is tough for me to take. It looks like I’m in the minority again.  WorldClassLarry says—erv, remember that the majority isn’t always right.  I read what Dr. J wrote while eating my oatmeal with a half a banana on it--Last fall, Life Way Research released a study showing that less than half of U.S. evangelicals “strongly agree” with core biblical tenets. About the same time, another study showed that most people in Western nations no longer believe in heaven or hell. In his final epistle, Paul told Timothy to continue in the things he had learned, for all Scripture is inspired by God. The time will come, Paul said, when people will not endure sound doctrine but will accumulate teachers who will say what they want to hear (2 Timothy 3:14–4:5). ItchieBitchie says—If I don’t believe in the core biblical tenets or if there is a heaven and hell, it is tough for me to believe what the Bible says! I want my cake and eat it tooooo; my life is pretty much about me.

LeBron James has played in all 82 games this year of the NBA.  You have to be pretty tough to do that.  How about this, he has averaged 76+ games in 15 years. That is incredible folks.  He is 6’8” and 250 pounds of solid muscle and maybe the greatest player ever. I wonder if it makes a huge massive difference that he works out an hour a day every day!  Maybe he’s just a tough guy!  

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-: 


MyFriendJean says--It should be our main interest in this world to secure an interest in the next.

P.S. Alzheimer's caregivers--you gotta be tough.  You gotta!

MyBigSister (i.e. only in age) sent me these songs to listen to.  For those of you who are affected by someone you care about or have cared about who has/had dementia, they are touching.

I'm Not Going To Miss You by Glenn Campbell      

She's A Stranger In His Mind by Mark Brinkman       

April 7, 2018


I have no agenda in this “It’s Saturday” or for that matter, any other of “It’s Saturdays.”  I’m just jawin’ with you folks.  If we don’t have an agenda, life is a lot more fun (i.e. live our lives livin’). When we do that, good usually always happens.  Ok, I might have a subliminal agenda; that being trying to make you think a little (i.e. if that is possible ha ha I think you all can except for one of you (i.e. toooo bull headed)! ha ha).  Soooo relax and act your shoe size and not your age!!!! Let’s move on!

This horse looks jaded?  You ever feel like you have had enough or toooo much of something?  I have but I get bored easily (i.e. I’m probably not normal—who is normal anyway).  I say many times that we are all a little mentally ill but just to different degrees.  But you have to have a bench mark to compare normal toooooo.  I might think you are normal but others don’t.  Soooo there you go!  Such is life.

Usually folks can only take soooo much of something or of some folks (i.e. enough is enough).  When that time happens, usually something happens.  Usually separation from the person or event.  If you would eat all you could of your favorite food at anytime you want, well, you would at some point have had enough (i.e. get sick of the food or get sick because of the food).  You become jaded. As the song goes—After you been having steak for a long time, beans beans taste fine.  The other day I had a hot dog at Kwik Star.  I haven’t had a hot dog for a long time; maybe a couple of years ago at a football game.  It looked good.  It was!

MisslPerfect says—I can only tolerate soooo much of my brother-in-law and then it’s time to have some separation.  GeorgeTheCrook (i.e. who might have been genetically edited) says—I think the wives of some of my buddies are ok but I could never be around them all the time; they would drive me crazy; I think some of them drive my buddies crazy tooooo; that’s why they work a lot and/or have a lot of hobbies.  SusieQ says—That goes both ways you know erv.  I’m sure it does.  Maybe that is why over 50% of marriages end up in divorce.  I was part of a conversation with a couple of pickleball buddies (i.e. one female and on male).  I just listened. They were talking about common school mates they had in high school.  It was very interesting.  Then they talked about that they both got married way young—she said, you know you’re young when you need your parents to sign soooo you can get married.  They both had two kids by their marriages and both got divorced after that.  The guy said—We were kids having kids; way to young to get married.  I think they felt a little jaded but I don’t know. 

The doctor told the husband, “I’m sorry, but we got to put your wife in a psychiatric hospital because her mind is completely gone.”  The husband looked at the doctor and said, “I’m not surprised because she has been giving me a piece of her mind for the last 15 years!” ha ha

Maybe part of the problem is we all don’t hear the same (i.e. especially when we get older).  I don’t understand why folks can’t discuss differences of opinions without getting soooo upset and fell jaded and become crazy.  I just don’t understand that.  It’s unrealistic to expect everyone to agree about everything (i.e. absolutely no one does). We often have legitimate, honest disagreements and differing opinions, but we can disagree without being disagreeable can’t we or not (e.g. the same diamond looks different from different angles). Soooooo I would ask you to listen to some one’s different opinion about something: would you do it?  Maybe just sit back and don’t say anything but listen and then say – interesting! JoeBlow says--Maybe they are right and I’m wrong.  Could be.  ANYWAY, remember, you can’t win a pissing match with a skunk! 

I recently went to a bank and said—I’m soandso and I want to close my account. She cut me a cashier’s check and then asked if this is because of the low interest (i.e. why I was moving on)—yes, it is—I will pass that on to management.  Why was she and the bank concerned?  It wasn’t because I was a nice guy folks; it was all about the money (i.e. they make money off my savings).  BUT she was trained to have good "conflict resolution" (i.e. didn’t burn any bridges).  I went away happy and I might do business with them again (i.e. if they get their interest rates higher). They know what they are doing.  Don’t kid yourself. But, it's harder to get a customer back once you lose them.  

If I read the Bible correctly, I think it says that two key qualities that are very good are being humble and being a good listener. It seems that most folks have a problem with both. The press said that Billy Graham was really good at both.  My hero, Abraham Lincoln was said to be good at both.  It appears that those qualities are very good.  Folks who always think they are right and make a lot of noise, well, we get real sick of them real fast (i.e. at least I do).  Do you know any folks like that (i.e. regular rhinestone cowboys)?  Are we like that?  If folks disagree, it doesn’t mean we give up on finding a solution. We may need to continue discussing and even debating, but we do it in a spirit of harmony.  We might bury the hatchet, not necessarily the issue. I’m maybe different but I like to hear others’ opinions if they don’t act crazy.  If they become crazy, well, I will just move on (i.e. I had enough—become jaded). 

 C.S. Lewis wrote this in his book Mere Christianity about humility.

A pickleball friend who I made in AZ text me this to ponder (i.e. sharing with her permission)—"Went to an Easter service on Saturday, then FOS sunrise service on Sunday. John was good as usual. You know how Jesus had to suffer for our sins? Well what if God looks at couples: You/Arlene or Nathan/me, for example, and thinks to himself, ‘I am confident about one of the two, but the other one gives me major concern.’ (This would be u and I, as N and A are already humble, kind, etc.). Then He thinks, ‘how can I reach these stubborn, proud children of mine??’ Maybe, by making someone they love suffer for us? If so, did it affect the change God was after? Did it work?  Am I a better person in God's sight (more compassionate, kinder, less proud, less dependent on money for security) because of Nathan's suffering? What change did God want to effect in me? Maybe, it's not about me at all!!! Maybe he had a completely different purpose. I don't know, but I trust him and pray that he will continue to mold and shape me.  Does life happen for you or does life happen to you?”  Now that is thought provoking and humbling (i.e. my opinion)! 

It is The Masters week; a tradition unlike any other! ANYWAY, last year The Masters was won by Sergio Gracia.  He is and was a good player for many years but could never win a major.  The announcers were talking the other night that they think the reason why he won was he made a major change in his life.  He got ride of his "woe to me" attitude and has a much more positive attitude (i.e. got rid of his demons).  They think there is a major, noticeable difference in his life.  Maybe he somehow, recognized it and moved on.  Saturday question--Do you really think that folks have demons? Do you?

WoldClassLarry (i.e. who tells the truth unvarnished) says--It is my opinion that each area of our lives reveals deep truths about us. The way we treat every area of life—food, work, faith, and family—reveals what we believe and value.  Sooooo have you ever thought—I have had enough of how I have been acting or thinking (i.e. I’m sick of it).  It’s time to move on (i.e. be proactive); I can’t stomach it anymore; I can’t handle it anymore; I’m sick and tired of myself?  We have a tendency to talk about others, but we don’t talk about ourselves (i.e. or take any action).  I have made a decision (i.e. encouraged by our children and spouses) to have more home care for Arlene.  I have also heard it many times from many of you folks that it will be good for Arlene and really good for me.  I am coming up with some ideas of what I’m going to do with my time which I have not had for a while.  One idea that I am probably going to do (i.e. suggested by SoupJudy) is volunteer helping others--it is good for me and something I enjoy—rewarding a.k.a. refreshing).  Got any other ideas for me?  A pickleball buddy and I were talking about summer.  He said summer is his busy time; he does seminars on how to teach psychology to high school teachers all over the country.  Wow, that sounds like fun and probably a good money maker for you.  I make a small amount of money; I decided that when I retired, I wanted to do something I really enjoyed and not do it for the money. A friend gave me an idea of something to do that I really enjoy and might make some money at the same time (i.e. I like that),

BigMindJake (i.e. who has a lot of runway ahead of him) says--Repetitive thoughts become our deep-seated beliefs, and these are lived out in our actions. It’s easy to say the right things: I believe in being connected to God. But if we never have time for His Word or people, our words are meaningless. Although it is easy to deceive ourselves. As we look at our actions and where our time is going, we discover our beliefs and values. Saturday question—What are your values and beliefs?

SusieQ says—Ok, there are times when it surely looks like things are not going to change (i.e. a very strong possibility).  Sooooo maybe it’s better to quit hitting your head against the wall (i.e. quit the pain) and move on.  Much of the stuff isn’t that important anyway.  Why be bitter or upset; just be nice (i.e. keep your mouth shut) and move on when you are jaded.  Sooooo you don’t agree with others; big deal.  Many folks do just that.  LuckieEddie (i.e. who is always the employee of the month) says—Sometimes I just can’t stomach it any more soooo I have to move on (i.e. enough is enough—I have had enough; I can’t put up with it any more).  In Milwaukee, it is said, there is a bar on every corner.  If you have had enough of a bar, you just go to the next corner.  In Grand Rapids, MI, it is said, there is a church on every corner. If you have had enough of a church, you just go to the next corner.  When I watched the videos of “The West.” It was said several times that when the new towns would spring up, one of the first businesses that was built was the saloon.  In fact, they said for every church there were 10 saloons.  I have no idea what that means.  Do you?

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFreindJean says—Laughing is good exercise. It is like jogging on the inside.