had a pickleball friend tell me that she has plantars fasciitis. I would have never known it if she wouldn't have told me. She must be “one tough cookie”
to keep playing. Sooooo I called
myfriendSecretariat, who I knew had plantars fasciitis a couple of years ago and
asked what he did to get over it. I knew
it hurt him but didn’t realize how bad it was and how much it hurt (i.e. he
didn’t tell me the whole story before). This
guy is as tough as a $2 steak soooo it must of really hurt!

Verooooom! Before you know it, you are 90 or
100. MyFriendJean is 90 and I use to
tell her that she would live to 100. I told her recently that I have revised my
estimate to 120. I told her that by the time you get to 100 they will be able
to replace every body part sooo you will be you but not really be you. You will need to keep your old glasses, or I
won’t recognize you! She just laughed. There really are a lot of tough super
seniors who are really tough mentally and physically; they are just plain tough
(i.e. tough as nails).
Much stuff
isn’t near as tough as they use to be; we have many modern methods, equipment,
and technology that really makes things easy (i.e. way easy). I learned from Jessica, our daughter-in-law, last Sunday that there are folks who are called UX (i.e. user experience
designers). They enhance user
satisfaction with a product by improving the usability, accessibility and pleasure
provided in the interaction with the product (e.g. they do things soooo it is
easy to use a web site; as easy as 1 2 3; anybody can do it). If it isn’t easy, we will go where it is
easy. UX takes the toughness out of it
and put the easy into it (i.e. it’s all about getting our money). By the way, our Jessica is a UX to Arlene and
I (i.e. she makes life a lot easier for us a.k.a. a sweetheart).

LuckieEddie (i.e. who is wired different than most folks) says--It’s a
tough world out there let me tell ya! Ya really have to be tough to compete in
the world of business; It takes great planning, being smart and have some luck
(i.e. ya gotta have a plan). I walked
into the cafe to have breakfast with a friend (i.e. age 72 who was/is a
successful business man). He was already
there sitting in a booth making and reviewing plans for his business day (i.e.
still working). He is one tough dude in
many ways. ANYWAY, the picture is the
method he uses to plan his day; nutten really new! ha ha He made me laugh. One reason that I had to laugh was that my
plans look about the same sometimes. In fact, sometimes I can even read my
plans! I asked him what he had on his
notebook. He told me what each one
meant. What a hoot!
was with a friend recently who told me this—I have some immediate family who has
dementia. He used to tell me about Kurt
Warner time after time (i.e. he really likes this guy). Then as time went along, he couldn’t remember
all the story soooo I had to help him with parts of the story. Now, he can’t remember Kurt Warner at all and
I must tell him the story. Now that is
tough to take folks. My friend is a very
good person with a good heart; my kind of person. This is erv’s 2 cents worth—Dementia, I hate
you; you stink! A friend I make in AZ playing pickleball is going on a 2-month
mission/volunteer trip to South Africa.
I told her that I am envious.
Arlene and I talked about doing this sort of thing when we retired. Not
to be! Dementia, I hate you; you stink.
Such is life.
person can be tough and talk tough but when you gotta go, you gotta go (i.e. folks
aren’t soooo tough then let me tell ha).
Our friends, Evan and Lindie, hiked up to Wind Care in the Usery Mts. in AZ the other day. They said that the web site said it was moderate and the ranger station said it was difficult. Evan said to Lindie at a more difficult spot-- Suck it up cupcake and let’s get going! He said he heard someone say that a few times. ha ha If it’s moderate or difficult, it’s still tough for most folks no matter how you rate it. Arlene and I have hiked to Wind Cave a couple of time and I would say it is moderate compared to going up to the Flat Iron in the Superstition Mts. let me tell ya. Now that is difficult. Everything, including what is tough, is relevant now isn’t it. Such is life.
I watched the Men’s Final Four and a little of the Women’s Final Four. I was amazed how physical the women were. They were really physically tough. It almost hurt me to watch it how they beat on each other and how they fell down etc. That has to be (i.e. my opinion) really taught and coached. Women, by nature, aren’t that physical (i.e. they are tough in many ways, but they don’t beat on each other instinctively)—they are usually sweet (i.e. my opinion). I know in our culture we are seeing more woman getting into physical occupations and guys getting into more traditionally woman occupations but still the percentages are rather small (e.g. not tooooo many female diesel mechanics). You just don’t see many gals doing mass murders with K14s or bombing places (i.e. gals would rather learn how to put their face on etc.). I don’t think most little girls play with guns and cars or watch violent videos or play violent video games. Mainstream news never talks about the percentages of boys of fatherless homes who become violent and who comprise a large percentage of the prison population. My opinion, that is a huge massive problem of our society. But it seems that very few talk about that. Maybe cause it’s not a vote getter (i.e. maybe not politically correct)! What do you think of that? That is what I thought. I feel real bad for males and females who are in an abusive situation or a fatherless home (i.e. such a disadvantage—my opinion). The government can throw money at it but I don’t think money is the answer. I tell you what, those women basketball players were tough (i.e. physically and mentally)!
MissPerfect, who looks really tough (i.e. you can decide how you interpret the word tough either one of two ways) says—Women can take more pain (i.e. tougher) than men; men when they get sick are like little cry-babies)! AlbertHammer says—Ya but it seems that women cry a lot easier; they cry about anything and everything (i.e. crying physically or crying like complaining vocally); they don’t seem very tough. But it’s tough to tell if their crying is fake or real (i.e. a manipulative maneuver maybe)! Saturday question—Do you think guys like gals who are real aggressively tough or gals who are tender, very kind hearted and sweet or maybe a gal who has some of each? I have my opinion on that; you do toooo I bet. Such is life.
Our son, daughter-in-law and Charlie and Rookie came last Sunday—We have watched the Masters together for many years. It’s a tradition like no other. What a fun time we had. ANYWAY, an acquaintance told me about his Masters’ experience this week. It was Easter Sunday and his son and family were over for Easter dinner. His son told him that a friend had tickets to the practice round for Monday but couldn't go. He said he could have the tickets. Sooooo he and his son decided to go. They left at 2:30 and it took them 20 hours of driving (i.e. ran into snow) and got there the next morning at 10:30. They stayed until 5 and then drove the 16-hour trip back home. Now you have to be pretty tough to do that.
This public opinion is tough for me to take. It looks like I’m in the minority again. WorldClassLarry says—erv, remember that the majority isn’t always right. I read what Dr. J wrote while eating my oatmeal with a half a banana on it--Last fall, Life Way Research released a study showing that less than half of U.S. evangelicals “strongly agree” with core biblical tenets. About the same time, another study showed that most people in Western nations no longer believe in heaven or hell. In his final epistle, Paul told Timothy to continue in the things he had learned, for all Scripture is inspired by God. The time will come, Paul said, when people will not endure sound doctrine but will accumulate teachers who will say what they want to hear (2 Timothy 3:14–4:5). ItchieBitchie says—If I don’t believe in the core biblical tenets or if there is a heaven and hell, it is tough for me to believe what the Bible says! I want my cake and eat it tooooo; my life is pretty much about me.
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--It should be our main interest in this world to secure an interest in the next.
P.S. Alzheimer's caregivers--you gotta be tough. You gotta!
MyBigSister (i.e. only in age) sent me these songs to listen to. For those of you who are affected by someone you care about or have cared about who has/had dementia, they are touching.
I'm Not Going To Miss You by Glenn Campbell
Our friends, Evan and Lindie, hiked up to Wind Care in the Usery Mts. in AZ the other day. They said that the web site said it was moderate and the ranger station said it was difficult. Evan said to Lindie at a more difficult spot-- Suck it up cupcake and let’s get going! He said he heard someone say that a few times. ha ha If it’s moderate or difficult, it’s still tough for most folks no matter how you rate it. Arlene and I have hiked to Wind Cave a couple of time and I would say it is moderate compared to going up to the Flat Iron in the Superstition Mts. let me tell ya. Now that is difficult. Everything, including what is tough, is relevant now isn’t it. Such is life.
I watched the Men’s Final Four and a little of the Women’s Final Four. I was amazed how physical the women were. They were really physically tough. It almost hurt me to watch it how they beat on each other and how they fell down etc. That has to be (i.e. my opinion) really taught and coached. Women, by nature, aren’t that physical (i.e. they are tough in many ways, but they don’t beat on each other instinctively)—they are usually sweet (i.e. my opinion). I know in our culture we are seeing more woman getting into physical occupations and guys getting into more traditionally woman occupations but still the percentages are rather small (e.g. not tooooo many female diesel mechanics). You just don’t see many gals doing mass murders with K14s or bombing places (i.e. gals would rather learn how to put their face on etc.). I don’t think most little girls play with guns and cars or watch violent videos or play violent video games. Mainstream news never talks about the percentages of boys of fatherless homes who become violent and who comprise a large percentage of the prison population. My opinion, that is a huge massive problem of our society. But it seems that very few talk about that. Maybe cause it’s not a vote getter (i.e. maybe not politically correct)! What do you think of that? That is what I thought. I feel real bad for males and females who are in an abusive situation or a fatherless home (i.e. such a disadvantage—my opinion). The government can throw money at it but I don’t think money is the answer. I tell you what, those women basketball players were tough (i.e. physically and mentally)!
MissPerfect, who looks really tough (i.e. you can decide how you interpret the word tough either one of two ways) says—Women can take more pain (i.e. tougher) than men; men when they get sick are like little cry-babies)! AlbertHammer says—Ya but it seems that women cry a lot easier; they cry about anything and everything (i.e. crying physically or crying like complaining vocally); they don’t seem very tough. But it’s tough to tell if their crying is fake or real (i.e. a manipulative maneuver maybe)! Saturday question—Do you think guys like gals who are real aggressively tough or gals who are tender, very kind hearted and sweet or maybe a gal who has some of each? I have my opinion on that; you do toooo I bet. Such is life.
Our son, daughter-in-law and Charlie and Rookie came last Sunday—We have watched the Masters together for many years. It’s a tradition like no other. What a fun time we had. ANYWAY, an acquaintance told me about his Masters’ experience this week. It was Easter Sunday and his son and family were over for Easter dinner. His son told him that a friend had tickets to the practice round for Monday but couldn't go. He said he could have the tickets. Sooooo he and his son decided to go. They left at 2:30 and it took them 20 hours of driving (i.e. ran into snow) and got there the next morning at 10:30. They stayed until 5 and then drove the 16-hour trip back home. Now you have to be pretty tough to do that.
This public opinion is tough for me to take. It looks like I’m in the minority again. WorldClassLarry says—erv, remember that the majority isn’t always right. I read what Dr. J wrote while eating my oatmeal with a half a banana on it--Last fall, Life Way Research released a study showing that less than half of U.S. evangelicals “strongly agree” with core biblical tenets. About the same time, another study showed that most people in Western nations no longer believe in heaven or hell. In his final epistle, Paul told Timothy to continue in the things he had learned, for all Scripture is inspired by God. The time will come, Paul said, when people will not endure sound doctrine but will accumulate teachers who will say what they want to hear (2 Timothy 3:14–4:5). ItchieBitchie says—If I don’t believe in the core biblical tenets or if there is a heaven and hell, it is tough for me to believe what the Bible says! I want my cake and eat it tooooo; my life is pretty much about me.
LeBron James has played in all 82 games this year of the
NBA. You have to be pretty tough to do
that. How about this, he has averaged
76+ games in 15 years. That is incredible folks. He is 6’8” and 250 pounds of solid muscle and
maybe the greatest player ever. I wonder
if it makes a huge massive difference that he works out an hour a day every
day! Maybe he’s just a tough guy!
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--It should be our main interest in this world to secure an interest in the next.
P.S. Alzheimer's caregivers--you gotta be tough. You gotta!
MyBigSister (i.e. only in age) sent me these songs to listen to. For those of you who are affected by someone you care about or have cared about who has/had dementia, they are touching.
I'm Not Going To Miss You by Glenn Campbell
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