April 28, 2018


It’s Saturday and I’m back again—There is no one with endurance like a person who sells insurance! I'm laughing but it's not a joke!

Barbra Bush a.k.a. the enforcer said—You can decide to like life or dislike life; I’ve decided to like it.

MissPerfect says--One of the reasons that amazing folks are amazing is that they think differently. I know folks who are just amazing to me.  Some of you folks are on my list of amazing folks.  I’m especially thinking about YOU.  Some folks might think the folks who I think are amazing are not the same as the world would think are amazing.  Why? Well, I might think differently than the world culture thinks as to who are amazing. Believe me, you guys are amazing.  Hint—It doesn’t necessarily have to do with money or power; some real amazing folks have neither, but some do.    

I really think there are amazing folks who don’t know they are amazing.  Also, I think there are folks who in their mind are amazing, but who in my mind aren’t (i.e. “fake” amazing). It all depends what bench mark we use.  It just amazes me how some folks have all the answers!  

Think about this folks! All folks who you are around are influential (i.e. par for the course).  Yes, they are; they influence us positively and negatively.  Folks all impact us (i.e. part of our environment that shape us who we are—part of how we are programed).  That is done both genetically and by us being copycats).  Sooooo folks, I am saying that all of you influence me if you like it or not (i.e. again some positively and some negatively).  I like the impact of some of you more than others (i.e. lighthouses to me) and choose to spend more time with some of you (i.e. by design).  I try to be more like some of you than others.  I try to always improve.  I try to change!  A while back I asked if folks change from being liberal to conservative; I got this response from a friend who has qualities who I try to copy—"You asked if anyone was liberal and became more conservative a while back...I raised my hand.” I read this while eating my oatmeal with half a banana on it--According to early Christian tradition, Paul wasn’t much to look at—bald-headed, bandy-legged, little guy. By his own admission, Paul came across as not especially powerful or impressive (1 Cor. 2:3-4). But his passion, intellect, energy, and courage made him stand out (i.e. on the fast track to world success). Shortly after Stephen’s death we find that Saul (i.e. Paul’s previous name) has become a leader of the effort to stamp out the Jesus movement. Paul himself summed up his early life this way: “Formerly I was a blasphemer, persecutor, and insolent opponent. But I received mercy because I had acted ignorantly in unbelief . . . Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the foremost (1 Tim. 1:13-15). Then he changed from a persecutor of Christians to a promoter of Christianity.  Wow! That is a 180 degree turn.  Amazing!

Is this amazing or just good business?  "You have learned your lessons well. You first learned to live upon less than you could earn. Next you learned to seek advice from those who were competent through their own experiences to give it. And, lastly, you have learned to make gold work for you." - The Richest Man in Babylon    ~    I read this in the paper soooo it must be right--Across all incomes and all ages, the average American is donating 3.32% of their income. Like any population the range of values is diverse, from a whole group who gives 0% to the selfless few donating 40%+ of their income. Saturday question—Are you and I takers or givers?

This is just amazing!  It’s not my idea but I have read it many times and buy into it.  Forgive folks and don’t harbor ill feelings.  Just forget about stuff.  Your life will be soooo much better.  Don’t be a bitter person. Get rid of your bitterness.  The only person that ill feelings affect is you; the other person most times doesn’t care and doesn’t even know you are bitter to them.  Soooo why hurt your own life (i.e. hit your head against the wall).  I have a friend who has a strong quality of accepting folks as they are; just plain accepts them.  He really does this.  I have got a lot better with this in my life.  I pretty much don’t get excited about folks who I don’t agree with (i.e. their philosophy of life, their life style, or their thinking).  It makes life a lot easier let me tell you.  BUT, you can continue to be bitter; that is up to you; you get to make the decision.  And decisions have consequences as an old decease friend, Paul, would say to me!  Such is life.

It is always amazing what hobbies folks have. A friend told me that she likes to go shed-hunting.  I asked her what in the world is shed-hunting.  In winter or early spring, she looks for antlers that bucks have shed.  And what in the world do you do with shed antlers anyway?  They are used for many things but a lot for decorations.  I found it interesting but probably won’t go shed-hunting; maybe mushroom hunting though! But you never know, I have changed my mind many times.  If she would ask me, I probably would go shed-hunting!  Huh interesting.

Amazing, just amazing to me every spring.  Our Mom, Anna, liked flowers. When she passed in 1969?, my big sister (i.e. only in age) took her ivy.  She gave my little kid sister and I snips of this ivy and we each started our “Anna’s Ivy.”  Since that time, I think all of Anna’s grand kids have a plant from the original “Anna’s Ivy.”  I put my “Anna’s Ivy” in the basement each fall (i.e. don’t water it) and bring it out each spring.  Bingo! It comes back to life.  Why do I do that?  Cause my Mom, Anna, always did it that way!  That ivy is amazing in many ways.  It is as resilient as Anna was (i.e. she was a good one—just didn’t live long enough). 

Amazing, just amazing!  I read it in the paper soooo it must be right.  Crazy.  And China owns about 1.2T of the total debt.  They have a dog in the fight folks.  This tariff negotiation is going to be interesting.  I read that Japan also owns that much debt.  ItchieBitchie says—We have options: Spend less, tax more, print more money or default!  It can’t continue this way; or can it? This could result in a protest! ha ha I’ll keep reading the paper and let you know!  BUT, you will now it first from your smart phones.  The time I read it in the paper its old news.  BUT it appears that most folks really don’t care. They just don’t want it to affect their life style (i.e. a large percentage of folks have it very good compared to the world population). Sooooo let’s just continue Americanism and borrow more money!  The more the better!  China likes to buy our debt! Such is life.

Money can do amazing things but…!  I read this while eating my oatmeal with half a banana on it--In 1514, Albert of Brandenburg became the archbishop of Mainz, the most powerful church leader in Germany. In order to win this appointment, Albert paid Pope Leo X an “installation fee” of 10,000 ducats, which Albert borrowed from a German banking house. To enable Albert to repay his loan, the pope issued him a license to sell indulgences throughout the German principalities, provided Albert split the proceeds with Rome. When salesmen fanned out across Germany hawking indulgences—essentially a written guarantee promising escape from the punishment of sin—it aroused the ire of a monk named Martin Luther. So you could say that Albert’s ambition and Leo’s greed touched off the Reformation. Peter and John ran into another unsavory character when they traveled to Samaria to check on the gospel’s progress there. Simon was so impressed with their spiritual power that he offered to pay Peter for the secret, one magician doing business with another, as Simon no doubt thought. But among the many things money can’t buy is a relationship with God. 

I am amazed by you folks who are amazing to me. Amazing that you tell us, text us, email us or send a note telling us that you pray for Arlene and I (i.e. some of you tell us you pray for us daily).  I say thanksamillion.  We really appreciate it.  You are amazing.  Yes you are. My hat goes off to you.  We need your prayers and want your prayers. We make no bones about it. I believe that you mean what you say, well all of you except one of you. ha ha You know who you are!!!! WorldClassLarry (i.e. who always has his lights on) says--Sincerity is soooo real and easy to feel; phoniness is sooo real and easy to feel as well!  It really isn't that amazing to figure that out (i.e. it's not rocket science). Some folks who have said they pray for us are not church goers and some have life styles that some of you might not agree with.  They really touch my heart (i.e. they are soooo real). Some of  you church goers might not like to hear this (i.e. you might not what to read this last sentence)--I have been in several support groups where some caregivers have expressed disappointed in some church goers (i.e. maybe their expectations are tooooo great or their disappointment is legit). Ouchy ouchy! JoeBlow says--For some folks, talk is cheap.  Such is life.

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean says—No one has more driving ambition than the teenager, who wants to buy a car.

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