December 29, 2018

it seems as if

Warning: This “It’s Saturday” might be invasive (i.e. like the Palmer amaranth, an invasive “super weed’ spreading across IA).  CadillacJack says—There is another book written on that which might present a different outcome. SusieQ (i.e. the only knock on her is that she is high maintenance) says—You can always find someone with a different opinion about everything; that is for sure.  MissPerfect (i.e. who has a gi-gantic big nose) says—Being around some of you for some time, I suggest that maybe there is a possibility that you might want to take a stab at a different life than the one you are living now; your life doesn’t have to be any certain way (i.e. you do have options).  It seems as if your current life style doesn’t look very attractive.  BUT it’s your life and we all have choices. BUT choices are made by decisions.  And guess who gets to make the decisions.  WorldClassLarry (i.e. who is outstanding when he drinks a lot of coffee) says—You might have to get rid of some loser friends who aren’t going anywhere! Ouchy ouchy!

I watch some football.  I have no idea why parents let their kids play.  I just saw a college player take a hit to his head (i.e. targeting and the player was given a 15-yard penalty and was kicked out of the game—big deal!). BUT the kid who got hit in the head may be affected for life. The fans don’t seem to care (i.e. haul ‘em off and put another player in). I just don’t get this.  Maybe I do—Its maybe all about the money and glory.  A friend (i.e. who is in his middle 70s, told me his story—He wanted to play high school football, but his dad didn’t want him to play and get hurt.  He finally convinced his did and he played his junior year. His Dad told him he had to pay his own medical bills!  He got hit in the head and laid on the sideline for half the game basically unconscious and then they hauled him to the hospital in a station wagon after the game.  He probably had a serious concussion.  They brought him home at 2 a.m. and was told to lay still and don’t do any physical activity for some time.  His father was mad. It was silage making time and the next morning he made him get up early and work.  He seems normal, but I just wonder! ha ha It can’t be good! But I keep watching football; it seems as if that might be the reason way folks will let their kids take hits to the head; it seems as if that is why! JoeBlow (i.e. who promises a lot but delivers little) says—Our culture makes football players and football coaches folk heroes.  We seem to love it!

He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God? (Micah 6:8) That seems like it’s pretty much straight forward; it doesn’t have to be decoded (i.e. it’s right down Broadway).  Before Christmas I went to play pickleball early one morning.  My partner, Julie, came over to me and put the tag in on my shirt.  She said—In The Villages in FL, if you have your shirt tag out it means you are looking!  Soooo does that mean you are looking for a same sex friend or opposite sex friend?  She didn’t know. She always made sure she had her tag in! I tell you what folks, these folks are soooo nice to me; good folks with good hearts; my kind of folks (i.e. we laugh a lot—it could be they are laughing at me; now that could be). I was the one who had my shirt tag out!

I recently received a phone call which I couldn’t take; it went to message which John left a very nice message.  Incredible! John (i.e. any body can be John) showed some very nice concern for Arlene and me.  He said he prays for Arlene and me every night. Wow!  Who is this John? A pickleball player of the club I play with.  He told me that he is concerned that I’m not around recently and is concerned about us.  This John and other pickleball players just amaze me.  Great folks.  It seems as if there are a lot of great folks; we just always don’t know it (i.e. you guys).  Your generosity was/is special.  Thanksamillion! It has been very touching to us.

Put one foot in front of the other, swing your arms a little (or a lot), and move your body with a steady pace. For most people walking requires little thought or effort, a form of exercise that needs no special equipment or clothing. Many health professionals recommend 10,000 steps a day for optimum health and longevity. That’s a lot of walking, like five miles or 90 active minutes a day! The requirement is not complicated, however….what is complicated is make yourself do it instead of sitting on the couch and eating chips (i.e. that $129.99 Fitbit that you got for Christmas might look good on your wrist in trying to impress folks, but it does no good for you to throw those chips away and get your butt off the couch and get going—you have to have self-discipline to do that). It seems as if it might, maybe, just maybe, be better for you to buy a dog shock collar, put it on and give your neighbor the control.  If they don’t see you exercising, they activate the shock to get your butt off the couch.  Your results might be better.  Maybe. 

According to the Department of Labor, 90 percent of all new businesses fail within the first year, and of those that make it, 90 percent fail within the following five years. Why? Those businesses are based on uneducated enthusiasm. They’ve got a great idea, but they don’t get the facts before they make decisions. Proverbs 24:6 says, “The more advice you get, the more likely you are to win” (GNT). LuckieEddie (i.e. who has a lot of adrenaline) says—It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that out! I’m no rocket scientist but I think it can be pretty much determined what the outcome of the direction of certain things are going to go based on who is on the board making the decisions (e.g. if the decision makers are wise based on their past history, probably the changes are better it will succeed).  I believe that in churches, prayer is a huge massive MUST!  That is my opinion. But I also realize that “better and bigger” decision makers can really make a huge massive difference (i.e. especially if they are humble).  It seems as though that not all of you think that way or care.  Hey, we live in America; we can believe whatever we want.  Such if life.

Martin Luther King Jr. said—Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, “What are you doing for others?”  Soooo folks, what are you doing for others? Have you noticed how common sense isn’t so common? A lot of smart people are not always wise. They may be educated, but they don’t have wisdom. They may have all kinds of degrees, but they’re a washout with relationships.  Wisdom has nothing to do with your intelligence. It has everything to do with your relationships and your character. It’s not a matter of what you say with your lips a.k.a. lip service but what you live with your life—not a matter of your words but of your works and not so much your diplomas but your disposition. A friend told me recently that he was associated with a lady who has a PHD but is totally socially dysfunctional—no common sense and says strange things (i.e. his opinion—it seems that way to him anyway).  I am trying to learn to be quiet more and to be more patient.  It ain’t easy folks but I’m learnin’ and tryin’. TomTerrific says—Yabut erv, it seems as if everyone is quiet, it isn’t much fun at family get-to-gathers!

If any of you have any experience with folks who have Alzheimer’s, you know that it seems as if they like routine and quiet sometimes (i.e. especially Arlene as she is this way).  They don’t like surprises and different stuff.  Arlene is really this way; that has always been her personality maybe based on her past environment; I don’t know.  She really likes folks who are soft, quiet, slow, loving, kind, and sweet (i.e. that is the way she has always been).  She can understand this and still can evaluate folks quickly (i.e. quite interesting).  Folks who are cocky, vociferous, showy, bragie, noisy, and obnoxious, she still can see right throw them (i.e. their flakiness).  She doesn’t like them; that is not her.  Huh, interesting. If Arlene in her condition can fell this, what does that mean to the normal folks.  Da!

It seems as if we have different thinking about wearing the gifts from Christmas; I mean, some of you will wear your new stuff the next day and others of you will wait for a while.  Why is that do you think?  Some kids will wear their new Christmas gifts the first day back to school and others will not (i.e. most seem like they do).  I’m one not to wear them right away.  Why, I have no idea.  Well, maybe I do.  Maybe! Our family didn’t have a lot of money soooo I was taught by Chester and Anna or observed to save my good stuff for special occasions; don’t wear them for “ever-day stuff.”  It’s my past environment. My mentor would say to me—erv, remember, it’s never as good as it looks and never as bad as it looks.  Yabut, my mentor, there is a lot of show in this world; ya gotta keep up with the Jones (i.e. even if the Jones are fakers)!  JoeBlow (i.e. who seems to make everything look soooo easy) says—Maybe, just maybe, if you have a small amount of self-confidence, you need to show your new clothes sooner.  Just maybe!  I don’t know. What do you think?   That is what I thought.

Recently a gentleman did a talk to a group of folks.  It seems as if the group didn’t really appreciate him. What they said was—He talked like he thought he knew everything (i.e. it was a turn off—they didn’t think he knew everything—just his opinion).  Think about that folks.  And then think about this statement--Humility is the sign of our recognition of our place in God’s world. Saturday question—You ever fight yourself to be humble?

I walked down town or up town to get some bread last Saturday morning.  I was trying to walk straight with my shoulders back (i.e. like Vanna White).  My Daddy, Chester, said that to me soooo many times; I still always don’t. BUT he has been dead for 45 years and I still try to do what he told me.  Huh, interesting.  Soooo I met a senior couple who walk daily; they are always negative.  I said—great day for a walk; they said—we have had better.  Sooooo I asked the clerk if she likes Christmas—yes, but this year I get depressed and I don’t know why; I can be doing ok when all of a sudden, I start to cry.  CrazyMarvin says--It seems to me that life is different for all of us.

My golf buddy/friend’s joke in the series of jokes about death-- A couple of New Jersey hunters are out in the woods when one of them falls to the ground. He doesn't seem to be breathing. His eyes are rolled back in his head. The other guy whips out his cell phone and calls 911. He gasps to the dispatcher: "My friend is dead! What do I do?" The dispatcher, in a calm, soothing voice, says: "Just take it easy. I can help. First, let's make sure he's dead." There is a silence, then a shot is heard. The guy's voice comes back on the line. He says, "Okay, now what?"  

Well, Christmas is over a.k.a. the merriment!  We all have had a different experience I would bet.  Maybe, just maybe, now we are like the shepherds who returned to their sheep after experiencing something amazing.  They were probably still talking and reflecting about it for days I would guess.  Why not, it was an amazing experience for them. In reflecting on your Christmas, did you experience anything amazing?  Or was it the same “bomb bang kick the can down the street” the same. I might (i.e. I’m waffling on this; not jumping to a conclusion) have experienced something amazing.  I guess time will tell; I will keep following the events to see what happens.  Maybe, it was just my imagination (i.e. something that isn’t the truth but I just think it is).  It seems like that happens sometimes to me. 

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean says—Friends are the family we choose for ourselves.

P.S. Occasionally some of you will contact me and tell me you didn’t get this Saturday’s “It’s Saturday.”  It surely can be my fault; our son says to me—it’s usually erv’s fault!  But, sometimes for some reason, it goes into your spam mail; maybe because of certain words I use; I don’t know. Maybe it is more susceptible because of it being a bcc in a group.  Yes, you can always bookmark it. I told a friend last week—Your security does that to protect you, the innocent and vulnerable!   ha ha  Just let me know and I will try to find the reason why you didn’t get it; it might be in the fine print of your contract!!!

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