Don’t take anything I write tooooo serious! Repeat, don’t take anything I write tooooo
serious. Some folks think what I write
isn’t right but wrong soooo take that into consideration (i.e. we all think
differently). Besides you can’t please
everyone. It’s one of the great truths of life.
If you haven’t learned it yet, you’ll struggle with stress for the rest
of your life. If you please group A, group B will be upset at you. And if you please group B, you’ll upset group
A. One minute you’re a hero; the next
minute you’re a zero. Something like—You
are criticized if you do and criticized if you don’t; soooo I’m
criticized! Such is life.
I realize that some of you folks think what I write is
crazy; it just makes you laugh; way out in left field. I am warning you don’t laugh tooooo
hard. I asked a friend at church how
everything is going—had a couple of sick cattle this morning; one had a rectal
prolapse—what’s that—it’s when part of their large intestine comes out of their anus—how
in the world does that happen—it is when they cough tooooo hard or laugh toooooo hard! Sooooo don’t laugh tooooo hard at
my writing in this “It’s Saturday.”
How many times do we say something but no one listens. Perhaps there maybe has to be consequences to
get folks’ attention and those consequences need to be carried out. We have heard soooo many times when folks
make threats but aren’t carried out (i.e. just sound good but folks and kids
figure it out real quick that it is just talk—it’s just a joke—like if you do
that you are in big trouble). When our
daughter, Heather, was in junior high (i.e. now 44), she just wouldn’t get out
of bed in the morning soooo Arlene threatened her but didn’t carry
through. Sooooo one morning she just
left her in bed and told her she would have to suffer the consequences at
school for being late. She finally got
up and off course was late for school.
When she got there, she found out that there was no school, a snow
day. Arlene couldn’t win for losing!

I read in the paper, soooo it much be right, that great
people empower people around them. I had
a friend this week share something with me.
He never shares anything with me (i.e. keeps everything close to his
chest). I don’t know if this is a change
or just a pimple! I guess time will
tell. I told a friend that Arlene and I
think she is a special person; just real nice.
She said—erv, I’m not always nice!
I brought Arlene out to Marge’s to get her hair done. She and I were working on a date in 5 weeks
for her next appointment. I asked
another of Marge’s clients (i.e. a long-time friend) how often she gets her
hair done—every 3 months but I don’t look very good after 3 months; in fact I
told Marge that I was glad that she didn’t have any other customers here when I
came! ha ha I think that to develop
relationships, one must share (i.e. be real and be yourself). The DuaneTheWorms a.k.a. the fakers of the
world (i.e. it's all about me) are not much fun to be around. SusieQ says-- All relationships are built on trust and respect. If you’re not honest, who’s going to trust you? Who’s going to respect you? WorldClassLarry says--You must have integrity in your life.
(i.e. who brings sanity to the universe) asks—What are the most important 25
things of your life? Really, what are they? Think about that folks. Those 25 things perhaps can tell a lot about
a person (i.e. it’s a lot like a person who prays about himself all the time or
prays differently). CadillacJack
says—God, thank you that I’m humble and not arrogant like other folks!
“The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It
cannot be changed without changing our thinking.” - Albert Einstein I had a person visit with me the other
day. He seemed to be bothered about
something. He was pretty aggressively different. I have no idea why; he is a good person. Perhaps I said or did something that bothered
him or maybe something else was bothering him and he was taking it out on me
(i.e. perhaps maybe he was just pulling my chain and I didn’t get it—could be). I felt bad for him. I will be ginger around him and see what
happens (i.e. I have since been around him and he seems back to his normal). He can be difficult for me to figure out
sometimes (i.e. he makes me scratch my head—he can be a real Jekyll and Hyde). Perhaps it’s his current environment or maybe
his past environment or God only knows or perhaps even something else that I
have no idea. I have a friend that I don’t think we will ever think alike; it
appears that our core thinking is not the same and that affects our
interaction. I wonder if many times
folks have things of their past environment that haunt them and that is why
they act or think like they do (i.e. the mind is a mysterious thing). What do you think? That is what I thought.
visited an elderly church friend who has dementia. I really like this guy. He makes me laugh. ANYWAY, I was asking him questions of recent
stuff of his life (i.e. like yesterday).
He says to me—erv, you ask toooo hard of questions; ask me easier
questions! We just laughed. Soooo I asked him questions of picking corn
some 70 years ago; he knew all the answers to even the smallest detail such as
the exact tractor and model he had--Ford 900 series with a mounted 2-row
picker; didn’t your hands get cold—no no I wore brown mittens with green liners
in them. What a hoot! Sooooo he was in the hospital soooooo I
called him again the other day—Christie, the receptionist said—he’s gone—he’s
gone???!!!!! I said it in a real questioning manner---I mean gone back to the
care facility! We both laughed. He made me laugh without even trying.
might be a hard nuts to crack! I read this the other day in the paper soooo
it must be right--Avoid fiscally
irresponsible people. Never marry one or otherwise give him or her access to
your money. Saturday question—Do spenders ever become savers and savers every
become spenders? I think I’m asking
myself, do folks really change much on the way they are? We hear folks say—I will change them. Is that
possible or very likely? What are the odds? AverageJoe says—You pretty much get
what you see! MissPerfect (i.e. who is good at working the crowd) says—I
rounded the corners of my husband but still can’t completely change him (i.e.
nor he can change me). MissPerfect, it’s
much like some diseases, we don’t cure them but learn to manage them or manage
ourselves better. A friend and I agree
that for a major change to occur, a person seems to have to have a genuine spiritual
experience (i.e. accepting Jesus as their Lord and Savior). The odds are pretty small in changing if they
don’t. You believe that? That is what I thought. And then again, there
are folks who have mental diseases or conditions that seem to prevent them from
changing. I feel soooo sorry for those
I was a listener of a
conversation (i.e. actually one person was doing the talking and the rest were
listening). We were told about a couple
who got a divorce because of politics.
Can that be? There has to be more
reasons, don’t you think? But maybe
not. There are some pretty radical folks
and some seem to get even worse with age (i.e. and everyone seems to think they
are right, soooo perhaps). I was told about another husband who is very domineering
in their marriage and thinks he is in complete control of his wife (i.e. what
cave has he been living in)! There is probably a good chance that this marriage
will have some challenges (i.e. my opinion). A friend who I met in AZ through
the years told me recently that the last couple years she did everything for herself
(i.e. her husband died two years ago).
BUT she is now changing in that she is now using her life for others once
again. Huh, interesting.
TomSlick says--It’s just plain give away; I was way tooooo
easy! JoeBlow said—TomSlick, you basically just laid down and died (i.e. gave no
resistance). Sooooo what expression do
you use when someone dies? Do you say—they passed away, expired, met one’s end,
went to one’s last resting place, went to meet one‘s maker, crossed the great
divide, slipped away, breathed their last, gave up the ghost, croaked, cashed
in one’s chips, bit the dust, checked out, they are gone, turned up one’s toes,
they died, lost their life, they kicked the bucket, they passed on, or they
passed? I tend to use, passed on. When I say that, I feel that their soul has
passed on to heaven or hell. I realize
you non-believers believe that you will just pass (i.e. die like a pig—I don’t
really think you think that even though you say that). Perhaps, it is something to think about next
time someone dies.
A friend’s/golf buddy’s second joke about death ~ A
lady from MN was picking through the frozen turkeys at the grocery store but
couldn't find one big enough for her family for Christmas. She asked the stock
boy, 'Do these turkeys get any bigger?' The stock boy answered, 'No ma'am,
they're dead.'
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--You have to have a darkness for the dawn to come.
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