The World Economic Forum is warning that our global
infrastructure is at risk. The planet needs $97 trillion to invest in
infrastructure, yet that much money can’t be found. Now you have something else
to worry about! SusieQ says—Let’s just make it free; that ought to work! I told
you this would be confusing! haha
A friend had a group of friends that he hung out with that
he really liked. Then he went on a
mission trip with a group of college acquaintances and guess what, now those
folks are his best friends. Why? He got to know them and actually liked what
they stood for better than his other group of friends. Small groups in church are a very good way to
get to know folks the way they really are.
In addition, envy occurs when you don’t really know someone intimately.
You can see a person’s strengths and successes from a distance, but it’s only
when you get up close (i.e. actually smell them) that you see their hurts,
hang-ups, and habits (i.e. or as my mentor would say—everyone has warts but you
just can’t see them). Everybody has hidden pain. When you’re looking at people
from a distance, it’s a whole lot easier to miss their fears and faults. Soooo that is another reason to get in small
groups; There’s no better way to get to know people up close and personal.
Small groups aren’t la la land folks, they are the real deal! Bingo!
Do you ever have to force yourself to do
something? A 90-year old friend told me
that she has to some days force herself to get out of bed in the morning. It is that painful for her to do it. But she says—I say to myself, there will be
days in the future maybe when I can’t get out of bed and wish I would have when
I could soooooo I force myself to get out of bed even if it hurts. Think about that folks. Sooooo, I think we need to force our self to
do things even if we don’t feel like it.
As Nike says—Do it! Sooo throw
those chips away and get your butts off the couch! Some folks have more excuses
that chicken have eggs or Carter has pills!
I was living in la la land as I guess I thought it would
last forever. It didn’t! Our refrigerator quit. I knew there was something wrong as every
time I walked by it, I smelled a bad odor.
I opened the freezer and oh man, did it stink. Not good.
Aren’t we something else sometimes when we think things are going to
last forever? We are living in la la
land for sure. It appears that soooo
many times we are soooo opposed to change and will beat the dead horse until we
are the only one beating the dead horse (i.e. everyone has got a new horse that
is well and lively and exciting). We
just can’t smell the odor I guess; our noses must not work! haha
What do you put your faith in? Really?
How come? Are you sure you aren’t
in la la land? Have you ever put your
faith in a person or investment or a political leader or a friend, or you
broker or your dog etc. only to be disappointed? All of those folks and stuff will at some
point let you down (i.e. I read that it’s all vanity). For sure.
Faith is a very interesting subject.
Who are the happiest folks do you think?
Do you think faith has anything to do with it? Are you a happy person today? Why or why not? I was eating my oatmeal with a half a banana
on it and listened to what Coach said.
He said—Folks believe their emotions more than God…it causes much drama
and turmoil which can dominate our lives…there lies the choice we have.

I have the opportunity to be associated with
a friend who has decided to make a decision that will probably affect her
entire life (i.e. I’m sorta kinda goosey about this). Wow! I
have to admit that I’m excited for her.
I might see the big picture better than she does. Why? I think because of age and
experience. Maybe I’m in la la land but
I don’t think sooooo. I really think it
will happen (i.e. a great opportunity for her).
There are many factors that point in the direction of it happening.
Woooopie for her! Give this gal a hand folks.
I’m really proud of her. Yes, I
Do each of us know what our la la land
is? I don’t know for sure. I really wonder if we do. RickyRick wrote--Hebrews 12:1 says, “Let
us run with patience the particular race that God has set before us” (TLB).
The “particular” race means your unique race — the race that is only for you.
God has a plan that he wants you to pursue that is unlike anyone else’s. He
planned it for you, and it includes better things than you could ever dream for
yourself.” For many of us that is hard to comprehend. Us humans seem to struggle with God’s
promises. AverageJoe says--God must be talking about someone else, not me; if
this is his plan, what is He thinkin’!
Well, maybe we need to be part of the plan and get our nose bloodied and
get after it a little and be active. I
wonder again. I don’t know. I do know if we sit on the couch eating
chips, not much is going to happen except getting depressed and gaining
weight. That’s not the la la land we
want for sure. MissPerfect says—All of our time on this earth is to endeavor to
find out what we don’t know by what we do!
Some folks are very impulsive,
and some are very deliberate, and some are in the middle. How would you describe yourself? Is good decision making an innate ability or
can it be learned? So if you get a MBA degree, will you make better
decisions? Are you a better parent when
you read more books how to parent? How do we become a better friend? JoeBlow
says—I make my decisions on the craziest reasons; they aren’t even reasonable;
I’m wacko sometimes (i.e. like shopping for groceries when I’m hungry).
LuckyEddie says—I have to make many decisions in “a spit of a second” and I
don’t have time to analysis it; I just have to make them. Soooo I just have to make that decision based
on something. I have no idea what that
is! I really have no logic sometimes in my decision making. LuckieEddie, it
does appear that some folks make better decisions than others, but I don’t know
for sure. Are you folks good decision
makers? WorldClassLarry says—And those decisions affect our destiny for
Soooo it appears
Arlene’s Alzheimer's disease continues to affect her body and mind and life. She was really struggling the other day and I
was holding her hand and telling her that she was my girl and I loved her very
much. I kissed her hand several times
and then she took my hand to her mouth and kissed it. Sooooo what did she base that decision
on. Then another day when she was not
very cognitive or coherent, I was about to leave, and I asked her if I could
pray with her—she shook her head yes and then closed her eyes. Again, what did she base that decision
on. Has to be something inside her heart
and brain. That is amazing to me. That’s my girl! That's my girl and I don't mean maybe!
Suggestion to me
and you. You don’t have to take it; it’s
optional. But I think we should all at
least consider it. When you are having a
speaking-the-truth-in-concern session with somebody, you begin and end on a
positive note, and you affirm three things: Affirm that you care for that
person, affirm that you will help that person, and affirm that you believe that
person can change. We should always use
the word “and” should never use the word “but” in a confrontation. The moment
you do, whatever you say before or after will be totally ignored and
invalidated: “I think you’re a great person, but . . .” Instead, use the word
“and”: “You’re a great person, and I believe you can be even better.” That’s
what it means to affirm someone. CrazyMarvin says—I like the method of just
hitting them over the head with a hammer and let them squirm. CrazyMarvin, that might work in some
situations where you have power over someone but in many situations where you
don’t have power over a person, you won’t see them again. They are gone (i.e.
that means—not to be seen again)! I read
this that got my attention--Teachability paves the way to wisdom. A young
man seeking a mentor, when asked why he wanted to be mentored, responded, “I
want to learn from your mistakes.”
I have found some great insight this week. Insight for me anyway that seems to have
affected me very positively. I might have
been jimmy rigged! haha I don’t know
exactly where it came from, but I think from a combination of things (i.e. one
of those things is, I think maybe, is involvement and another one might
be being around some of you). I might have
gotten a new perspective on life or part of life. I have to admit that it feels good. Even it it’s temporary, it’s a great
feeling. I like it.
A friend’s teenage
grandson ends his twitter messages this way—It is what it is until it ain’t no
more. I think that’s pretty
philosophical (i.e. logical and deep thinking). Especially for a teenager. A friend told me that their family has had a
lot of death in their family the last months.
She said that it doesn’t make any difference about talent, financial
situation, social status or anything, when you are died, you are died. Do you think that teenager meant that in his
statement—It is what it is until it ain’t no more? TheGuyNorthOfTown says--Death
is inevitable. It comes certainly, and often it comes suddenly. Death is the
great equalizer.
My Mom, Anna,
would say—erv, treat others with humility and gentleness. Great advice Mom.
That sounds logical and even could be a correct conclusion.
Have a FUN day my
friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says—We need some
clouds in our life to make a beautiful sunset.
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