March 21, 2020


This “It’s Saturday” might be difficult to decode for you; I can’t even decode it myself! It’s like the Navajo Code Talkers talking. You can put your own spin on it with your own prophecy.  Many folks think they can prophesy their destiny, but can they really; maybe they just think they can.  No one can really decode you, can they! Oh no, I don’t think soooo, you are much more complicated than that.  No question.  Saturday question—You think you actually know what your destiny is?

A friend decoded what was happening; I didn’t understand!  A recent sunny day there must have been 15 squirrels in our yard running around on our fence, in the trees, on our roof of our house and just all over the place.  They were having a great time being squirrlely (i.e. living up to their name haha). A friend told me that it’s squirrel mating season.  Now that decoded it into a prophecy for me. 

Do you sign off your emails in a certain way?  Sorta kinda like a complimentary close?  My high school basketball coach signs off his emails to me this way--I finally found myself -- when I lost Myself -- in the service of others. I got an email from the nurse at the memory facility where Arlene is a resident and she signed off her email this way--Rolling out the Red Carpet for you! I don’t think these are in code (i.e. but they could be); they are just telling me a little about themselves.  I think that’s pretty neat.

I read this while eating my oatmeal with half a banana on it—"At any given moment, at least one song (if not several) at the top of the Billboard charts is about love gone wrong. Songs about unrequited love and broken hearts are ubiquitous because they speak to a universal aspect of human existence: sorrow. Everyone wants to be loved, and there’s something seductive about dwelling on the pain of love lost.”  I learned this in a support group in AZ given by a care giver of her husband who had Alzheimer’s:  The most important thing a person can do for me is tell me and show me that they care about me.  It’s very simple folks—Tell someone you care about them and then keep your mouth shut, Then, do something in the future showing them that you do care about them (i.e. give them your love).  Don’t go on about yourself as how much you know ‘cause you don’t (i.e. many times you don’t have a clue).  JoeTheSnipe says--Caregivers and folks under stress don't want to hear how great you are for sure. A pickleball friend sent me this quote—Perhaps the most important thing we ever give each other is our attention. 

I read in The Book, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction.”  OneSmartPerson says—"Those might sound like harsh words, but if you read through each of Proverbs 31 chapters, we come to understand why. Proverbs is not a book of philosophy, prophecy, nor lofty idealism, but one of down-to-earth, rubber-meets-the-road, practical principles and precepts.” Proverbs 7:2 tells us: ‘Keep my commands and you will live; guard my teachings as the apple of your eye." I often wonder why we don’t hear more about Proverbs.  We just don’t.  Maybe it is toooo direct and we don’t like that.  Could be. I read somewhere sooooo it must be right that the Bible is approximately 30% prophecy (i.e. much about the end of time). Revelations seems to have a lot about prophecy.  Some of it is very hard to understand (i.e. but some folks think they know all the answers).  A university professor of religion, ordained pastor, and an entrepreneur told me once—When John wrote Revelations, John and God knew what it meant but now only God does!

I read in Blue Like Jazz by Donald Miller some interesting things that aren’t new in any way but a good reminder to me.  “If you are passionate about something, people will follow you because they think you know something they don’t, some clue to the meaning of the universe. Passion is tricky, though, because it can point to nothing as easily as it points to something.” “What I believe is not what I say I believe; what I believe is what I do.” “We decided that the correct place to share our faith was from a place of humility and love, not from a desire for power.” “Cause that’s the way it is, baby. That’s the way it is.”  I think what Donald is saying is maybe—Talk is cheap folks, but a true, good person does what they say.  Talk doesn’t really mean much (e.g. someone says they have a passion for the homeless, but their life is that they do nothing for the homeless).  Is that being a phony? GeorgeTheCrook says—There are many folks that really like bureaucracy; they just love it but never get anything done that is of any importance.  Flip the pancake, there are some of you folks who get a lot done and have nothing to do with bureaucracy.  Huh, interesting.  Look around folks, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that out.  Talk talk talk about useless stuff doesn’t cut the mustard (i.e. maybe it’s just good for some folks’ egos). 

I read this in the paper sooooo it must be right—Loneliness rivals smoking and obesity in its impact on shortening longevity.  The article went on to say that even though folks can be around other folks, they are still lonely.  This is my opinion—I think many folks don’t have deep relationships but just surface relationships (i.e. maybe men are worse than women in this area). When folks get older it becomes harder to remain close with many friends and family, no question.  This might lead to more loneliness.  This is my observation and opinion as well—There is a group of senor ladies that meet twice a week in the morning and do exercises together.  It appears that they have become very good friends.  It appears this is a great way to relieve loneliness.  BUT folks have to get out of the boat and walk on water! haha  I think (i.e. my opinion) many churches have small groups in which can be very conducive for developing relationships. It beats going to some bar and drinking Bud Lite! Friends who winter in the Villages told me that most of their new friends came about because of pickleball.  Another friend told me that they had a 80th birthday party for him and most of the folks that came were pickleball acquaintances/friends.  Huh, interesting.

When a prophet prophesizes, they utter prophecies. I am not prophesizing my future as I’m not a prophet soooo I can’t give prophecy. You understand maybe.  haha   Our future is really up for grabs I guess.  I have no idea what tomorrow will bring for me.  I don’t.  Not on this earth!  I don’t even know what today will bring (i.e. one day no coronavirus and the next day we have it). Some folks think they are in charge but find out different. They’re not! It happens folks!  Sooooo enjoy your life and do something good.  Now Hospice can prophesize Arlene’s life expectancy on this earth based on their experience and her condition.  They have seen a lot of the disease, Alzheimer’s, and base their prophecy on that. They have a pretty good idea.  Such is life.

Do you know any prophets?  How come we don’t have prophets in our modern world?  Maybe there are but I don’t hang around with any.  BUT I don’t read about any of them in the paper except for politicians who want to get elected and we all know what they say is just a bunch of bologna or is it baloney, just telling folks what they want to hear (i.e. false prophets).  It is hard for us to believe anyone today, especially when they try to tell us something that is prophetic (e.g. the effects of coronavirus—who knows for sure). We can go down to the local coffee shop and get information from anyone there (i.e. they all think they know the answers; just ask them).  BUT that is not the type of prophet I am asking about.  It appears that even experts in certain areas disagree; how can that be!  Soooo I guess you guys get to draw your own conclusion!  You can be the prophet of sorts.  Although I doubt that anyone will listen to ya. haha ItcheieBitchie says—I just buy more toilet paper!

If you are an ailurophile you might not like this cliché, “There is more than one way to skin a cat.” It's March Madness time but no March Madness; boooo!.  A coach said to one of his players, son, maybe you shouldn’t shoot soooo much—yabut coach I’m wide open, they don’t guard me—maybe that’s why they don’t guard you, you can’t hit anything!  I bet that is what the scouting report says—let’s double team the good shooters and let him alone; he can’t hit anything.  Sooooo I wonder what the scouting report is on my life or your life (i.e. our games)!  Sooooo maybe the concept of the cliché could be applied to many deals. Maybe there is more than one way to skin the cat even though we don’t think sooooo; even though we think our way is the only way. Could be! The game of basketball has really changed through the years.  More recent is the 3-point shoot. No question.  Also, the game has become very analytical in the approach.  Basically, if teams can’t shoot the 3-pointer, they are toast (i.e. you adapt or go home).  Ya gotta be able to put the ball in the hole has never changed but now it’s from longer rang because it counts as 3 points. It’s just a different way to skin the cat (i.e. this is in code).  I watched most of the class 5 (i.e. largest schools) in the IA girls’ championship basketball game last weekend.  Those 100-pound girls could really shoot the long ball and handle the ball.  They really amazed me.  Now that was very good entertainment.

Do some of you remember the song, Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Yellow Polka-dot Bikini?  I know my friend from childhood, Dean, does.  This guy loves music and spent more money on jute boxes than anyone I ever knew. ANYWAY, I can’t prophesy how itsy bitsy teenie weenie words can or have affected you, but I think they have or will (i.e. they are powerful, that is a prophecy). Those itty-bitty words have the power to make us cringe and cry and crumble into pieces or they can heal, comfort, challenge, encourage and inspire. Guess who decides what words you are going to use! 

A friend told me that he is big on working out.  He says he loves it.  He also said that there was no way I would have believed anyone 5 years ago if they said I would be doing this.  I’m happy for him.  Now that is a positive, new change in his life.  Something pretty exciting, new environment, new challenge, new adventure.  I hope he makes it a life-long activity.  He used to play golf but doesn’t do that anymore; see other folks get bored toooo.  I think it’s good to do something new.  I’m looking for something new right now. I have no idea what it is going to be (i.e. I hope it’s not sitting on the couch eating chips—but it could be).  Now that is exciting; not sitting on the couch eating chips. Bingo, I just got a taste of something exciting in my life; a taste.  It will be interesting to see how this develops; it just sorta kinda fell in my lap (i.e. but I was looking).

A friend sent me this message recently—"This is how many pills it takes to keep us kicking. My wife is doing the pill boxes this morn and I laughed.”  Now that is why the pharmaceutical companies like seniors (i.e. seniors are their cash cows).  Folks all want to keep kickin’ sooooo they buy more pills to keep ‘em kickin’.  AverageJoe says—It beats the alternative.  My response to my friend was—That is what keeps you shooting par golf.

Dr.J says this about The Value of Prophecy--So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; it shall not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish what I please, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it. Isaiah 55:11  The Spanish philosopher George Santayana said it in 1905: “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” Winston Churchill updated Santayana’s words in 1948: “Those who fail to learn from history are condemned to repeat it.”  We understand what it means to learn from history: Don’t make the same mistake twice.  We would never do that now would we?  How dumb do you think we are?  Da!  CadillacJack says—The answer is, we are all pretty dumb at times!

Ok folks, this “It’s Saturday” was just about a lot of hot buttons!  Most of it said is just an educated guess or an opinion or a prophecy.  BUT some of it sorta kinda makes sense to me.  BUT maybe not to you.  It’s all coded in erv’s code which is unbreakable! I read in the paper sooooo it must be right that we all have thoughts and opinions but few are bold enough to say it openly without the use of code words.  So there you go! Or as an ex-teacher once said--You do what you do, so you can do what you want to do.

He is the King of kings and the Lord of lords and He will reign forever and ever! Hallelujah!

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean says—Pride in your work puts joy in your day.

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