July 11, 2020


Warning!  This “It’s Saturday” might be a distortion of reality.  And even maybe an abomination.  It might even put you in anaphylactic shock.  BUT just relax!  It not as bad as the news, for sure!  JoeBlow says—"If you want an emotional stable life, don’t watch the news, suckers.  It’s basically a lot of hyperbole and theater to influence you to think the way that someone or some group wants you to think; it’s all about gaining attention in a cluttered media universe.”  But remember this folks when reading this “It’s Saturday--I have gone to Roseland elementary and can’t remember hardly anything I learned there and most of what I learned there is out dated.  Sooooo there.  Such is life.

There is a huge massive bifurcation in our political views, cultural views, family views, religious views, financial views, and anything else you want to discuss.  Folks can’t even agree with themselves it appears.  It seems that we are really individualists and have been taught that and am teaching future generations this idea.  I find that very interesting.  And I’m smakdad in the middle of it.  No question.  Chester and Anna taught me to think for myself; don’t do what everyone else does.  Or as a friend told me recently—My Dad told me, if everyone else jumps off the cliff, you don’t have tooooo; think for yourself son.

I question myself sometimes if I’m thinking or even living in true reality or an illusion (i.e. a virtual reality).  ItchieBitchie says—erv erv, that is a deep physiological question; why waste your time even thinking about it.  Well, ItchieBitchie, I think that is something important for me to think about (i.e. for me anyway).  I don’t want to live in la la land a.k.a. an illusion as it appears some do and not face reality.  SusieQ says—I live in an illusion and I am enjoying it, I think, but I don’t know for sure. WorldClassLarry says—Many times it appears that one person’s guess it much more accurate than another person’s certainty. And there lies the problem folks, we just don’t know what true reality is and what is an illusion in our life (i.e. mind).  It’s sorta kinda like what comes first, insomnia, anxiety or depression. SlimySlick says—I have all three, but I have no idea which one came first. William Shakespeare said—Grief makes one hour ten.

Now this is one great big party!  And the beaches were literally jam packed. I didn’t know what I wanted to do with one of my July 4th weekend days.  I could do something that I/Arlene and I did previously that we enjoyed or just stay home and do some projects, work in the yard, read, nap and do some quiet time of thinking and reflecting.  I was in a bifurcation.  Not a serious struggle as both decisions were ok.  It was early in the morning soooo I decided to
loitering might spread the disease
go for a jog on the golf course.  I stepped outside unto the street and a long-time friend was there the exact time I was.  She was walking her dog; she does it every morning at the exact same time.  I walked a block with her and then I went straight to the golf course and she took a right.  I asked her what they were going to do the 4th of July weekend—nutttin different—just ordinary same days for us.  Maybe she helped me decide what I was going to do that day and the next.  I stayed home that day but the next day I did go to Chet, Jessica, Rookie and Charlie for breakfast and coffee on their deck (i.e. just a great time) and then in the afternoon I did go to Clear Lake and biked around it.  Arlene and I did that sometimes on the fourth or the weekend of the 4th.  We have spent the 4th with many of you through the years doing many fun things.  Soooooo many good times.  Thanksamillion  Dr. Seuss said, “Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory.” Ok, back to the bifurcation in making decisions.  Soooo what helps you/me in making the right decisions?  OneSmartCookie says—Some of my decisions have gone from amusement to marvel! But I still don’t know if I am making the right decisions!  Ouchy ouchy! Such is life.

It’s cut and dried. There is no discussion.  It’s done for sure.  That kind of mentality (i.e. a finality thinking—I’m always right and you are always wrong) usually causes problems.  No discussion, I’m right and that’s the way it is.  I will not even think about changing my mind.  Most business decision makers are always open for suggestions and want to know what is the right decision even when it might be different than their thinking.  That mentality can be seen in all great leaders, I think.  When folks get soooo set on their thinking and others do the same, well there is a huge massive bifurcation that spells trouble, my friends, with a capital T and we have it right here in River City!  It seems like it destroys.  In families, sport teams, businesses, civic organizations, churches etc.  Folks got to get on the same page for success.  If not, usually death.  It ain’t nuttin new folks.  Look around. SquirrellyTena says—There are a lot of closed-minded folks who are very stubborn. Ouchy ouchy! PresidentKathy says-- What seems to make folks unhappy is when they don’t get what they want. PresidentKathy, that sounds like a 2-year old! They stomp their feet and put on a tantrum.  AlwaysRighBillyBoy says—I wrestle with God daily while he shows me how to let go of my illusions and recast my expectations.  It’s exhausting work.  I guess we can fake it ‘til we make it!

THIS IS HUMOR FOLKS!  I need to tell some of you folks that or you will take it serious.  Sooooo I had coffee in the shed deep in Butler County in the middle of a huge massive cornfield recently.  Now there was a very interesting conversation we had (i.e. a bifurcation). It was what do Grundy County farmers do when Butler County farmers are picking up rock! So there you go. Maybe you have that answer. I heard a lot of good funny stuff that morning, but this was the most interesting. And the rest of the story goes like this—A long time Butler County farmer, who is now deceased, used to say there were more rivers and henceforth more trees and wood in Butler county than Grundy County. The people who settled Butler were less ambitious and settled close to the trees. Grundy countians liked the dirt and had more ambition. He would argue the guys in Butler county have paid for it every day since! IT’S HUMOR FOLKS, DON’T FORGET THAT! But it could be historical fiction!

I am a member of an organization in which there appears to be a large bifurcation.  There isn’t much open talk about it in the organization but it’s there.  I had a member tell me recently that they don’t think the organization will live—what do you think erv—I don’ know; I really don’t have a clue.  I had another member tell me recently that they think it might live—what do you think erv (i.e. I don’t know; I don’t have a clue.  I had another person (i.e. who is part of the leadership team, I think), tell me he thinks it's a fifty fifty toss up.  I’m sitting on the sideline on this one.  I can live with whoever wins or how the two teams compromise.  But I don’t know if the organization can live even if one side wins without the other side to join in and become one group with one mission and one unity.  It will be interesting for sure. It appears there seems to be a lot of bifurcation in almost everything now days.  Why is that? I don’t know; I don’t have a clue! I’m just a little ol’ farm boy from a mile and a fourth south of Roseland, MN.

A smart, intelligent friend said to me recently—"There are a lot of intelligent people but that doesn’t necessarily make them smart.  I have such people in my profession.  They might have a degree and passed a state test, but they are not smart; they only went through the necessary requirements to get in the profession.”  Sooo you agree with him that there is a difference between intelligence and being smart?  I seem to know folks that are smart but don’t probably have a high IQ and also the opposite.  Some very intelligent folks don’t seem to have much common sense (i.e. don’t know to come out of the rain) and no social ability but they can remember every fact in a complex book. Ok, who is the smartest person you know?  Why do you think they are the smartest? Are you a smart person?  Why do you think soooo or why don’t you think you are exceptionally smart?  This is humor again folks (i.e. just for the record)—The doctor is giving DizzyJoan, who is the chairman of the physics department at the university, her annual physical.  He says to her—I am going to check your reactions.  I want you to put your finger on your nose.  DizzyJoan puts her finger on her forehead.  Close enough! Bingo!  As American missionary E. Stanley Jones said, “If you don’t make up your mind, your unmade mind will unmake you.” Do you understand what that means?

It's hard to know who to believe anymore.  I was getting some mosquito repellent at Dollar General.  The clerk says to me—The lady before you said you can put some Joy dishwasher soap in some water and spray your plants.  It kills all the mosquitoes as they get diarrhea.  You don’t say! I went back and bought 6 bottles of Joy!  Or was it 7? I bought into it with hook, line and sinker!  Now how do you know if I’m telling you the truth or just pulling your leg?  haha  It said in the paper soooo it must be right that facts aren’t that important anymore; it’s how folks react to the statement that counts (e.g. anybody can say anything without any proof or factual backup; if folks believe it, that is all that counts).  MickyMouse says—You just got to convince the folks that what you are saying is right.  Didn’t Jimmy Jones do something like that? What a piece of work he was!

It appears that some folks, businesses, and churches are “kickingthecandownthestreetjustliketheyalwayshave” a.k.a. the same traditional formality they have for years.  For many, it just anin’t going tooooo work.  Ya, they might hang on for a little while if they have some cash stuck in the old coffin (i.e. or took the stimulus money from the government) but if not, they better decide if they are going with the $3,000 cremation service or the $17,000 full blown funeral service.  LuckieEddie says—There are two choices, try to change or just roll over and die; it appears that some seem to think that death is the easier.  Look around folks, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that out.  MissPerfect says—That change is toooo much work, it’s easier just to die! Now let’s flip the pancake—I hope that this virus thing might put a new song in our heart.  Yes, a new song that will change our lives to something much better than our past and we might be open to it. Something that will be better than we can even imagine (i.e. a new opportunity).  Now that is exciting to think about (i.e. now that is a positive thought).  I can’t wait! TheGuyDownTheStreet says—Anyone who does not know how to make the most of their luck has no right to complain if it passes them by.  It will be interesting to see who becomes the “good stories!”

I read that Toyoda is doing an unprecedented thing; they are redoing the Highlander with only a year of this new model being on the market.  Why?  Well, it was not received well by the public (i.e. it’s all about the money folks).  They are retooling it to what the consumer wants and expects.  It isn’t what they think is nice, but the consumer is the one who tells them what they need to do.  Very interesting.

Northwestern College Alumni Classic Quarterly magazine shared some expert advice of some of the alumni who appear have been successful.  One such person is a realtor who gave this as one of her opinions why she has been successful—Go high tech.  66% of all buyers don’t look at your home if it doesn’t have a video attached to your listing.  You have 2 to 3 seconds to capture someone’s attention and if your video isn’t the right pace and length (no longer than a minute), you’ll lose them.  Very interesting.

I find this humorous, but you might find it offensive!  I read and hear that singing is a very good way to spread the virus.  Social distancing is a very good way to prevent the spread of the disease.  Soooo many of the local churches in Butler County social distance but sing (i.e. one out of 2 aint’t bad).  Some wise folks made these decisions based on something.  They are the leaders soooo they must be smart!  Maybe they want me to get to my eternal home faster.  Use of masks is optional!  I think this is funny but I’m a “super class” hypocrite soooo I do not take any offence to these decisions.  I just think it’s funny.

Aristotle claimed, “All human actions have one or more of these seven causes:  change, nature, compulsion, habit, reason, passion, and desire. 

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFreindJean says—Thunder is impressive, lightning does all the work.

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