May 1, 2021

strong personality

Do we listen differently sometimes compared to other times?  I think I do.  Why?  There could be many different reasons.  Do we ever talk differently compared to other times?  I don’t know if I do (i.e. I try not toooo).  But maybe.  Why? There could be many reasons for sure (i.e. like the person of the cloth is present or maybe a man or a women is present). GeorgeTheCrook asks--Soooo does that mean that we  have a split personality?

We all might probably define a strong personality differently.  I think we would.  It could be a great quality or a bad quality depending how we define it maybe (i.e. who we are and what type of personality we have maybe). I don’t know for sure about that, but I do know that some folks have stronger personalities than others; that is a fact, I think. The NFL Hall of Fame coach Tom Landry used to tell his players: “My job is to get you to do what you don’t want to do so that you can become the kind of players you want to be.” It appears that we do a lot of stuff “in the name of money.”  Don’t kid yourself folks.  What do you think?  That is what I thought.

I was getting some recall work done on my vehicle recently.  I was in the hospitality area waiting for the customer courtesy driver to give me a ride.  A guy started talking to me as he was waiting to have his vehicle serviced.  He was a senor, married twice but currently not, retired since he was 52, past president of three life insurance companies.  I asked him what he does now—reads, watches TV and has dinner with his girlfriend. What do you like to read—mostly fiction but not always; I’m reading now how humans came from chimpanzees through evolution—sooo you don’t believe in the Biblical creation—which one; there are many Biblical beliefs in the world about creation; but human DNA had to come from somewhere! He told me he had an actuary background.  We both agreed that many folks in management come from an accounting background, bean counters (i.e. it’s all about the money). ANYWAY, I’m almost sure that this guy has a strong personality although he didn’t exhibit it to me in a negative way (i.e. very humble he appeared).  He was very enjoyable to talk with.  Then my driver came.  I enjoyed him as well; he was a past limousine driver; liked the job but got tired of the obnoxious acholic impaired folks (i.e. many of those type of folks seem to have a strong negative personality when they drank excessively). 

Here is the second law of Thermodynamics—When you’re around folks with a certain mentality, it takes everyone to another level (i.e. everyone improves). Yes, you heard that right. Folks with strong personalities do that quite often even without trying.  But not everyone likes folks with strong personalities.  Especially folks with weak personalities or folks who have to work with folks of strong personalities or even married to such folks.  Many folks think folks with strong personalities set the bar pretty high and can be demanding (i.e. can be very independent).  But they get things done and done right.  And many think they are great to be around and great employees.  They are very reliable.  But I know folks who have strong personalities and are off the wall; way out in right field.  Absolutely no fun to be around. JoeMixup, whose life is bumpy at times, says--Maybe we are all goofy according to someone!

I was getting my evening meal at Casey's (i.e. a large sausage-mushroom pizza that I will eat for next three nights).  A friend was in there getting his evening meal as well.  I got to be friends with him as his wife has dementia.  I asked how she is doing--you know erv; I have a gal come in during the day or I couldn't farm--but it has been an opportunity to take care of her (i.e. he is a believer)--you know that I thought it would be way easier on me after Arlene died but it has been way harder than I thought.  Sorry to tell you my friend, she will get worse and then die.  He mentioned about a mutual friend whose wife just died of dementia; he said to both of us--she is in a way better place; God is soooo good! Both of these guys have strong personalities.  

Many strong personality folks learn to camouflage the negative characteristics of being that way (i.e. go incognito at times).  They make their strengths an undertone and don’t always expose them.  They sorta kinda just slow down and don’t bare and reveal their dynamic qualities.  But many times they seem to always come to the surface (i.e. they are hard to keep undercover—that is who they are). JoeBlow says—It appears that there are folks who have strong personalities and/or are strong willed that are obnoxious and are bullies and make everything a mess (i.e. like my sister-in-law). AverageJoe says—Many times these type of folks don’t seem to realize they are that way.  And maybe they don’t care; now that could be; remember, they are strong willed and have strong personalities!

Many strong willed personalities seem to want to be in charge (i.e. run the universe).  Some can’t subdue themselves from taking that role.  Here is something to think about. WorldClassLarry, who humanizes himself, says—Is the problem of someone you love bigger than your love for them or is your love for them bigger than the problem they have.  ControledStrongPersonalityBetty,who isn’t a genius but can still turn the heads of the guys, says—erv, that’s seeing the big picture. We all have folks we love (e.g. family, friends, work associates, folks at church etc.) who really irritate us (e.g. they could be strong willed or have a strong personalities).  They get under our skin and disgust us.  They probably aren’t going to change.  Sooooo we will have to decide how we are going to go forward with that relationship.  Guess who gets to make that decision?  And as my DeceasedFriendPaul, who was a gift to me, would say to me—erv, and decisions have consequences.  LuckieEddie says--It is only as you make it folks.  MissPerfect, who is as strong as Paul Bunan, says—yabut erv, you don’t know our son! A friend told me recently that their adult son impregnated an adult gal. Now they have a child custody case going on.  Those are usually not pretty (i.e. results of a decision). And he will be paying child support until the child is age of majority probably. No matter how strong willed he is and how much he objects, the court will just garnish part of his salary.  That’s the result of unzipping his zipper.  Decisions have consequences. Then we have to dance to the music. Such is life.

Edith, a friend who was 104 when she died and who had a strong personality, no question. I was friends of her son, his son and his son.  They all have strong personalities.  I have not met the next son but I bet he tooooo has a strong personality. ANYWAY, Edith said--If folks could control the weather, there would be a lot of unhappy neighbors!

I have many friends who have strong personalities and I really like them a lot.  It seems I’m attracted to them.  I realize that many of you might not care much for folks who have strong personalities.  Seee, we are just different.  Maybe many who read “It’s Saturday” blog probably have strong personalities.  It just might be more attractive to folks who do and not soooo much to those who don’t.  I don’t know if that is true but it could be.  I am involved in a new group of folks and I haven’t been around one person very much.  I really enjoy this person; he is a thinker and probably has a strong personality.  I would guess some of the group probably don’t enjoy him as much as others as they don’t understand where he is coming from.  He is challenging and thought provoking (i.e. not vanilla generic—same o same o).  He stimulates me (i.e. my evaluation is that he has a strong personality). I am going to get to know this person better.  He might be good for me!

One of my strong personality friends has changed through the years; yes, I really think sooo.  I think she has rounded her corners, mellowed, and is a nicer person that she use to be.  I don’t know why.  She is a believer and studies a lot.  Maybe that is it or maybe it’s the brand of wine she drinks. But for me, there is a noticeable difference (i.e. maybe that’s it).  Maybe it’s just age or maybe she has seen how she was and is now changing or situations of her life have affected her.  I have no idea.  But it is a positive move, I think.  You might not.  But usually if I can see a difference and you can see a difference, then others can toooo; you and I anin’t that smart! 

“Do you like my new outfit” is a question one lady will ask another (i.e. guys don’t do this ‘cause they really don’t care)?  No female isn’t going to say—no, I don’t like it (i.e. at least to their face unless they are strong willed or have a strong personality).  I think I can tell what clothes belong to what friend, acquaintance, or family if all were hanging up somewhere.  Women seem to have a distinctive taste and style (i.e. and I’m not really that observant and really don’t care).  Oh yes, guys have distinctive taste and style toooo. It could be a cowboy look, Carhart look, sport look, throwback look, sexy look, boot look, most modern style look etc.; you get it). When I grew up on the ol' farm a mile and fourth south of Roseland, MN, I had three sets of clothes—go to school clothes, go to church set and work set.  Now my wardrobe is even simpler—I have basically two sets—casual and older casual! Do you think folks with strong personalities are as concerned about dress as folks who don’t have strong personalities? 

Folks with strong personalities do have weaknesses of course (i.e. everyone does).  Maybe one weakness is that they become self-absorbed in that they think they know everything (i.e. that could be maybe at least at times).  Great strong personality folks humble themselves and understand that they don’t.  But some, it appears, can’t seem to do that.  A great saying in the Bible that I really like is, His (i.e. meaning God’s) understanding I cannot fathom. Much stuff about Jesus, God and the Holy Spirit is impossible to understand (i.e. He is God and we are human--Da).  Soooo it’s by faith that we accept them. Many strong personality folks cannot do that, I think.  King Solomon used that statement in Ecclesiastes and Isiah used it also in the book of Isiah and Job said it and David said it in the Psalms.  I think all of these guys had strong personalities.  Great strong personality folks seem to understand that and accept that (i.e. my opinion). It can be a humbling experience (i.e. at least for me it is).

My research says that many strong personality type folks can be very independent.  They don’t need recognition all the time and don’t need to be around others all the time.  They are very confident folks who pretty much think for themselves.  Sooooo the Saturday question is—Do you have a strong personality? 

I had the opportunity to have breakfast with these strong personality guys.  They know most everything!  My cloud storage was not big enough to store all I learned.  Wow! They might be some of the smartest guys in Butler/Grundy County area.  And all what I learned was free!  ANYWAY, Valedictorian told us that he is totally paperless and stores everything on Drive iCloud.  Wow!  I mean everything! His whole life is on the cloud!  I told you these guys have strong personalities! 

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean said--Be too busy to worry in the'll be sleepy to worry at night.


Tip of the day from ItchieBitchie (i.e. he is a strong personality type person)—People with “positive strong personalities” don’t have to say anything to be dynamic.  But, flip the pancake; some folks make a lot of noise but have very little impact. Silence is very powerful at times.  Folks with strong positive personalities don’t have to express themselves just to hear themselves talk.  They just don’t need to. Just look at folks’ track records; that will tell you something. Talk is cheap but it takes money to buy whisky.

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