the saying says folks…! I sorta kinda do
it; yes I do. I do a series of easy exercises
when I get up every morning, almost, and have done them for probably about 4
years. They ain’t that hard; I do 40
reps of one exercise, 10 of another, say my Jericho prayer (i.e. some of you
might have to look up what that is) which I have done for about 4 years and
will do it until I die, then 20 reps of another, then 20 reps of another, and
then 50 reps of another. None are that
hard and the whole process takes me about 5 minutes. It makes me feel, oh, soooo good! Albeit some
mornings I need to force myself to do them.
And I don’t understand that! I’m something else some mornings!
If you are doing something that your life depends on it,
then “good enough” is not good enough (e.g. if you are a mountain climber and
if you slip, you are dead; then “good enough” isn’t good enough)! AverageJoe,
who is perched pretty high on the pecking order, says—It is soooo easy to be
average; that means half of the folks are below you and have are above you
(i.e. in our society it doesn’t take much to have a C grade). Anyone can be average (i.e. basically just
show up) but if you want to be good at something, you have to be above average;
I mean way above average. It appears
that being average or below average is being rewarded the same by some (i.e. everyone
gets a check or a trophy). WorldClassLarry
says--That turns my stomach (i.e. maybe ‘cause I think I should get a check or
a trophy toooo, could be). I have been
told that employees are hard to find some places as folks can make more money
by not working. If that is the case, I
wonder if that is good. What do you
think? That is what I thought! Albeit
many folks like it! Some are buying new
campers and boats! They are parked all over the place (i.e. just look around);
they can’t make them fast enough and folks will pay any amount for them!
JoeBlow, who is an Oscar winner, says--Let the good times roll!

like a person albeit I wonder about him recently.
Yes, I do.
He has been a friend for a lot of years sorta kinda maybe.
I always had some wonders about him (i.e. few
things don’t always add up perfectly—sorta kinda a mugrumber at times who sits
on the fence and has his mug on one side of the fence and his rump on the
other). He says one thing at times but does another at times; he makes me wonder.
Maybe he’s an opportunist as a friend calls
some folks.
I’m starting to wonder more;
it’s sorta kinda bothering me.
Then the
other day, I heard a mutual friend in a conversation say that this person can
be “a not soooo nice a person at times.”
I hope this all is wrong but…! Maybe he has a lot of stress in his life
right now. Could be! Maybe about money! Could be! I will cut him some slack; I
won’t throw him under the bus quite yet! haha
you ever been in a situation when you didn’t actually participate in a wrongful
act albeit you didn’t try to stop it either; you didn’t try to stop the
proceedings by waving your hands and calling for a fair trial. Did your
presence there betray your approval. I have to admit that I have on many occasions
and I’m not proud of it.
I wonder if
that is as bad as pulling the trigger.
Is that what is called being a hypocrite?
Anyway, something like that.
I-AmAlwaysRightJoe, has hands-on experience,
says—Not admitting you are wrong a.k.a. not eating crow is even worse than being
But he never thinks he’s
wrong, sooo there! Who what me! Yikes! SlimmySlim asks—Doesn’t everyone have a
huge massive ego like me? Paul, anyone can be a Paul, said—For I do not understand
what I am doing; for I am not practicing what I want to do, but I do the very
thing I hate. WhoWhatMe! Aren’t we something else sometimes! TomSmart, who is all-in, says--There is more to life than always thinking about yourself folks, a
truckload more!

Joesixpack, who stacks the deck at times, says—I’m sorta kinda like my beer drinking
buddies! Mr. Jim (i.e. anyone can be a Jim albeit I wonder) says--It is said we
become the average of our five closest friends – becoming like those we spend
time with most. If we spend time with smart people who challenge us to read and
get better educated, we naturally do that. If our friends are athletes, we will
become better athletes. If our friends are arrogant, or slobs, we start
following their examples. So friendships we establish make a great difference in
who we become. CadillacJack says--We will be the same people five years from
now except for the books we read and the people we meet. Ok folks, maybe, just
maybe, we need to evaluate our lives (i.e. if this stuff is correct).
AverageJoe says--Maybe it’s time to really appreciate our friends or break away
from them! LuckieEddie, who once in a life time happens all the time to him,
says—Soooo choose wisely!
A friend told me that her adult daughter’s friend told her
that she was unhappy with the political power (i.e. perceived by her anyway) of
the school her kids attend. She told her
friend—Every school, social group, church etc. are the same; they are all the
same! TomSmart says—I suggest that all of us be consistently good, real folks
with good hearts. Dr.J says—Stay ready
to keep from getting ready! Holy cow,
what does that mean anyway? Saturday
question—Are we willing to do that? JoeCommon says—C’mon erv, I’m consistently constant the way I do
stuff! It’s impossible for me to change,
I’m sure! I’m actually a bad person but I’m consistent! No question; it’s better
than just being a JoePhony who talks one way but acts another like my
brother-in-law. He
just tells folks what they want to hear and makes a ton of money off of them
let me tell ya!
I called a golf buddy to have
I haven’t seen him for a long
time and he didn’t show up to play golf with us this year (i.e. he was an avid
golfer and spent a lot of time golfing in years past.
I was wondering about him.
He told me he has lost interest in golf and
almost everything else.
His wife died
maybe 3 years ago, and he seems to be struggling.
Soooo what do you do then—nothing much; read
some, watch some TV, don’t care to be around other folks, don’t go to church
anymore, don’t exercise anymore, sometimes just sit—that’s not good—it’s good
for me! Do you sleep a lot—no, I don’t; in fact, I sleep about 4 hours a
I just can’t sleep!
You need a job—I don’t want a job; I’m done
working; I have adequate money to live a comfortable life.
Wow! That’s depressing for sure.
He thanked me for listening to him. I didn’t
fix anything for him albeit it did motivate me to be active.
I got to make some friends through another friend. We asked them how they met (i.e. one was a
widower and the other a divorcee). Well,
we each had daughters who were the same age and they wanted to sit by each
other in church. Soooo we let them. After church I asked her mom if I could buy
her a donut! The rest is history as they
say. Bingo! A life changer for sure. All
it took was a donut and a question! Albeit that probably won’t happen sitting
at home. MissPerfect, who is a do gooder, says—Soooo shake a leg! Oh, the guy
in this marriage told us—I didn’t think it was possible for me to love another
woman as much as I did my first wife, but I found out that I could.
I had a friend/golf buddy tell me something while riding
together in the golf cart recently that really surprised me. He told me that he
really wasn’t very compatible with a mutual friend we both had. I always thought they were the best of
buds. They weren’t. He said—We just weren’t on the same page and
didn’t really fit very well. Huh,
interesting! He told me that he met
another guy (i.e. through this mutual friend) who they became much better
friends and fit much better together. We
are much more compatible and seem to enjoy each other a lot. That isn’t uncommon probably; no two guys
think alike and some think much different.
AnnieGetYourGuns says—I can get along with many folks quite well if I
don’t have to be around them tooooo much!
That is why I divorced my last 4 husbands! AnnieGetYourGuns seems to
like guys albeit not the same guy for a very long period of time. I just read
that 3 out of 4 folks in a marriage aren’t happy. I don’t believe that. Do you? SusieQ
says—Statics show that at least 1 out of two aren’t happy in a marriage as that
is the rate of divorce soooo maybe that 3 out of 4 is accurate! Could be!
RickyRick, who is sublime,
says--Hurt people hurt people. When someone hurts you, it’s because they’ve
been hurt. Unkind people don’t feel kindness themselves. Unloving people feel
unloved. When someone is rude, bitter, unkind, sarcastic, mean-spirited, or
arrogant, they are shouting with all of their behaviors, ‘I am in pain! I need
massive doses of love! I do not feel secure!’ Secure, loved people don’t act
that way. The person who feels deeply loved and deeply secure is generous and
gracious to other people.” “A person’s
wisdom yields patience; it is to one’s glory to overlook an offense.” Proverbs
19:11 (NIV) Do you folks believe that?
That is what I thought. LuckieEddie says—There must not be many folks who feel loved as the world
seems to not love each other very much!
GeorgeTheCrook says—I don’t turn my back to many as they will stab me in
the back as soooon as they can if they can benefit themselves it seems; maybe I
feel that way because I don’t feel loved!
Could be!

I was
heading to the golf course early the other morning to jog and there was this VW
Beatle that someone “did over.”
It made
me laugh.
Someone customized it to a
more modern version.
ANYWAY, it reminded
me of a lady I know who I was forced into connection with recently.
I didn’t recognize her.
She had a “do over.”
She always dressed old fashion and looked old
fashion but not anymore let me tell ya.
She had modern style clothes on, her hair was stylish and no glasses
anymore; a whole different person (i.e. sometimes gals lose 50 pounds also, I
don’t think she lost any weight but I didn’t look that close—surely didn’t ask).
Maybe she just had enough of the old look or
her mother died, and she inherited the farm.
I don’t think she is “trolling” as she is married but maybe not! Haha!
Many women do that when they are looking for
a guy they say (i.e. but that look can sometimes be only temporary). Haha! She
maybe is trying to change from a $100 gal to a million-dollar gal!
Holy smokes! Her change caught my attention
though! She looked much nicer; her husband should appreciate her or maybe he
cusses her for the cost it took to modernize! LookNiceSally says—It costs bucks
to look nice!
Don’t kid yourself! Yabut,
it’s only money! FinancialWizzFrank says—You better do it now as they predict
high inflation is coming (i.e. he read that in the paper soooo it must be
right). I talked to MyFriendFromTheEastSide at the gas pump recently and he
erv, what you read in the paper is mostly bullshit! Wake up! Almost all
the stuff we are told is bullshit!
ItchieBitchie says—Half of the stuff we are told isn’t true and the
other half I don’t believe! Such is life in Butler County! Yabut WildWillie
says—There are suckers born every day albeit most folks don’t think they are
one but they might be! Ouchy ouchy!
says—"It has been said that difficulties don’t
determine who
we are. Rather, they
reveal who we are. Said another way, the
same heat that softens butter can make mud hard as a brick. It all depends on
how the thing being heated responds. The same with the human heart.
Difficulties can soften one heart and harden another.” AverageJoe, who is one of the good guys, asks—Soooo
who or what decides for us how we will react?
Is it my desire for money and fame or is it what I really believe (i.e.
my real heart)?
Who or what programs me
or is it who or what brainwashes me? Suck it up cupcake and let’s get going; we’re
burning daylight! It’s a gut check alright!
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean said—Never let yesterday use up today.
The tip of the day comes from Morrison, CO just a little SE
of The Red Rocks (i.e. the tips come from all over the place). It’s from a cute little gal who drives a
SUV/Minivan with 19 beverage holders in it (i.e. yuppies like them). Soooo she told me that when she leaves their garage for work, she goes to Starbuck’s app and orders her beverage but doesn’t
send it. She waits until she gets to a
certain intersection and then presses send.
When she gets to Starbucks it’s ready and paid for by her Apple Pay. She walks in and in 30 seconds she is out and
running again (i.e. doesn’t wait in the line of 15 cars at the
drive-through for their $6 beverage). That is how yuppies do
it in this fast-moving world. And then of
course she uses one of the 19 beverage holders! Such is life!
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