June 26, 2021


JoeBlow, who always looks like he's about to understand something, says—If a person is offered a fact which goes against their instincts, they will scrutinize it closely, and unless the evidence is overwhelming, they will refuse to believe it.  If, on the other hand, they are offered something which affords a reason for acting in accordance to their instincts, they will accept it even on the slightest evidence. Aren't we something else!

Sometimes the undertone comes to the top just like cream does (i.e. it’s real  face is shown). Recently I was eating breakfast on the deck with Rookie and he said out of the blue—Grandpa this is quite a contrast, I’m super young and you’re super old! Oh the words of a kid to tell it like it is.  Many times undertones remain that, an undertone that many know that it is there but no one talks about it or addresses it; it’s just an invisible feeling that most feel. ItchieBitchie says—Some undertones can be very dangerous especially when we don’t see them or feel them or don’t address them.

I have a young female business friend who I call “Sparky.”  That title tells you what she is all about (i.e. she has an undertone).  She just makes everyone happy; is fun to do business with her as she generates a positive attitude.  I also know others who are just the opposite (i.e. quite a contrast).  I don’t need to describe them; we all know those qualities.  Soooo why the difference do you think?  Da!

The other morning I was sitting in the sun porch talking on the phone.  My neighbor, Lisa, was letting her dogs out to do their thing (this is one of the dogs that ran off when I let them out one time). She sent me this text--Funny story! My dogs heard you talking on phone when I let them out.  They were scared and ran back inside immediately! Now there seems to be an undertone here folks.

UncertainRaymond, who is from the other side of the tracks of Facebook, says--I get the feeling of what I call “double down black” at times (i.e. moments when I struggle with uncertainty and doubt). It’s sorta kinda a negative feeling (i.e. a discouraging feeling; like an undertone).  It’s a humbling experience.  It’s like I’m not going the right direction; like it’s not going my way.  I have no idea why I get this feeling but then all of a sudden something happens in my life and my direction is completely turned around to the positive again.  I’m not even surprised when it happens; it’s like I expect it; like it’s part of life.  Many times it is after a long period of when life is very positive.  This crappy feeling doesn’t stay very long but I don’t like it.  I realize that I can’t be on the mountain top all the time and have to go in the valley to appreciate the mountain top feeling. Does any of this make any sense to you? CoachB says—Things will continue to go in the same direction until the direction is changed. It will not change direction by itself; it takes no energy to go downward but it takes some energy and deliberate focus to go upward. Think about that folks.

An acquaintance was on a trip in somewhere I think in South America; I can’t remember the exact location.  He was on a beach and the water looked soooo inviting and peaceful, but he got caught in a rip tide undercurrent that almost killed him.  If it wasn’t for an experienced swimmer who was training in the area, he would have died (i.e. it was very close; he spent several days in the hospital). Soooo be careful of those undercurrents, not just in the ocean but of other individuals and of organizations (i.e. they can suck you right in and kill ya).  GeorgeTheCrook, who looks lie a robber after some money, says--They can be killers.

This undercurrent was absolutely amazing, happenstance, na, I don’t think soooo.   Sooooo I have a friend who only eats maybe 5-6 Baby Ruth candy bars all day before his evening meal (i.e. I have some weird friends, I know haha). ANYWAY, I was thinking of him the other night soooo I took my trusty 85 Yamaha convertible golf cart to Casey’s to buy a Babe Ruth candy bar to honor him.  They only sold them in a twin pack soooo I had to buy two.  I was heading home eating my Baby Ruth; I haven’t had one for maybe 10 years.  I saw this guy in his electric cart on the sidewalk by the care facility soooo I pulled up next to him—Soooo you out for a ride—Ya I am; it’s a beautiful night; what are you up toooo—I told him the story of my friend and then asked him if he would like the other Babe Ruth bar—sure, I’ll take it; I haven’t had one for maybe 20 years (i.e. what a hoot).  We had a general conversation and introduced each other while eating our Babe Ruths. He asked me how old I was and I did the same; he was 79. Soooo guy, how about I pick you up next week and we go for a ride (i.e. an idea a friend just recently reminded me that folks in care facilities really enjoy)—can’t, I’m paralyzed from the waist down—how did that happen—fell out of a hay mow 12 years ago—that wasn’t very smart—tell me about it. We had more general conversation and finished our Babe Ruths and we both thanked each other for the opportunity of meeting each other. Really folks, it doesn’t get any better than this! 

Butler County small town Americana at its best.  I was on my way home and Aplington’s finest pulled me over which created a lot of excitement in A’town! Oh yeah! It might even make the local paper! Lights and siren but no gun though but he might have had his hand in a position for a fast draw maybe; it was a hoot! It took him some time to get out of his patrol car to approach me; I think he was radioing in preparing for possible back up! When he got to me, he wanted to make sure I had my Aplington registration sticker and my insurance card on my golf cart!!! Its good to see my tax dollars at work! I wasn’t profiled was I do you think? He was a nice guy. I had a good laugh! Such is life.

William Arthur Ward said--“The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails.” CoachB says—Sooooo change to get to where you want to go! If the undertone is not to your liking, move to where it is.  I have this Buzza motto in my bathroom that I like (i.e. otherwise I wouldn’t have it haha). CommonJoe says--Do you have stuff that you don’t like in your house or life?  If sooo, get rid of them; life is toooo short (e.g. three closets of clothes you haven’t wore in 5 years as they are tooooo small or out of style or you just don’t like them). 

She told me that it wasn’t right from the beginning--Something just didn’t seem to fit right like something wasn’t right! My pizza wasn’t quite ready yet at Casey’s the other night (i.e. the pizza guy said it would be 6 minutes).  There was another lady waiting as well.  She started talking to me and told me who she was and etc.  Eventually she told me she was married for the second time and had three boys from her first marriage.  She was physically abused by her first husband multiple times and the last time to a point that it was a bloody mess which required a hospital stay; he did it in front of their children (i.e. alcohol related).  She is very happy now; the boys are out of the house and her second husband treats her very nice; she is very happy.  The undertone is much better.  I heard this all because of a 6-minute wait for my pizza!  Crazy! We will probably never see each other again I would guess. And now you get to hear it!  The1969AplingtonHomecomingQueen says—It’s a true gift (i.e. a true gift is when there are no strings attached) like when you just listen to another person’s story; you don’t interject with your story to “one-up-‘em” but purely just listen.  Many folks always have to say something; most times about how great they are!

ThePersonFromNorthOfTown says--Oh the contrast in folks; it can be a big one alright.  It has nothing to do with money, ability, education, who your family is; oh no, it only has to do with who you are (i.e. what you think, what you believe and how you play it out). Missperfect, who is as nervous as a lose shutter in a storm, says—That sounds like my story and I'm sticking to it if you believe it or not! DrJ says--…And then came Jesus and His followers. They had no geographical, political, or zealous agenda; they were mostly lower-class people. At first, they were known only as “the Way” (Acts 9:2); later they were known as “Christians” (Acts 11:26). Was that their only distinction—a name? No, Jesus told them if they were His true followers they would be known by the love they had for one another. This was totally new! A religious movement based on love, like the love Paul describes in 1 Corinthians 13. That “brand” of love still applies today. You believe that? That is what I thought. Such is life.

Are you an emotional person? I mean do you get real excited real easily or do you analyze the information and make a “critical decision?” Do you ever overreact and get all bent out of shape?  Can folks stimulate you by getting to your emotions?  I had a person ask me recently if “critical thinking” is still taught?  Is it? I hear a lot of emotions about the “critical race theory.” Are you emotional about that?  That is what I thought.  It appears once folks get folks emotional about something, they sometimes can go berserk with the thought and their mind will constantly be stirred and disturbed.  It’s like an undertone that just doesn’t go away.  CadillacJack, who might have rigor mortis, says--That method of persuading seems to be very effective.  It appears that folks, businesses, organizations etc. need to stay flexible.  If not, it’s rigor mortis time! Smokin’Joe, who is stiff necked, says—There seems to be an undertow of that stiffness sometimes BUT maybe rigor mortis isn’t that bad! Could be. Unless it’s associated with death that is

Soooo our son and Rookie came to see me for Father's Day and Jessica and Charlie went to see her father.  We did some fun stuff, just fun stuff that an 8 year old boy would enjoy.  One of the things we did was Rookie and I went to a local horse sale in A'town.  My Daddy, Chester, told me when I was about his age when he took me to a horse sale--son, keep you hands in your pockets or you'll own a horse.  Sooooo I told Rookie that as well.  He always doesn't listen to me but I think I scared him!

A golf buddy/friend told me the other day—Friendship isn’t always convenient.  Now think about that folks.

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean said—Being told something for your own good seldom does you any good.

The tip of the day come from Sharon, who is deep in the Valley of the Sun where it has been 115 for days--What kind of exercises do lazy people do?  Diddly-squats!

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