ItchieBitchie, who is a vulture and is always circling,
says—erv erv erv, it doesn’t do to be quixotic. Telling the truth to people who
misunderstand you is really promoting falsehood. ItchieBitchie, good thing you
never get misunderstood! haha
AverageJoe, who hits moon shots, says—It feels soooo good to
be affirmed that you are doing what is right!
I just love it; it feels soooo good!
BUT AverageJoe asks--How do I know that the affirmation that I’m getting
is true affirmation (i.e. or am I just being brainwashed)? Now that could be a problem.
Suggestion to all of you; write your personal
affirmations of yourself down on paper as the pic says.
We all have private affirmations of ourselves
that no other person knows about.
are very confirming to us; lifter uppers to us; very positive to us; they made
us who we are; some are very private (i.e. might not be soooo big in the eyes
of other but to us they are huge massive). You and I all have them.
BUT maybe we need to write them down as they
will have a different meaning to us when we do that; yes sir re baby, I don’t
mean maybe.
Try it Mikie, you might like
it! Look at the positive side of yourself.
We always have the choice to look at the positive of ourself or the
negative of ourself. Our positive side sees a green near every sand trap; our
negative side sees two or three sand traps near every green. Such is life.
I asked my hiking partner to tell me her personal
affirmations of herself; affirmations that have affected her life very positively
and maybe she never told anyone about.
She felt awkward at first to do it as she is a humble person and felt
uncomfortable. I told her it was ok to
do that to me; I won’t tell anyone. I
won’t think you are bragging (i.e. many good folks don’t ever get that change
to tell someone some of their personal affirmations of themselves; braggers do
it all the time). What was neat about this person is she asked me what some of mine
were (i.e. some folks would not do that; they just are all about me and are
very good at it, oh ya). I told her an affirmation that I never told anyone
before! Ever! I have no idea if she thought it was soooo great, but it sure
affected my life. Crazy maybe!
Neither she nor I seemed to feel tooooo awkward! The other morning, I went for an early
morning wake up jog on the golf course. When coming back a gal down the street
was letting her dog out wearing a negligee!
We said good morning to each other!
Just part of the early morning waking up process, I guess! Neither one
of us seemed to get toooo excited. Maybe she was disappointed that I didn’t
show more excitement! Could be! Maybe I should of shown more excitement to
affirm her opinion of herself! You think
soooo! BUT I don’t know what her opinion of herself is!
Maybe you have heard folks say--It takes all kinds! Soooo
what kind of person are you? I read this while eating my oatmeal with half a
banana on it--3 out of 4 folks are basically the same but there is 1 out of 4
that is different. Now they could be
different in many ways, for sure. What
do you think of that? Are you the 1 of the 4 or 1 of the 3? I would bet your
family and friends can affirm that!!! Maybe!!! IckieVickie, who is the sister
of ItchieBitchie, says--Self-evaluation is very difficult but I just did it and
I’m perfect in all ways including being humble!
You know, I can see that in her NOT!
It wasn’t a talking donkey, a burning bush, writing on the wall or “a
for sure dream.”
No no!
I had some neat experiences recently that was
discernment for me (i.e. at least I think they were; quite sure but how do I
know for sure—it’s just a guessing game-maybe sneaking suspicions).
One was a person who did not call me back which
told me exactly what I needed to know; it was a “tip me over the top” for sure
(i.e. maybe). The other was a visit with a person who expressed himself about
something that I feel exactly the same way; I didn’t ask him about it; he just
explained his position; it is my position, but he confirmed that others think
like I do (i.e. at least he does).
interesting. Soooo are those “dings” and “nicks” accurate?
I think sooo but I will go forward tenderly
(i.e. not cocky with a big head). It’s a process folks!
I have a lot of dreams; most of them are
goofy; I don’t think I can believe any of them! How do some folks believe some
and not others (e.g. folks have dreams that tell them to divorce their spouse
or buy a horse)?
I have no idea how they
discern the good ones from the fake ones! Those folks must be a lot smarter
than I am or mentally ill!
Or they believe the ones they want and don’t
believe the ones they don’t want!
that is more likely! My opinion, methink! I think some of those folks are as
goofy as my dreams! Maybe! Or maybe they have better internet connection than I
Soooo playing pickleball the other morning,
a female playing partner missed a pretty easy shot and she was not happy with herself. I asked her what she said; she said I called
myself a poophead! She made me laugh!
Saturday question—Have any of you folks ever been a poophead? This was the
first day that I played this year outside (i.e. the weather just hasn’t been
that nice). Many of the same players;
some gals lost some weight and had some new spandex outfits on, some looked the
same and maybe the gals who ate well over the winter didn’t show up! One of my
female opponents is named Sara; I called her Sara Lee like the bread. Has anyone ever called you that? No, but my
husband calls me hotbun! I had a very
good time, uplifting, happy, joyous and refreshing. Why do I want to be around folks or a group
of folks who make me feel worse than when I came? I assume your answer is—I have no idea erv!
You just affirmed my thoughts! I only have to be reminded soooo many times!
BillyBob, who has a flair for the dramatic, said--If it smells good, looks good, feels good or tastes good, it ain't good for you. Don't kid yourself. SusieQ says--I can affirm that; I have been there many times (i.e. those things that aren't good for me are not good for the spandex sales). "Father," said Jimmy, "all the things you call sinning are the highlights of my life." BettyBob says--That is why I run soooooo I can drink beer!

We were told
this story by some golf buddies about a long-time golf cart dealer in their
community. He and his wife each had full-time jobs and invested their checks
but lived off the golf cart business (i.e. they worked hard). They became very rich. He had a saying when folks tried to deal with
him—There’s the door! He just didn’t
care but was always very fair with folks.
He liked expensive cars and bought many.
He would buy real estate and other investments. He once wanted to buy a piece of land and he
offered the folks like $150,000 for it and they rejected his offer. Later they came to him and said they would
take his offer. He said I will give you
$100,000 now. They got all excited but
took it. He didn’t care (i.e. we are a
lot better negotiators when we don’t care if we make the deal or not). Another time a doctor wanted to buy a couple
of prime lots from him; he offered to sell him the lots for $100,000 and he
tried to deal with him. No way. Later
the doctor sent his wife to try to buy the lots; he said yes for $180,000. They ended up buying them from him for
$180,000. He just didn’t care. What is
the moral of this story? You decide!
Warren Buffet is one of the wealthiest people on the planet. He freely gives
financial advice to anyone who asks. A reporter once asked him why so few
people take his advice. He quickly answered, “No one wants to get rich slow.”
Accumulating wealth the “Buffet Way” is not hard; it just is not
exciting. My Daddy, Chester, said many times to me—erv, interest is
something you want coming in and not paying out unless it is an investment that
will appreciate in value; anything that depreciates, save your money and then
pay cash .BillSomeone says--Nuttin in this
world is equal or fair!
everyone knows that life isn’t fair; the only thing that is fair is the Butler
County Fair and that is in June. ANYWAY,
I was doing my annual financial statement (i.e. it proves that not everything is
fair) and do it on a spread sheet. I couldn’t get my total to add up. What! I
spent about an hour trying to figure it out as I had the formula correct and it
has always worked before but now I got a date instead of a figure. Finally I called
Wizard. He said—right click to
formatting to numbers, the default—easy if you know what you are doing and use
excel spread sheet a lot (i.e. took 30 seconds); I don’t as I only use it once
a year. Wizard in a nice way said—erv, you dummy; you messed it up! Don’t think
I would have ever got it working in a month of Sundays. Ask the expert is always good advice. My Daddy, Chester, taught me to do a
financial statement when I was a teenager and I have ever since. He said it was sorta kinda a timeline of your
financial life. Sooooo, maybe we should also do a spread sheet of our spiritual life using a spread sheet as sorta kinda a timeline of our spiritual measurement a.k.a. an affirmation. When we put it
down (i.e. write it down) it seems to give it a different meaning. I think for me anyway, my opinion, methink!
Many companies, churches, universities, individuals etc. are rebranding
(i.e. trying to get a new and different image).
Why? Well, the old one stinks!
Dr.J says—"Being a witness for Christ ultimately involves a retelling of
the Gospel. But even before that opportunity, demonstrating God’s love can be a
first step.” My opinion a.k.a. methink is that talk is cheap, but our actions
tell our brand (i.e. that is the real brand we have on our butt like the brand cattle
have on their butts out west meaning who owns them). “The world does not understand theology or
dogma, but it understands love and sympathy”--D. L. Moody CommonJoe says—You can’t say one thing and do
another and expect me to believe you; I’m a lot smarter than that. How dumb do you think I am! You must think I’m pretty dumb! Maybe you are the dumb one! Maybe! Sooooo pull down your pants and show
me your brand! Soooo the other day I bought some toilet cleaner and it said it
was 10 times better (i.e. new branding).
You believe that? I bought it, it said it was 10 times better! haha

Get revved-up! I was having breakfast with a guy who I think we will
become friends as time goes along.
he was telling me of some of the many breaks he has had in his life (i.e. some
folks would just take them as like they deserve them but he doesn’t).
He told me how soooo many things have fallen
into place for him; astounding to him.
He told me that he was very thankful for all these good things that have
happened to him; many were done by good folks with good hearts at just the
right time.
And others, I assume, he met
were done by God but he didn’t really say that vocally (i.e. but he gave me
that impression).
Amazing affirmations!
When growing up he use to call some people RBs meaning rich bastards.
He said he thought all rich folks were not
nice or good folks.
He said he has been
around many rich folks who have been very good to him and also very gracious to
others, basically very good folks.
wonder why he, as a kid, thought all rich folks were RBs.
He just didn’t make that up as a kid I bet
(i.e. probably his environment taught him that maybe. He was taught somehow to
be opinionated and prejudice). His adult environment sorta kinda “threw him a change
up!” Huh, interesting.
statement has been credited to many folks—It’s better to remain silent and be
thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. CrazymakerAlice, who thinks she’s riding the rocket that everyone dreams about, says--I think Abraham
Lincoln said it about poopheads and there are a lot of poopheads around; and
some don’t even know they are poopheads.
Ouchy ouchy!
BUT here is the
skinny, I just removed all doubt now didn’t I with this “It’s Saturday!” I’m chalking
it up as experience!
BUT I seem to be a
slow learner! It’s over; stick a fork in me, I’m done! Such is life.
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean said—An unusual amount of common sense is
sometimes called wisdom.
ALERT Last week some of you didn't get "It's Saturday." Sometimes google plays tricks with me. Last week some of you were blocked by google; I have no idea why, maybe google knows something about you that I don't. haha OR sometimes it's erv's error. AND sometimes your security filter is set so it goes to spam. ANYWAY I appreciate it when you let me know soooo I can fix it (i.e. if I can). It's just part of doing business with you, my friends! No surprise. BUT if it was your SS check, farm aid check, stimulus check, or unemployment check you would be snortin'! It's all about the money! Such is life.
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