December 31, 2022


A wise old man told me the other day--If it's chatter, it doesn't matter. Sooooo you be the judge if this "It's Saturday" is just nebulous chatter! A friend said his deceased brother-in-law (i.e. who was also probably his best friend) would say to him--You are "one fry short of a a happy meal." Now that could maybe describe me toooooo!  Sooooo be aware and proceed reading with caution!

If something is nebulous, if it’s not specific, if it has no definitive time with it, it’s a 90% probability that it will never get done. It really helps me to write it down and look at it. My chances of running with it will be much greater, my opinion. Of course, maybe sometimes I really don’t really want to do it!  Many folks are just all talk to start with, all talk and no show! I hear folks say all the time, I will do it some day, but that some day never comes. They just sit on the couch and eat chips.  SusieQ who I sometimes wonder if she is okay, says—I like lists but doing them is another thing!

Bang bang ideas!

  •       The Westminster Shorter Catechism encapsulates the Christian’s purpose in this terse                 statement: “The chief end of man is to glorify God and to enjoy Him forever.”

·         Visit people in person or by phone. Remarkable things happen when folks visit each other.

I am planning to do something here in AZ that is risky for me, not physically risky, but risky to my ego. I could fail, I could. I have it written down and have thought about it for some time. I really don’t know if I will do it or not.  I will see. I don’t know if it’s a good idea or not! Yikes! I do have a plan that might work.  MIGHT! I do better when I think about it for some time. It seems to come to light, and I see things better (e.g. like I can’t solve a problem but then all of a sudden I can figure it out, I see the solution). A support staff in our office would say—erv I need to incubate on it for a while and then she would figure it out, she is a very good at problem solving. Hey listen folks, prayer never hurts, at least for me it helps. But I don’t pray to figure something out that doesn’t work on my computer. Oh no, I just call one of my wizards! Ding ding ding!  haha It’s sorta kinda like prayer! Obviously Southwest Airlines needs to call their wizards!

This saying has toooooo be nebulous to many of you.  How can that not be? Hopefully it is funny to you who have had a divorce or had a bad relationship.  If I have offended you, I’m sorry. BUT it is the way it is. One person thinks their spouse or a person in a relationship is the greatest and others don’t think the same (i.e. maybe we don’t think alike, could be). Have you ever had nebulous thinking about someone or even been fooled?  There has to be a lot of folks fooled or why would anyone have a relationship with someone if it stinks from the start. I don’t know, really, I don’t know! Maybe that is why some super aged seniors really don’t want to get married again; it ain’t worth it.  They would rather just live together, associate with each other, or just get engaged but not married AGAIN.  And here is another reason I have heard; I don’t want another person have to take care of me if I would have bad health nor I don’t want to take care of another person with bad health. BUT some folks think marriage is worth it. Yes, they do! I hear and see older folks getting married all the time. There must be a reason. 

I was walking in my park the other morning and caught up with JoeWalker.  We introduced ourselves and he asked if I would walk with him soooo we walked a couple of miles together. He was a retired economics professor soooo we talked about the economy.  It was interesting to hear his opinion. We met one of my pickleball buddies and I introduced them and asked him to share his most interesting life with JoeWalker. JoeWalker asked him if God played a role in his life—God did more sooo in my early life but still does--I saw you at Men’s Prayer Breakfast—Ya, I attend.  Soooo we went on our walk and JoeWalker asked if I attend the breakfast—I did a few times last year but didn’t particularly enjoy them—how come—it seemed to me the speakers all talked about how great they were—you mean you think they were narcissists—I guess soooo, maybe (i.e. it reminded me of what an “ol’ boys club was like in the Roman Empire at the bath house”—well, I’m going to speak in a couple of weeks and I would like you to come—I will. I did, he was not a narcissist! Did a great job I thought. 

This might be contrary to popular opinion, maybe! One of the problems with possessions is that we can become enslaved to them (e.g. think of how differently you behave after putting new carpet in a room. Shoes, pets, food, and drink are suddenly banished. There’s nothing wrong with buying new carpet, but do you see how quickly life gets rearranged by the care of just one possession). It appears that possessions and/or lifestyles can become our gods and change who we are.  I wonder about that and if that is good. That is something that I have always struggled with a little in spending the winters in AZ. I mean, some folks can and do spend all their time doing what makes them feel good (i.e. they say, I have worked hard and now I’m going to do what I want; some didn't even work hard). JoeSixPack says—C’mon erv, that is what life is all about, it’s about Uno! FlipThePancake. There are many folks who winter in the South who do a lot of great things for others, yes, they do (i.e. it appears that many seniors in these 55+ communities really help each other). JoeBlow who really cares about others, says—erv erv moderation my boy, moderation! Okay, JoeBlow, but the narcissists aren’t as much fun to be around, my opinion.

The last two lines in Robert Frost poem, The Road Not Taken, says—Two roads diverged in a wood, and I--I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference. That is thought provoking, isn’t it? MissPerfect, who wants to know how much wind is left after the wind passes through a wind-energy farm, asks—Does the American culture care much about the road least traveled anymore?  Really, it doesn’t seem that way. It really doesn’t seem that folks care what is right anymore.  Or do they more than I think?  Maybe we don’t know what is right or wrong!  Now that could be. Or right doesn’t make us as much money or give us as much power or get us to the top!  Ouchy ouchy!

We seem to understand words differently, I think that is called semantics. This can cause many misunderstandings. Example: If I would say a woman really looks tough (i.e. meaning to me good looking, stylish or cool). BUT you might think it means I think she looks rough, rode hard and put away wet (i.e. an expression from when folks would ride their horse hard and not take care of them when done). Sooooo do you think this 67 Chev that I saw on my walk when in CO, looks tough?  In which way? I thought it was best that I did not use a pic of a woman in our 55+ community!  haha   It would have been nuttin but a no-win situation for me!  haha  Theladyfromnorthoftown who truly is a hybrid, says—erv, you are nebulous!

I have seen it where folks' feelings are way different about the same situation as well (i.e. completely different).  One person is very tender about something and another is very hard and callused about the same situation.  Why?  I'm not really certain but maybe because of genetics or past environment or current environment. JoeSixPack who is always well liked, says--These differences in feelings can cause differences of opinion of about many things (i.e. non compatible usually as most see it).

A friend told me recently that they participated in a group activity in our park but really didn’t enjoy it.  Why, I asked.  Well, it attracted a certain type of folks that I wasn’t really compatible with and also, I didn’t like the environment they created.  It just didn’t feel right for me.  Huh, interesting.  RickyRick said this—"Not everyone will want to be part of your God-given plans—and that’s okay. Continue to love everyone, but only invest in the willing.”  Soooo you can interpret that the way you want.  BUT it is very important to pick good folks to be around.  We all know that and have experiences of our past to prove it.  It really isn’t nebulous to figure that out nor does it take a rocket scientist to figure that out. Da! RickyRick went on to say—"Some people in your life will disappoint or betray you. When this happens, remember: Don’t waste time judging them. The Bible says, ‘Why do you judge your brother or sister? Or why do you treat them with contempt? For we will all stand before God’s judgment seat’ (Romans 14:10 NIV). They are accountable to God, not to you.” I know some of you who are bitter folks and I know some of you who could be bitter but decided not to be (i.e. you just amaze me).  Like my deceased friend would say to me—erv, we all have decisions and guess who gets to make the decisions but remember decisions have consequences

Playing sports and when I coached, we would go through plays and go over plays again and again soooo they became just natural.  Players didn’t have to think, it was just a natural instinct.  It’s sorta kinda like parenting maybe.  ANYWAY, soooo if you always say thank you as your default program, you don’t even have to think about it.  If you are a jerk, you don’t have to think about that either. LuckieEddie who is sometimes slower than molasses to catch on, says—I have found out that once a default is developed, it is very hard to change. That can be good or it can be bad I guess. Our thinking seems to sometimes change with age and responsibilities I would guess and think. The retired university professor told me that he taught traditional aged college students and non-traditional college students that were maybe 35 or sooooo who had families, jobs, and responsibilities.  The mature students were more focused on learning and weren’t thinking about (i.e. in his words) what was under the skirt of the gal next to him or what was in the pants of the guy next to her). 35-yearoldsBillandJane were maybe more interested in other things like getting an education!  Saturday question—Soooo what do you think the 77-year-old single folks here in the Valley think about?  I can only speak for myself! I heard in FL that the single 77-year-old gals mostly think about is if he is mobile and if he can drive after dark!

I read this on the back of a bathroom stall door soooo it must be right--Knowledge makes people humble. Arrogance makes people ignorant.

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean said--Our greatest glory consists not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.

December 24, 2022

the big "W"

A friend who is on a rocket ship to the moon, sent me a message and here is a part of it “… I think that's our mission. To give back! That is a big part of my religion! I do enjoy laughing and giving back to the people I really enjoy! I have grown to like that part of me!” Now that is a big “W” folks and this friend is a big “W!”

I talk about friends and acquaintances a lot in “It’s Saturday.” Good friends and acquaintances are soooo important to all our lives a.k.a. very very important for sure.  Thanksamillion for being such good friends and acquaintances. Christmas seems to remind us of good times and good things and especially good folks. You folks are big “Ws!”

I have a tendency to do things right now. Maybe I’m toooooo impulsive at times. Maybe it would be better if I would wait awhile for better timing.  I’m thinking about controlling my enthusiasm about something that I’m excited about.  There’s a lot in the timing for sure but you gotta get it done toooo; you just can’t sit on it forever (i.e. a person loses the opportunity). I read this recently while eating my oatmeal with half a banana on it--When God puts a dream in your heart, you don’t necessarily have to act on it right away. The Bible says, “There is a right time and a right way to do everything” Ecclesiastes 8:6.  Yabut God, I’m excited about it; I want to get after it. I’m also a planner soooo I need toooo spent time watching, observing, listening, and learning. Slow down erv, slow down. Soooo how do I know when the right time is anyway? Now that is a good question. But when it is the right time, it’s usually a big “W!” Also, in Ecclesiastes it says there is a time for everything! Soooo throw those chips down and get your butt of the couch and do something!

Do you ever think it’s time to change the scene?  MissPerfect who is prime time, says—To change the scene can mean many things and done many ways. That is for sure. It is as simple as painting a wall in your house or as big as moving to a different country.  Some folks like a change of the scene and others don’t; it’s that simple. Some folks change their kitchen every 5 years and others have the same kitchen for 50 years and are very satisfied.  Some folks just love Butler County and want to live there all their life and others can’t wait to leave Butler County (i.e. just recently I had an acquaintance tell me that when she graduated from hs, she was out of Butler Co the next day).  But it is for certain that if you don’t ever see a different scene then you don’t know what you are missing (i.e. but then again maybe that’s not bad).  And sometimes we are forced to change the scene and we really don’t want tooooo.  Sometimes changing the scene is a big “W” and sometimes not soooo much! Saturday question--Soooo what is your record with change?

Talk about changing the scene that could be an actual applied opportunity, Lou, anybody can be a Lou, says--Years ago, Alcoholics Anonymous published a little pamphlet titled “Just for Today,” encouraging a list of practices for recovering alcoholics to perform. For example, “Just for today . . . I will do somebody a good turn, and not get found out; if anybody knows of it, it will not count.” Try it. In this Advent season, when we especially strive to be charitable, do your good deeds in secret. Don’t call attention to yourself. Remember a true gift has no strings attached! If there are strings attached, then it’s a business deal or it's show biz!

A friend sent me this as a reminder. It is what Billy Graham wrote--“A man is saved by trusting in the finished work of Christ on the cross and not by bodily sensations or religious ecstasy.” I had an old friend that would tell me that salvation is more than about faith and excitement, it is knowledge which produces faith and excitement.  He and Billy agree maybe.  Maybe excitement is good, but it doesn’t necessarily produce the big “W.” Again, now maybe for me to have a big “W” in my life about someone, it’s more than just the good feeling.  Oh, the good feeling is fun and good, but it maybe doesn’t really produce the big ”W.”  It might be a flash in the pan, soooo I might want to test the situation to see if it is real and not just a sensation. Ah! Good idea.

I went to a men’s’ prayer breakfast recently and Hank (i.e. anybody can be a Hank), the speaker, said that our lives will be remembered by more what we give than what we have.  Huh, interesting.  Is that a big “W?”  Here is an application that I read—"A new study from the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology found that small gifts, coming as a surprise, have a big impact on the recipient. So do unexpected notes, calls, or texts of encouragement. Have you ever received an unexpected gift—a bouquet of flowers, a box of your favorite tea, a tray of cookies, or some curious item for your kitchen? Someone saw something nice and thought of you.“ I am thinking of a person who has been a giver of their life and because of them many folks are way better folks (i.e. you know who you are). What a giver and a great person you are. I like this person and folks like their giving attitude, don’t you? I think they got the big “W.” That is the kind of person I want to be around.

I was having breakfast at a table with 5 guys at a men’s get-to-gather.  The breakfast was really good (i.e. biscuits and gravy, one of my favorites) soooo I was eating like a pig while listening to the discussion.  They were talking about their lives and different situations.  Very interesting.  One guy was telling us that he has been married for 46 years and from day one his wife never had any confidence.  A guy asked him how come—it was her upbringing by her parents who were not good folks; I have been very loving to her and very supportive to her all these 46 years to help her.  Soooo now I did talk—I asked him—Did it help—not very much, she hasn’t changed hardly at all.  Ouchy ouchy.  No big “W” here folks!

Mybestfriend and I have talked many times that for folks to make a major change like the lady above (i.e. put the fire out in the brain), there has to a God experience or it seems like it just doesn’t happen. AA calls it the believe in a higher power.  An AA member tells me that change will hardly ever happen if a person doesn’t believe in a higher power.  Soooo isn’t it really what Christmas is really about—the celebration of the birth of Jesus who I believe died on the cross to forgive my sins soooo I can have hope, love, faith etc. and eventually have eternal life.  I believe it is! I think that is the big “W” folks that produces a big “W!” Yes I do.  

There is a joke about someone asking a local resident from Butler Co. for directions to another destination. The native looks at him and says, “You can’t get there from here.” In a very real sense, many changes reflect that. Maybe we could not have reached a new stage of our life without first going somewhere else, often to a situation that we would not have considered which had circumstances that pushed us in that direction. And which produced a big “W” in our life. Does any of this make any sense to you?  I would guess it does!

A pickleball buddy/new friend which I met down here in the Valley, shared his story of his finding Jesus with me. I asked him if he would share it with you folks.  Here it is in his words.

My friend, Erv and I, happened to pass each other on the street one day while out for a walk. Our conversation somehow brought us to me talking about my current pickleball injuries, and my acceptance of them and my change in attitude on patience and healing. In my previous life, I would have been angry and disgusted that I couldn’t manipulate things so that I could get “back in the game.” However, over the last eight years, my personal viewpoint has been greatly modified to one of acceptance and gratitude. So what has changed?

Eight years ago, when I was at what I perceived as my “personal point of power,” I was brought to my knees by a debilitating mental health crisis. For the sake of time, I will simply say that it hospitalized me in St. Mary’s, and after three weeks of treatment, followed by outpatient therapy, I found new self-care skills and a personal relationship with my friend Jesus. Now I am not saying that St. Mary’s was giving me spiritual training, that happened alone in my room when I finally fell to my knees in despair and sought God’s help. I will say that individuals in the outpatient therapy did address their personal need for Christ, and one guy mentioned an app, Jesus Calling, that I have used every day since I found out about it. It is a long, slow battle, and I fail daily, but with Christ’s help and a personal commitment to spiritual growth, I am moving forward.

I cannot fix things; I cannot manipulate enough things or bull my way through life to make it turn out the way I want it. I was raised in the Lutheran Church and Luther wrote: “I cannot by my own reason or strength…” Those words didn’t mean a lot to me as a kid, but they mean a lot to me now. Over the last eight years I have built a regimen of daily spiritual training through reading the Bible, accumulated a list of verses that give me personal strength like Philippians 4:6-7, Psalm 118:24, and Matthew 6: 25-34, and each day I get a little bit better at accepting things the way they are and being grateful for what I have and not for what I am missing. And isn’t that what Christmas is all about, being grateful for the greatest gift humans have ever been given, Jesus, the Savior of the World?  MesaMark

Dr.J says--Take the initiative this Christmas season to reach out to God with thanks and praise for Jesus and to others with the Christmas message of grace and salvation.

Merry Christmas to all of you folks.  I pray for peace and prosperity for you and your family. 

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean said—Faith is believing the impossible and trusting the impossible.

P.S. I was walking and was passing Dick and Jane's place (i.e. they say that's their real names). I read about them in 1st grade at Roseland Elementary. haha  They are from Akaska, SD population 42. Jane told me--Our kids and grandkids always ask what I want for Christmas. I tell them I would like them to go to church on Christmas Eve or on Christmas Day and give me a report.  They do.

December 17, 2022

normal, na, I don't think sooooo

ConfusedBill who has the knack to make the big play when needed, asks--Can you tell me where I am please?  I’m lost, I mean really lost! There is an old saying that goes like this—“Don’t know where we are or where we’re going but we’re making really good time.” Soooo let’s get this “It’s Saturday” rolling folks! As a friend would say--We're burnin' daylight!

I have said many times that we are all mentally ill but toooooo different degrees.  Sooo what is the benchmark to compare normal tooooo (i.e. maybe that benchmark has moved); there has to be a benchmark doesn’t there! I have had the opportunity to be part of a family discussion as tooo who is a normal person. Normal seems to be different to different folks alright. It might even change from my generation to my children’s and grandchildren’s generations. I might think I’m normal but in comparison to the large population, I am not. My family sorta kinda think that it seems.  They encouraged me to accept folks more who are really normal (i.e. based on their opinion) but not normal to my opinion. Sooooo far, no matter what I have said to our kids, they still don't think I'm normal! haha  Hey folks, remember now that there are folks who are above normal on the curve tooooo! Soooo the above normal folks aren't really normal either. Sooo I talked to a friend recently and asked him if he is serious with the gal he travels with extensively--no no erv, she is a very nice gal and we enjoy each other's company a lot but I could never be married to her!  He made me LOL! Here is some advice I got from our daughter--Dad, caring and helping do not mean immersion!

Coarch B says--"Most people are like most people (i.e. then that makes them normal on the bell curve). They get what what most people get and that's what they don't want. Well if you don't want that, don't do what they did!" Pretty deep huh! JoeBlow says--My sister-in-law is sooooo sincere but her knowledge is wrong! Ouchy ouchy!

You might not agree with this next paragraph written by a guy from Switzerland (i.e. some of you question the normality of folks who don’t live in Butler County IA haha)!  “Life becomes simple when we adhere to this idea. We no longer worry about others’ opinions and instead focus on doing what we think is right and just. Our very own opinion is the one which we care about and value. We focus on doing the right thing, regardless of what we might lose or gain by doing it. Regardless of what other people might think. Regardless of how they might judge us. ‘If it is not right do not do it; if it is not true do not say it,’ advised Marcus Aurelius. Elsewhere he wrote: ‘It never ceases to amaze me: we all love ourselves more than other people, but care more about their opinions more than our own.’ Focus on doing what’s right. That’s all. That’s the only thing we judge ourselves by. Did we behave according to our values? If yes, good. If no, we reflect and consider how to do better next time.” Of course those are their opinions and I don’t even know if they are normal!  NormalJoe who really stinks at cheating, says--One of the greatest tests of character is how we handle opposition.

I read this somewhere by someone. I think they were one of those folks counting the votes here in AZ--Microscopes and telescopes help us focus on one thing—a cell or a star. The idea of focusing reminds us that the human brain can only be occupied with one thought or subject at a time. As much as we like to think we are multitasking, we’re really just switching quickly between different tasks or thoughts. SusieQ who has a great bullrush, says—It is very normal in our culture for advertising to switch and move very fast, it’s the way it is. If it drags toooo long it’s boring and loses it’s appeal and our attention. We are programed that way folks. It's the new normal!

PastorJohn, anybody can be a John, said—"What blessing/encouragement can we pass on today? Whom will the Lord put in my path so I can share a listening ear; some quiet good manners or considerate action; a happy, sunny disposition; a witness of my faith?” It appears that more is accomplished by just listening than preaching to someone. That is just a maybe folks. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow once wrote, “A single conversation across the table with a wise man is better than ten years mere study of books.” AverageJoe says--erv, the problem with me is that when I talk to wise folks, I gain knowledge that I don’t understand!

This isn’t normal in Butler County but here in our 55+ community all dogs need to be in doggy strollers and can’t be on leashes (i.e. except at the doggy park).  Soooo I talked to this gal who had Duffy in her stroller the other day.  I asked if I could pet Duffy and she said I could.  Duffy was 4 years old and was calm, but she said he wasn’t always that way.  The first two years he chewed up all our furniture and woodwork in our house. He was terrible. Just terrible. Did you take him to obedience classes I asked—we did but he didn’t pay attention and all he did was sniff the female dogs' butts!

WildBill says--In the Bible, God made more than 7,000 promises to us—but he has not guaranteed that he’ll fulfill every one of them instantly nor how. LuckieEddie says--Now that is a normal statement but he hasn't fulfilled many of them to me as of yet or maybe I have missed the answers, maybe I was talking and should have been listening. Looking at my list, He's got a long ways to go let me tell ya.  BUT I guess time will tell!  ANYWAY, Corrie ten Boom said--"Let God’s promises shine on your problems."

If there is a yellow light or a yellow flag, it means something like, soooo slow down, there is potential danger ahead, be aware.  In car racing they wave a yellow flag when there is a crash and drivers need to slow down. At a traffic signal a yellow light tells us to get ready to stop, or be cautious.  A yellow flag in a relationship tells us that there might be danger ahead, proceed with caution or get ready to stop. Take heed, something is not your normal, pay attention. JoeBlow says—Some folks heed warning signals a.k.a. yellow flags better than others, just look around, just look at their track record.  It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that out.  Some just see future danger better than others in many facets of life.  They just do. Saturday question—How are you in recognizing yellow flags? When I was a kid on the farm a mile and a quarter south of Roseland, MN, our neighbor boy came over to ask my Mom, Anna, to alter a dress suit (i.e. she could do anything and was soooo generous).  She did it for him as he was getting married.  Maybe two weeks later he came over and told my folks he had the marriage annulled—how come asked my Daddy, Chester,—after one week she spent all my checking account and my savings account; I can’t afford her! SpontaneousRita says--In a serious relationship if you feel something isn’t right, doesn’t smell right, you seem nervous, you question something, something doesn’t look right, you feel wishy washy a.k.a. yellow flags are flying. WorldClassLarry says—You better go slow and do your “do diligent work.”

A new friend in our park who knows a lot of folks let me tell you because he is well liked (i.e. a good guy with a good heart, my kind of person) was telling me all the folks have issues in their lives or in their past, they all do. He was telling me the story of one of his relatives who really liked a gal and followed her to Seattle to pursue her. He did not sway her over but did marry another gal in Seattle and they moved back to the Midwest and he farmed. She spent all his money, the farm and his inheritance. They were dead broke. He said he was going to move to Chicago and work for her brother and dad.  She didn't want to soooo they got a divorce.  Her brother told him--I told you not to marry her as she is nothing but trouble. He was never bitter toward her and said he was happy he met her or otherwise he would have never moved to Chicago and met this wife of many years who is just a sweetheart.

I made a decision recently while down here in Valley of the Sun.  It really didn’t seem like much of a decision as it wasn’t that big or profound, I didn’t think.  BUT I just read this while eating my oatmeal with half a banana on it: Many times, insignificant decisions can influence our lives and be turning points in our lives, and we might not even think soooo a.k.a. defining moments. Maybe we don’t recognize them until we look in the rear-view mirror!  To be honest with you, I really don’t know if my decision was a turning point or if I just ate some bad beans the night before! ANYWAY, I’m sticking to my guns on this one! Am I normal?

erv, she’s from a different world. AverageJoe said to me.  He thinks she’s abnormal a.k.a. on one end of the curve or on the other end of the curve but not the top of the bell curve; anyway she's rare, and she might be (i.e. she can handle the blitz and not toooo many can). Now that is debatable, but she seems to be different that is for sure.  No question. Soooo who decides who is normal anyway?  My opinion is that folks are different because of genetics, past environment and current environment.  And the way we are is hard to change.  GeorgeTheCrook who is always running at 100 mph, says—Folks can change if big money is involved! haha I was given the book Winterdance by Gary Paulsen, the fine madness of running the Iditarod, by a friend.  I really enjoyed it, but you might not.  Why?  We are different for sure!  We think differently for a lot of reasons. Does it really matter that we think differently?  Maybe and maybe not, I have no idea.  I suggest you give it a read and tell me if you like it or not. This guy is not normal or any person who runs the Iditarod is not normal is my opinion (i.e.gals do it tooooo).  BUT then again, I don’t think all of you are normal either! haha BUT then again you might be normal and I’m not!  Now that could be tooooo! BUT I was gob-smacked how anyone could do the Iditarod (i.e. and some die trying). 

I think Christmas is way tooooo commercialized and should be more about what I think is the real meaning of Christmas.  BUT most of Americans and maybe folks of the world disagree with me.  Soooo that makes me not normal compared to the vast majority, I guess.  But there is hope for many folks as maybe we can get a new brain soon! Maybe the government will give us all free brains (i.e. standard issuance which will be programed) and we will all think alike.  Could be! And how would it be programmed for us to think about Christmas do you think? TomSmart says—C’mon erv, we all know what it would be! I don’t know for sure, the government’s mentality might change but probably not.  Hey, I believe God is omnipotent!

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean said--The best preparation for tomorrow is the proper use of today.

December 10, 2022


Some think Santa is magic!  Some tell their children that as well. A friend told me that his parents told him the truth about Santa but some of his friends didn’t like him when he tipped them off! BUT he was 18 before they told him! I have a friend who sorta kinda thinks that prayer and God are sorta kinda magic; he just says he doesn't really understand how it all works.  My friend, here is a tip, there is a massive huge difference between Santa and God let me tell ya! One more thing my friend, I don’t think anyone really understands how it all works; there is God and then there is us humans, there is a massive huge difference here my friend.    

Outside magazine ran an article on the best running tips of all time, based on forty years of articles. Among the suggestions: (1) Strengthen your whole body; don’t just focus on your legs. (2) Run more hills; it’s good for your hips. (3) Find a routine, then stick to it—maybe even down to wearing the same clothing. (4) Take recovery days seriously. Wow! That got my attention not just in my jogging but for my whole life. 

I woke up at 4 feeling really bad because of how I acted over 50 years ago.  I really felt I was out of line and was very immature. I wish I would have never acted that way. I actually repented for my actions of over 50 years ago. Crazy! Maybe. But I sure felt better. I had a conversation with a father whose son is not interested in athletics and during recess he is always picked last (i.e. maybe some of you have experienced this in your life in some perspective).  Of course, his son feels bad, and this father feels bad. The father said when he was at that age, he was the captain and was the one who picked the same kid last.  He felt bad about it now! Huh, interesting.

WorldClassLarry who has surfer-boy good looks says--Our walk with God a.k.a. life on this earth is like a race, which we must be prepared to run and to be aware of any challenges that may interfere with our success. A race that is run well has great rewards. That’s a metaphor maybe.  A friend might say—That might affect my rolling rib! I never heard of a rolling rib until my friend told me about his rolling rib! Do you have a rolling rib? I thought he was pulling my leg but he was just rolling my rib!. Crazy for sure.

I was telling a friend that I have to admit that recently I have been a little envious of amount of money some of my friends and acquaintances are making. Crazy amounts. I don’t want to be this way. This feeling is not good for me. Besides, I have it good enough for me. Another friend told me that sometimes all that wealth and income is very hard on families and individuals. This friend seems to have a point; he sees things in a very good way. I applaud him. You know who you are. Then I watched a morning devotion which said this: Here is CoachB’s tip. “Societies accumulate their greatest wealth at their death. Nations become so rich to a point that they begin to die. It happens to nations as well as to individuals. Sometimes that happens with individuals because of their material possessions. It can happen with food. We can get so much food that the food kills us. Some folks get so much material stuff that it chokes us and kills us.” You believe that? Aren’t we something else. Sometimes we just can’t get enough to a point that we self-destruct.  What! Who, me!

Here is a Dr.J tip—"What gives you confidence? For some people, it’s the right hairstyle or clothing. Other people feel confident because of the premium credit card in their pocket. A few people are blessed with a self-confident attitude, but it sometimes appears as arrogance. Others constantly battle feelings of insecurity. The key to confidence is Christ. Proverbs 14:26 says, ‘In the fear of the Lord there is strong confidence.’ Fearing God means living in awe of the Lord Jesus who represents to us the Father and resides within us by His Holy Spirit.” I agree with Dr.J but for me it is hard to stay focused with all the other stimuli thrown at me all day long.  Pow! Such is life.

I have a friend who shared that he has it made with his job but is not happy. He feels he’s trapped and not challenged.  He got to the top of the ladder and it’s not as good as he thought it would be (i.e. maybe he had his ladder leaning against the wrong wall, just maybe). What! When I was in business, I often told folks that the putting the deals together with folks was way more fun than closing the deal and making some money. Some folks just couldn’t understand that (i.e. the chase was more fun than the catch at least it seemed to me).  Sometimes the planning the vacation is more fun than the actual vacation.  Sometimes! I talked to a gal recently who has a position/job at a courthouse. I have known her for a long time as she has worked her way up to be the top dog (i.e. always has been a very nice gal) and I got to know her as I used this service of the county in my business.  She told me she can’t wait to retire, she does not like her job at all.  To the public it would appear that her job would be one everyone would want. Sometimes we do have our ladder against the wrong wall, but we didn’t know that until we got to the top and then we say—What was I thinking!

Tips from a Stoic--It’s Jonas and I hope you are dealing well with your current life tasks. For me, that’s really what Stoic philosophy is about: how to live (well). And that comes down to how you deal with your current tasks, how you live in each moment, how you respond to the given circumstances. This is your response-ability. We want to respond according to our values – true to ourselves. First, we want to know our values, so that we can live accordingly. Second, we need a certain presence in the moment, so that we can respond by choice and only do or say what we approve of. Here are some ideas:

  • Before every meal, take three conscious belly breaths and be grateful for the meal.
  • Before leaving home, get yourself in the condition you want to be in to face the day.
  • When returning home, breathe consciously and ask yourself how you want to greet your family.
  • Upon entering your car, bring your energy to your belly and find peace within.

Here is an interesting story about our mentality that I enjoyed. When London’s Millennium Bridge opened in 2000, it became known as the Wobbly Bridge because it would shake and shimmy for no known reason. After some research, engineers found the cause. When the bridge moved just a tad, people adjusted their weight and stance. When enough people exerted energy trying not to fall, it created a human-caused wobble—a problem that has since been corrected. With our world seesawing around us, people everywhere are trying not to collapse. Now I think that is an interesting analogy! I never had this experience before.  When deplaning in Denver the flight attended had the last half of the passengers all come tightly to the front of the plane to tip the plane.  We could not deplane until we tipped the plane.  Most folks thought it was a joke, but it wasn’t! There must have been toooo many heavy folks in the back! haha Maybe the crew all had a good laugh when we all left!

When I was learning to use the motorcycle carrier on the back of my car, I asked four of my neighbors and friends for their tips.  They all advised me, and I used all or part of their tips.  Why not! My trip went very well in transporting it.  I always try to listen to smart folks like you folks, all of you expect one of you who just think you are smart, you know who you are haha. Soooo now in AZ I want to ride some trails up ‘er in ‘em mountain.  I don’t have any experience soooo I put a post on our information post system of my 55+ park that I would like some folks to help me in mentoring me.  I need more advice again. Why reinvent the wheel. My first post got no help! Yikes! I guess there aren't toooo many old timers who have dirt bikes. They have side by sides or quads I think. But I really did laugh the other day, yes I did. I was riding my Yamaha XT 250 through Mesa on Broadway and thought, I would have never guessed at age 77 that I would be doing this.

It seems to me a change in the environment like coming to AZ for the winter gives me a different perspective on some things. I really don’t know why but it seems tooooo. I seem to look at things differently.  Do you know why?  Here is a tip for you maybe that I learned—I “give careful thought to my ways” and make a “don’t do” list—not a “to do” list. Some things I used to do aren’t necessarily wrong, but I don’t need to resume them because they’re not necessary. Soooo I add them to my “don’t do” list. It seems to be a natural time to rebuild parts of my life and make it better and healthier than it ever was before (i.e. pretty aggressive wouldn’t you say--haha). I want to take time to evaluate everything. I try to make it a new game in town! SusieQ who doesn’t always have her skirt on straight, says—erv,  you're pretty crazy I think! I think you are covered with tree sap! 

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean said--Days are like suitcases, by careful arrangement, some people can pack more,

December 3, 2022

putting it together

We seem to live in a world of being misled about almost anything and everything soooo if I were you I would be very sketching in believing anything in this “It’s Saturday” but I'm not you. Maybe taking just the opposite approach to everything said might work better. Warren Buffet says--Do the opposite what everyone else is doing!  Soooo, there!

Did you know that according to some reports, Americans check their phones 344 times per day—on average? That’s once every 4 minutes! I can’t hardly believe that. I don’t nearly check my phone that much soooo some of you must make up for me soooo that means you must check your phone every 2 minutes.  That can’t be, can it? Now maybe that is why some of you don’t get much done in a day but just think you do.

I get confused with myself, yes I do. Some days I feel I want more on my plate and some days I think I have too much to do.  It can’t be both ways. Some days I want to go faster and some days I think I should slow down.  I can’t have it both ways. JoeSmooth who works his tail off, says—For some it’s a status symbol to be very busy and have a constant full schedule but others just can’t handle that demand. Ya can’t have it both ways. I talked to a guy the other day who said that his schedule was fully booked for the next five years!  The world could turn upside-down by then! I’m wired it seems to be sorta kinda a type A personality soooo my thinking seems to gravitate to more to do (i.e. but not soooo much anymore).  And sometimes I don’t like that agenda, but I can’t have it both ways. It’s like folks who like to eat a lot but also want to stay thin; you can’t have it both ways. I am just amazed how busy some folks are but also amazed how little some folks get done! I’m trying to put this all together!

I have to admit that some days I have a higher motivation level than I do others. Why, I really don’t know. Probably there is many reasons with some of those reasons being good and some maybe not sooo good. Some of you are up at 4 and have more done by noon than another person does in a month. Then there are others of you that really don’t do much in a whole day and think you had a big day (i.e. taking the garbage to the curb is a big project and is a big day). Aren’t we really different. Why are we soooo different? Why did we become who we are anyway? A friend told me recently that I am a lot like many of my friends and they think they have really influenced me. Could be. What do you think. I think I’m still in the process of putting my life together. I’m not there yet.

KnowItAllPete, who has a straitjacket legalistic heart, thinks he has his life all put together now doesn’t he. But does he really? Just maybe something will happen to him that will just turn his world upside down. Chuck Swindoll in his book David said basically, when we aren’t humble but think we have arrived and know everything, we aren’t very receptive tooo much; why should we be, we have power and money; we have it all put together; we think we are on top of the world. Actually, we can be pretty cocky. As my mentor would say to me—erv, things are never as good as they look and never as bad as they look!

Ya, it seems that all of us need to take a break once in a while. I call it a Sabbath Day a.k.a. a day of rest. BUT we all take a Sabbath differently. A friend drove 295 miles the other Saturday to run a half marathon with his grandson in 30 degree weather, another sat on the couch all day watching football and eating chips, another painted the kitchen, another drove 2 hours and went shoppin’ with friends all day, another drove 3 hours to go to a music concert etc. We all take a break differently now don’t we. Some even go to AZ for the winter! haha

CoachB says—"Sometimes we all start our day and live each day in hell. Now that is a behemoth problem if we let that happen. We need to change the way how we greet folks! I’m going to tell folks good morning, good evening, good afternoon with enthusiasm. Great day to you! I’m going to cut that hell out of my life. That’s a no brainer!”

I read this in the paper, soooo it must be right, as what Harvey had to say—"If you are in business, chances are you are familiar with the term ROI – Return on Investment. However, I have learned a more important term called ROL, -- Return on Life. ROI is what we get back from investing money; ROL, is what we get back from investing in ourselves. I suggest we cultivate a love for learning and a capacity for earning. These qualities are important ingredients for success, significance, and fulfilment. But the things people really get passionate about are the things that come directly from their sense of service.” Is this sorta kinda putting things together do you think?

JoeBlow who can be pretty frisky at times, says--You learn nothing from life if we think we are right all the time. Do you ever worry that your future will be just like your past?  I mean, we think that we will have the same negative things happen to us in the future that have happened to us in the past. And they might unless…! BUT we have some control over our future and the past is just that, the past. Am I correct, do you think? Probably if we do the same things, act the same way, think the same way, say the same things that we have done in the past, more than likely the past will reflect what the future will be. If our life was mayhem in the past and we don’t change anything, why do we expect it to change.  If we do the same things and think the same way that we did the last five years, why in the world will the next five years change much.  Da! Soooo we shouldn’t be surprised if we don’t change. CadillacJack says—Now that is putting our life together. C’mon folks, if we look like a duck, if we quack like a duck, walk like a duck, we’re a duck! Winston Churchill said---Those that won’t change their mind don’t change anything. AverageJoe says—Suck it up baby and let’s get going!

Putting your life together. I read this while eating my oatmeal with half a banana on it--We often assume that people base their choices on logic and reason, but most decisions are based on feelings. I had a friend tell me that she loved her husband but really didn’t like some ways how he lived; most gals would not have put up with what I put up with.  Another gal had two pursuers who she both liked. She ended up going after one as she thought he was a better match and would be a better husband; she never mentioned she loved either one. Another gal told me that she really didn’t think she liked her husband or loved him; their marriage didn’t work out very well. And another gal told me that she really loved her husband and liked him, and they had a great marriage.  Some marriages are made ‘cause he needs a wife and she needed someone to provide for her (i.e. she likes the lifestyle he can provide for her). Wow! Sooo I was jogging down the street to the golf course this fall, and a guy was outside with his big dog (i.e. part German shepherd and part golden retriever).  I asked him if he likes their family dog—not really, I generally don’t like dogs, not this one really either but this dog really likes me!  I laughed and said—It’s always nice to have someone like you!  He laughed.

This was written in a Louis L’Amour novel that I liked—"Owen Chantry was a man without illusions. Nothing in his experience had given him the idea that he was protected by any special dispensation from Providence. He has seen good men die when evil lived on, and he was aware that he was vulnerable as any other man.” Pretty thought provoking for me. How about you? I have no idea why I have had soooo many good things happen to me (i.e. seemed to just fall in my lap). Pretty incredible. I got a text from friends pertaining to a very amazing event that happened in which they were part of—erv, you have a friend in HIGH PLACES!!  Signed--Your earthly friends... I agree but that doesn’t make me any different than any other human on this earth. Even if a dog would like me! Listen, dog treats do wonders just like free money! In general dogs don’t really like me! I think it is because I treat them like dogs. Hey, I was raised on a farm a mile and a quarter south of Roseland, MN. An acquaintance recently told me that their pup broke its front leg. They had to take it to urgent care in Des Moines. It cost $6,700 to have the surgery done and the puppy had to be immobilized for eight weeks. I said holy cow! They said they paid $3,800 for it to start with so they had a lot of money in the puppy. So they took the pins out after eight weeks and it was a 15 minute procedure that cost $1.600! Holy smokes I said. Listen, Chester and Anna would have no way done that back on the farm! ThreeWifeJoe says—I wouldn’t have spent that much on any of my wives, but in retrospect I should have! What was I thinkin’! I thought mostly about me!

You can do it folks, whatever you are thinking about. You can do it in putting your life together. I like this story--During the final round of the 2017 British Open, eventual winner Jordan Spieth was in big trouble on the 13th hole. As anxiety mounted over the next shot, a Golf Digest article reported, caddie Michael Greller proved helpful. Michael asked Jordan if he remembered the group of star athletes they’d been with a week earlier. Then he said, “You belong in that group.” Jordan crushed the next shot and won The Open. I knew Jordan’s parents, who are both deceased, and they were friends of mine. Some of you might remember Bear, his dad, as he spoke and gave his testimony at a men’s’ breakfast at our church years ago. A very good man. I got to know him through my connection with Northwestern College. Soooo how important is a positive attitude with confidence?

This is my opinion and not fact, but it could be—It doesn’t take a very big person to hate anyone who disagrees with us but it takes a big person to love those folks! I think we can still love folks even if they disagree with us.  What do you think? Corrie ten Boom said—"You never so touch the ocean of God’s love as when you forgive and love your enemies.” Anyone can hate their enemies, anyone. What’s the big deal about that! Soooo maybe think about that when putting your life together folks. 

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean said—You have to do your own growing, no matter how tall your grandfather was.