December 30, 2023


Will you be taking on any new adventures in 2024 or will your new year pretty much be the same O

same O like kicking the same can down the same street and calling it good a.k.a. just planning on existing another year!

My garbage disposal was leaking in my tin hut soooo I had to replace it. Age will do that, right? A problem it could be, maybe, possibly or an opportunity!  I went to ask a friend if he would help me with the project as he is very handy and full of knowledge about a lot of stuff including garbage disposals I figured.  He is Canadian and his wife told me that in Canada they call them garburators!  What!  We put it in together, he did the work and I watched; it worked well! ANYWAY, later we sat on their deck and talked for about a half an hour, and I learned a lot from them (i.e. great folks with good hearts, my kind of folks). Sorta kinda a problem that turned into a great opportunity! Bingo!

Soooo will you be taking on anything a little risky in 2024 or playing it safe? Of course, if we don’t take on anything risky, we won’t have to suffer any unhappiness with a potential failure and God only knows many folks don’t like to handle failures.  When we were in MO looking for where Jeanne’s past family that are buried up ‘er in ‘em hills in a little cemetery by a little, rural Baptist church we had to drive on narrow, windy roads to get there. They had no guard rails on their bridges and folks better pay attention or else. Only in MO, as other places would have guard rails to protect everyone. I guess those descendants of the moonshiners are used to taking risk! haha We had a good laugh. Soooooo do you need guard rails or are you going to take your chances in 2024?

I ever sooo often get off kilter, out of whack, lose my priority, don’t think right, think I’m more important than I am, get cocky, am not appreciative enough and those are just for starters!  In other words, I can become a mess.  When I see it, I humble myself and recalculate my journey, readjust, fix it, etc. a.k.a. grab the bull by the horns! A big part of this reshaping is to realize that I’m not in control and that I need to slow down, do my life unhurriedly, hold the horses, reanalyze, become less intense, not soooo involved, smell the roses, settle back and see the big picture and just enjoy. In other words, revert back to being myself! Does any of this make any sense to you?  That is what I thought!

Maybe this person is a smart person and maybe not (i.e. you decide) but anyway he says--Reflection is one of the best ways to learn from the past. Considering our experiences, decisions, and behaviors of the past allows us to see what we like and don’t like, what we value, where our strengths and weaknesses lie, what we want to do more of or less of, the people that give us or drain our energy, and much more.

I’m a Viktor Frankl fan and have read his book Man’s Search for Meaning maybe three times; it is an icon book. It’s a good one, my opinion. ANYWAY, I find it many times that it’s not the other person’s fault but mine. I’m the one who is wrong. Now that is humbling!  I admit it, it is.  One of Mr. Frankl’s sayings is this—"When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.”

RickyRick says—”Everyone wants to know the antidote to anxiety because we all experience it…set a pace that is gentle and have a humble heart; that will bring a good life and not a weary life.  Learning how to live like this is a process. You don’t learn it overnight because you didn’t develop your overloaded lifestyle overnight. But no matter how long it takes, you’re going to learn to trust Him…learn how to be gentle and humble. But how is that going to help you? Gentleness and humility don’t seem like the natural cure for being stressed out and tired. Maybe we would expect it to be, ‘learn to have endurance and stamina’… gentleness and humble will overcome aggression and arrogance, the two of the biggest causes of stress and emptiness in life…aggression is when we don’t want to wait for anything, and we get over-committed; it’s the opposite of gentleness.” That is RickyRick's opinion. You can choose your own opinion. BUT a friend would say to me when I was in business--There is no person with endurance like a person who sells insurance! Such is life.

In our 55+ community a.k.a. the Winter Camp for the Experienced as named by a couple from Las Vegas, there are many many opportunities to spend my time. There are hobby groups for pretty much anything anyone wants to do.  And if there isn’t one, they say, start one and folks do. Most of the groups are always soliciting more people to join their groups; and many folks join many groups of activity. Many folks really like this lifestyle. But for many, they have to be selective, they can’t join them all, there isn’t enough time even though they might have an interest. Oh, being selective makes a huge massive difference in what our lives look like. ItchieBitchie says—We have choices, and those choices will affect our life!  I plan to start a new group here in 2024 that I have an interest in. Let’s see what happens! I am going to organize it using personal invites. JoeBlow who can be like a constant nasal drip, says—Are you crazy erv, wonder if no one wants to join; that could really hurt your ego! If I were you, I would take the easy way and do nuttin rather than taking a chance in hurting your ego! CoachB says—There is a constant battle. There is a constant war for our mind, for our spirit and even for your money and if we don’t understand the tactics of war we will lose to the enemy every time! That is what he said; you believe that?  Sooooo do we need to think about maybe being more selective?

My new neighbor and I were getting to know each other some. He told me that he got married for the first time at the age of 47—what! what took you soooo long! He said he had a good job, but the company went broke soooo he had to find another job, he delivered bread for a bakery. The stores wanted the bread to be delivered at 6 in the morning, but he had a very good customer that was a convenient store soooo he would deliver their bread at 5:30 every morning. There was a lady who came in for her coffee each morning at 5:30 and he started to talk to her; it took him a year and a half before he asked her out; the rest is history!  His wife has now passed on from cancer and he is a widower.  He walks around much like I did for several years, like in a funk (i.e. I can relate to that). He should move to Canada where my friend, the garburator installer and his wife live; the complex they live in there is 100 single women to every 10 single men!  Our 55+ community has a lot of single women tooooo!  Maybe that is why he moved here!  Could be! BUT neighbor, the best one is taken buddy!

We make plans and they maybe are good plans but for some reason they always don’t work out. I had just that happen to me and it will happen to me again and again, probably in 2024. It ain’t nuttin new folks. I actually expect it. I’m not surprised. The best plans don’t always work out even though I think they should. They are not like a proven equation of A plus B equals C! There are toooo many variables that I have no control over. I try to be resilient and bounce back. I like the scenario of a basketball (i.e. I like basketball and enjoyed playing and coaching it)—When I bounce the basketball it comes right back to me (i.e. however I bounce it I get the same result back). If I bounce it off my foot, the result isn’t as good! Ouchy ouchy! Sometimes I must adjust my plans!  Such is life.

I sat next to Paul at church recently. He told me he was originally from IA and went to the National Livestock Show in Denver as a young man to look for a cow but instead got a wife!  Soooo he said, I moved to Denver. We had a good, long marriage until she passed on. Then when I was 78, I married my second wife, and we live half the time in Canada as that is her home and the other half in AZ for the winter; I have the best of two worlds.  How old are you Paul—92...we were hoping for 5 good years and holy smokes! His wife had her hand on his hand the whole service. Bliss!

Saturday question—Are you darn tough?  We had a rare rainy morning recently here in the Valley of the Sun and Jeanne and I were sitting on the couch while looking outside watching the rain and sipping our morning coffee. She had her Darn Tough brand wool socks on, and she said to me—erv, we are darn tough just like my socks. We had a very delightful conversation. What do you think we talked about? Huh, interesting!

CoachB says—"What we want is not often what we need, and a wise person focuses on and trains their heart to what they need instead on what lower nature says they want.” Most of us have options in life. We get to choose and make decisions in how we are going to live our lives. We pretty much do. And our decisions have consequences and guess who gets to make those decisions!  You got it! 

Try to think through this and understand it. It’s really toooo big for me to understand, I admit it. 2024 might bring some incredible great things that might happen to us that we just can’t understand or deserve and also some seemingly maybe some terrible things that might happen to us that we just can’t understand either. Could be maybe probably, I don't know! Soooo why?  And do we deserve them; probably we don’t think sooooo, for sure. Why do they happen? And the simple answer is: Because He is God and God is God and He is in charge. He is not human, but He is God! Bingo! Doesn’t human rationale make us wonder. Some things seem to be counterintuitive, at least to me they do.  One of my favorite verses that I really believe is—His understanding I cannot fathom. It makes my life much more enjoyable when I accept that and somewhat understand it. I have received beatitudes in my life a.k.a. supreme blessings! Saturday question—Have you ever received a beatitude?

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean said--To understand a person you must understand their memories.

December 23, 2023


SusieQ says--Maybe I will try to just be quiet, be in silence, and take in all the wonders of Christmas and not make soooo much noise or try to impress everyone like most of the world seems to try to do; in other words, just be humble. I wonder as I wander; yes, I do. Saturday question—Do you know why bells and cymbals are rug at Christmas?

Christmas surely can be a time of joy, but it also can be a time of sadness too (i.e. for many reasons). I hope we share the joy with others but also are thinking of folks who have sadness a.k.a. tough sledding.  I hope we do!  Steve, anybody can be a Steve, says—"It’s likely someone you know needs encouragement. You’d be amazed how a phone call, listening ear, text, email, or handwritten note could bless someone today. Go for it. Share the love of Jesus with someone who needs it.”

When I was a lad on the farm a mile and a quarter south of Roseland, MN, I was fascinated when I would set up the dominos and then watch them tumble down by hitting each other. Actually, I still do!  I think we see the domino effect in our culture by folks who do bad things, say bad thing, and by folks who say and do good things; this effect is maybe passed on from one generation to another. Soooo is that our genetics, our past environment or our current environment? Will the domino effect always continue? Can the bad chain be broken and the good chain continue? WorldClassLarry says—Somehow, we need to determine what the good and bad is! It doesn’t appear that everyone thinks the same about that! Ouchy ouchy!

Do you ever waffle about a decision?  Of course you do! I do, one minute I think it’s a good idea and the next I don’t think sooo!  I had such a waffling experience about doing something for Christmas. I finally made a decision and then even wondered if I made the right decision (i.e. sorta kinda like buyer remorse). It was about doing something to make others merry and jolly.  It was a battle I had going on inside of me. Guess which dog won?

Do you ever overreact about situations, both good and bad?  Do you ever overreact over Christmas?  It appears that many folks do, my opinion. Do you ever get going toooo fast for our own good? I remember two old friends who are now both deceased, who disliked Christmas immensely, couldn’t wait until it was over.  They told me this several times every year. They both said Christmas was over played and it put way tooooo much pressure on them and their families. It became no fun. That was their opinion. Well, they don’t have to worry about it anymore. I enjoy Christmas, well most of it or at least some of it!!! Hey, someone(s) decorated my tin hut for Christmas! What a hoot! Maybe they thought I need more jolly and merry! haha

Christmas stuff—Kids are wishing for special toys and stuff for Christmas. It’s a lot of fun for many kids.  Adults toooo wish for stuff.  What are you wishing for? Well, most of the stuff we wish for we don’t get if we don’t work for it (i.e. unless it’s a government give away that is).  Reality is most folks wish for much stuff but don’t do much effort to get it except wish.  Yes, I have to admit that I have had a lot stuff fall into my lap it appears. I have no idea why. And much of the stuff was really good stuff!!! Really good!!!! AverageJoe told me that the more he gives the more he receives. You believe that? Or is he way out in left field! O is is right field?

The OtherWarrenFromOmaha sent me this--I was in the local Hi-Vee the other day picking up a few groceries, like lettuce, grapes, and a bunch.of bananas (they do not sell half bananas in Omaha) ,  waiting in the checkout line ( I hate self-checkouts).   I put my items on the moving belt, with a metal bar separating my items from the lady ahead of  me,  when all of a sudden the check out gal removed the bar and began checking out my items  to the lady ahead of me.  I said " stop, stop, those are my items, and not hers".  The checkout gal simply smiled at me and said. "Don't fret about it, she wants to pay for your items.  Wow, what a deal.----Wish I would have picked up some steaks.  Have a good day, unless you have other plans.  w in Omaha

I read this while eating my oatmeal with half a banana on it—“Many people think you only get good gifts from God if you are good. But that’s confusing God with Santa Claus! With Santa we say, “You better watch out, you better not cry . . . Santa Claus is comin’ to town.” I read this about Christmas that I believe--God doesn’t keep a naughty list and a nice list when it comes to his blessings. The Bible says in Matthew 5:45, “[God] makes the sun rise on both good and bad people. And he sends rain for the ones who do right and for the ones who do wrong” (CEV). God doesn’t play favorites with his grace and his goodness. God offers his grace to everyone—even to people who don’t believe he exists. Whether or not you follow him, God gives you his grace every moment of your life. You wouldn’t even draw your next breath if it weren’t for the grace of God. As Psalm 145:9 says, “The LORD is good to everyone” (NLT). This is very different from what the world teaches. The world teaches that you get what you deserve in life (i.e. good things happen to you because of the good things you’ve done in the past, and bad things happen to you because of the bad things you’ve done in the past). But God operates by grace. If you got what you deserved, then you wouldn’t even be here on Earth. If you got what you deserved, then you would have nothing. Did you deserve to be born? Do you deserve to be able to see colors and taste flavors? Do you deserve forgiveness? No. Those are gifts of God. In Luke 2:10, an angel says to the shepherds, “Don’t be afraid! . . . I bring you the most joyful news ever announced, and it is for everyone!” (TLB). This is the first public announcement of Jesus’ birth. Who is this announcement for? Everybody. That means people from every race, every religion, every economic status, and every culture around the world. When the angel announced the Good News at Christmas, there were no restrictions or qualifiers or limits. There were no conditions on who got to hear and respond to the Good News. That’s true today too. Christmas is for all people—because God is good to all people.” I believe that! Ring the bells and clap the cymbals!

A friend was walking with her friend and her friend said to her--“…you are sooo ebullient! I am soooo happy for you.”  Maybe it ‘cause she is loved and is loving.  I think that loving stuff is probably the greatest feeling in life.

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean said—Service is not spelled “serve us.”

December 16, 2023


Pastor John, anybody can be a John, said last Sunday when preparing us for the collection--I read in the AZ Republic this week, soooo it must be right, that in the ranking of states in how folks give, AZ was listed as #50!  The article said in a survey, 50% of the folks in AZ said they were big givers but IRS said only about 5% were givers. John then went on to say--AZ folks just aren't good givers but lyers toooo!

Saturday question--What qualities and abilities do you have that you can use to create some miracles? SusieQ says--Be part of something extraordinary! Throw those chips away and get your butt off the couch!  Quit just pondering!  CoachB says—For the major decisions we need to spend time and focus but on the little stuff we gotta move, we don’t have time to just sit and analysis every little thing about small decisions (i.e. like should I buy the red or yellow wash rags). But on big stuff we need to not only deliberate on them ourselves, but we need to get wise advice from others who have knowledge and experience (i.e. sounds good to me)! We need to do more than just get the advice but to take advice. Yes, but we don’t have time sometimes to just sit and ponder every little decision as we will end up with paralysis from analysis!” That is why I ask many of you folks questions and get your advice a.k.a. it’s my methodology; you folks are soooo smart (i.e. that is all of you except for one of you)!  Such is life.

In our small group back home, there was some discussion about the methodology we use in expressing what we believe and think. I think the conclusion was that a firsthand eyewitness was the best, the real deal; our example by how we act and live is better than what we say.  Anybody can make a lot of noise or wear a big cowboy hat but own no cattle; all show but no go; say a lot but really don’t say anything!  Patty, anybody can be a Patty, says--Don't let people pull you into their storm. Pull them into your peace.

Robert Frost said—The only way around is through. You believe that?

I read this while eating my oatmeal with half a banana on it—"While swerving to avoid another car, John Boston struck a utility pole in Columbus, Ohio. A live transformer crashed into his car, sending thousands of volts of electricity into the vehicle. Even touching the car was dangerous. The vehicle burst into flames and began melting all around the pastor. His seatbelt was stuck, and the door wouldn’t open. Suddenly, a stranger walked up, opened the door, pulled the pastor out of the car, and helped him to a safe place just before the car exploded. Then the stranger suddenly said he had to leave, and he was never seen again. Even the emergency responders wondered if the stranger was actually an angel.” I wonder if some of you are angels to me. I do. Are you the methodology in affecting my life?  I really wonder if some of you are angels.  I'm especially thinking of one Brilliant Colored Jewel who I think is an angel in my life. This angel sure has affected me. Saturday question—Do you even believe in angels?

SlimmySlime says--We want it all! Unfortunately, we can’t have it all!  Ouchy ouchy!

Jane, anybody can be a Jane, says—"If we’re honest, we’ll probably have to admit that much of what we listen to or watch does little to sustain us spiritually. In fact, social media and commercial television is designed to make us feel unhappy and dissatisfied with our lives so that we buy whatever the advertisers are trying to sell.” AverageJoe says—C’mon erv, everyone knows that methodology!  AverageJoe, maybe most folks do but maybe subconsciously we don't; the advertisers know exactly what they are doing, and we maybe don’t even know it.  We can be such suckers at times; there seems to somethings that we don’t catch on tooo or get a.k.a. brainwashed a.k.a. caveat emptor is Latin for "Let the buyer beware." That’s my opinion!

MissPerfect says—When someone does something negative to us, there is a three-step rule we should implement. One is to smile, two is wish them well and the third is leave them immediately. SusieQ says—Negative folks will drag a person down. I had the opportunity to make a friend down here in my 55+ community who is full of wisdom and shared some of it with me. He told me that a professional told him, and he passed it on to me, we need to be self-advocates of ourselves.  What he meant is when something related with another person that is bothering us, we should tell the person or persons what is bothering us; not complain but explain why we feel this way. By doing that, we will enrich our relationship and not kill it. Bingo!  And I didn’t even have to pay for this advice! It’s all in the methodology folks.

Here's a really funny 55+ community story that an acquaintance told me about herself. She called herself the woops person! She went to a dance at our activity center the other night. She, being a recent window of maybe 70ish was alone. When leaving a little early she couldn’t remember where she parked her golf cart and there were many of them seeming to all look alike in the dark. She left the keys in the cup holder and started looking in all the carts and finally found hers. She went home and put on her pajamas and a little later there were a couple of folks looking at her golf cart. She went out there and asked them if she could help them. An old lady told her that she stole her golf cart and got really excited. She took the cart. The guy said he would take her back to the activity center and see if she could find hers. Sooooo she said—I got in his car in my pjs with a guy I never knew before and we found my golf cart that was still parked there with the keys in the cup holder. It was really cold driving back home in my pajamas! Life isn’t always easy for seniors! Zany!

I know another woops person.  I was trying to decide if I should take my road bike along to AZ or not. There were pros and cons but I decided to take it. Soooo I packed my tire pump, my helmet, my gloves and my biking gear; sooo there ya go.  I was in the middle of NE going 81 mph and looked in my rear-view mirror and wondered where's my bike!  I forgot to take it along! Zany!

So I decided to replace the carpet in my utility shed/launder room. A friend gave me a throw rug, but it wasn’t large enough soooo I needed a small piece of carpet to put in front of the dryer. The guy at Lowe’s who happened to live near me when growing up in IA whose name was Jim suggested I go to a certain flooring business that might help me. Alex, about 21, said—Follow me and let’s see if I can help you. Soooo we walked around the building to a large, heavy metal gate that had two heavy chains with two of the largest padlocks that I have ever seen, huge massive. He unlocks them and we go to a big dumpster full of remnants. He jumps on a trailer next to it, then jumps in the dumpster and waves me to come soooo we are now both in the dumpster looking for a good piece. He finds a chunk of carpet and asked if I had a knife as he didn’t, you got one in your car. Soooo I went to my vehicle and got a knife and then crawled back up in the dumpster and we cut a piece of carpet. Sooooo we go in the salesroom and I ask him how much I owe him—nothing, we were just going to throw it away anyway. I gave him some green stuff and told him to buy himself a burger. He just smiled at me. We both had such a great time. He was a great guy. Yes, there are good folks around. What a hoot. Zany!

WorldClassLarry says--Maybe, just maybe, we use different methodology in trying to get what we want and what we will become, could be, maybe, I don’t know, possibly. Our future is not promised but we can do a lot to make it more probable maybe. What do you think?  I think and wonder what we do, what we think, how we act, how we eat, how we treat folks, who we are around, etc. all will make the probability of what our future will be much greater, but it still won’t be promised. It’s putting the odds in our favor for our future to what we want them to be. Think about that, will ya. Zany!

An Canadian told us that the folks of countries that have the best longevity and the best quality of life seem to exercise more, eat better and have better community!  Think about that folks! Zany, no, I don't think soooooo! 55+ communities in the South do a verrrry good job with exercise and community; very conducive! Eating well, not sooooo much!

JoeBlow says--A person just never knows about our methodology now do we! I read this while eating my oatmeal with half a banana on it--O Little Town of Bethlehem  There is a beautiful story behind this popular carol. Phillips Brooks was one of the most famous preachers in 19th-century America. He was pastor of Trinity Church in Boston for many years and later became the Episcopal bishop of Massachusetts. While Brooks was touring the Holy Land in 1865, he visited Bethlehem on Christmas Eve and stood in the shepherds’ field that overlooked the town, where local tradition said the shepherds were “keeping watch over their flocks” on the night Jesus was born. Three years later Brooks recalled that scene in a simple carol he wrote for his Sunday school’s Christmas service. Neither Phillips Brooks nor his church organist, Lewis Redner, who wrote the tune, thought that “O Little Town of Bethlehem” would ever be sung again after that service. But today it is known and loved throughout the world.

I really like this verse; it makes me feel oh soooo good. How about you?  Isaiah 9:6 For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. My opinion folks is that it is powerful but it’s just my opinion, but it seems to work for me is--There is a calmness to a life lived in gratitude, a quiet joy. Joy to the world…! For some folks all this stuff is probably maybe Zany! But not for me! There are probably some folks who believe more in the stockings hug on the fireplace! Such is life in the Valley of the Sun!

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean says—Learn to laugh at yourself…you’ll always have something to make you happy.

PS  Last week I used  some improper works in the last paragraph and several of you contacted me and told me. Actually, it was a test. The smart folks caught it. Sooooo, if you caught them, congratulations!

December 9, 2023


Swen who is ItchieBitchie’s brother-in-law who grew up a little west of Priam in western Kandiyohi County, MN to a family that raised turkeys.  He later learned how to roast turkey gizzards in a special Norwegian sauce and sold them at Willmar Coffee Fests and made millions and now lives on Eagle Lake and has a big speed boat.  ANYWAY, Swen says this “It’s Saturday” is a boondoggle. Soooo take that into consideration when reading it.

I think it was the Priam Queen who said--Many kids in about third grade decide they want to be the President of the United States; I didn’t. I wanted to live in a cabin by a lake with my horse Queen and my dog Blackie. I still don’t want to be President of the United States. Although I did give up the idea of living in a cabin by the lake, well mostly, but some days I still do (i.e. it sounds really good)! I wonder how many jobs an average person has in their life and how many times folks move in their life. Some more than others. It is very amazing how some stay in Butler County IA and others go and live all over the world. Why is that do you think? Some folks just love Butler County and others not sooooo much. Go figure!

A pickleball player got dinged in his head and it woke them up! The player learned that the best way to win in doubles is to pick a good partner! Or play against lessor teams. They both work very well if winning is really important to you.  I-Have-To-Be-The-Winner-Alfred says--To some of you winning is really really important even when you are a senior or even a super senior; you can’t fool me no matter what you tell me; I watch you play and see you! Maybe some folks do need to get dinged in their heads. Could be, maybe, I think soooo, probably. InTheNetHerman says—Some pickleball players are very nice and some, well really…! It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out; just look around! It appears that some have a cocklebur in their underwear that they have on backwards and inside out!

I recently read John Grisham’s new book The Exchange which is about big money, big power, big business, big egos and terrorism. Soooo I asked a friend—How many terrorist groups are there in the world? And what do the terrorists want?  Sooooo if the terrorists win, what would a country or area look like? Then I thought about this:  If the Republican Party had complete control of everything, what would America be like?  If the Democratic Party had complete control of everything what would America be like? If a terrorist group would take over America, what would it be like? Well contemplate that! Hello Venezuela, how’s it going? A friend, Al, says—If you need a reference, just call Venezuela!

A great guy once said to me—erv, we all have problems; it’s just that some folks handle them differently. Pressure on the quarterback causes mistakes they say. Well, maybe pressure in general affects life as well.  How do you work under pressure? I have read that folks who are under constant pressure can have a higher chance of mental and physical health problems. Maybe folks who are happy, content, and who are strong under pressure seem to enjoy life more it appears. What do you think? What is your thinking for the best way to handle pressure.? That is what I thought. It is something to contemplate. JoeBlow says—YaBut I need the money soooo, there!

I say and try to do this—I try to make everything a game or another way it could be said--turn experiences into adventures.  It sure makes life more fun for me. Sure, human laws might not be fair, or you might not get all the breaks (i.e. although it appears that you folks do get all the breaks) but we can still strive to play the game the best we can.  And remember the universal law is always true—we get what we sow! Sooooo, we need to strive when it feels like we are not treated fairly; and remember, the only thing that’s fair is the Butler County Fair and that’s in June.

The Bible says, “Make the most of every opportunity.” TonyPhonyBalogny says—I prefer to sit on the couch and eat chips and watch the news 24/7. A friend told me about some of her family that are dynamic people. She thinks they are sorta kinda outliers. Outliers can very good folks who really do a lot of good. They sorta kinda give the impression that they go against the grain some.  Don’t we all go against the grain to some degree?  Or not; maybe some folks who are just wet washrags and just follow the crowd. One of these folks she talked about, she considers are outstanding parents and are just inspiring with their enthusiasm and talent and thinks outside of the box. They are believers; I asked her if she thinks the combination of their faith and their attitude has anything to do with the direction they are going; she thought they work together very well (i.e. that is her opinion).

The Emperor Marcus Aurelius said—He who lives in harmony with themselves, lives in harmony with the universe. CoachB says—"When you get peace on the inside, we will be surprised how all of the stuff that’s going on outside in the world that other folks do or don’t do won’t bother us if we have internal peace. Internal peace is very important.” Soooo how do we get internal peace?  It might be worth our time to contemplate that. 

I was thinking the other day, why do the winners keep the pickleball court and the losers have to leave. Maybe we should 50% of the time let the losers keep the court and the winners leave. erv, what, are you crazy or what; that ain’t how the world operates!  What are you thinking anyway? Where have you been? Or as a friend says to me—erv, what have you been smokin’! At our family Thanksgiving, our grandkids told me—Grandpa, you are from the middle 1900s!  They were insinuating that I’m old and don’t have a clue what’s going on! There is an ad on TV that I saw, and I don’t know what it means but it ends something like this—If winning is the only thing you have in your brain then there isn’t room for anything else. Watch for it and explain it to me please.

When traveling from CO to AZ, I stopped in Trinidad to use the bathroom and eat my breakfast that Heather sent along (i.e. she is soooo kind) which the other half was also my lunch. I already drank my coffee that she and James made for me at 5:30 sooooo I was buying a Diet Mt Dew for breakfast (i.e. the breakfast drink of champions). I was checking out and a 60ish old, hard, tough looking guy was ahead of me and asked me if the Vikings won last night as I had my Viking sweatshirt on—no no lost 12 to 10—let me buy your Diet Mt Dew for you this morning (i.e. I wanted to say, no, you don’t have to but then thought he wants to be kind to me and I need to let him do that soooo I did)—thanksamillion, that was really nice of you!  He looked at me gave me a little smile!

I read while eating my oatmeal with half a banana on it this—We need much less than we think we do. I find it interesting that most of the folks in our 55+ community live in a small tin hut as I call them. Mine is 400 square feet. Some have an AZ room sooo they are a little larger. But, still small from their God only knows how large of houses they have back home. And folks seem to enjoy living in them for the winter months. You can’t have a lot of stuff when you live in 400 square feet. Some of the residents live all year in 400 square feet and they do just fine. Simplicity?! Huh, interesting.

I know a person who I think is a very great person (i.e. maybe it’s you). This person really doesn’t know how great they are; they just say, I’m just being myself; I’m not anything special. That in itself is probably why this person is soooo great. Could be! ANYWAY, my Daddy, Chester, would say—"The great folks don’t have to tell others they are great, everyone will know it. If folks have to tell others they are great, then they probably aren’t sooo great.” CrazyMarvin says—erv, that’s not American; where have you been anyway?

I got my RSV vacation at CVS yesterday.. I was waiting to get shot and a lady of about 60 sat two chairs over. I said to her—how’s it going. She gave a very mean look; I thought she was going to throw me to the floor and kick me in the groin! Well Merry Christmas to you! Flip the pancake! Jessica who was maybe 22 was my shooter. I said—You sure seem to be a happy gal! I really try to be but something it’s hard. You just keep trying. I will. And Merry Christmas to you! Such is life in the Valley of the Sun!

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean says--Modesty: Hoping others will find out by themselves how great we are.

December 2, 2023


JackDaniels, who sits at the bar on the third stool from the bathroom at Joe’s Bar and Grill in Chattanooga, TN says—This “It’s Saturday” is just a lot of blah blah blah and I don’t like it.  CrazyLegs, I’ll take another double shot with a chaser, now that is what I like.  Everyone has an opinion, and our opinions are influenced by someone or something. The talk on the street is that when JackDaniels leaves Joe’s Bar and Gill, he can be a little cattywampus at times. But JackDaniels has his followers. Sooooo take this into consideration when reading this “It’s Saturday.”. Everyone does have their followers! Oh ya!

MoneyBagsWilma says--Most folks really want to win--I wantta win and I want you to lose! I’m right and you are wrong! Folks seem to like us if we stand for what they stand for BUT if we don’t stand for what they stand for, it’s not the same, it could strain a relationship! Saturday question—Is this cattywampus or what?  A friend at breakfast and I had a great discussion about different groups of folks.  He’s one smart cookie and he said—Some folks seem to always be processing and asking questions but never come to a conclusion which makes them always confused, unhappy and agitated. I really have thought about his idea. Are there certain groups of folks and individuals who are that way?  WorldClassLarry says-- Complaining and grumbling are like bad breath; you notice it when it comes out of someone else’s mouth but not our own. Do you ever have bad breath?  How do you know? Do others have bad breath? How do they know? It’s really hard to swallow our pride and think that maybe we aren’t always right! Could be, maybe, I don’t know, possibly!

CadillacJack says--It's better to tell someone how their good deeds or work affected us, rather than telling them what kind of person they are! Of course, don’t tell them how great we think we are! Like one-up-them! Everyone already knows that our grandkids are the best and prettiest and smartest; they heard us say it many times! Maybe we don’t remember saying it, but they do let me tell ya!

A friend called me recently and told me that she made a mistake and she felt bad about it. I told her that she is too hard on herself; we all make mistakes. RickyRick says—"I need to, and I do internalize this one simple message: Everyone makes mistakes. It’s not just a “you problem.” It’s a human problem. The Bible says, “There is no one on earth who does what is right all the time and never makes a mistake” (Ecclesiastes 7:20 GNT). Not only have you made mistakes in the past, but you’ll also make more mistakes in the future. I guarantee it. Even playing it safe and refusing to take risks is a mistake! As a pastor, I had people ask me all the time, ‘What if I fail?’ I wanted to ask them, ‘What do you mean if?’” I think soooo! I think that is my opinion, just built the thought of making a mistake into our equation of life. That way you expect it, and you won’t be surprised.  It’s part of life. BUT it sure helps if you put the odds on your side to make as few mistakes as possible!!!! 

It appears that some parts of our lives are just cattywampus, at least to me they seem that way. I read in the paper of Camilo Villegas’ recent life story which was just that. He is a professional golfer who has had success until the last several years when his game and personal life went south. Then by a complete accident (i.e. maybe and maybe not), he met a sorta kinda strange caddy and he changed his game and he is now once again having success.  Camilo said this—"Life is interesting, it goes up and down both on the personal side and on the profession side. Just got to keep a path and you’ve got to keep your mind where it needs to be.” In the last year I have experienced this cattywampus experience by meeting Jeanne. Yes, I have. I went from years of being in a funk to joy. Some folks have called our meeting a God sent, others have called it a God wink and some, maybe, have called it happenstance. We call it, a God blessing. Why did it happen, I don’t really know.  JimMyFriend says to me—erv, happenstance, na, I don’t think soooo. I didn’t know if I could ever love again or be loved again, but I can.

I saw this on the back window of a car. The saying could be taken two ways, I think. Which way did you take it.  Do you think how you interpreted it has anything to do with your past environment or current environment?  I think soooo.  If sooo, that means, what we put in, comes out! Saturday question—Soooo where does the impute that we put in our minds come from? MissPerfect says—Could it be that our minds are cattywampus at times? Huh, interesting.

When I listen to our government talk, I’m totally bumfuzzled!  I don’t think they even know what they are talking about sometimes. Some folks think we are going amuck but not all folks. It’s a mess to some folks. How are we ever going to get out of this mess they say. Of course, maybe some folks don’t think we are in a mess, they just love the way it’s going (i.e. it's right up their alley). There sure are some differences of opinions the way it looks to me. It’s probably always been that way; you think soooo? That is what I thought you would think, no surprise there. And it seems like many folks from other countries don’t like Americans, but many want to come here. Soooo why is that anyway? It seems tops-turvy to me. But then what do I know, I’m just a little ol’ farm boy from a mile and quarter south of Roseland, MN.

A very smart friend always says to me—erv, have PPP (i.e. proper prior planning).  Not a bad idea I think, could be, maybe, possibly. A wild boar was sharpening his tusks against a tree when a fox came by and asked him why he was doing this. “I don’t see the reason,” remarked the fox, “there are neither hunters nor hounds in sight; in fact right now, I can’t see any threat at all.” The boar replied, “True, but when danger does arise, I’ll have other things on my mind than sharpening my weapons.” (Source: Aesop’s Fables.) Soooo a person’s response was--In times of peace, prepare for war. In times of prosperity, prepare for adversity. In times of health, prepare for ill health and disease. ItchieBitchie says—Personally, I like to operate by the seat of my pants! And if it doesn’t work out, I complain to the government, and they will bail me out; they always do! Soooo why do I want to use PPP!

I’m confused here folks! The 55+ community here where I winter in AZ has about 990 units of tin huts, there are about only 5 units for sale currently. Usually the nutrition rate is about 10% which would mean there should be about 99 for sale in a year. Folks move, get old, die, or get sick or something. Not this year. What is going on. I asked a real estate person why and they said—It is a desirable place to live/winter at an affordable price. That is what they said. Betty Lou said to me—I just think there is a lot of old folks with a lot of money and want to enjoy life before it all goes to…in a hand basket! Well, let’s go play some pickleball in our gated 55+ community!

And the conclusion of the matter according to AverageJoe is—You might have more questions after reading this “It’s Saturday” than you had before; you think you were just feed a bunch of crap; think you have heard all of it before; I will never do any of that stuff unless there’s a lot of money to get; and frankly, no one cares anymore as many just care about themselves. AverageJoe, I think there are many really good folks in this world, I do. I think they really care but it seems sooooo hard to accomplish what they think is good. It’s a tough battle I think, maybe, could be, possibly! Saturday question—Are the good folks the minority or the majority.

Flip the pancake. I went to a production by Jeff Wiegand who reprised Teddy Roosevelt. It was very good I thought. He acted like Teddy, talked like him and looked like him. He talked for about an hour and a half. I like many things about President Roosevelt. Most of us know about the President's saying; Walk softly but carry a big stick meaning don’t talk but do something. After Jeff was done with his presentation, he entertained questions. One question was--How you as President Roosevelt think about our current quagmire that America is in.  The President responded—I don’t think we really have a quagmire; the vast majority of Americans are good people who want good for our country; they are just like you folks. The problem we have is the over attention that the minority groups get by the news media. Problems sell news and make money soooo they stir the pot to make controversy. They don’t talk about what the vast majority of Americans think and want; the majority of people are not represented properly. Huh, interesting.

Have you ever been dumbfounded? Like you say—This is just really crazy, I can’t believe it! How can this be? What is going on here anyway! Is this really happening to me!  Of course, you can think about something that is very positive or something very negative; which way did you take it? Now that is interesting! You folks are interesting alright! Brenda, anybody can be a Brenda says--No matter what we feel we deserve from others, we can’t bend too low in caring for them. Service doesn’t demean one’s dignity; rather, as Jesus shows, it defines it.” That might sound cattywampus to us at times. What do you think? That is what I thought. Such is life!

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean said—An unusual amount of common sense is sometimes called wisdom.

November 25, 2023


The first decision you have to make is if you want to waste any calories reading this “It’s Saturday"? The second decision you have to make is do you have any built-up calories to waste? And your answers are?

No, the “William Tell Overture” (the theme music for the 1950s TV show, The Lone Ranger) was not written by a musician named William Tell. It is the overture, or prelude, to Guillaume Tell (William Tell), an opera in four acts by Gioacchino Rossini, first performed in Paris in 1829. An overture, or prelude, is an introduction. It precedes that which it introduces, and while important, it is less important than that which it precedes. Tonto said--Soooo put that in your pipe and smoke it.

The Lone Ranger and Tonto were camping in the wilderness. After they got their tent set up, both men fell sound asleep. Some hours later, Tonto wakes the Lone Ranger and says,"'Kemo Sabe, look towards sky, what you see?" The Lone Ranger replies, "I see millions of stars." "What that tell you?" asked Tonto. The Lone Ranger ponders for a minute then says, "Astronomically-speaking, it tells me there are millions of galaxies and potentially billions of planets. Astrologically, it tells me that Saturn is in Leo. Time-wise, it appears to be approximately a quarter past three in the morning. Theologically, the Lord is all-powerful and we are small and insignificant. Meteorologically, it seems we will have a beautiful day tomorrow. What does it tell you, Tonto?" "You dumber than buffalo... It mean someone stole tent."

This is how I answered the question which Heather asked of me for Storyworth  :Dad, Which fads did you embrace growing up? It was maybe 1961 and I was a sophomore in high school at good ol’ Danube High. A group of senior boys wore Levi blue jeans to school. It was a no no? And especially since they wore engineer boots and white shirts with their collars standing up. They were sent home for the day! BUT the fad of wearing Levi blue jeans made its way into acceptable clothing. I bought right into it. I liked it and wore them right away. You remember the Levies with the rivets holding the jeans together and metal buttons in the flies instead of zippers. It was easy for me as these were the jeans I wore on the farm doing work a mile and a quarter south of Roseland, MN. My Mom, Anna, just washed them up getting the dirt and manure off the best she could; good enough for me! And I still like to wear them. I just bought a new pair of Levi 501s on Amazon on their October blast at half price. I’m a pretty simple guy!  Well folks, this wearing blue jeans fad was just the prelude of what was coming!!!! haha

When at good old Northwestern College, Oli Watamaker, was in the next room of the dorm. He was an Afro-American; I think from New Jersey. He was there to play football. I called him “scantback” as he was rather a slender, little guy and could really run like a gazelle. He loved it! He was very superstitious and excitable (i.e. I could pull pranks on him and really get him scared; his eyes got as big as golf balls).  We weren’t necessarily good friends, but we did enjoy each other. Well, at semester, he quit school and was going back home. He came into my room one night with a pair of jeans, Levis 501s; a pair of his jeans.  He told me that he wanted me to have them as a memory of him. I wore them for a couple of years.

There is a saying--When you choose to collect experiences rather than things, you never ever run out of storage space. I like some stuff but not too much. I like experiences and relationships much more than stuff. But that is just me. Some of you prefer stuff more than experiences and relationships.  Aren’t we all different. Sooo is there a difference between a collector and hoarder?  Do we really need all the stuff that we haven’t used, or even looked at for 10 years or even worn for 10 years or do we need 10 of everything?  Is this a prelude to our future? I was at a car dealer getting some regular maintenance on my vehicle and was in the waiting area.  I went and sat in a chair where I could see the traffic flow and action in the show room. I had to look over a lady who was about four feet from me in a chair. I said to her—I’m not looking at you but at the activity going on behind you—it’s ok even if you were looking at me as I don’t care anymore at my age!  We both had a good laugh.  Sooooo some stuff do change with age I guess!

Theladydownthestreet I see has lost a lot of weight.  I noticed but wasn’t really looking at her. How could I not notice.  MrssPerfect says—It’s an easy formula, change your eating habits a.k.a. a lifestyle change (i.e. reduce calorie intake) and exercise continuously equals less weight.  Ladydownthestreet, congratulations, you look great! Saturday question—Do folks learn lifestyles from their parents? My Daddy, Chester, would say to me—erv, the best discipline is self-discipline!

When eating my oatmeal with half a banana on it, I read what Kate, anybody can be a Kate, wrote—"In our deepest place, we want to be known not for our beauty, which will fade with age, but for our heart. Within our hearts lie the intangible, beautiful gems that we call ‘fruit of the Spirit,’ the beauties of love, kindness, faithfulness, and so on (Gal. 5:22-23). In your living, be known for your beautiful heart, the thing that matters most.” Some folks really have kind hearts and some not soooo much!

Here today, gone tomorrow! Why are we soooo surprised that things change? As my mentor would say to me—erv, this too shall pass! Nuttin stays great forever and nuttin stays bad forever! Expect it! If I put myself in a good position, it appears that the odds of good stuff happening to me are much better than if I put myself in a bad position. Da! Maybe that is a prelude to my future. What do you think? That is what I thought. Soooo I need to think about what are the good positions and what are the bad positions maybe. How do I decide? It appears that it really helps being wise and where do I get wisdom? WorldClassLarry says—erv, just look around, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out.

Saturday question—What is your moral compass? How did you decide what the direction is of your moral compass? Do you stick to your moral compass direction? I’m guessing that your moral compass directs how you live your life (i.e. at least most of the time unless huge massive money is involved, haha). I assume your moral compass will be a prelude to how you live the rest of your life. ItchieBitchie says—My moral compass is whatever the direction the wind is blowing! It works for me, sooo far anyway! C’mon erv, it’s all about the power and the money, ain’t it!

MissPerfect says--If I am not good to myself, how can I expect anyone else to be good to me? Saturday questions—Are you good to yourself? What does it mean to be good to yourself? When in Branson, a lady at the front desk asked us our ages as she had a benefit for us if we qualified.  She said we didn’t qualify as we were too old. Usually, I didn’t qualify for stuff because I was not old enough but now I don’t qualify because I’m toooo old. We had such a good laugh! A guy can’t win for losing! I think it’s just a prelude folks!

TonyThePhonyBaloney—You can camouflage aging a little, but you can’t stop it. The writer of Ecclesiastes describes aging in a grim, poetic fashion. He labels old age as ‘the days of trouble.’ Google says most folks start aging in their 40s and 50s and then it’s downhill from there (i.e. it’s just the prelude and then the real book starts). The prime physical age for athletes is between 25 and 35. Us old folks think in our heads we are still in our prime, but we aren’t (i.e. we still think we are 20 years old) and then we get hurt and we wonder why. It’s only in our heads). BUT love (i.e. especially unconditional love) is the same at all ages, it is what it is. That’s my opinion, anyway I think soooo, maybe, could be! Possibly. CrazyMarvin says—C’mon erv, no human can have unconditional love!  We are all self-centered and care mostly about ourselves (i.e. pretty egotistical we are). Wake up erv! Don’t be soooo naïve! Listen CrazyMarvin, it seems to me that the great ones are the humbler folks.

It's a prelude usually. If it walks like a duck and it quacks like a duck, it's a duck! Great folks and jerks are in all occupations, in all parts of the world, in different income levels, have different levels of education. etc. I have played a lot of picklelball in many different venues and at different skill levels. I think I have had the most fun when folks are kind, have sportsmanship, interested in friendships, and are courteous.  BUT there are always jerks, always! Suggestion to you teachers, coaches, administrators of pickleball—Teach those qualities just as much as skills; it will make everyone have a much better experience including your clubs, resorts, and even yourself.  And if any of you are really courageous, tell the jerks they are jerks as they usually don’t know it.  Yikes! CoachSpotty says—Not me, those jerks will think I’m the jerk and eat me alive (i.e. jerks don’t even like to be around other jerks)! SweetJane says--I elect just not to be around them! That seems to work!

A friend says--When the gonger gongs it’s over folks! The opposite of prelude is the postscript. Like our legacy. We all leave a legacy if we think we will or not. I continue to believe that the biggest part of our legacy is how folks remember how we treated them and not by what we worldly accomplish but then some of you might think differently than me. Your friends, family, and acquaintances know who you were, don’t kid yourself.  Do you ever get personally attached to a trophy of your past? That trophy could be many things that you admire about yourself and have accomplished. We might have them on our shelf on display or just in our heads. What do you think will happen to those trophies when we die?  For the most part, they are going in the dumpster as no one really cares about the bowling trophies that we won in 1985. OldManBill says--Now that is hitting the nail on the head; I already see that in my increasing age!

I’m pretty much packed up and ready to head down to the Valley of the Sun and to live again in my “little tin hut.” This is just a prelude of my anticipation of an exciting winter! Oh yes!  Can’t wait; this will be a new and different and adventurous and exciting year. Oh ya! “The price of anything is the amount of life you exchange for it.”—Henry David Thoreau

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean said--Never let yesterday use up today.

November 18, 2023

parasitic draw

When in Branson on Halloween night, a comedian told this story.  He said—We have a world class magician in Branson who is sooo good that he can make Thanksgiving disappear.  After the last trick and treater leaves the last door, he makes Thanksgiving disappear and the Christmas lights come on and there is no Thanksgiving. All the shows turn into Christmas shows tomorrow!  Thanksgiving doesn’t make anyone any money, but Christmas is a big money maker. It’s all about the money! I really like Thanksgiving! Yes I do. At our small group, I was reminded once again to never forget my blessings of the past, never never never; always be thankful for them!

WARNING! This “It’s Saturday” is mostly off-the-cuff remarks soooo take that into consideration when reading it. You get what you pay for! Many of you folks like “free” soooo that is the quality you get!  Such is life.

The battery in a friend’s fishing vehicle would be dead each morning. Something was draining the juice, but he didn’t know what. He had to put a trickle charger on it all the time. Sooooo he did a lot of testing but couldn’t figure it out soooo he called a friend who is an expert. His friend asked if he had something in the cigarette lighter and he did, his phone charger, but said he didn’t use it all the time; that is the number one drainer he said. The expert then said—In the auto fixing business, this is called a parasitic draw. That wasn’t it. Soooo he figured it out that it was his radio soooo he removed the fuse and got rid of the parasitic draw a.k.a. the sucker. Bingo, that did it, got rid of the culprit. His life is a lot better!

Nancy, anybody can be a Nancy, says—"When the Bible says we’re sheep, it’s not a compliment. Sheep are helpless and dumb. They get confused and lost: ‘We all, like sheep, have gone astray’ (Isaiah 53:6 NIV).” I hope none of us are a parasitic draw, but we might be at times. Who what me! Baa baa baa!

There’s an old story about a preacher who showed up early for a speaking engagement. Looking around, he noticed a moneybox on the wall. He made a five-dollar contribution to it, thinking it was for the poor. After the service, his host walked him to the door and took the money from the box. “This is where our people contribute to the visiting preacher,” said the man, “and you’ve done better than most. Look, here’s a five-dollar bill.” Later the man told the story to his family. “Dad,” observed his son, “if you had put more into it, you would have gotten more out of it!” My opinion folks is that if we put more love into others, we will get a lot more love out of life. That’s just my opinion folks. CadillacJack says--Don’t be a parasitic draw, be a giver, that makes life way better for everyone!

SusieQ says--I hate it when people act all intellectual and talk about Mozart, when they've never even seen one of his paintings.  A friend told me recently that he has some “sandpaper folks” in his life that just rub him wrong! They are very egotistical and think they know all the answers. Do you know any “sandpaper folks?” Those “sandpaper folks” are a good example of a parasitic draw, I think! Have you ever been egged-on? Maybe really teased into doing something that is not right or isn’t really you but do it to look good. Those eggeroners are not good folks to be around a.k.a. parasitic draws.  ItchieBitchie says—Be careful who you are around. Don’t jump off the bridge just because others do, that’s my opinion. TomSmart says—Don’t do the easy thing to get attention or be popular but do the right thing! Saturday question—Have you ever done something stupid that you wish you would not have done?  Driver:  "What am I supposed to do with this speeding ticket?"  Officer, "Keep it. When you collect four of them, you get a bicycle.

A friend’s grandson was bow hunting for deer on his farm but didn’t get one. In a few minutes he found a picture on social media of a guy who shot a big buck. He put his face on this pic and sent it to his mother.  She was soooo excited for him until he told her it was a fake. I see advertised on TV the new iPhones that can alter a photo about anyway you want.  I had breakfast with a friend who is a professional photographer and asked him about this. He said they can remove double chins, reduce weight, tint hair, increase cleavage, remove zits, change eye color etc., pretty much whatever folks want. A friend told me that pictures aren’t allowed as evidence in court anymore soooo I asked him about that. Yep, they can be altered soooo perfectly that it cannot be determined if altered. Soooo there you go again, a person can’t believe anything anymore, more phony stuff. Now that is a parasitic draw! JoeBlow who can sound like a resounding gong, says-- From the beginning of time, humans have had difficulty discerning what is beautiful and valuable from what is ugly and worthless.

Flip the pancake!  I am around folks (i.e. some are some of you folks) who are just a joy to be around. You just make the world happy! What a pleasure you are.  You uplift me! Ring my bell! You make me feel good! And others not soooo much! Ouchy ouchy! You great folks are the opposite of a parasitic draw, I think! Oscar Wild said—Some people cause happiness wherever they go and others cause happiness whenever they go. An old college friend who I played basketball with became a coach and AD of a college and still does some work at the college (i.e. he says he cleans the gym floor every morning). This year he has a college student (i.e. his work study job) that helps him who is a tall lanky kid with a huge bushy hair style.  He works his butt off scrubbing and scrapping the floor and is just a joy to be around. After some time, they got to know each other, and he found out he was a star on the basketball team (i.e. completely humble and unpretentious). Bingo! BettyLou says—"Let us be quicker to praise than find fault. Let us be quicker to thank others.” I agree BettyLou and may I suggest that we give thanks to God Almighty! For those who don’t believe in God, who do they give thanks to at Thanksgiving? Maybe their Master Charge card!

De-clutter! Toooo much stuff makes us run low on energy a.k.a. a parasitic draw. RickyRick says--Your faith journey is a long one. Too many people start off strong but putter out before the end. God wants you to go the distance.” Maybe get rid of some of the stuff that is a parasitic draw (i.e. drains the life out of us; like useless stuff).  What do you think? That is what I thought. Most employment, employees are working for someone or some company.  Management has the right to terminate our job for many reasons. BUT all of us are unpinkable as to being terminated in how we live our life a.k.a. how we treat others, our morals, our actions, our faith etc.).  I believe that a great part of happiness in life is determined by us. Well, it could be, maybe! But I don’t know for sure! Possibly! WildWillie from north Butler Co. says—For me, I think money is the answer; man, do I like money; I’ll almost do anything for more money!

Jane, anybody can be a Jane, says--Things Aren’t Always What They Seem! Or it could be said as we heard in the  performance of Queen Ester, God works in crazy ways! Or as I read, God turns setbacks into comebacks (e.g. I just burned 1,200 calories; I forgot the pizza in the oven). Or someone said somewhere at sometime (i.e. but I can’t remember who or where or when)—You cheat yourself if you don’t do the right thing.

Flip the pancake of parasitic draw for a second please!  In our lives we have or had folks who are our heroes, folks who we admire and would kinda sorta want to be like. Saturday question—Who are some of your heroes? Well, one of my heroes is Bobby Jones. I just read this about him, and it depicts who he was. I would like to be like him, yes I would. “The unassuming, respectful way in which Bobby Jones treated others set him apart as a true sportsman and gentleman.” Now that’s a person who is not a parasitic draw, my opinion! My Mom, Anna, was a Bobby Jones! Yes she was. I like to be around Bobby Jones type of folks. Many of you are Bobby Jones, I think.

Recalculating your route! Olson, anybody can be an Olson, says—"Disappointment comes when we can’t get something we think we need or want. And while that is natural a.k.a. human, it’s also an opportunity to ask: ‘What am I really living for?’” My opinion, how we answer that question pretty much says who we are.  Saturday question—What are you thankful for?  CrazyMarvin says—I have soooo much stuff that I’m thankful for that I don’t know where to begin. The problem is most of my stuff is on payments and the stuff is depreciating in value! Ouchy ouchy!

CoachB says—Maybe ask ourselves, “why me” to all the good stuff that has happened to us (i.e. be thankful).  Have we ever shared with someone all the good stuff that has happened to us?  Yes, we must have a very good friend to do that with or some folks will think we are bragging about ourselves. And many folks don’t have such a friend maybe. I guess we can be positive or negative.  As my deceased friend, Paul, told me—erv, decisions have consequences and guess who gets to make the decisions.

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean said—If you get something for a song, watch out for the accompaniment.

P.S. I heard a gal say to another gal this week--I'm smarter than you look! The other gal didn't know what to say!