When in Branson on Halloween night, a comedian told this
story. He said—We have a world class magician
in Branson who is sooo good that he can make Thanksgiving disappear. After the last trick and treater leaves the
last door, he makes Thanksgiving disappear and the Christmas lights come on and
there is no Thanksgiving. All the shows turn into Christmas shows tomorrow! Thanksgiving doesn’t make anyone any
money, but Christmas is a big money maker. It’s all about the money! I really
like Thanksgiving! Yes I do. At our small group, I was reminded once again to
never forget my blessings of the past, never never never; always be thankful
for them!
WARNING! This “It’s Saturday” is mostly off-the-cuff remarks
soooo take that into consideration when reading it. You get what you pay for!
Many of you folks like “free” soooo that is the quality you get! Such is life.
The battery in a friend’s fishing vehicle would be dead each
morning. Something was draining the juice, but he didn’t know what. He had to put
a trickle charger on it all the time. Sooooo he did a lot of testing but couldn’t
figure it out soooo he called a friend who is an expert. His friend asked if he
had something in the cigarette lighter and he did, his phone charger, but said
he didn’t use it all the time; that is the number one drainer he said. The
expert then said—In the auto fixing business, this is called a parasitic draw. That
wasn’t it. Soooo he figured it out that it was his radio soooo he removed the
fuse and got rid of the parasitic draw a.k.a. the sucker. Bingo, that did it, got rid of the culprit.
His life is a lot better!
Nancy, anybody can be a Nancy, says—"When the Bible says
we’re sheep, it’s not a compliment. Sheep are helpless and dumb. They get
confused and lost: ‘We all, like sheep, have gone astray’ (Isaiah 53:6 NIV).” I
hope none of us are a parasitic draw, but we might be at times. Who what me! Baa baa baa!

There’s an old story about a
preacher who showed up early for a speaking engagement. Looking around, he
noticed a moneybox on the wall. He made a five-dollar contribution to it,
thinking it was for the poor. After the service, his host walked him to the door
and took the money from the box. “This is where our people contribute to the
visiting preacher,” said the man, “and you’ve done better than most. Look,
here’s a five-dollar bill.” Later the man told the story to his family. “Dad,”
observed his son, “if you had put more into it, you would have gotten more out
of it!” My opinion folks is that if we put more love into others, we will get a
lot more love out of life. That’s just my opinion folks. CadillacJack says--Don’t
be a parasitic draw, be a giver, that makes life way better for everyone!
SusieQ says--I hate it when people act all intellectual and
talk about Mozart, when they've never even seen one of his paintings. A friend told me recently that he has some “sandpaper
folks” in his life that just rub him wrong! They are very egotistical and think
they know all the answers. Do you know any “sandpaper folks?” Those “sandpaper
folks” are a good example of a parasitic draw, I think! Have you ever been
egged-on? Maybe really teased into doing something that is not right or isn’t
really you but do it to look good. Those eggeroners are not good folks to be
around a.k.a. parasitic draws.
ItchieBitchie says—Be careful who you are around. Don’t jump off the
bridge just because others do, that’s my opinion. TomSmart says—Don’t do the
easy thing to get attention or be popular but do the right thing! Saturday
question—Have you ever done something stupid that you wish you would not have
done? Driver: "What am I supposed to do with this speeding
ticket?" Officer, "Keep it. When you collect four of them, you
get a bicycle.
A friend’s grandson was bow hunting for deer on his farm but
didn’t get one. In a few minutes he found a picture on social media of a guy
who shot a big buck. He put his face on this pic and sent it to his
mother. She was soooo excited for him
until he told her it was a fake. I see advertised on TV the new iPhones that
can alter a photo about anyway you want.
I had breakfast with a friend who is a professional photographer and
asked him about this. He said they can remove double chins, reduce weight, tint
hair, increase cleavage, remove zits, change eye color etc., pretty much whatever
folks want. A friend told me that pictures aren’t allowed as evidence in court
anymore soooo I asked him about that. Yep, they can be altered soooo perfectly
that it cannot be determined if altered. Soooo there you go again, a person can’t
believe anything anymore, more phony stuff. Now that is a parasitic draw!
JoeBlow who can sound like a resounding gong, says-- From the beginning of
time, humans have had difficulty discerning what is beautiful and valuable from
what is ugly and worthless.

Flip the pancake!
I am around folks (i.e. some are some of you
folks) who are just a joy to be around. You just make the world happy! What a
pleasure you are.
You uplift me! Ring my
bell! You make me feel good! And others not soooo much! Ouchy ouchy! You great
folks are the opposite of a parasitic draw, I think! Oscar Wild said—Some
people cause happiness wherever they go and others cause happiness whenever
they go. An old college friend who I played basketball with became a coach and
AD of a college and still does some work at the college (i.e. he says he cleans
the gym floor every morning). This year he has a college student (i.e. his work
study job) that helps him who is a tall lanky kid with a huge bushy hair
He works his butt off scrubbing
and scrapping the floor and is just a joy to be around. After some time, they got
to know each other, and he found out he was a star on the basketball team (i.e.
completely humble and unpretentious). Bingo! BettyLou says—"Let us be
quicker to praise than find fault. Let us be quicker to thank others.” I agree
BettyLou and may I suggest that we give thanks to God Almighty! For those who
don’t believe in God, who do they give thanks to at Thanksgiving? Maybe their
Master Charge card!
De-clutter! Toooo much stuff makes
us run low on energy a.k.a. a parasitic draw. RickyRick says--Your faith
journey is a long one. Too many people start off strong but putter out before
the end.
God wants you to go the distance.” Maybe get rid of some
of the stuff that is a parasitic draw (i.e. drains the life out of us; like
useless stuff).
What do you think? That
is what I thought. Most employment, employees are working for someone or some
Management has the right to terminate
our job for many reasons. BUT all of us are unpinkable as to being terminated
in how we live our life a.k.a. how we treat others, our morals, our actions,
our faith etc.).
I believe that a great
part of happiness in life is determined by us. Well, it could be, maybe! But I
don’t know for sure! Possibly! WildWillie from north Butler Co. says—For me, I
think money is the answer; man, do I like money; I’ll almost do anything for
more money!
Jane, anybody can be a Jane, says--Things Aren’t Always What
They Seem! Or it could be said as we heard in the performance of Queen Ester, God works in crazy
ways! Or as I read, God turns setbacks into comebacks (e.g. I just burned 1,200 calories; I forgot
the pizza in the oven). Or someone said somewhere at sometime (i.e. but I can’t
remember who or where or when)—You cheat yourself if you don’t do the right
Flip the pancake of parasitic draw for a second please!
In our lives we have or had folks who are our
heroes, folks who we admire and would kinda sorta want to be like. Saturday
question—Who are some of your heroes? Well, one of my heroes is Bobby Jones. I
just read this about him, and it depicts who he was. I would like to be like
him, yes I would. “The unassuming, respectful way in which Bobby Jones treated
others set him apart as a true sportsman and gentleman.” Now that’s a person
who is not a parasitic draw, my opinion! My Mom, Anna, was a Bobby Jones! Yes
she was. I like to be around Bobby Jones type of folks. Many of you are Bobby
Jones, I think.
Recalculating your route! Olson, anybody can be an Olson,
says—"Disappointment comes when we can’t get something we think we need or
want. And while that is natural a.k.a. human, it’s also an opportunity to ask: ‘What
am I really living for?’” My opinion, how we answer that question pretty much
says who we are. Saturday question—What
are you thankful for? CrazyMarvin says—I
have soooo much stuff that I’m thankful for that I don’t know where to begin.
The problem is most of my stuff is on payments and the stuff is depreciating in
value! Ouchy ouchy!
CoachB says—Maybe ask ourselves, “why
me” to all the good stuff that has happened to us (i.e. be thankful).
Have we ever shared with someone all the good
stuff that has happened to us?
Yes, we
must have a very good friend to do that with or some folks will think we are
bragging about ourselves. And many folks don’t have such a friend maybe. I
guess we can be positive or negative.
my deceased friend, Paul, told me—
erv, decisions have consequences and guess
who gets to make the decisions.
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean said—If you get something for a song, watch out
for the accompaniment.
P.S. I heard a gal say to another gal this week--I'm smarter than you look! The other gal didn't know what to say!
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