No spoofing here folks. Some folks live “up to their billing”
as advertised on the advertising slick tacked to the pole! No phoniness or faking, they are the real
deal as advertised. What you see is what
you get. For me, that is soooo refreshing when folks are who they are. You don’t have to peel back five layers of
veneer to get to the real person that they really are. These types of folks are
special let me tell ya. My opinion anyway. They ring my bells.
You might not agree with the saying but I do.
I guess we all have the freedom to believe
what we want.
And guess who gets to make
that decision?
You are right, the person
in the mirror!
That’s you, the AverageJoes
and the average Marys! Here is an idea told by Karen, anybody can be a Karen, as to how to become great--"W
e allow God’s Spirit to make us into compassionate, kind, humble, meek, patient, forgiving, and loving people." Of course, we all have a decision if we want to believe that or not! And if those are qualities that we think make us great! The world says--Greatness is how much money and power we have! Wow! Now there is a difference in those two!
My opinion, we need to start and then stick
with it if we really want to change. Both to start and to stick with it are not
always easy.
It’s quite often much
easier to kick the same can down the same street and call it good! Yikes! I
read this while eating my oatmeal with half a banana on it--For a seed to
sprout, it must lose its protective covering, break apart, and disintegrate
into the earth. Only after this ‘death’ will it grow into a productive plant. A
seed that refuses to die will never become a plant. So it is with our
lives—death must come before resurrection. We must die to living only for our
own desires. Only then can we be born into new life.” Soooo what do you think
of that?
That is what I thought.
I knew a person some time ago who seemed to be a nice and
good person.
I then started to wonder
about this person as I saw the friends and acquaintances they hung around
I was quite amazed, and I changed
my opinion about them. I shied away from this person. Their friends were not
the type of folks I wanted to associate with. Sooooo I asked a friend what they
thought and they had the same feeling. Soooo if I think that way and my friend thinks
that way than others think that way toooo; we ain’t the only two that are that
smart! haha
Something stunk, they maybe
didn’t live up to the billing that they were trying to show (i.e. maybe fakey).
GeorgeTheCrook asks—Is that person called a hypocrite?
I seem to continuously forget what God has done for me.
I seem to just forget!
How can I do that I ask myself! Just think
about the folks who have been part of our lives and helped make us become who we are,
amazing, just amazing.
Happenstance, na,
I don’t think soooo folks.
Are we
thankful for that?
I try to be thankful but
forget many times. Gratitude is just soooo important in our lives, my opinion. Gratitude
makes a good heart which makes a good person, my opinion. That makes us live up
to our life's billing!
And it makes life way more
fun! ItchieBitchie says—Anytime I feel the urge to complain, I am going to say,
“no, instead of doing that, I’m going to practice giving thanks.” Gratitude tastes like a million dollars!
Think about this -- If you live in your own home, are able to
eat full meals & drink clean water, have a mobile phone, can surf the
internet and went to college, you are in a miniscule percentage of the
population and are a highly privileged person this day (This equates to being
in the less than 7% category). Amongst 100 persons in the world - only 8 will
live or exceed the age of 65! If you are already over 65 years old - be
content, grateful and thank God; cherish life, grasp every moment. If you did
not leave this world before the age of 64, like the 92 persons who did pass
before you, you are truly blessed amongst mankind. Take good care of your own
health. Cherish every remaining moment. Soooooo live up to your billing!
There are a lot of billings nailed
to the board but the “top billing” gets the most attention.
No question about it, If you are the top
billing you get the most attention.
SusieQ says—Yabut, the more talent you have, the more responsibility
you also have to perform. Now think about that. There are some folks that put
on a show a.k.a. a great performance but are just that, a performer.
DuaneTheWorm is always performing to self-glorifying himself; let me tell you,
he’s really good at it! The DuaneTheWorms of the world are usually figured out by
others real fast, oh ya!
Do ostriches really bury their heads in
the sand to “hide” from predators—as if closing their eyes will make them
invisible? No—they lay their eggs in the sand and occasionally stick their
heads in to check on and rotate the eggs until they hatch. Even ostriches know
they can’t hide from reality.
goes the dynamite! SusieQ says--When the camera is turned on, some folks are way different folks; I hardly know that they are the same folks. I decided, yes I decided and did it. I deleted my Facebook account. I'm living up to my internal billing that I have. I have been thinking of doing this for some time and a friend actually influenced me and helped me decide. I like this person's independent thinking a.k.a. confidence about who they are and what they think. WorldClassLarry says--
We learn to live within margins and without anxiety (i.e. the disciplines of silence and solitude). Henry Ford said--You can't build a reputation on what your are going to do! Soooo there you go!
Our CO granddaughter, Erin, was in their hs color guard that got 1st in state competition. She was a flag twirler. Next year she is trying out to be a gun twirler. It just amazes me how those gun twirlers can synergize throwing and spinning those guns. This activity seems to have been a good experience for her. It seems like it has matured her poise, independent thinking and her confidence. It would be neat that all kids could have such an experience a.k.a. help develop their internal billing. Doesn't she look like a typical freshman.
The vignette of the day! Sooooo, recently I went for a walk in my 55+ park in AZ one morning and had a long talk with a pb friend’s
wife. She told me that when her husband
died, she started walking with a neighbor guy whose wife also died (i.e. my
friend). He asked me to go to a dinner
theater and said it was not a date, but they were just going out as friends. 30
days later he asked me to marry him, and I did (i.e. that might be called
engineering the relationship). His kids were not happy with that. They said—Dad, if we would have done that you
would not be happy with us. He said—But
you aren’t 56 either. That was 20 years ago. Sooooo there you go!

A friend said to me—I was just waiting for the right
moment. Oh, just waiting for the right
moment to talk and tell others what they wanted to tell. It appears that the
right moment is very important when maximizing the effectiveness of what you
want to express. Sometimes it just isn’t
the right moment, and we force it (i.e. doesn’t seem to work very well). Soooo how do we know when it is just the
right moment? Maybe it’s the right moment when others ask you about what you
want to talk about. Maybe by hinting around
to see if they really want to hear about what you want to say. If they aren’t interested, then don’t talk
about it. Now that could be. ShowBoatSally
says--But then you don’t get to talk about what you want to talk about!
SillyLucy says—Most folks live up to their human billing by wanting to talk
about themselves and their stuff instead of about you and your stuff! Oh ya! But flip the pancake, the good ones
ask you questions and want to learn about you!
MissPerfect says--When both parties talk, then it is a conversation and
not a lecture! This friend is very good about thinking about others (i.e. she has
great qualities—she is a good one)!
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean said--To get the full value of joy, you must have someone to divide it with.
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