May 6, 2023

making the turn

Yogi said—When you come to the fork in the road, take it!  SusieQ says--Aaaah man!  I never know what to do when I come to the fork, I just don’t know, I just never know, I honestly just don’t know what turn to take! Saturday question--Have you ever came to the fork and made the wrong turn? How about have you made the right turn?

We get to know a lot of folks in our lifetime.  Many we even call friends.  We maybe know about them intellectually (i.e. surface information) but that is about it (i.e. know their profile).  Others we know differently such as family and maybe special friends or spouses. If we really know someone, usually we get to know them intimately like we have feelings of rapport, affection, trust, and love with them. When we do, then we start making the turn! Saturday questions—How many folks do you know intimately? Have you ever had an intimate relationship fall apart?  Why did that happen?

Dr.J told this story—"A parent tells a teenager to be home by 10:30 at night, but the teen comes home at 11:30. The teen heard the instructions audibly, but he didn’t hear them in a way that affected his behavior. His ears received the instructions, but his heart didn’t.” Can any of you relate to that story as a teenager or one of your children as teenagers? At some point most teenagers make the turn; big on the most! I saw this plate on a golf cart in our 55+ AZ park.  It’s kind of fun to be that teenager again, I admit it! Making another turn! Many folks in 55+ parks have a golf cart, not to play golf, but to drive around and talk and go to a happy hour.  Of course, a number of them can’t walk very well anymore.  But they all seem like they can talk, eat, and drink! Such is life.

Karen, anybody can be a Karen says this—"A new spirit I will put within you. (Ezek. 36:26) If you were ever a candidate for cataract surgery, your doctor probably promised that your dull and drab world would be bright and colorful after your surgery. Of course, you couldn’t know that your world was dull and drab until you had the surgery. You had to take that step in order to find a new world.”  I like that statement. That’s being proactive a.k.a. positive. Sooooo the question is, what’s a new spirit and how do I get it? LuckieEddie says—Some folks change (i.e. a noticeable difference), and some folks stay the same.  Why is that? What causes that anyway?

Life makes us turn alright!  Here are a couple of communications from friends:  #1Hard week for me, as we said good-bye to a longtime friend. He had been going downhill for some time, and did not recognize me when I visited him after returning home from Arizona.  Yes, a great friend. ------" Friends are like four leaf clovers, ---- very rare. and hard to find" .   He was an easy guy to relate to when getting to know him, particularly after I learned he had 4 season tickets the Husker football games on the 35-yard line ---our friendship developed and fell into place real quickly.  Funny how that works.”  #2  “2 friends’ husbands have died, 2 Celebration of Life services in 1 week. It sort of makes the big world go away and the importance of family and friends come closer….” 

The turn isn’t always easy to make!  I was talking to a person who is president of a group.  She said to me—erv, it’s really hard to get folks to think from another’s perspective. And maybe it’s hard for all of us to think from another’s perspective.  Now that could be about any subject or belief from politics to religion to money management or anything else. I discovered that I don’t think I have voiced my opinion about controversial stuff much this winter.  I have heard my share but have not said anything or much.  I try to listen. I probably still have my opinions and beliefs but just haven’t shared them.  No one really cares anyway sooo why get all excited.  Basically, what I say is irrelevant. “Better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt.”  Mark Twain

I had a talk with a friend about a team concept.  We both described what we thought a team concept is.  Sooooo what is yours?  We agreed with our definitions.  One concept that we discussed is that members of a team is wanting the best for the team (i.e. like to win) and not just about themselves.  Soooo if you are in a friendship or relationship with someone and are a team player, why wouldn’t you do everything to help the other person and in effect help the team. Why would you want to hurt each other? Good team players do, we decided, complement each other to make the team great! GeorgeTheCrook says—Some folks just aren’t team players. In many sport franchises and in business, and in marriages, they get rid of poor team players. Ouchy ouchy!

On my way home from AZ I stopped at Waukee and to see Charlie perform in her 7th grade musical.  There were maybe 40 7th graders in the musical and maybe 10 stage hands.  They all didn't have the leads; there can only be a couple of lead actors and actresses.  But to have a successful musical there has to be minor participants as well.  That is a team effort.  Charlie had 15 lines and sang in 4 groups.  She had a great experience. 

You ever feel like you are living in a survival mode?  I read that many folks are doing just that. Just trying to live one day more and have no idea about their future.  Live today and the heck with tomorrow (i.e. sounds like our government). Life can pretty hectic for many. LuckieEddie says—Probably many folks don’t know any different. Saturday question—Are you living your life in a survival mode? Sorry to say, I think I have learned this winter that many seniors are just coasting on out! Not enjoying life to the fullest for sure.  They need a change.  Some do want a change, but it is soooo hard to do.  Tooooo bad for many it appears to me. And some get “an unexpected bingo” in their life and their life is enhanced. Maybe we need to ripen up as we make the turn.

FREE OPINION at no cost!  I believe a very good prayer we can pray for anyone that is soooo simple but soooo powerful.  And it is to pray that a person may receive wisdom. Wisdom is soooo powerful and takes care of everything. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take. Don’t be impressed with your own wisdom. Instead, fear the Lord and turn away from evil.” Proverbs 3:5-7. I pray for wisdom a lot; you all know I need it!  The Bible says in James 1:5, “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you,”. Really folks, I don’t know what is best for me or you, I ain’t that smart.  ItchieBitchie says--Yabut erv, I am! ItchieBitchie, maybe, just maybe, if you ask God for wisdom you just might be turning the corner! Wisdom is very all-encompassing! Like a catchall!

I like new experiences! That includes new ideas, new foods, new conversations, new activities, new folks to talk to, new excitement, new refreshing things, new scenery, new food to eat, new opinions, etc.  I realize that most folks like everything the same forever (i.e. don’t change a thing please).  I don’t. I am probably in the minority here.  That comes from a person who has lived in Aplington for 54 years and lived in the same house for 48 years and was married to Arlene for 51 years.  Soooo you can believe either side of me! Crazy huh! AverageJoe asks—erv, which side of your mouth are you talking out of?

I was home in Aplington, IA (i.e. Butler County) for just a few days but now I'm on my way again.  I have been invited by my kid sister and brother-in-law to go with them on a two-week mission trip with World Renew to FL helping the hurricane victims. I am really looking forward to this.  A new event in my life.  It sure beats sitting on the couch and eating chips and self-serving myself. That’s my opinion. Don’t kid yourself, I will self-serve myself later!  I have plans. haha

I was ending my walk when in Morrison, CO one morning last week when I noticed three senior ladies meeting at one of their places and packing a SUV including their bicycles for an outing.  They were all in good physical shape (i.e. were doing more that sitting on the couch eating chips).  I hear folks say all the time, I should do something and get out of my lazy attitude; I have a lot of ideas and plans. Sooooo I ask them, what have you done in the last year--and their answer usually is--NUTTIN! 

Victor Frankel, the famous German psychologist who endured for years in a concentration camp, wrote the book Man’s Search for Meaning (i.e. a book I have read multiple times--I think it's that good--an icon) says this, “ One who is to give light must endure the burn.”

Last call for passenger, BettyOffTheBoat, the door will will close soon! 

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean said--It is better to bite your tongue than to let it bite someone else.


  1. Sometimes those turns in the road require a simple spontaneous decision, and allow us to turn around if the decision was a dead end. Other times, the turn is a wide, long curve during which you gather information, pray for wisdom, enjoy the beauty along the way, deepen your understanding, then eventually come around the curve, headed in a new direction.

  2. Well said Erv! I was one of those ladies that bike and did bodybuilding at age 59! But now it's goodies and TV after work and that's going to change. Goodbye lazy me hello get out there me😁 I'm taking a turn to the right at the fork.
