WorldClassLarry says--If I want to improve my life, I need
to be around energy sources (e.g. thermodynamic sources) that get me going. And what might they be? CoachB says--If we are going to change we need to get to a different level. Suck it up cupcake and let's get going. We're burnin' daylight!
SusieQ says--I probably will need to change some things in
my life like a new energy source (i.e. change is hard it seems). Maybe replace my energy sources that don’t add value to
my life with energy sources that do. Soooo when I went to my hometown church, it
was fun to see my friends of the church. We enjoyed each other’s company again.
I was catching up with a friend and I told him about a new source of energy that
came into my life which is pretty exciting.
He said—erv, this new source of energy gives you hope (i.e. my friend
has good insight, he does). He is exactly right; this new energy source is a great feeling. No
question. LuckieEddie says—erv, you can’t get to where you’re supposed to be by
staying were you are. I read in the paper soooo it must be right what Iowa
Hawkeye Jack Campbell said about himself being drafted in the first round by
the Detroit Lyons--I plan to be the best version of Jack Campbell I can be every
single day. I try to live my life that way. Big on the try!
Richard Blackaby, an author and international speaker, tells
the story about a businessman who expressed frustration that God had been
silent when he sought wisdom about whether to accept an offer for a new job.
This man claimed he had taken the job because he did not hear from God. It
turned out to be a terrible decision. Blackaby said while talking with the
individual, he began asking some probing questions: “What did your wife think
about the job?” “Oh, she never liked the idea,” the businessman
replied. Next, Blackaby asked about whether the man had consulted
with his pastor. “He’s not a business guy, so I ignored him!” he responded.
“Even my son told me not to take the job, but he’s just a kid.” Immediately
recognizing what the problem might be, Blackaby observed, “It sounds like God
spoke several times. You just weren’t listening.”

Coach B says—"Seek
wise counsel and listen to them. You will rarely run into trouble, and you will
rarely run into danger when you get and take advice from a multitude of wise
people. And then take the advice that they give you.” I am potentially
contemplating a major decision. I talked to our children and their spouses in depth
about this and also to some friends. I’m listening to what they think as they
have and will influence my decision. They are wise and see the situation from a
different angle beside being very important to me. TomSmart says--By all means
erv, listen up!
AverageJoe says--Climate
change, sexuality, pandemic, election security, gun rights,
and racial justice are all culture-war buzz words fraught with
baggage. These words divide, and we often can’t even talk to each other about
them. How can we solve our problems when we can’t talk to each other? Lincoln
said—A house divided cannot stand. That statement applies to relationships and
friendships and churches as well. Are my relationships/friendships
divided? Am I compatible with folks that I am close toooo? I hope sooo. I
would guess it’s not much fun when folks aren’t.
ItchieBitchie says--When someone presents opposite points of
view, they may say, ‘On the one hand...’ then say, ‘On the other hand... .’
That is like talking about the pros and cons! I recently visited with a friend
who went to a celebration of faith service for a friend in a church that they used
to attend. She saw a lot of old acquaintances
and friends from years past. She said it was quite fun. A pastor of many years ago spoke. She said he was very well liked when he
served their church. I asked her why.
Well, he admitted that he didn’t know all the answers and actually talked about
both sides of the issue. People could relate to that. They trusted him and they
liked to be around him, I guess. WildWillie says—Usually folks get pretty sick
of folks who always think they know all the answers (i.e. and really don’t). Huh,

Being around other likeminded
folks (i.e. on most things) on the mission trip impacted my
life. These folks are from all over the U.S. and Canada. But if we talk to the
same folks every day about the same stuff and all think the same, we become
stuffy and boring, my opinion. Soooo is it good to be open minded and talk to a
broad range of folks with different opinions who are not just like-minded
folks? I was talking with one likeminded person who told me that she was very
certain that she was right but after much study and thought she changed her
mind. Huh, interesting. Hey listen folks, we are influenced by our past
environment, our current environment and our genetics. Don’t kid yourself!
Study and thought could make a person’s head turn. Saturday question—Have you
ever changed your mind about anything? If you haven’t, I doubt you are very
open-minded (i.e. my opinion). Actually you might be stuck in the mud! Ouchy ouchy!
I have relearned that everyone has different
abilities in solving problems. Way
different! Soooo some are very good and
some are very poor and many in the middle in solving problems. It is a huge massive disadvantage if
we are poor problem solvers. Sooo how can folks become better problem
solvers? There are many ways but some
ability is in our genetics, our past environment and our current
environment. No question. Working with
clients for disaster relief I saw terrible problem solving. That is why they
come to see us; we can gather their information and probably get them a case
manager who will help them make decisions. Literally, many can not do it by
themselves or do a very poor job doing it.
I encourage all of us to be advocates for folks who don’t have good decision-making
abilities (i.e. and maybe we might not have good problems skills either soooo
then we need to point them to someone who does). GeorgeTheCrook says--But many
don’t want help soooo there you go. CoachB says—Most everyone wants change, but
no one wants to be changed. Ouchy ouchy! It appears that many just want to kick the same can
down the same street and call it good. DoingItTheSameWally says--By making the same mistake over and over I at least learn to do one thing well!

I have had the opportunity to be a part of the World Renew
team in helping hurricane victims find some help in trying to get their lives
and property back to some normality the last two weeks (i.e. we are on our way
back today). You might say—wow! that must be depressing. No no just the
It was joyous. I realize that
some of you won’t understand this.
ItchieBitchie says--The world says—Help yourself by making more money,
that is how you find joy! To me helping others was a breath of fresh air (e.g. a friend was
helping take care of her great grandson who is two.
He was sleeping and woke up and came down the
steps and said—"me waked up gg" with a big grin; my friend said it was such a joyous feeling that
money can’t buy). Freshness doesn’t last very long. It disappears pretty fast.
That is why we need to freshen our lives with really good stuff like helping
others (i.e. such a joyous feeling). Dr.J says—"Even our personalities
become spoiled and stale if we don’t continually renew them with fresh joy,
fresh grace, and fresh experiences. We cannot live today on yesterday’s joy. We
can’t borrow from tomorrow’s grace. God gives us day by day a fresh supply of
all we need to remain inwardly renewed. He gives us seasons of refreshing and
daily bread for our soul.”
But we ain’t
going to get this feeling sitting on the couch eating chips let me tell
I told you that I asked to pray with all
my clients that I had the opportunity to work with and they all accepted. Well,
some of them prayed for me and World Renew.
Why? They were soooo appreciative that someone cared about them. They
are very stressed and many feel that no one cares about them. Saturday
question—Have you ever been desperate and had nowhere to turn? Have you ever
been in dire straights? How did you feel? And some of us have never had this
experience soooo we have no idea! Soooo maybe we shouldn't be soooo judgmental.
A team member who is a widow told me--When my husband died 8 years ago I thought maybe I would find another man. Now that 8 years have passed, I don't have a man. Now I'm 8 years older and the odds are becoming less and less as there aren't as many men anymore. And besides, I'm very independent, strong willed and aggressive which many men don't like! This gal is fun, a hoot! LuckieEddie says--Yabut if she is rich, I could put up with her!
Any time we volunteer we need to be flexible and patient and easy going. OneWiseGuy said to me--
erv, there is too much talk and not enough action. And I'm not good at talking about nuttin all the time. He needs to relax and cool his jets. haha That's just the way it works folks. I have found out that most volunteers are aggressive folks and want to get after it (i.e. accomplish something and be useful). But there are some that maybe just are along for the ride maybe just want to eat the donuts. But not in our group! These folks were on a mission! They were all focused! Good folks with good hearts; my kind of folks.
To sum up my experience--Proverbs 31:9 says--Yes, speak up for the poor and helpless, and see that they get justice.
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean said--Judge others as you want to be judged.
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