June 24, 2023

high maintenance

My nephew-in-law says--I signed up for my company's 401k, but I am a little nervous since I have never run that far before.

Serious Chevy owners used toooooo and maybe still doooo, call Fords—Fix Or Repair Daily! Now that is high maintenance! 

Some folks are called high maintenance. Soooo how do you see a person who you call high maintenance? Like they cost a lot to keep happy? Like they need a lot of attention? Like they are needy? Like they can’t do anything on their own? Like a temperamental person? Like an extremely sensitive person? Like a very demanding person? Like a person that causes a lot of problems? Like a person who always complains about everything? ThePersonNorthOfTown says--That sounds like me!

When Jeanne was visiting me we went on a day trip and stopped at a shoe/clothing store that I always do when in this area because I like the owner.  The owner is Matt who is now 85 years old. He has been running his business for 56 years.  I asked if his wife Connie still helps him—no no she has passed away 12 years ago—sorry to hear that—but I have a girlfriend—you going to marry her—no no, it’s not financially possible as she gets a military pension from her late husband and she would lose it if we get married—sooo you sorta kinda get the milk free without buying the cow—there isn’t any milking when you’re 85! Matt has this sign behind his check out!  I bought a cap from him. Mainly ‘cause I just like him. Oh by the way, when folks ask Jeanne back in her home state of WA, how was IA?  She responds--Very corn-y!

A friend told me that one of their daughters is high maintenance ‘cause everything is a drama in her life. Saturday question—Are you a drama queen or a drama king? A friend told me that the junior high years for a girl can produce a lot of drama (i.e. can be difficult years for girls).  Do any of you girls remember those years to have a lot of drama. A friend said she did and can remember them and that has been a lot years ago; and she can still remember them. Sooooo they must have been dramatic for sure. She has empathy for junior high girls (i.e. that empathy is a great quality my friend has). Do you have empathy for others?  Do you share it? Ok, there is a difference between sympathy and empathy. Sympathy is sorrow but you have not experienced it, empathy is when you can relate because you have experienced it. There is a huge massive difference, I think! It’s like folks who wear a big cowboy hat but don’t own any cattle.

A friend asked me to sub for his partner in an Ol’ Goats golf outing recently. We play in a sixsome and two of the others were probation officers.  We quizzed them a little bit as we found their business interesting. They told us that 90% of their time is spent on 30% who are repeat offenders (i.e. they called them high maintenance). I often felt when in business, that I spent why tooooo much time on the high maintenance folks and not near enough time on the really good customers like many of you.  It just didn’t seem right to me.

I can repeat my mistakes and seem to do that sometimes.  You would think I would figure it out wonldtcha.  Maybe when I grow up!  ANYWAY, it is confusing to me that some folks need to be constantly reminded to do something and others don’t; some get it and others don’t. Why is that? Some are high maintenance and others are not. And some never get it and some get it on their own. Crazy ha! Some always think it’s someone else’s fault and never their fault and some take responsibility and don’t do it again. Some understand a concept and others never seem to. Some can see the pig picture and others never do! Is it because of our emotions or our brain?  I really don’t know. What do you think? Some folks need all the facts (i.e. which usually they can never get sooo they can’t make a decision) and others make decisions on their emotions with very few facts. Maybe moderation on both would be good. ItchieBitchie says--Moderation is good in everything except eating green beans and loving each other. Oh, I was golfing with a friend who I call Genius the other day. He said that part of his golf game he continues to do bad and never seems to change it--what's that I asked--my golf ball keeps going where I hit it!

It appears to me that many folks seem to be high maintenance as they seem to pray for themselves a lot (e.g. I want and give me God) and not soooo much about others.  Are those narcissistic types of prayers? Robert Tamasy in his writing of Monday Manna wrote this that inspired me—"More than 40 years ago, I joined the staff of CBMC as editor and then publications director. One of my most enjoyable – and enlightening – responsibilities was to interview and write articles about business and professional leaders dedicated to living out their faith in the workplace. All were unique individuals serving in a vast array of vocational pursuits. But in their pursuit of success, they shared one common practice: They prayed. Most of them did not pray for tangible success or victory over their competitors. They prayed for wisdom and guidance in how to build their businesses. They prayed for their employees. They prayed for God to provide solutions to problems they encountered. Most of all, they prayed that they and their companies would serve as good witnesses for God in their communities (Acts 1:8), as well as effective ambassadors for Jesus Christ with whomever they encountered each day (2 Corinthians 5:20)”.

Have you noticed that anything mechanical as it gets older needs more maintenance (i.e. parts wear out)?  It gets to a point that you hear folks say, I had to trade cars as my old car has become such high maintenance that I couldn’t afford her anymore. Well, when our bodies get older, they seem to need more maintenance to a point that when you ask some old folks what they been up tooooo they reply, going to doctor appointments. Some folks have more after market parts than genuine original parts. But some brands seem to hold up better than others it seems.  AverageJoe says—It’s in the engineering, proper maintenance, luck, and better quality of the original parts; and then there are some that are just plain lemons! Ouchy ouchy! MissPerfect says—I don’t think all body styles are created equal!

It appears to me that givers are usually low maintenance compared to takers who seem to be high maintenance. Saturday question—Why in the world are some folks more giving than others? Is it learned or genetic do you think? I have read that actually wealthy folks are not as big givers as medium income folks or even low income folks (i.e. high income give much less percentage of their income as others).  Why is that do you think. JoeBlow says—I have a lot of money and a thousand dollars isn’t much to me but it is hard to give a thousand dollars; I wasn’t that way when I wasn’t wealthy.  I just don’t understand myself. Maybe JoeBlow, you have become high maintenance with your wants. I don’t know but you sure have a lot more stuff and live more of an expensive life style than you probably did before. It appears that is pretty common. JoeBlow says—Yabut erv, I have a lot of needs like paying for four autos, a camper, a motorcycle, a lake home, a winter home down south, a boat, two horses, a four-wheeler, etc.; they are all costly let me tell you. And have you bought groceries lately?

It seems like some families have a member who is high maintenance because of maybe a lot of reasons. They can really impact some families with time or financial demands.  This can cause conflict between family members. Parents many times will cater to these high maintenance children. Is this good or not soooo good depends on the situation I would guess. It’s a hard call.  ANYWAY, recently I was told of an executor of the estate of their late parents who had several siblings.  He distributed the money of the estate based on need.  One sibling got more than another as they need more money compared to other siblings and some who didn’t need money didn’t get as much money.  What do you think of that?  I never heard of that before. GeorgeTheCrook says—That ain’t fair, that is what I think!  SusieQ says—My parents had their favorite kid and I wasn’t it!  LuckieEddie says—When my Butler County parents who were farmers of German/Dutch descent, passed on, I inherited the family farm (i.e. 240 acres @ $20,000 an acre or $4,8000,000). My sister inherited the family china worth maybe $29 on a good garage sale. She doesn’t think that’s fair. She said it felt like having a root canal done without Novocain! The only thing that’s fair is the Butler County Fair and that’s in June.

Being “over the top” can sorta kinda be an indication of a person who is high maintenance, maybe. Soooo maybe some of you thought I was a little “over the top” in this It’s Saturday. I maybe hurt your feelings.  Sorry if I did.  BUT if the shoe fits, put it on even if it’s a little tight and it hurts!  I had someone this week talk to me that I thought was sorta kinda “over the top.” I just listened. It reminded me of one of our children telling me about their first kid walking for the first time. I made a big deal about it (i.e. maybe a little “over the top”).  They said to me—Dad, they all do it!

This is from a friend who I made in a dementia support group in AZ years ago in response to last week's It's Saturday. Good Morning!   Love that paragraph on attitude! It is so true! I start every morning saying Ps. 118:24--This is the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it.   So, have yourself a good day!🤗 CoachB says--Don't just sit up and take notice; do something about it!

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean says—Blessed are those who can give without remembering and take without forgetting.

June 17, 2023


My nephew-in-law was on a Zoom call last week. He told a joke and nobody laughed.  It turns out he’s not even Remotely funny!

Do you like the feeling that you are a 2nd grade student and someone is your 2nd grade teacher instructing you all the time?  Of course we don’t. Do you like it much better when someone empowers you by telling you to take care of it; you are in charge; you have complete control of all the decisions? I have confidence in you.  LuckieEddie says—It’s a great feeling when someone empowers me; puts complete trust in me in that I can do it. It is very stimulating even though I don’t always like it. When you are empowered you have to deal with the consequences of your decisions. Yikes! But it really makes a person feel good as well. That situation could be a boss, parent, co-worker, neighbor, friend, spouse, business associate, etc.  It gives a person great confidence. Folks really like it.  Think about empowering someone instead of micromanaging a person. It could make a stronger and more powerful relationship.  It doesn’t have to be a huge thing, even something small to start with. It’s a great teaching method. My opinion! And remember what my deceased friend told me—Decisions have consequences; and guess who gets to make the decisions! MissPerfect says—Soooo life is easy, just make good decisions like buy low and sell high! Nuttin tooooo it!

Many folks say, I have no power.  I say bologna tooooo that.  We are just kidding ourselves if we think that.  Folks, we have the muscle brain power, yes we do (i.e. we all have it, yes we do)!  A friend, Harlan, through his writing, wrote this—"We have more choices, options, decisions, and opportunities than ever before in the course of human history. From what we want on our burgers to the composition of our homes, from how we travel to how we take care of the planet. We have the personal power to decide.” Wow! now that is power folks!  Don’t kid yourself! We have the power to make personal decisions, yes, we do. And our decisions will really affect our lives. Yes they will.  Suck it up cupcake and let’s get going! Or as a friend tells me—erv, let’s get going; We’re burning daylight!

SusieQ says—I have the power of doing what I want to do when I want toooo.  BUT I seem to say I will do it today tomorrow someday!  SusieQ, I think the best time to do most things is NOW!  Quite putting it off. Sooo throw those chips away and get your butt off the couch! A friend says he really likes change but you go first!

I have had some breaks in life, some really major breaks.  Maybe not as many of breaks as some of you it appears as it appears that many of you “get all the breaks.” Sooo why is that that you get “all the breaks” and I don’t?  I have no idea!  BUT I do know that I have received a huge massive break this year that will affected my life forever. Bingo! But remember folks—Life ain’t fair, the only thing that is fair is the Butler County Fair and that is in June!

Oh the power of engaging.  Talk is cheap but it takes action for something to happen. I see and hear a lot of talk but not much action by some folks. Some folks are really good at the talk part. They are just fake, full of bologna. A lot of talk talk and more talk (i.e. full of wind). Bill, anybody can be a Bill, says--Can you imagine an aspiring soccer player who read countless books on skill development but never actually practiced? They may know all the proper footwork but never know the feeling of making a pass, scoring a goal, or even stepping on the field. Evangelist and teacher Oswald Chambers wrote, ‘One step forward in obedience is worth years of study about it.’” The organization sponsoring the mission trip I was on a.k.a. World Renewal of the Christian Reformed Church sent me a thank you note along with this sticker.  I like it. Oh, the power of giving someone hope and not just talking about it. Anybody can talk about it and/or send $5.

Soooo my neighbor boys (i.e. three of them maybe ages 10 to 6 who are all boy) were selling lemonade and their mother’s cookies.  I bought a package of cookies from them for $5 and then gave each of them a dollar tip. The youngest boy said to me—It’s only a dollar! Booker T. Washington said, “Success in life is founded upon attention to the small things rather than to the large things; to the everyday things nearest to us rather than to the things that are remote and uncommon.”

The Golden Rule is to treat others as you want to be treated. My mentor used to say to me—erv, the world’s golden rule is, whoever has the most gold rules!  ItchieBitchie says--Oh, there is power in the gold let me tell ya; don’t kid yourself.  I asked a person who is in charge of a division a pretty large company what his biggest challenge is—I have a lot of pressure as when the business shuts down, it cost the company $6,000 each hour. If folks work for a non-profit organization, a little shut down doesn’t mean much but this is a for profit company and it makes a huge massive difference. Money changes the climate a lot if we like it or not! It’s powerful!

We all know how powerful bombs and guns are.  Is war always about power? But we really can’t measure how powerful love is, but we know it is very powerful.  A friend says many folks are going to starve this coming year because of the war going on. He said that is what he reads and understands. I don’t know what he reads, I didn’t ask him. Maybe he’s right and maybe he’s wrong; time will tell.  But common sense tells us that there will be some problems with food production, food purchases and food distribution.  It can’t be any different. Saturday question—Will love be powerful enough to overcome starvation? Saturday question—What does history tell us?

CoachB says—"Hard lessons of life are the things that really teach us (i.e. very powerful). They are sorta kinda tough but they get us where we are to be. Yes, they hurt but are powerful. Sometimes they are lessons we must learn.” I have learned a lot of lessons through tough situations and assume you have toooo.  It ain’t much fun. Saturday question—What is the most powerful lesson you have learned from a hard lesson? I have elected recently not to participate in an invite as it is negative to me; it rives up my engine in a negative way because of a past tough lesson.  It’s best I do not participate as I really don’t want to regurgitate it again.  I see no potential for a positive result and would be spending my wheels and it would affect me negatively again. I have learned my lesson from the hard lesson before.

How about the power of an encouraging word! Rick says—"Today would be a good day for each of us to take the initiative to pass along some pleasant words and encouragement to others. We might not be able to change the environment of the marketplace in general, but we can make a difference where we work and spend many of our waking hours.” I was with a friend recently who did just that to me. You know who you are my friend. Thanksamillion! We all need encouragement. Here is a little encouragement for you--Think about the first person to fly across the Atlantic, ride a rocket to the moon, or go over Niagara Falls in a barrel. They were no doubt nervous, but after assessing the risks, they decided to go for it. 

Dr.J wrote this—"Robert K. Greenleaf, born in 1904, spent four decades working in corporate management for one of America’s largest telecommunications companies. Toward the end of his tenure there, he became disenfranchised with corporate management philosophy. He saw it as a top-down, authoritarian, and power-based approach. So he resigned and founded a non-profit to research the idea of servant leadership. His work planted seeds of change that continue bearing fruit to this day. The style of leadership Greenleaf reacted to—authoritarian, top-down—was the style Jesus identified in His day among Gentile rulers: They “lord it over” and “exercise authority over” their subjects (Mark 10:42). But Jesus demonstrated a different style: He came not to be served by others but to serve those He came to save. Look for ways today to lead by serving. It’s a simple but powerful way to show Jesus to the world.” What do you think of that? That is what I thought!

It appears that everyone has good and bad that comes their way (i.e. I do and have in my past). But the filters we have that let good in or bad in our minds is up to us, my opinion. Our expectations are filtered by us (i.e. it’s how we filter our expectations). That filter is determined by us and is very powered by each one of us.  If we expect good things, we more than likely will get good stuff and if we expect bad things then more than likely we will get bad stuff.  Soooo we have the power to choose. That’s my opinion.

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean says—It is better to bite your tongue than to let it bite someone else.

June 10, 2023

how come

A nephew-in-law told his wife, my niece, to embrace her mistakes.....so she came over and gave him a hug!

Nezahualcoyotl (1402-1472) may have had a difficult name to pronounce, but his name is full of significance. It means ‘Hungry Coyote,’ and this man’s writings show a spiritual hunger. As a poet and ruler in Mexico before the arrival of the Europeans, he wrote, “Truly the gods, which I worship, are idols of stone that do not speak nor feel....Some very power-ful, hidden and unknown god is the creator of the entire universe. He is the only one that can console me in my affliction and help me in such anguish as my heart feels; I want him to be my helper and protection.” Sooo how come this impresses me is that, I think, if we can understand what he said, we can have contentment in our lives or at least some contentment.  What do you think?  That is what I thought.

I am really very content with my life right now. It’s really a great feeling.  You ask “how come erv?”  Well, it’s  a because of a lot of reasons I guess and maybe just the combination of them maybe. But I have a lot of joy in my life recently which sure makes me feel good.  I got pretty much what I need. I’m satisfied. I’m full and it’s a great feeling. It’s when I’m a hungry coyote that everything temps me and that makes me not satisfied. Does this make any sense to you? Soooo now what? Time will tell! Pretty exciting for sure. Is my life prefect? No no! First of all, I really have no idea what a perfect life would be! I'm just a little ol' farm boy from a mile and quarter south of Roseland, MN.

Glenn, anybody can be a Glenn said--“Society is pretty good at churning out cookie-cutter characters. If you follow the pattern, you’ll want what others have, wear clothing approved by society’s elite, and be discontent when nothing you want satisfies. Keeping up with the Joneses could keep you from following the life plan God created just for you.” We had the opportunity to be around a Joel this week. He is a dynamite person who is real and has a good heart, my kind of person (i.e. not a society cookie-cutter character but the real deal). We enjoyed "this Joel" sooooo much. Thanksamillion for sharing your life with us Joel!

If you need an answer to “how come” you need to talk to the right person.  A person who is answering the phone probably has an entry level position and doesn’t know the “ how come.”  They tell you what they were trained to say written in the manual on page 32. You got to talk to a supervisor or a decision maker. I remember once being on a church board when the board was discussing something that was of no importance at all (i.e. maybe what color to paint the men’s bathroom).  They discussed it forever.  I didn’t say anything. They asked me what I thought. I said—I really don’t care.  They got all unhappy with me for not showing an interest or giving my opinion. I asked—Does it really make any difference? Then they really got excited. CadillacJack says—Usually there is one or two folks that make a lot of the noise and the rest are just yes people. CadillacJack, says--Maybe that is why bad decisions are made sometimes. I have dealt with many families where one spouse is a lot better decision maker than the other, sometimes. When they know that and accept that, usually better decisions are made for the family (e.g. like managing the money). That’s my opinion. But the other spouse might not agree! haha

WorldClassLarry asks--What giants are you facing? The giant of peer pressure? Of different ideologies and philosophies fighting for control of your life? What about giants like social injustice, moral deterioration, or crime? Or maybe the giant of fear, joblessness, broken relationships, or family conflict? The little folks many times just get stomped on, that will take care of them, but not the giants in our lives, they are a different breed of cat now aren’t they! They are a little harder to get rid of (e.g. like the neighbors’ dog that barks all the time).  GeorgeTheCrook says—It just takes a little poison; it’s very effective!

I ran into a longtime friend from the church I attend who is locally world famous.  I haven’t seen her since last fall—how’s it going—I fell and dislocated my shoulder in December and then in January I got virago; I heard every dizzy joke there is.  erv, don’t take your health for granted. An old farmer from Butler County said once—Sometimes you get, and sometimes you get got!

Where am I going with my life? Where are you going with your life?  I had  friends tell me recently that they are moving to an area that they wanted to move to for a long time. They are going to do it!  Good for them. They are very excited and a little apprehensive.  But it’s fun for them.  I’m really happy for them. Yes, I am. How come are they doing it now I asked? The opportunity seems to be perfect. Happenstance, na, I don’t think soooo. It seems like it just fell in their laps (i.e. the door was open and they are going through it). Big things are about to happen, yes they are! A change in life!

How come!  My friend who visited me told me that a friend of a friend of hers (i.e. not from the horse’s mouth but from a horse down the road a bit) visited Iowa and the thing she remembered most about Iowa is that Iowans like their meat! She said--And a piece of meat covers the whole plate! How come?  Maybe because Iowa is the largest pork producing state producing 24,000,000 pounds a year (i.e. that is a lot of calories let me tell ya). Maybe that is the reason; folks are used to eating a lot of meat, they always have. ANYWAY, I had nuttin to eat in the house the other day soooo I went and bought a pork tenderloin; it was good but I couldn’t eat it all; it covered the whole plate, it’s locally world renowned!

How come it seems that many folks are soooo fresh?  Not fresh like “impudent, disposed to take liberties. Often in old movies, a girl will tell a flirting man he’s “too fresh.” Maybe it could be for many reasons but it sure appears to me that many folks are very fresh as they uplift us.  And what might that be. For me, it is that they give me something that is new and exciting. And part of that refreshment for me is that I thank God daily for somethings that are refreshing which add more refreshing to my life and soul. Thankfulness is soooo uplifting to me.  How about you? Robert, anybody can be a Robert says—"He wants each of us to live in perpetual revival, constantly renewed in the spirit of our mind, keeping a fresh mental and spiritual attitude. Does that describe us? It should and it can! The peace of Christ makes fresh my heart.” I agree with that.

Heather says I just don’t pay attention. I went kayaking at the Lake of the Ozarks.  I’m not as limber as I used to be nor as flexible soooo it was a little uncomfortable for me.  They said I could have adjusted the seat soooo it would have been more comfortable. I didn’t know that.  Heather said—Dad, you just don’t pay attention enough! I am going to try to pay attention more from now on.  It might really make my life a lot better by just paying attention more! Bingo! It could be a life changer! How come I didn’t do that sooner I have no idea!

I have had the exciting opportunity of having my friend, Jeanne, as my guest for the last several days (i.e. I dream of Jeanne, you remember that TV program?).  We had such a good time. You ask how come? Well, a big part of the great time was being around some of you (e.g. family and friends who are soooo important with Jeanne and I having a great time and me having a great life--a blend of good folks). That's my opinion. It helps that Jeanne is pretty, nice, sweet and even washes the vehicle's windshield while I pump the gas; now that is a top shelf gal let me tall ya! A 10 on the chart! The old farmer also says--erv, speak kindly. Love generously. Care deeply.

I know for matter of fact (i.e. the reason I know "for matter of fact" is because you have told me soooo which makes it "for matter of fact") that you don’t agree with me about everything. Toooo be honest, I don’t think many of you probably agree with much of anything I say.  Most of you who read “It's Saturday” live in America and have the right to believe most anything you want even though it might be wrong! How come some folks believe stuff even though is not right you ask. I have no idea; sooooo it might mean that one of us must be wrong (i.e. and maybe you don't think you are wrong soooo that means that I must be wrong haha)!. ItchieBitchie says—"If two people always agree on everything, they double their chances of being wrong!" We don’t have tooooo always agree about our opinions, but we should strive to be agreeable in our dispositions.” And remember folks what the old farmer also says--Don't pick a fight with an old man. If he is tooooo old to fight, he'll just buy you out!.

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean said--The real character of a person can be measured by what they do when no one's looking.

June 3, 2023


Are you fascinated about life or frustrated about life?  Is it our choice do you think?  I’m pretty much fascinated with life; I try to make everything a game and enjoy the game. Even problems can be opportunities and can be fascinating. Come on folks, we are all going to have problems in life. We are.  Yes, when we get besieged with many problems (i.e. especially difficult problems) it is very challenging. No question. But if we solve them the best we can by making them fascinating, it seems to work better. My opinion. But remember, I’m just a little ol’ farm boy from a mile and quarter south of Roseland, MN.

Many of the hurricane clients we worked with in FL were besieged with many problems besides the damage to their property. Many many in some cases; some had real difficult problems. Some problems that seemed to be unsolvable. When there are soooo many problems it can become unbearable. They might need mental professional counseling. We provided opportunities for them to get it, and some did. Yes, many of them were God fearing folks and had support from family and friends but still needed professional counseling. I believe it can really help people. And in these folks’ situations, I think it’s free. Soooo why wouldn’t they get counseling? One reason is they say they don’t have time; I absolutely have no extra time. One gal said to me—erv, I’m tough, I can do it by myself. I asked her if she is sure?  And she just fell apart.

We are besieged with stimuli constantly, constantly. Soooo who are you?  MaryLouFromKalamazoo says—I am who I am; that’s just the way it is. I am thinking about MaryLouFromKalamazoo’s statement. I want  to always try to be erv, no phony or fake; I was reminded this morning to be that, to be me! In 1517, the Protestant reformer Martin Luther prepared an outline of 95 complaints against what he considered to be ungodly church practices. By refusing to retract his complaints, he was called before a church council in Germany in 1521. Tradition says his final answer to his accusers was, “Here I stand; I can do no other.” In the end, he was excommunicated. It appears that some folks will put on a mask and try to be someone that they are not.  It usually doesn’t work; folks eventually see right through them and its disaster, my opinion. A friend went to a lecture by Louise Penny, a popular book author from Canada. One of the questions asked by someone in attendance was—How do you see the United States.  She said—a shit game; but Canada is toooo! That's her opinion folks!

Peter said that true beauty comes from “the hidden person of the heart, with the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit” (1 Peter 3:4). Solomon said, “A happy heart makes the face cheerful” (Proverbs 15:13). Ecclesiastes 8:1 says, “A man’s wisdom makes his face shine.” I say that a happy gal is always much prettier; just look around; it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that out!  I had a client in FL that was 72 and she looked like 50. She was under a lot of stress. She did have a whole lot of responsibility because of the storm and with her challenging family.  She told me that she was worried that the stress would get to her and make her look old! Ouchy ouchy!

Bobby said, anybody can be a Bobby says--Never consider yourself ‘failure-proof.’ Many have been the leaders and people of influence who boldly considered them impervious to the temptations and snares of questionable or improper behavior and practices. “That could never happen to me,” they declare, until one day – it does. “So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don’t fall” (1 Corinthians 10:12). It appears that when I get a big head, even cocky, I’m much more prone for failure. How about you?  A big head makes me more besieged with temptations that I don’t even see (i.e. get blind sighted)!  Ouchy ouchy!

My past sure has influenced who I am.  No questions.  But I was thinking that some of my past is soooo different than my current life that it isn’t even close (i.e. maybe not applicable anymore).  It’s a way different world we live in to a point that it’s not really very important or is it? Life styles change, friends move or die, the business world is way different, we are part of a big world now instead of a little world in years past, laws and thinking are way different .  WildWilly says--It ain’t anything different than times before probably. Soooo what does this all mean?  I’m not certain.  We are besieged with many opportunities that we never had before. It’s a fast moving world for us.  No question.  And besides, our situations change about as fast. We have many opportunities and options. Such is life.

Dr.J says--"The world seems certain of its opinions, and pundits think they can guess what’s coming next. They’re almost always wrong, for no one except God knows tomorrow. We can’t trust the media, but we can trust the Master. His Word never fails. What do you think?  That is what I thought!  If you like surprises, wait until tomorrow!" And the crowd went wild!

CoachB says—"Good relationships/friendships get better with time and bad relationships/friendships get worse through the years.”  I have friends who do more than the bare minimum in our relationship/friendship.  They go way overboard. They walk many miles beyond the extra mile!  I hope I do that in my friendships/relationships.  Anybody can do the bare minimum but to be special, it takes more effort. If we do just enough to get by, and that is pretty much what some of our relationships/friendships will look like. We are besieged by the stimulus to do just enough to get by (e.g. do just enough to get the pay check, no more).  ItchieBitchie says—It takes very little effort to be average but a lot of effort to be special. And a lot of you are really special, yes you are! And maybe some of you, maybe not soooo much! LuckieEddie says—Special folks don’t think as much about themselves as do some (e.g.. narcissists). My Daddy, Chester, would say to me—erv, the great ones don’t even know they are great!  If they think they are great, well then, maybe probably they aren’t. 

I read this while eating my oatmeal with half a banana on it--When you act one way with one group of people and another way with another group of people, you’re being a modern-day hupokrite a.k.a. as hypocrites today. In ancient Greek culture, actors were referred to as hupokrites because they pretended to be someone else. It’s where we get the word “hypocrite." If soooo, then some folks are showing a lack of authenticity—a lack of integrity. But God wants you to be exactly who he made us to be, no matter who is watching. Is that like putting on the dog around some folks and not around others? Like being a fake? I like real folks soooo hypocrites are not exciting to me a.k.a. actors. But some folks must like them as there sure seems to be a lot of folks who try to be phonies. As a friend says to me—erv, what you see is what you get!

A long-time friend who I met many years ago on an insurance golf outing in FL called me recently.  We always have great conversations.  ANYWAY, part of our conversation was that he was telling me that he is conservative financially, morally, and with his beliefs but has become more liberal in his social beliefs—what changed you—pretty much my wife.  She has taught me to not be soooo black and white and more accepting and forgiving of other folks.  He said—erv, you are very conservative.  Maybe I am but I am also changing. I was raised in a very ultra-conservative black and white environment. You who are very black and white think I fell off the log and those of you who are more socially acceptable say—erv, it’s about time you come to your senses!  Why have I changed—maybe because of being besieged with my current environment or maybe something else. I’m not really sure. But I’m sure I don’t know all the answers. Even the mission trip to FL has affected me and maybe wintering in AZ (i.e. seeing something different than Butler County).  Again, I don’t know. But I am more tolerant of others, I think!

Soooo I tried to start my golf cart the other day.  It is the first year that it didn’t start after its winter hibernation.  It just wouldn’t start.  I talked to a couple of friends that are knowledgeable about this.  They told me to squirt a little starter fluid in the carburetor.  Sometimes it just needs a little help to get started.  One showed me how to do it as I never did it before.  Just a couple of puffs should do it; not toooo much.  Soooo I bought some starter fluid and gave her a couple of puffs. She fired but didn’t start. I gave her a couple of more puffs and she started right up.  That is a good analogy of my life I think.  Well, folks, I got a little starter fluid in my life; a couple of puffs!  I’m got my engine running again! It really feels good. I like it!

I had the opportunity to spend the Memorial Day weekend with our children, their spouses and our grandkids at the Lake of the Ozarks.  What fun.  We aren’t any different or more special than any of you folks (i.e. a great experience/and a memory was made). Family is very important to us.  And then on the way home, I picked up a hitchhiker at the KC airport. Another great experience is being had! Life is fascinating! It appears that words that soak into our ears are whispered… not yelled.

There is a restaurant called Scars and Tattoos which has a sign that says--Not many good stories are made with salads!

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean said—It’s easier to go down the hill than up, but the view is better from the top.