June 3, 2023


Are you fascinated about life or frustrated about life?  Is it our choice do you think?  I’m pretty much fascinated with life; I try to make everything a game and enjoy the game. Even problems can be opportunities and can be fascinating. Come on folks, we are all going to have problems in life. We are.  Yes, when we get besieged with many problems (i.e. especially difficult problems) it is very challenging. No question. But if we solve them the best we can by making them fascinating, it seems to work better. My opinion. But remember, I’m just a little ol’ farm boy from a mile and quarter south of Roseland, MN.

Many of the hurricane clients we worked with in FL were besieged with many problems besides the damage to their property. Many many in some cases; some had real difficult problems. Some problems that seemed to be unsolvable. When there are soooo many problems it can become unbearable. They might need mental professional counseling. We provided opportunities for them to get it, and some did. Yes, many of them were God fearing folks and had support from family and friends but still needed professional counseling. I believe it can really help people. And in these folks’ situations, I think it’s free. Soooo why wouldn’t they get counseling? One reason is they say they don’t have time; I absolutely have no extra time. One gal said to me—erv, I’m tough, I can do it by myself. I asked her if she is sure?  And she just fell apart.

We are besieged with stimuli constantly, constantly. Soooo who are you?  MaryLouFromKalamazoo says—I am who I am; that’s just the way it is. I am thinking about MaryLouFromKalamazoo’s statement. I want  to always try to be erv, no phony or fake; I was reminded this morning to be that, to be me! In 1517, the Protestant reformer Martin Luther prepared an outline of 95 complaints against what he considered to be ungodly church practices. By refusing to retract his complaints, he was called before a church council in Germany in 1521. Tradition says his final answer to his accusers was, “Here I stand; I can do no other.” In the end, he was excommunicated. It appears that some folks will put on a mask and try to be someone that they are not.  It usually doesn’t work; folks eventually see right through them and its disaster, my opinion. A friend went to a lecture by Louise Penny, a popular book author from Canada. One of the questions asked by someone in attendance was—How do you see the United States.  She said—a shit game; but Canada is toooo! That's her opinion folks!

Peter said that true beauty comes from “the hidden person of the heart, with the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit” (1 Peter 3:4). Solomon said, “A happy heart makes the face cheerful” (Proverbs 15:13). Ecclesiastes 8:1 says, “A man’s wisdom makes his face shine.” I say that a happy gal is always much prettier; just look around; it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that out!  I had a client in FL that was 72 and she looked like 50. She was under a lot of stress. She did have a whole lot of responsibility because of the storm and with her challenging family.  She told me that she was worried that the stress would get to her and make her look old! Ouchy ouchy!

Bobby said, anybody can be a Bobby says--Never consider yourself ‘failure-proof.’ Many have been the leaders and people of influence who boldly considered them impervious to the temptations and snares of questionable or improper behavior and practices. “That could never happen to me,” they declare, until one day – it does. “So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don’t fall” (1 Corinthians 10:12). It appears that when I get a big head, even cocky, I’m much more prone for failure. How about you?  A big head makes me more besieged with temptations that I don’t even see (i.e. get blind sighted)!  Ouchy ouchy!

My past sure has influenced who I am.  No questions.  But I was thinking that some of my past is soooo different than my current life that it isn’t even close (i.e. maybe not applicable anymore).  It’s a way different world we live in to a point that it’s not really very important or is it? Life styles change, friends move or die, the business world is way different, we are part of a big world now instead of a little world in years past, laws and thinking are way different .  WildWilly says--It ain’t anything different than times before probably. Soooo what does this all mean?  I’m not certain.  We are besieged with many opportunities that we never had before. It’s a fast moving world for us.  No question.  And besides, our situations change about as fast. We have many opportunities and options. Such is life.

Dr.J says--"The world seems certain of its opinions, and pundits think they can guess what’s coming next. They’re almost always wrong, for no one except God knows tomorrow. We can’t trust the media, but we can trust the Master. His Word never fails. What do you think?  That is what I thought!  If you like surprises, wait until tomorrow!" And the crowd went wild!

CoachB says—"Good relationships/friendships get better with time and bad relationships/friendships get worse through the years.”  I have friends who do more than the bare minimum in our relationship/friendship.  They go way overboard. They walk many miles beyond the extra mile!  I hope I do that in my friendships/relationships.  Anybody can do the bare minimum but to be special, it takes more effort. If we do just enough to get by, and that is pretty much what some of our relationships/friendships will look like. We are besieged by the stimulus to do just enough to get by (e.g. do just enough to get the pay check, no more).  ItchieBitchie says—It takes very little effort to be average but a lot of effort to be special. And a lot of you are really special, yes you are! And maybe some of you, maybe not soooo much! LuckieEddie says—Special folks don’t think as much about themselves as do some (e.g.. narcissists). My Daddy, Chester, would say to me—erv, the great ones don’t even know they are great!  If they think they are great, well then, maybe probably they aren’t. 

I read this while eating my oatmeal with half a banana on it--When you act one way with one group of people and another way with another group of people, you’re being a modern-day hupokrite a.k.a. as hypocrites today. In ancient Greek culture, actors were referred to as hupokrites because they pretended to be someone else. It’s where we get the word “hypocrite." If soooo, then some folks are showing a lack of authenticity—a lack of integrity. But God wants you to be exactly who he made us to be, no matter who is watching. Is that like putting on the dog around some folks and not around others? Like being a fake? I like real folks soooo hypocrites are not exciting to me a.k.a. actors. But some folks must like them as there sure seems to be a lot of folks who try to be phonies. As a friend says to me—erv, what you see is what you get!

A long-time friend who I met many years ago on an insurance golf outing in FL called me recently.  We always have great conversations.  ANYWAY, part of our conversation was that he was telling me that he is conservative financially, morally, and with his beliefs but has become more liberal in his social beliefs—what changed you—pretty much my wife.  She has taught me to not be soooo black and white and more accepting and forgiving of other folks.  He said—erv, you are very conservative.  Maybe I am but I am also changing. I was raised in a very ultra-conservative black and white environment. You who are very black and white think I fell off the log and those of you who are more socially acceptable say—erv, it’s about time you come to your senses!  Why have I changed—maybe because of being besieged with my current environment or maybe something else. I’m not really sure. But I’m sure I don’t know all the answers. Even the mission trip to FL has affected me and maybe wintering in AZ (i.e. seeing something different than Butler County).  Again, I don’t know. But I am more tolerant of others, I think!

Soooo I tried to start my golf cart the other day.  It is the first year that it didn’t start after its winter hibernation.  It just wouldn’t start.  I talked to a couple of friends that are knowledgeable about this.  They told me to squirt a little starter fluid in the carburetor.  Sometimes it just needs a little help to get started.  One showed me how to do it as I never did it before.  Just a couple of puffs should do it; not toooo much.  Soooo I bought some starter fluid and gave her a couple of puffs. She fired but didn’t start. I gave her a couple of more puffs and she started right up.  That is a good analogy of my life I think.  Well, folks, I got a little starter fluid in my life; a couple of puffs!  I’m got my engine running again! It really feels good. I like it!

I had the opportunity to spend the Memorial Day weekend with our children, their spouses and our grandkids at the Lake of the Ozarks.  What fun.  We aren’t any different or more special than any of you folks (i.e. a great experience/and a memory was made). Family is very important to us.  And then on the way home, I picked up a hitchhiker at the KC airport. Another great experience is being had! Life is fascinating! It appears that words that soak into our ears are whispered… not yelled.

There is a restaurant called Scars and Tattoos which has a sign that says--Not many good stories are made with salads!

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean said—It’s easier to go down the hill than up, but the view is better from the top.

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