My nephew-in-law says--I signed up for my company's 401k, but I am a little nervous since I have never run that far before.
Serious Chevy owners used toooooo and maybe still doooo, call Fords—Fix Or Repair Daily! Now that is high maintenance!
Some folks are called high maintenance. Soooo how do you see a person who you call high maintenance? Like they cost a lot to keep happy? Like they need a lot of attention? Like they are needy? Like they can’t do anything on their own? Like a temperamental person? Like an extremely sensitive person? Like a very demanding person? Like a person that causes a lot of problems? Like a person who always complains about everything? ThePersonNorthOfTown says--That sounds like me!
When Jeanne was visiting me we went on a day trip and stopped at a shoe/clothing store that I always do when in this area because I like the owner. The owner is Matt who is now 85 years old. He has been running his business for 56 years. I asked if his wife Connie still helps him—no no she has passed away 12 years ago—sorry to hear that—but I have a girlfriend—you going to marry her—no no, it’s not financially possible as she gets a military pension from her late husband and she would lose it if we get married—sooo you sorta kinda get the milk free without buying the cow—there isn’t any milking when you’re 85! Matt has this sign behind his check out! I bought a cap from him. Mainly ‘cause I just like him. Oh by the way, when folks ask Jeanne back in her home state of WA, how was IA? She responds--Very corn-y!A friend asked me to sub for his partner in an Ol’ Goats golf outing recently. We play in a sixsome and two of the others were probation officers. We quizzed them a little bit as we found their business interesting. They told us that 90% of their time is spent on 30% who are repeat offenders (i.e. they called them high maintenance). I often felt when in business, that I spent why tooooo much time on the high maintenance folks and not near enough time on the really good customers like many of you. It just didn’t seem right to me.
I can repeat my mistakes and seem to do that sometimes. You would think I would figure it out wonldtcha. Maybe when I grow up! ANYWAY, it is confusing to me that some folks need to be constantly reminded to do something and others don’t; some get it and others don’t. Why is that? Some are high maintenance and others are not. And some never get it and some get it on their own. Crazy ha! Some always think it’s someone else’s fault and never their fault and some take responsibility and don’t do it again. Some understand a concept and others never seem to. Some can see the pig picture and others never do! Is it because of our emotions or our brain? I really don’t know. What do you think? Some folks need all the facts (i.e. which usually they can never get sooo they can’t make a decision) and others make decisions on their emotions with very few facts. Maybe moderation on both would be good. ItchieBitchie says--Moderation is good in everything except eating green beans and loving each other. Oh, I was golfing with a friend who I call Genius the other day. He said that part of his golf game he continues to do bad and never seems to change it--what's that I asked--my golf ball keeps going where I hit it!It appears to me that many folks seem to be high maintenance
as they seem to pray for themselves a lot (e.g. I want and give me God) and not
soooo much about others. Are those narcissistic
types of prayers? Robert Tamasy in his writing of Monday Manna wrote this that
inspired me—"More than 40 years ago, I joined the staff of CBMC as editor
and then publications director. One of my most enjoyable – and enlightening –
responsibilities was to interview and write articles about business and
professional leaders dedicated to living out their faith in the workplace. All
were unique individuals serving in a vast array of vocational pursuits. But in
their pursuit of success, they shared one common practice: They prayed. Most of
them did not pray for tangible success or victory over their competitors. They
prayed for wisdom and guidance in how to build their businesses. They prayed
for their employees. They prayed for God to provide solutions to problems they
encountered. Most of all, they prayed that they and their companies would serve
as good witnesses for God in their communities (Acts 1:8), as well as effective
ambassadors for Jesus Christ with whomever they encountered each day (2
Corinthians 5:20)”.
Being “over the top” can sorta kinda be an indication of a
person who is high maintenance, maybe. Soooo maybe some of you thought I was a
little “over the top” in this It’s Saturday. I maybe hurt your feelings. Sorry if I did. BUT if the shoe fits, put it on even if it’s
a little tight and it hurts! I had someone
this week talk to me that I thought was sorta kinda “over the top.” I just
listened. It reminded me of one of our children telling me about their first
kid walking for the first time. I made a big deal about it (i.e. maybe a little
“over the top”). They said to me—Dad,
they all do it!

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says—Blessed are those who can give without
remembering and take without forgetting.
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