August 26, 2023

a walk in the park

A nephew-in-law says--I was at the Vet this week helping my dog out. While I was there, another dog was brought in who swallowed some Scrabble tiles. No word yet.

ProfessorDarrylFromID and I were talking and he said something like this--What you are saying and using is Occam's razor a.k.a. the 'law of parsimony'. I had no idea what he was talking about.  He explained that it is a philosophical tool for 'shaving off' unlikely explanations, a process used in business and in personal life. Quite interesting--I found it to be a very good idea. Soooooo folks, basically this It's Saturday is a Occam's razor.  I think soooo anyway! But you might not! Such is life!

I can’t wait to see what I have to say on today’s topic. OneSmartPerson says--A new topic always brings new insights into the moment if we live a prepared life. Soooo, let this “It’s Saturday” rip and let’s see what happens! SusieQ asks--What’s a prepared life anyway?

I like it!  I like walks in the park! When I walk in the park, my mind seems to be different.  Maybe it’s the beauty of nature along with walking with someone I really enjoy which produces stimulating conversation and feelings. Could be! (e.g. we walked on Cannon Beach. We had many thoughts, great conversations, and much laughing which produced a very happy environment. That is what walking on the beach of the Pacific Ocean does to a person a.k.a. stimulates us).  

CadillacJack says--We can really do better than we are doing!  I know we can! CoachB says—"Choosing who you associate with is a great opportunity, a great benefit when you choose the right people. When you choose people who are energy givers instead of vampires, it makes a world of difference in your joy. Mature people understand that better.” The Rev. Dr. Steven Kaziimba says—"The Jewish believers in Jesus thought that circumcision (i.e. ouchy ouchy) would put them right with God and win them favor before him. Circumcision was a compulsory ritual required by the law of Moses. Unfortunately, it could not bring them any closer to God.” Religious rituals are always puzzling it seems. It all depends on who you listen to, I guess. The Baptists and the Catholics have different rituals, maybe. “Who questions much, learns much and retains much.” Frances Beacon 1561-1626 Philosopher-Scientist-Writer We had a great conversation with a neat person recently who brought up the suggestion that maybe we live by the “old rules” which could really hinder us and we don’t even know it (e.g. like living by the Old Testament Rules).

I bet folks around this guy don’t have a walk in the park!  I saw this guy go wacko to some kids over something that wasn’t important and really made little difference. He came unglued; made an ass of himself. These kids probably think all seniors are this way I bet; I hope not. It was actually an opportunity to be a great teacher/friend but it was just the opposite (i.e. no mercy or grace at all). The Golden Rule is to treat others as you want to be treated (i.e. especially children, my opinion). Sooooo if this person gets this excited over nuttin, I wonder what he is like over something that is important!  Ouchy ouchy! Throw him a bone!

A golf friend told me the other day that they were going on a trip.  His wife makes all the arrangements, does all the planning and he just goes along (i.e. she even packs his suitcase, his life is a walk in the park).  He said—She really doesn’t really need me!  But, she says, I make her laugh! A friend recently told me that a friend had two wives; his first wife who died was in complete charge and his second one is just the opposite; he liked his first wife best as she did everything! All he had to do was to hop to it!

I dream a lot and some of my dreams are that I’m in a pickle and I have no way out of the situation. I wake up and am glad it was just a dream (i.e. some dreams can seem pretty real—not a walk in the park). Well, the other night I woke up from such a situation and for the first time, I started to laugh.  It was soooo funny and I realized it was a crazy dream.  Why I changed, I have no idea.  “Never give up on what you really want to do. The person with big dreams is more powerful than one with all the facts.” – Albert Einstein – 1879-1955

I was riding with a friend in his golf cart. He always turned his head and looked at me when we talked. I thought, wow, he sure shows me a lot attention only to find out he has a birth defect and is deaf in his right ear!  It’s difficult sometimes to understand an experience that we have never experienced (e.g. if you are an avid hiker and am taking a rookie on a hike). Some just don’t get it. Jeanne’s friend told her that she wanted her advice in selecting a must-see overnight hike up in ‘er in ‘em Cascade Mountains a.k.a. a walk in the park. She wanted to do this by herself (i.e. she is maybe 60). She asked her why she wanted to do this—I want to be alone to think, I need some quietness. Have you ever done this or felt this way? I have read about many great folks who have got alone to think. Hey, my golf buddy friend just needs to turn his head and he has quietness! He gets all the breaks!

AngryJoe is never happy, even when he goes for a walk in the park. Do you know folks that are always unhappy?  Why is that? They are mad at everyone and everything. Is it the result of their genetics, their past environment or their current environment? Were they always that way? Are radicals more unhappy than moderates? My Mom, Anna, would say to me—erv, don’t be resentful to folks as they really don’t care if you are mad at them, and they don’t even know it; in fact, the only person that it hurts is you (i.e. my mom was a very sweet and kind lady who had a lot of wisdom). ItchieBitchie, who is as stubborn as an old ox, says—I have learned as I got more mature that if someone thinks different that I do or their lifestyle is different than mine, I don’t have to be mad at them BUT if I want tooooo, that is up to me I guess. Saturday question—Why do some folks always think they are always right anyway?  Saturday question--How much are you willing to change or have changed?  That is what I thought! You stubborn old ox!

Hey listen up here! Life is not fair; it has never been and never will be. It is like expecting a bull not to attack you because you are a vegetarian! The world might be very fair but in our short lifetime or from our egotistical attuite it surely doesn’t appear that way now does it. I need to realize that stuff happens and always will, some things in our lives seem to be good and some I think seem not soooo good! I need to be resilient and be able to bounce back (i.e. tough times don’t last, tough folks do).  Soooo, I need to not be surprised when good and bad happens, it’s just when!  And remember, the only thing that’s fair is the Butler County Fair and that’s in June!

I learned a nautical term that I guess I never knew before. Taking a boat from the Colombia River into the Pacific Ocean can be very dangerous to a point that it is advised if a boater is not experienced that they should hire a guide to navigate the entrance. I asked why is it soooo dangerous—‘cause the difference in the water can create massive, huge and dangerous waves. Interesting to me! They call it “Crossing the bar!” I understand the term is also used for sailors or water lover when they die—“Crossing the bar!” Maybe some of you are familiar with the poem by Alfred, Lord Tennyson called Crossing the Bar.

We were talking to an airplane flight attendant and I was sorta kinda complaining that the cabin temperature in the plane I few on was toooo cold for me. I said about 40% of the folks put something on and some covered their legs (i.e. it was a warm summer day).  She told me that different planes need to keep the temperature at 71 or lower or the passengers have a tendency to get lightheaded and even pass out (i.e. proven and tested). Any temperature over 71 they drop like flies, and the flight attendants have to give them oxygen—it’s because of the pressurized cabin I guess; I don’t understand that.  I guess I better continue to bring another layer along. It ain’t going to get any better the older I get I bet! Well, aging isn’t always a walk in the park!

I slept on the Puget Sound for a few days. Very interesting experience for me. Different than Butler County let me tell ya! Such is life.

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean said—Junk is the stuff you throw out, and stuff is the junk you keep.

Bonus coverage: a friend sent me this as his daily prayer. It could improve all of our walks in the park maybe. My opinion.

Another Day Prayer

Thank you Lord,… for a brand new day

Help me, lest I go astray

Give me the wisdom, Lord,…I pray

   To find my path to You


Just give me true humility

To rid myself of vanity

And seek your guidance, constantly

   To prove my faith is true


For I am just a mortal man

My flesh, created by God’s plan

My soul, eternal, in His hands

  This day,…it must seek you

                                                                    JPS 8/13/23

August 19, 2023


A nephew-in-law says--The Boss told me that as a security guard, it’s my job to watch the office. I’m on season 6, but I’m not sure what it’s got to do with security.

It appears to me that there are two sides to a conflict. But for the very radical folks there is only one, they don’t see the big picture which makes them uncompromising; it is very hard to almost impossible to solve a difference of opinion by compromise with a radical soooo that leaves only one way for it to be settled—one has to defeat the other. I read somewhere that there will be wars and rumors of wars forever. JoeBlow says—Experts from the universities are sometimes brought in to analysis the situation but the experts can’t even agree (i.e. they are skewed by their past environment or current environment—can’t seem to be objective or neutral to understand the whole picture).  And many of you folks won’t even agree on what I have just said.  Sooooo, that is why I don’t try to tell any of you what to do or think; you need to decide for yourself. I think it’s good to think about stuff! Can we be totally objective? I doubt it! ItchieBitchie says—I’veseenandheard all this before. Nuttin changes. Or can it? My friend, The Secretariat, and I have discussed several times that the only way radicals can change is to have a major event happen in their life and sometimes that even won’t do it (i.e. that is our opinion).

I enjoy reading the dialog between Job and God.  Job keeps asking God, WHY? Then God responds to Job in asking him a series of questions which basically are about—Job you know soooo little, you are man and I’m God.  Job realizes that and humbles himself and realizes it and responds--“I know that you can do anything, and no one can stop you. You asked, ‘Who is this that questions my wisdom with such ignorance?’ It is I—and I was talking about things I knew nothing about, things far too wonderful for me . . . I take back everything I said, and I sit in dust and ashes to show my repentance” (Job 42:2-3, 6). I sometimes think I know a lot (i.e. it's just my ego talking) but in reality, I don’t. Once I understand that AGAIN and humble myself, I think I’m a much better person (i.e. I realize I’m just another bozo on the bus). I know very little soooo take that into consideration when reading this “It’s Saturday.”

Holy shagbag! I’vebeentherebefore! I’vedonethatbefore! I’veheardthatbefore!  I was telling a friend that she is much more knowledgeable about art, music and literature than I am.  She said—I’m not brilliant but have been around.  Make no mistake about it, she is brilliant but just is humble (i.e. both of those qualities are very good let me tell ya). I’veseenthatbefore! Well chop and dice those vegetables! I heard my golf buddies say—I just can’t perform like I think I should; I think I just try tooooo hard I think.  I’vheardthatbefore! It seems like we try to make things happen toooo hard sometimes which seems to make it worse.  Maybe.  BUT it is a lot of fun when things just fall in our lap and go our way. Why do they just fall in our laps? I have no idea.  Do you?  That is hard to explain.  I wonder if sometimes, I’m just blessed. BUT I have found out this year with my golf game that I have played better than I have for years a.k.a. bounceback. Why? Well, maybe I have known what I needed to change but just could not make myself change before. Well, I did, and it really has made a difference.  If I don’t doooo the new changes but revert back to my old ways, my game goes back in the same rut. If I stay with the correct way, things go way better. Sooo, you can think about that! I think the conclusion is quite simple folks! BUT I might add, I’m very happy which might make a difference toooo. Does being happy affect our attitudes?  I think it might! Does that seem toooo farfetched for you?

Do you ever say—I never thought this is where I would be in my life?  Soooo are you thinking you are in a bad spot or a great spot?  For me, I would have to say, I never thought I would be in this great of a spot in my life at this time and what has happened to me. Sooo, maybe when things are not going the way we want and are in a spot that we don’t like, maybe, just maybe, our life is “not the end” yet! I can testify to that.  Do you think life is risk reward sometimes? My mentor said to me many times--erv, it's never as good as it looks or as bad as it looks! YaBut when I'm in the situation, that is hard to understand!

Saturday question--Do you and I really want to get well; I mean well from something that is not well in our lives? I have a friend who asks me many times when he sees me—How ya feeling today, erv? Maybe he thinks I look bad. I don’t know! I’vebeenhereanddidthatbefore! Oh ya!  If I really want to get it done, I get it done; I will find a way no matter how I feel or what time it is. If I don’t want to get it done, I guess I really don’t want to do it!  When I want to really get it done, I can get it done no matter what, and if I don’t want to get it done, I can find many excuses (i.e. every excuse in the world) to not do it.  Soooo, I guess I must first decide if I really want to do it or if I’m just blowing smoke. Talk is cheap but it takes money to buy whisky. Sooo maybe I really don’t want to do somethings!  Ouchy ouchy! I have a friend who gets buggy and bored (i.e. has a big motor).  He is thinking about forming a new hobby including a couple of his buddies who have similar talent and interest.  This new hobby would help others (i.e. that sounds like a win-win situation). Hip hip hurray!  Now we will see if he gets it done or not! Sooo how ya feeling today my friend--Excellent! I still wonder if I want to get well!

Ihaveheardthisbefore!  Bronnie Ware’s The Top Five Regrets of the Dying. Ware used to work in palliative care, caring for patients in the last weeks of their lives. In the book, she shares the most common regrets that the people she had cared for had expressed to her. Here's a short overview of the top five regrets:

  1. I wish I'd had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me. “This was the most common regret of all. When people realize that their life is almost over and look back clearly on it, it is easy to see how many dreams have gone unfulfilled. Most people had not honored even a half of their dreams and had to die knowing that it was due to choices they had made, or not made. Health brings a freedom very few realize, until they no longer have it.”
  2. I wish I hadn't worked so hard. “This came from every male patient that I nursed. They missed their children's youth and their partner's companionship. Women also spoke of this regret, but as most were from an older generation, many of the female patients had not been breadwinners. All of the men I nursed deeply regretted spending so much of their lives on the treadmill of a work existence.”
  3. I wish I'd had the courage to express my feelings. “Many people suppressed their feelings in order to keep peace with others. As a result, they settled for a mediocre existence and never became who they were truly capable of becoming. Many developed illnesses relating to the bitterness and resentment they carried as a result.”
  4. I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends. “Often they would not truly realize the full benefits of old friends until their dying weeks and it was not always possible to track them down. Many had become so caught up in their own lives that they had let golden friendships slip by over the years. There were many deep regrets about not giving friendships the time and effort that they deserved. Everyone misses their friends when they are dying.”
  5. I wish that I had let myself be happier. “This is a surprisingly common one. Many did not realize until the end that happiness is a choice. They had stayed stuck in old patterns and habits. The so-called 'comfort' of familiarity overflowed into their emotions, as well as their physical lives. Fear of change had them pretending to others, and to their selves, that they were content, when deep within, they longed to laugh properly and have silliness in their life again.”

I had a conversation with a friend who works in A’town before I left on my trip and that conversation keeps coming up in my head.  She told me that her and her husband decided to sell their horses (i.e. change their life style—we feed them all year and only rode them maybe 5 times). Why? Timing is good!  The price is high for horses now and our oldest child is entering jr high and we want to spend more time with our children. My husband has a good management job but has a lot of pressure and has to put in many hours.  He has become a self-employed person. I have a good job that has the insurance and we are stable financially.  We have prayed about it and decided that the timing is right. erv, there is more to life than money. Ihaveheardthisbefore but few really act on it. JoeBlow says—I just will keep doing the rat race; I don’t think I will ever change. It’s all I know. Besides to live our lifestyle, we need the money! Such is life.

We are having a wonderful time in the Great NW, just a wonderful time. We are doing many simple things like enjoying a lot of the beauty of the state, seeing and meeting friends and family, a lot of talking and laughing, etc. It’s really great to enjoy life, especially with someone who we really enjoy being with (i.e. very compatible). Pretty simple folks, pretty simple!

We hiked up Beacon Hill overlooking the Colombia Gorge.  We decided that we were the oldest folks that we saw who were hiking it. We talked to a couple who were maybe 65 and were sooo proud that they completed it and said--We are going to do this once a year until we die! Soooo when we completed our hike, we shared a picnic table to eat our lunch with a guy and a gal who were rock climbers in their middle 20s. They asked if we share a pillow? We asked them if they do. They said--No, we are just rock climbing friends but we share the rope that probably takes even more trust! What a hoot! We had soooo much fun.
We are with friends at Lake Pend Oreille in IN this morning, home of the famous Idaho Classic Russet potato! As MyFriendDean says--erv, when you are IN I'm sure your sweet potato will only have eyes for you!

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean said—If you never seem to reach the goal of your dreams, blame the alarm clock.

August 12, 2023

set our mind

A nephew-in-law says--We saw a vegetable truck with a flat tire on the interstate. Should have brought asparagus.

Dr. Seuss said—Only say what you mean and mean what you say because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.  

Do you have your mind set on what you believe (i.e. set in rock)?  I wonder if most of us do.  Soooo really, I can’t change you one little bit, not a chance.  BUT it is fun to talk about different opinions and that is just what they are in this “It’s Saturday.” Do we really know how set in our minds we are? It has to be our genetics, past environment or current environment I would guess.  Sooooo read on but remember, you get what you pay for! Most of what you read will be bologna to you probably. Such is life.

CoachB says—"You got to have a new mind set! Stop trying to change the stuff out there but change the stuff in your head. Stop the urge to do nuttin! Do something new. Go somewhere. Get going. When folks stop doing and going, they go down the hill way faster. It’s a mindset folks.” I was thinking the other morning that I am going to adapt and modify.  I am going forward with a different mindset. My life ain’t going to be the same for a lot of reasons but I’m going forward with a new adapting and modified attitude (i.e. go forward with hope and anticipation).  I can do many things but maybe not as good or as fast, but I can still do them.  Soooo, I’m going to do them with a good attitude. Sooooo, what am I all going to do? I have no idea! I can only imagine! I’m in WI this week, home of the famous Washington apples. That’s a start folks! Next, I might buy two dogs and a cat! We will see about that!

I have been putting off something that I wanted to do for some time.  I just kept putting if off.  Well, I did it.  It felt soooooo good.  Wo wo hooray! I need to do things like this more often I told myself.  Why don’t I anyway, I asked myself.  Hey, I even made lentil soup recently.  You heard me, lentil soup.  I had instruction and encouragement, but I did it.  I liked it and it’s good for me, I have been told. I never did that before. Bingo! Well stuff the mushrooms!

Saturday question—Sooo what’s most important to you?  A friend at breakfast was telling me that relationships are much more important to him than stuff; stuff is just stuff.  He has had a very successful business life and can afford a lot of stuff, but he still prefers relationships. WorldClassLarry says—Where we spend our time, thoughts and money shows what is important to us.  Yes it does, don’t kid yourself. Soooo what do we do first thing in the morning?  What every is the most important to us, we should do first (i.e. my opinion).  That is why many great folks get up early and meditate and pray and then exercise (i.e. important things first).  A lot of great folks in history have done that.  It was their priority. BUT if making money is our priority, then do that!  It’s our decision and decisions have consequences.  Such is life.

Niles says—"Did you know that happiness is often highest during the anticipation of an event, and not necessarily during the event itself? Having something to look forward to has a surprisingly large effect on our well-being. Best of all, it’s really easy to create this feeling of positive anticipation – just put something on the calendar!”  I agree with Niles.  Anticipation is really a lot of fun, but it is really hard to wait sometimes for me. “There is nothing in the world, I venture to say, that would so effectively help one to survive even the worst conditions as the knowledge that there is a meaning in one's life. There is much wisdom in the words of Nietzsche: ‘He who has a why to live for can bear almost any how.’” – Viktor Frankl Mr. Frankl wrote the book Man’s Search for Meaning which I have read a couple of times and think it’s great (i.e. my opinion). I realize that some of you enjoy a very strict routine and don’t want anything new or any surprises or any adventures.  You are like the dog in the picture.  I’m not one like that, I like new stuff.  BUT we are all different now aren’t we.  Such is life.

Dr. J says—"Begin by setting your mind on it, and then sing, “I have decided to follow Jesus—no turning back, no turning back.”  Dr. J went on to say—“’He set his face” (Luke 9:51). Luke picks up the prophecy of Isaiah 50:7, “But the LORD God helps me . . . therefore I have set my face like a flint.”

AverageJoe says—I want to make one person’s day happier, just one person (e.g. make one person laugh or smile). That’s not toooo much is it? CoachB says—"The person who plants righteousness (i.e. morally right and justifiable) earns a true heart. When you do things thinking you aren’t going to get paid for, you usually always get paid for it. You never do good or bad that you never get returned the same, but the return is multiplied many times over. Do right folks, do right!” Saturday question—Is this your mindset?

JoeStinkyFeet says—I have been rejected a lot, but I have been accepted many times too like by my wife when I have really stinky feet!  BadBreathMattie says—It’s really hard for me when I’m not selected as the queen, it’s really hard; I cry and get mad. Dr.J says—"Rejection is a punch in the stomach. We all know the feeling, and some rejections can impact our mental health.” I would guess all of us have been rejected more than once.  It can sting alright especially when we think we have been overlooked.  Dr. J goes on to say—"The Lord will never reject us when we come to Him needing His grace. Even when we sin (e.g. have stinky feet and bad breath), God’s love for us remains. Thank Him that His love doesn’t stop even when we fail Him.” Toooo me, that’s pretty amazing! MissPerfect says--That can be hard for the human mind to understand.

How do I measure up to others? TomSmart says—"First of all don’t measure ourselves against others.” There is a poem called Desiderata which part of it goes like this—"If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain and bitter; for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.” I was reminded by a friend of the writing of a great person who wrote—"Do not judge or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will measured to you.’’ I reread it in the Book and it was written in red sooo it is written by someone important.  Saturday question—Does anything we write get printed in red? Da!

RickyRick says—"Choosing to be humble is a relationship builder. What is humility? It’s when we honor others above yourself, not always demanding or clinging to our rights. Pride, on the other hand, destroys relationships—and it shows up in a lot of different ways. It can make you critical, judgmental, competitive, stubborn, and unforgiving. Proverbs 16:18 says, ‘Pride leads to destruction; a proud attitude brings ruin’” Just maybe at times, it’s better to just keep a person’s mouth shut and just observe. What do you think?  That is what I thought. Mark Twain put it well—“It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to talk and remove all doubt.”

Like I said, I’m in WI, home of the famous Washington apples and the apple of my eye! I am a week late. We changed our plans as Jeanne got COVID. Ouchy ouchy.  Do your plans ever need to be changed for a lot of reasons?  It can cause frustration and disappointment now can’t it. But, hey, life goes on. Such is life. I wonder if this COVID was more than just by chance. Happenstance, na, I don’t think soooo as a friend says. Maybe it was to be for some reason; we will never know now will we. Maybe it’s something way beyond us. CadillacJack says--We maybe have our mind set in thinking we know a lot but reality is, maybe we don't really!

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean said--Efficiency is avoiding extra work by doing it right the first time.

August 5, 2023


A nephew-in-law says—My brother has 2 Dobermans called Rolex and Timex. They are watch dogs.

Have you ever burnt a bridge?  Maybe you have really told someone what you really thought about them (i.e. let them have both barrels).  You really made it clear what you really thought in soooo many words.  You even put it on Facebook for the world to see and hear; you really wanted to show how important you were. Only later you wished you would have never done that.  It came back to haunt you; you can’t take it back and it has really hurt you (e.g. it is like you telling your wife/girl friend that she is ugly and then trying to tell her later that you didn’t mean it—ouchy ouchy). That bridge has been burned.  The fire has done its damage. 

Erin and Jimmer, our grandkids, were on vacation and saw this iconic bridge.  I asked them to each write something about it. Erin writes:  "Hello, my thoughts on the bridge was it was super cool to see how the perspective of the size changed with where we where. Like for example, when we were looking at it it doesn’t seem that far across but when you walk it its super far to get to even the first point." Jimmer writes:  San Francisco is really fun something about the Golden Gate bridge is it doesn’t look that big when you’re walking up to it but it is really big when you’re walking on it,

Sooooo I asked our other grandkids to write something about a bridge experience they had. Charlie writes:  "The Mississippi Bridge is the bridge that connects Iowa and Illinois together, that crosses the mississippi river and that brings the two states together. Illinois and Iowa can seem similar to people who have been to neither, and neither of the states are typically thought of outside of the states themselves. But in reality, they have different communities, different nature, and they are altogether different from each other in many, many ways. The mississippi bridge is what connects these two states and allows the flow of each culture to travel between the two states, and that is part of what makes them unique. The Mississippi Bridge represents unity and connection between similar yet different states." Rookie writes: I’m not doooooooooooonnnnneeee

Soooo, what bridge is happening in your life today?  Dr.J says—"All of us are tempted all the time, but not always at the same time, by the same things, or to the same degrees. Temptation is like a virus. It is always reinventing itself and mutating. It looks for our weaknesses. Some people reading these words are battling addiction to pornography. Others are seldom bothered by that, but they’re buying too many clothes, eating too many calories, or missing too many church services. Yet others are upright and faithful, but the joy is missing because of a bitter attitude toward something or someone!” I always think that self-evaluation of myself is hard; I wonder if I’m very objective!  Probably not! Ouchy ouchy!

I’m not an expert on military strategy but it seems that enemies are always trying to disrupt the supply lines in defeating their opponent. And the key many times is to destroy the bridges of the supply lines.  It used to be bridges over rivers and probably still is or maybe airfields. It seemed that in the movies they were always trying to protect the bridges.  They were very important.  Maybe that is an analogy for our lives.  What do you think?  That is what I thought.

OneSmartPerson described bridges this way—"Bridges: shaky, deteriorating, need reinforcement, rebuilding. Initially building bridges between people strong intentionally. Some bridges are simple and functional yet sturdy. Some are soaring masterpieces of engineering, some get you safely from place to place, some are covered bridges, some are 1 way bridges so you take turns crossing.” Now those words sure produce a lot of thoughts and have a lot of wisdom, now don’t they.  Probably each of us have different feelings pertaining to different situations and events in our lives.  Some memories of bridges are probably very good and some maybe not soooo good. Oh, those bridges.

The Great Story of the Wabasha Bridge.  We were going to see our Uncle Jim and Aunt Grace in Alma, WI and we had to cross the Mighty Mississippi River using the old bridge at Wabasha, MN.  My kid sister was maybe 5 soooo I was 9.  I started telling her early on our trip that the bridge was unsafe and I heard on the radio that it could collapse any day; it is a wonder that it has not collapsed yet.  If we survive falling into the Mississippi, then there are monsters in the river that like to eat little girls’ toes one by one.  It doesn’t look good for us.  Soooo we got to the river I told her, I hope we make it.  She laid on the  floor of the backseat as we crossed. I think she had to pee pretty bad. And I laughed my head off! What fun it was! For me!

I read while eating my oatmeal with half a banana on it this—Happily ever after starts now!  It’s not at some time or some place in the future (e.g. crossing some bridge to better times), no no, it starts right now.  Happiness is usually a decision, a decision that you are going to be happily ever after when you are satisfied with where you are and not where you are going to or or what you are going to get. Maybe just maybe we should take the advice of Paul who tells us that we should look out for the interests of others.  ItchieBitchie asks—How in the world will that make me happy? I don’t think ItchieBitchie gets it!

Soooo when we face a chasm in our travels, we usually find a bridge to cross it.  The bridge gives us passage from one side to the other. Sometimes it is the only way to get across that is accessible.  Sooo I am thinking how I and you and others get across the chasms of our personal lives (i.e. what bridge do we take or try to take). Oh, there are probably many bridges that we use I would guess. Like buying something new, sleeping, eating, some other addition, or maybe turn to God and have faith.  There are probably many methods that are tried. I recently read this in the paper, soooo it must be right:  

I don’t understand this. Help me here. If Ford or John Deere has a product that the public doesn’t understand/ or like and it hurts them in selling their product. What do they do—change it or explain it as fast as possible.  If this is the main reason that folks don’t believe in Christianity, why doesn’t the Christian Church address the situation and talk about it and explain it?  I don’t get it. It’s much more important than arguing who should take communion in each of the denotations. Now, that is my opinion and my opinion is not worth much. I’m just a little ol’ farm boy from a mile and quarter south of Roseland, MN. I still think we are missing the boat!

The old saying goes like this—We will cross that bridge when we get there. You remember the song Bridge Over Troubled Water by Simon and Garfunkel?  It was a song of my times. It’s a friendship/love song about being on your side and always being your friend.  My special friend sent it to me.  I hope all of you are such a friend to someone and have someone who is that special friend to you. I suggest you listen to it.  It’s good, my opinion. Soooo I called a friend the other day—I said—what are you up to—oh…, I just missed my exit on the interstate, now I have to go to the next exit, you ever do that erv—of course I have—I’m soooo discussed at myself, I need to figure out where I need to go, I’ll call you back. He needed a Friend Over Troubled Water! Soooo we met for breakfast at our usual spot each driving about 70 miles.  His wife is now in the advanced stages of Alzheimer's.  He asked me a ton of questions and shared his feelings and emotions.  I mainly listened. He concluded by reminding me what I told him several years ago—Mayo told Arlene and I when they diagnosed her with Alzheimer’s that two things would happen, she would get worse, and she would die. We had to cross those bridges when got there!

Coach B says—Don’t measure yourself against the past (i.e. a lot of water has gone under the bridge). You can’t do one thing about what happened yesterday. You can’t do anything what happened 10 minutes ago. You can’t change the past. The only thing you can do is measure where you are when you wake up and the progress you have made between when you wake up in the morning and when you go to sleep at night.”  Now that might be a bridge.  Maybe! It always made me laugh when in London using the underground transportation network their famous saying is—Mind the Gap — Sooooo folks, Mind the Gap! 

Jeanne says--"Have you ever thought about the trust we place in bridge builders? Do you feel safe crossing bridges? I like bridges… wooden ones that span a tumbling creek, swinging rope bridges, giant engineering marvels over deep chasms, short ones, long ones,  one-way bridges that require taking turns crossing….I like them all.

Bridges have a common purpose of getting us from where we’ve been to where we’re going. So, the concept of bridges is a helpful analogy to relationships. Building a bridge with someone requires tools of deep listening, encouraging, supporting, respecting, and time together. The process is exciting and fulfilling! If we cross a bridge that has not been maintained, it could be a disaster! In the same way, relationships need maintenance and some flex, so they don’t break. Maybe we can start  building a bridge with a family member, a new acquaintance, a colleague, a child, or someone who needs help."

A friend of a friend of a friend from Burnout, AL (i.e. soooo that pretty much makes it town gossip) said that her cousin has a senior friend from Gatorland, FL, billed as the Alligator Capital of the World, who was never loved by her previous husband and she never loved him and she doesn't love the man she has a long time relationship with now.  Such is life!  Sooooo I was walking on the golf course the other morning here in Butler County, IA and saw the tip of a golf ball buried in the ground in the rough (i.e. maybe 10% showing). It might have been in the dirt for a while. I dug it up, cleaned the major dirt off, and washed it in a ball washer. She was a brand-new, high-end ball that looked perfect (i.e. looked like she was never used, right out of the box).  All she just needed was some TLC.  She's now spankin' new!

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean said—To get the full value of joy and love, you must have someone to divide it with.



A sweet grandmother telephoned St. Joseph’s Hospital.
She timidly asked, "Is it possible to speak to someone who can tell me how a patient is doing?"

The operator said, "I'll be glad to help, dear. What's the name and room number of the patient?"

The grandmother in her weak, tremulous voice said, "Norma Findlay, Room 302."
The operator replied,
"Let me put you on hold while I check with the nurse's station for that room."
After a few minutes, the operator returned to the phone and said,
"I have good news. Her nurse just told me that Norma is doing well.
Her blood pressure is fine; her blood work just came back normal and
her physician, Doctor Cohen, has scheduled her to be discharged tomorrow."
The grandmother said, "Thank you. That's wonderful. I was so worried.
God bless you for the good news."
The operator replied, "You're more than welcome. Is Norma your daughter?"
The grandmother said, "No, I'm Norma Findlay in Room 302.
No one tells me shit."