August 26, 2023

a walk in the park

A nephew-in-law says--I was at the Vet this week helping my dog out. While I was there, another dog was brought in who swallowed some Scrabble tiles. No word yet.

ProfessorDarrylFromID and I were talking and he said something like this--What you are saying and using is Occam's razor a.k.a. the 'law of parsimony'. I had no idea what he was talking about.  He explained that it is a philosophical tool for 'shaving off' unlikely explanations, a process used in business and in personal life. Quite interesting--I found it to be a very good idea. Soooooo folks, basically this It's Saturday is a Occam's razor.  I think soooo anyway! But you might not! Such is life!

I can’t wait to see what I have to say on today’s topic. OneSmartPerson says--A new topic always brings new insights into the moment if we live a prepared life. Soooo, let this “It’s Saturday” rip and let’s see what happens! SusieQ asks--What’s a prepared life anyway?

I like it!  I like walks in the park! When I walk in the park, my mind seems to be different.  Maybe it’s the beauty of nature along with walking with someone I really enjoy which produces stimulating conversation and feelings. Could be! (e.g. we walked on Cannon Beach. We had many thoughts, great conversations, and much laughing which produced a very happy environment. That is what walking on the beach of the Pacific Ocean does to a person a.k.a. stimulates us).  

CadillacJack says--We can really do better than we are doing!  I know we can! CoachB says—"Choosing who you associate with is a great opportunity, a great benefit when you choose the right people. When you choose people who are energy givers instead of vampires, it makes a world of difference in your joy. Mature people understand that better.” The Rev. Dr. Steven Kaziimba says—"The Jewish believers in Jesus thought that circumcision (i.e. ouchy ouchy) would put them right with God and win them favor before him. Circumcision was a compulsory ritual required by the law of Moses. Unfortunately, it could not bring them any closer to God.” Religious rituals are always puzzling it seems. It all depends on who you listen to, I guess. The Baptists and the Catholics have different rituals, maybe. “Who questions much, learns much and retains much.” Frances Beacon 1561-1626 Philosopher-Scientist-Writer We had a great conversation with a neat person recently who brought up the suggestion that maybe we live by the “old rules” which could really hinder us and we don’t even know it (e.g. like living by the Old Testament Rules).

I bet folks around this guy don’t have a walk in the park!  I saw this guy go wacko to some kids over something that wasn’t important and really made little difference. He came unglued; made an ass of himself. These kids probably think all seniors are this way I bet; I hope not. It was actually an opportunity to be a great teacher/friend but it was just the opposite (i.e. no mercy or grace at all). The Golden Rule is to treat others as you want to be treated (i.e. especially children, my opinion). Sooooo if this person gets this excited over nuttin, I wonder what he is like over something that is important!  Ouchy ouchy! Throw him a bone!

A golf friend told me the other day that they were going on a trip.  His wife makes all the arrangements, does all the planning and he just goes along (i.e. she even packs his suitcase, his life is a walk in the park).  He said—She really doesn’t really need me!  But, she says, I make her laugh! A friend recently told me that a friend had two wives; his first wife who died was in complete charge and his second one is just the opposite; he liked his first wife best as she did everything! All he had to do was to hop to it!

I dream a lot and some of my dreams are that I’m in a pickle and I have no way out of the situation. I wake up and am glad it was just a dream (i.e. some dreams can seem pretty real—not a walk in the park). Well, the other night I woke up from such a situation and for the first time, I started to laugh.  It was soooo funny and I realized it was a crazy dream.  Why I changed, I have no idea.  “Never give up on what you really want to do. The person with big dreams is more powerful than one with all the facts.” – Albert Einstein – 1879-1955

I was riding with a friend in his golf cart. He always turned his head and looked at me when we talked. I thought, wow, he sure shows me a lot attention only to find out he has a birth defect and is deaf in his right ear!  It’s difficult sometimes to understand an experience that we have never experienced (e.g. if you are an avid hiker and am taking a rookie on a hike). Some just don’t get it. Jeanne’s friend told her that she wanted her advice in selecting a must-see overnight hike up in ‘er in ‘em Cascade Mountains a.k.a. a walk in the park. She wanted to do this by herself (i.e. she is maybe 60). She asked her why she wanted to do this—I want to be alone to think, I need some quietness. Have you ever done this or felt this way? I have read about many great folks who have got alone to think. Hey, my golf buddy friend just needs to turn his head and he has quietness! He gets all the breaks!

AngryJoe is never happy, even when he goes for a walk in the park. Do you know folks that are always unhappy?  Why is that? They are mad at everyone and everything. Is it the result of their genetics, their past environment or their current environment? Were they always that way? Are radicals more unhappy than moderates? My Mom, Anna, would say to me—erv, don’t be resentful to folks as they really don’t care if you are mad at them, and they don’t even know it; in fact, the only person that it hurts is you (i.e. my mom was a very sweet and kind lady who had a lot of wisdom). ItchieBitchie, who is as stubborn as an old ox, says—I have learned as I got more mature that if someone thinks different that I do or their lifestyle is different than mine, I don’t have to be mad at them BUT if I want tooooo, that is up to me I guess. Saturday question—Why do some folks always think they are always right anyway?  Saturday question--How much are you willing to change or have changed?  That is what I thought! You stubborn old ox!

Hey listen up here! Life is not fair; it has never been and never will be. It is like expecting a bull not to attack you because you are a vegetarian! The world might be very fair but in our short lifetime or from our egotistical attuite it surely doesn’t appear that way now does it. I need to realize that stuff happens and always will, some things in our lives seem to be good and some I think seem not soooo good! I need to be resilient and be able to bounce back (i.e. tough times don’t last, tough folks do).  Soooo, I need to not be surprised when good and bad happens, it’s just when!  And remember, the only thing that’s fair is the Butler County Fair and that’s in June!

I learned a nautical term that I guess I never knew before. Taking a boat from the Colombia River into the Pacific Ocean can be very dangerous to a point that it is advised if a boater is not experienced that they should hire a guide to navigate the entrance. I asked why is it soooo dangerous—‘cause the difference in the water can create massive, huge and dangerous waves. Interesting to me! They call it “Crossing the bar!” I understand the term is also used for sailors or water lover when they die—“Crossing the bar!” Maybe some of you are familiar with the poem by Alfred, Lord Tennyson called Crossing the Bar.

We were talking to an airplane flight attendant and I was sorta kinda complaining that the cabin temperature in the plane I few on was toooo cold for me. I said about 40% of the folks put something on and some covered their legs (i.e. it was a warm summer day).  She told me that different planes need to keep the temperature at 71 or lower or the passengers have a tendency to get lightheaded and even pass out (i.e. proven and tested). Any temperature over 71 they drop like flies, and the flight attendants have to give them oxygen—it’s because of the pressurized cabin I guess; I don’t understand that.  I guess I better continue to bring another layer along. It ain’t going to get any better the older I get I bet! Well, aging isn’t always a walk in the park!

I slept on the Puget Sound for a few days. Very interesting experience for me. Different than Butler County let me tell ya! Such is life.

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean said—Junk is the stuff you throw out, and stuff is the junk you keep.

Bonus coverage: a friend sent me this as his daily prayer. It could improve all of our walks in the park maybe. My opinion.

Another Day Prayer

Thank you Lord,… for a brand new day

Help me, lest I go astray

Give me the wisdom, Lord,…I pray

   To find my path to You


Just give me true humility

To rid myself of vanity

And seek your guidance, constantly

   To prove my faith is true


For I am just a mortal man

My flesh, created by God’s plan

My soul, eternal, in His hands

  This day,…it must seek you

                                                                    JPS 8/13/23

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