A nephew-in-law says--We saw a vegetable truck with a flat
tire on the interstate. Should have brought asparagus.
Dr. Seuss said—Only say what you mean and mean what you say
because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.
Do you have your mind set on what you believe (i.e. set in
rock)? I wonder if most of us do. Soooo really, I can’t change you one little
bit, not a chance. BUT it is fun to talk
about different opinions and that is just what they are in this “It’s Saturday.”
Do we really know how set in our minds we are? It has to be our genetics, past
environment or current environment I would guess. Sooooo read on but remember, you get what you
pay for! Most of what you read will be bologna to you probably. Such is life.
CoachB says—"You got to have a
new mind set! Stop trying to change the stuff out there but change the stuff in
your head. Stop the urge to do nuttin! Do something new. Go somewhere. Get
going. When folks stop doing and going, they go down the hill way faster. It’s
a mindset folks.” I was thinking the other morning that I am going to adapt and
I am going forward with a
different mindset. My life ain’t going to be the same for a lot of reasons but
I’m going forward with a new adapting and modified attitude (i.e. go forward
with hope and anticipation).
I can do
many things but maybe not as good or as fast, but I can still do them.
Soooo, I’m going to do them with a good
attitude. Sooooo, what am I all going to do? I have no idea! I can only
imagine! I’m in WI this week, home of the famous Washington apples. That’s a
start folks! Next, I might buy two dogs and a cat! We will see about that!
I have been putting
off something that I wanted to do for some time.
I just kept putting if off.
Well, I did it.
It felt soooooo good.
Wo wo hooray! I need to do things like this
more often I told myself.
Why don’t I
anyway, I asked myself.
Hey, I even made
lentil soup recently.
You heard me, lentil
I had instruction and encouragement,
but I did it.
I liked it and it’s good
for me, I have been told. I never did that before. Bingo! Well stuff the
Saturday question—Sooo what’s
most important to you? A friend at
breakfast was telling me that relationships are much more important to him than
stuff; stuff is just stuff. He has had a
very successful business life and can afford a lot of stuff, but he still
prefers relationships. WorldClassLarry says—Where we spend our time, thoughts
and money shows what is important to us.
Yes it does, don’t kid yourself. Soooo what do we do first thing in the
morning? What every is the most
important to us, we should do first (i.e. my opinion). That is why many great folks get up early and
meditate and pray and then exercise (i.e. important things first). A lot of great folks in history have done
that. It was their priority. BUT if
making money is our priority, then do that!
It’s our decision and decisions have consequences. Such is life.

Niles says—"Did you know
that happiness is often highest during the anticipation of an event, and not
necessarily during the event itself? Having something to look forward to has a surprisingly
large effect on our well-being. Best of all, it’s really easy to create this
feeling of positive anticipation – just put something on the calendar!”
I agree with Niles.
Anticipation is really a lot of fun, but it
is really hard to wait sometimes for me. “There is nothing in the world, I
venture to say, that would so effectively help one to survive even the worst
conditions as the knowledge that there is a meaning in one's life. There is
much wisdom in the words of Nietzsche: ‘He who has a why to live for can bear
almost any how.’” – Viktor Frankl Mr. Frankl wrote the book
Man’s Search for
Meaning which I have read a couple of times and think it’s great (i.e. my
opinion). I realize that some of you enjoy a very strict routine and don’t want
anything new or any surprises or any adventures.
You are like the dog in the picture.
I’m not one like that, I like new stuff.
BUT we are all different now aren’t we.
Such is life.
Dr. J says—"Begin by setting your mind on it, and then
sing, “I have decided to follow Jesus—no turning back, no turning back.”
Dr. J went on to say—“’He set his face” (Luke 9:51). Luke picks up the prophecy
of Isaiah 50:7, “But the LORD God helps me . . . therefore I have set my face
like a flint.”
AverageJoe says—I want to make one person’s day happier,
just one person (e.g. make one person laugh or smile). That’s not toooo much is
it? CoachB says—"The person who plants righteousness (i.e. morally right and justifiable) earns a true heart.
When you do things thinking you aren’t going to get paid for, you usually always
get paid for it. You never do good or bad that you never get returned the same,
but the return is multiplied many times over. Do right folks, do right!”
Saturday question—Is this your mindset?
JoeStinkyFeet says—I have been rejected a lot, but I have
been accepted many times too like by my wife when I have really stinky
feet! BadBreathMattie says—It’s really
hard for me when I’m not selected as the queen, it’s really hard; I cry and get
mad. Dr.J says—"Rejection is a punch in the stomach. We all know the
feeling, and some rejections can impact our mental health.” I would guess all
of us have been rejected more than once.
It can sting alright especially when we think we have been overlooked. Dr. J goes on to say—"The Lord will
never reject us when we come to Him needing His grace. Even when we sin (e.g.
have stinky feet and bad breath), God’s love for us remains. Thank Him that His
love doesn’t stop even when we fail Him.” Toooo me, that’s pretty amazing!
MissPerfect says--That can be hard for the human mind to understand.

How do I measure up to others? TomSmart
says—"First of all don’t measure ourselves against others.” There is a
poem called Desiderata which part of it goes like this—"If you compare
yourself with others, you may become vain and bitter; for always there will be
greater and lesser persons than yourself.” I was reminded by a friend of the
writing of a great person who wrote—"Do not judge or you too will be
judged. For in the same way you judge others you will be judged, and with the
measure you use, it will measured to you.’’ I reread it in the Book and it was
written in red sooo it is written by someone important.
Saturday question—Does anything we write get
printed in red? Da!
RickyRick says—"Choosing to be humble is a relationship
builder. What is humility? It’s when we honor others above yourself, not always
demanding or clinging to our rights. Pride, on the other hand, destroys
relationships—and it shows up in a lot of different ways. It can make you
critical, judgmental, competitive, stubborn, and unforgiving. Proverbs 16:18
says, ‘Pride leads to destruction; a proud attitude brings ruin’” Just
maybe at times, it’s better to just keep a person’s mouth shut and just
observe. What do you think?
That is what
I thought. Mark Twain put it well—“It is better to remain silent and be thought
a fool than to talk and remove all doubt.”
Like I said, I’m in WI, home of the famous Washington
apples and the apple of my eye! I am a week late. We changed our plans as Jeanne got COVID. Ouchy
Do your plans ever need to be
changed for a lot of reasons?
It can
cause frustration and disappointment now can’t it. But, hey, life goes on. Such
is life. I wonder if this COVID was more than just by chance. Happenstance, na,
I don’t think soooo as a friend says. Maybe it was to be for some reason; we
will never know now will we. Maybe it’s something way beyond us. CadillacJack says--We maybe have our mind set in thinking we know a lot but reality is, maybe we don't really!
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean said--Efficiency is avoiding extra work by
doing it right the first time.
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