September 30, 2023

the big picture

A nephew-in-law says--I want to die peacefully in my sleep like my grandfather. Not screaming in terror like the passengers in his car.

Some folks can really talk fast. I have to laugh when I hear those fast talkers do commercials on TV.  I can’t imagine how they can do that. But then again, maybe folks think I’m a fast talker toooo.  There are two types of fast talkers.  Do you know slow talkers, the kind that you want to help them talk as they are soooo slow and seem like it takes them forever to say anything. Coach says—We got to get after it; you got to do more than just try but we have to fry; get our mind in shape, get our body in shape, get our spirit in shape, get our money in shape, get our relationships in shape, etc. We got to quit trying but start frying it (i.e. in fast talk, get after it). Now that is the big picture folks a.k.a. longview, overview, long range view.

I read while eating my oatmeal with half a banana on it that many folks run out of things to look forward to. What! I’m going to run out of time but not things to do; that is what I am concerned about.  I also read this by RickyRick--Do not procrastinate but to get after it; seize the moment. The clock is a ticking folks; I don’t want to waste my life. Life is good as the tee shirt that Jeanne gave me says. WorldClassLarry says—Don’t sit on the couch and eat chips, get going; don’t waste your life just complaining and watching the news; that is a waste of time! OneSmartPerson says—Make every day an adventure! See the big picture.

I sent a text to my old old golf buddies who I played golf with in AZ and asked them how they are doing. One of those old old buddies responded--I'm doing well erv. A lot has happened since we last played golf. I found an error on my birth certificate and I'm actually 5 yrs younger than I thought, I won the lottery, got my pilots license, remarried a much younger wealthy widow, moved to Dublin, playing some great Irish/Scottish courses and my handicap has dropped to 5! How's life treating you?

Dr.J says—"Pride thrives on a competitive nature that tries to remain on top. Pride is a brutal master; it keeps you struggling, striving, and grasping for some kind of worldly recognition and success. If you want to experience peace, live humbly and be content in what God has given you and called you to do.” But occasionally, they express a unique kind of grief: running out of things to look forward to (i.e. I think we always need things to look forward to, my opinion). Stephen says--“I just glanced at some trophies on my bookshelves. So many have been discarded over the years, but a few remain to remind me of tennis victories or basketball participation. I remember working hard to win them, then displaying them proudly. Now they seem forgotten except for an occasional glance and the fleeting memory of a triumph.” Those past trophies remind me of how small they are compared to the big picture! 

I wonder if many times I really don’t see the big picture but just a little of it through my eyes (i.e. very small portion). Sometimes I wonder if I see a skewed portion of the big picture. WorldClassLarry says—erv, first you have to decide what the big picture is. Soooo how do I do that WorldClassLarry?

AverageJoe says--Don't Miss Out In Life, Enjoy What Life Has For You; you gotta see the big picture. This is David’s story (i.e. anybody can be a David)--“When I walked into the gift shop, I was greeted with a cheery ‘Good afternoon!’ The young salesperson chattered brightly as she pointed out the shop’s unique products, shared my observations about the weather, helped me choose a gift, and neatly wrapped my purchase. ‘You must really enjoy what you’re doing,’ I said. ‘Actually, I hate it,’ she replied. ‘I’m only doing this because I have to. I can’t wait till six o’clock comes so I can join my friends on the beach!’ As I walked away, I reflected on this young woman’s behavior. She had given me the impression that she enjoyed her work. In reality, however, she was merely putting in time” Boy, I hope we don’t use our lives and time on this earth this way!  Wouldn’t that be a waste and a mess! 

If you do not expect it, you will not find the unexpected, for it is hard to find and difficult. Heraclitus 500 B.C-Greek Philosopher

I read this that is sorta kinda the big picture, I think anyway--Paul wrote two lengthy passages addressing this issue in 1 Corinthians 10:14–11:1 and Romans 14:1-23. In short, he said that there was no harm in eating meat from pagan temples, but he left the decision up to the individual. More importantly, he cautioned against letting one’s own conscience be a standard of judgment against others. He said that peace in the church and mutual edification were most important (Romans 14:19). As always, love was to be the guide: “Love...does not seek its own” (1 Corinthians 13:4-5). In all our relationships—home, work, church—we are to love one another, not judge one another. Pursue peace and edification wherever you go today. SusieQ says--I seem to forget the big picture some times! Ouchy ouchy!

In December 2008, Bernard Madoff was arrested for fraud. For years, Madoff promoted a massive Ponzi scheme consisting not of real assets but money contributed by investors. By the time the scheme was exposed, the money was gone. Thousands of investors, who entrusted entire fortunes to Madoff, were left with nothing. They placed vain hope in a payoff that didn’t exist. In December 2008, Bernard Madoff was arrested for fraud. For years, Madoff promoted a massive Ponzi scheme consisting not of real assets but money contributed by investors. By the time the scheme was exposed, the money was gone. Thousands of investors, who entrusted entire fortunes to Madoff, were left with nothing. They placed vain hope in a very high payoff that didn’t exist. Many folks didn’t see the big picture maybe!

RickyRick says—"Not only have you made mistakes in the past, but you’ll also make more in the future. I guarantee it.” Even if I play it safe and refuse to take risks, which is a mistake, I will make mistakes. Soooo don’t be surprised folks when you make mistakes BUT I pray for wisdom that I may make good or at least better decisions (i.e. put the odds in my favor) soooo I don’t have to suffer soooo many results of bad decisions. BUT I still will make mistakes, no question, absolutely, for sure; even if I don’t do anything that is not completely bad, I still must suffer the consequences. Soooo I’m doomed to make bad decisions. Such is life. I thank God for being good to me; now that changes the perspective. Yes it does! Completely totally entirely fully without question absolutely! It’s affords me to see the big picture!

AverageJoe says--Sometimes it’s not about money, it’s not about luxury, it’s about enjoying what you have. As you pray, thank God for being good to you.

When in Golden, CO, Jeanne and I had some ice cream at a little shop on main street. The young gal, named Stephany was a very neat gal. Jeanne asked her if she was a student—no and yes, I graduated from high school and hope to go to school to be a pilot—wow, that’s neat—I am the first person in my family to graduate from high school. We wished her the best and told her to do well, make your dreams happen; you can do it!  She was getting out of the runt; seeing what life would be like if she did something different. She was seeing the big picture.

A friend sent me some thoughts to think about relating to the big picture: erv, always keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to eat them. erv, if you can't be kind, at least have the decency to be vague. erv, it may be that your sole purpose in life is simply to be kind to others. erv, never put both feet in your mouth at the same time, because then you won't have a leg to stand on.

A friend, John (i.e. anybody can be a John), who we became friends a zillion years ago sent me this about the big picture:  Abdominal Fat Linked to Lower Brain Volume in Midlife; ”Great, I'm not only overweight, I'm stupid.” In large study of healthy middle-aged adults, greater visceral and subcutaneous abdominal fat on abdominal MRI predicted brain atrophy on imaging, especially in women. Holy smokes!

Now this is seeing the big picture--If you lend someone $20 and never see that person again, it was probably worth it.

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean said--With a good hobby you can find yourself and lose yourself at the same time.

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