For ever I have been wrong when I thought I
was right! Da!
We went for a hike in
Boulder, CO and I discovered that I thought the flat irons were like flat
surfaces of the mountains horizontally but no no, they are like the old flat
irons sitting up.
Sooo take that into consideration when
reading this “It’s Saturday” as I really have no idea what is right or wrong!
JoeBlow says--We have to make the best
of our reality no matter what it is now. We must. It’s reality or are we living
in a virtual reality? Do you think we sometimes get confused what our real reality
really is? Like which reality is right
or wrong? I don’t know JoeBlow; I get confused a lot. My mentor would say--erv, it's never as good as it looks and it's never as bad as it looks!
ItchieBitchie says--We are never too important to be nice to
people no matter how important we think we are. That sure sounds right to me ItchieBitchie.
Loneliness and hopelessness. In January 2023, the University
of Michigan National Poll on Healthy Aging (NPHA) asked a national sample of
U.S. adults age 50–80 questions about loneliness (measured by their feelings of
isolation and lack of companionship) and their social interactions. One in
three adults age 50–80 (34%) reported feeling isolated from others. Liz Bohannon,
who spoke at the 2023 Global Leadership Summit, said that 58% of Americans
report being lonely, 70% of leaders report being lonely and 78% of young people
report being lonely. She then said--We all need community and
support of friends. Relationships with friends are the most
important long-term predictor of happiness. I think she might be right about

I read in the newspaper soooo it
must be right--In recent years, protests have erupted across America. Depending
on which side of an issue you identify with, you’ll consider a given protest
needlessly destructive or justifiably disruptive. Ouchy ouchy! Saturday
question—Soooo how do we know if we are right about an issue? Maybe we just
think we are right but maybe we are wrong.
How do we decide if we are right or wrong?
Maybe it’s good to stay as lose as a goose!
You think all folks have good and bad
in them?
I hope that all of us have good
in us. ThePersonNorthOfTown says--Sometimes I wonder about some folks!
I think I know that all of us have some bad
in us, sorry to say but do all of us have some good in us! Maybe some have more
good than bad in them! Is good and bad in us taught or what? When
hiking to Emerald Lake in the Rocky Mountain National Park, we came upon two
young ladies sitting on a rock eating their snacks while overlooking a
beautiful view. We talked to them and found them very pleasant and dynamic and
charming. They were past college friends from the East. We told them how neat
they were, and they responded—Our mothers taught us well!
I have a friend who is great; I
think why she is soooo great is that she doesn’t know she is great!!!!
She is always cute (i.e. happy gals are
always cuter); she always has a smile from ear to ear!
How can she go wrong with that attitude!
CoachB says—What does the best year
of our life look like?
What are the qualities
that made that year soooo great?
did we have? How did we feel? Is this what we are trying to achieve in our life
now? Are we chasing after the wind and not pursuing what produces what we want?
Again, what was or is the best year of our life? Are we living our life right
or wrong? CrazyMarvin says—I have no idea, I’m just living my life a.k.a.
kicking the same can down the same road!
JoeTheWorld proclaims—Be like me! Be like
me and I will make you beautiful and successful!
We seem to be bombarded continuously by
JoeTheWorld doesn’t it. Saturday question—How do we decide what is right or
I guess that is up to us; we make
the decision. It appears that we are encouraged and nudged by folks who we are
Look around folks, it’s not
rocket science! Da! Isn’t there a saying—Birds of a feather flock together (e.g.
radicals flock together).
I read this story while eating my oatmeal with half a banana
on it--The wife of a well-known, brilliant professor once recounted to me a
conversation with her future mother-in-law, who gave this advice: “Make sure
you don’t compliment him too much. It will go to his head, and he’s already too
boastful.” Boatsful or humble, which one is right and which one is wrong? SmartAleckTrish asks—Does anyone really like to
be around boastful folks a.k.a. narcissistic folks)?
What is good for the goose is good for the gander. Or is
it? Sometimes we just talk big, but we justify
our behavior. Our behavior is okay for us but not for others (i.e. we have two
standards). An example is when we complain that a certain group of folks get welfare,
but we get large amounts of aid from the government ourselves. Isn’t that like a double standard? It’s got
to be right or wrong; it can’t be both or does it just matter how it affects me
(i.e. it’s all about me me me)! Aren’t we something else! It’s all about the money!
A friend told me--You’re in the right
place at the right time doing the right thing. Or maybe you’re in the wrong
place at the wrong time doing the wrong thing.
Soooo how do we know? It’s sorta kinda like what I saw on the olive oil
bottle—you are either a virgin or not a virgin; how can you be extra virgin?
Help me here! Sooooo how in the world do we decide what is right or wrong?
There has to be some measuring stick in the
sand, doesn’t there. Where does that measuring stick come from. If there is no
measuring standard, then there is no right or wrong. JoeSmart says—It seems
like everyone has a different measuring stick sooo that means everyone has a
different right and wrong!
question—Can we be a little right and a little wrong? Ouchy ouchy! Can our
right and wrong change from day to day?
Generally when we do wrong we end up in a mess!
Messes are not good! If you have ever been in a mess, you know that!
Yikes! Sooo why then do we do wrong! And when
is the best time to do right, maybe it’s now! RickyRick says--For us, doing
right might look like visiting someone in the hospital, writing a letter to
someone who’s lonely, having breakfast with an old friend or being kind to your
obnoxious coworker. Whatever right looks like for you, you should do it
now. The Bible says, “Whenever you possibly can, do good to those who
need it. Never tell your neighbors to wait until tomorrow if you can help them
now” (Proverbs 3:27-28). Saturday question—Do you think the Bible is a
standard of what is right or wrong? MissPerfect, who always runs downhill with
the wind at her back, says--I think I need to do about 1,000 mental squats to
get my mind in shape!
I’m totally convinced that we can’t go wrong by showing
gratitude. I think it’s a great medicine. It appears that folks who are
grateful are always better folks (i.e. that is my opinion). You might think I’m
wrong but are you happy?
The shortest distance between two
points is a straight line.
erv, everyone knows that.
Then why do soooo many folks not do what is right and not save their time
and effort by doing the wrong stuff? Answer me that will ya SusieQ!
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean said—Conscience is the small voice you listen
to after you tell it what to say.
So true all of it! Love Boulder!