November 25, 2023


The first decision you have to make is if you want to waste any calories reading this “It’s Saturday"? The second decision you have to make is do you have any built-up calories to waste? And your answers are?

No, the “William Tell Overture” (the theme music for the 1950s TV show, The Lone Ranger) was not written by a musician named William Tell. It is the overture, or prelude, to Guillaume Tell (William Tell), an opera in four acts by Gioacchino Rossini, first performed in Paris in 1829. An overture, or prelude, is an introduction. It precedes that which it introduces, and while important, it is less important than that which it precedes. Tonto said--Soooo put that in your pipe and smoke it.

The Lone Ranger and Tonto were camping in the wilderness. After they got their tent set up, both men fell sound asleep. Some hours later, Tonto wakes the Lone Ranger and says,"'Kemo Sabe, look towards sky, what you see?" The Lone Ranger replies, "I see millions of stars." "What that tell you?" asked Tonto. The Lone Ranger ponders for a minute then says, "Astronomically-speaking, it tells me there are millions of galaxies and potentially billions of planets. Astrologically, it tells me that Saturn is in Leo. Time-wise, it appears to be approximately a quarter past three in the morning. Theologically, the Lord is all-powerful and we are small and insignificant. Meteorologically, it seems we will have a beautiful day tomorrow. What does it tell you, Tonto?" "You dumber than buffalo... It mean someone stole tent."

This is how I answered the question which Heather asked of me for Storyworth  :Dad, Which fads did you embrace growing up? It was maybe 1961 and I was a sophomore in high school at good ol’ Danube High. A group of senior boys wore Levi blue jeans to school. It was a no no? And especially since they wore engineer boots and white shirts with their collars standing up. They were sent home for the day! BUT the fad of wearing Levi blue jeans made its way into acceptable clothing. I bought right into it. I liked it and wore them right away. You remember the Levies with the rivets holding the jeans together and metal buttons in the flies instead of zippers. It was easy for me as these were the jeans I wore on the farm doing work a mile and a quarter south of Roseland, MN. My Mom, Anna, just washed them up getting the dirt and manure off the best she could; good enough for me! And I still like to wear them. I just bought a new pair of Levi 501s on Amazon on their October blast at half price. I’m a pretty simple guy!  Well folks, this wearing blue jeans fad was just the prelude of what was coming!!!! haha

When at good old Northwestern College, Oli Watamaker, was in the next room of the dorm. He was an Afro-American; I think from New Jersey. He was there to play football. I called him “scantback” as he was rather a slender, little guy and could really run like a gazelle. He loved it! He was very superstitious and excitable (i.e. I could pull pranks on him and really get him scared; his eyes got as big as golf balls).  We weren’t necessarily good friends, but we did enjoy each other. Well, at semester, he quit school and was going back home. He came into my room one night with a pair of jeans, Levis 501s; a pair of his jeans.  He told me that he wanted me to have them as a memory of him. I wore them for a couple of years.

There is a saying--When you choose to collect experiences rather than things, you never ever run out of storage space. I like some stuff but not too much. I like experiences and relationships much more than stuff. But that is just me. Some of you prefer stuff more than experiences and relationships.  Aren’t we all different. Sooo is there a difference between a collector and hoarder?  Do we really need all the stuff that we haven’t used, or even looked at for 10 years or even worn for 10 years or do we need 10 of everything?  Is this a prelude to our future? I was at a car dealer getting some regular maintenance on my vehicle and was in the waiting area.  I went and sat in a chair where I could see the traffic flow and action in the show room. I had to look over a lady who was about four feet from me in a chair. I said to her—I’m not looking at you but at the activity going on behind you—it’s ok even if you were looking at me as I don’t care anymore at my age!  We both had a good laugh.  Sooooo some stuff do change with age I guess!

Theladydownthestreet I see has lost a lot of weight.  I noticed but wasn’t really looking at her. How could I not notice.  MrssPerfect says—It’s an easy formula, change your eating habits a.k.a. a lifestyle change (i.e. reduce calorie intake) and exercise continuously equals less weight.  Ladydownthestreet, congratulations, you look great! Saturday question—Do folks learn lifestyles from their parents? My Daddy, Chester, would say to me—erv, the best discipline is self-discipline!

When eating my oatmeal with half a banana on it, I read what Kate, anybody can be a Kate, wrote—"In our deepest place, we want to be known not for our beauty, which will fade with age, but for our heart. Within our hearts lie the intangible, beautiful gems that we call ‘fruit of the Spirit,’ the beauties of love, kindness, faithfulness, and so on (Gal. 5:22-23). In your living, be known for your beautiful heart, the thing that matters most.” Some folks really have kind hearts and some not soooo much!

Here today, gone tomorrow! Why are we soooo surprised that things change? As my mentor would say to me—erv, this too shall pass! Nuttin stays great forever and nuttin stays bad forever! Expect it! If I put myself in a good position, it appears that the odds of good stuff happening to me are much better than if I put myself in a bad position. Da! Maybe that is a prelude to my future. What do you think? That is what I thought. Soooo I need to think about what are the good positions and what are the bad positions maybe. How do I decide? It appears that it really helps being wise and where do I get wisdom? WorldClassLarry says—erv, just look around, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out.

Saturday question—What is your moral compass? How did you decide what the direction is of your moral compass? Do you stick to your moral compass direction? I’m guessing that your moral compass directs how you live your life (i.e. at least most of the time unless huge massive money is involved, haha). I assume your moral compass will be a prelude to how you live the rest of your life. ItchieBitchie says—My moral compass is whatever the direction the wind is blowing! It works for me, sooo far anyway! C’mon erv, it’s all about the power and the money, ain’t it!

MissPerfect says--If I am not good to myself, how can I expect anyone else to be good to me? Saturday questions—Are you good to yourself? What does it mean to be good to yourself? When in Branson, a lady at the front desk asked us our ages as she had a benefit for us if we qualified.  She said we didn’t qualify as we were too old. Usually, I didn’t qualify for stuff because I was not old enough but now I don’t qualify because I’m toooo old. We had such a good laugh! A guy can’t win for losing! I think it’s just a prelude folks!

TonyThePhonyBaloney—You can camouflage aging a little, but you can’t stop it. The writer of Ecclesiastes describes aging in a grim, poetic fashion. He labels old age as ‘the days of trouble.’ Google says most folks start aging in their 40s and 50s and then it’s downhill from there (i.e. it’s just the prelude and then the real book starts). The prime physical age for athletes is between 25 and 35. Us old folks think in our heads we are still in our prime, but we aren’t (i.e. we still think we are 20 years old) and then we get hurt and we wonder why. It’s only in our heads). BUT love (i.e. especially unconditional love) is the same at all ages, it is what it is. That’s my opinion, anyway I think soooo, maybe, could be! Possibly. CrazyMarvin says—C’mon erv, no human can have unconditional love!  We are all self-centered and care mostly about ourselves (i.e. pretty egotistical we are). Wake up erv! Don’t be soooo naïve! Listen CrazyMarvin, it seems to me that the great ones are the humbler folks.

It's a prelude usually. If it walks like a duck and it quacks like a duck, it's a duck! Great folks and jerks are in all occupations, in all parts of the world, in different income levels, have different levels of education. etc. I have played a lot of picklelball in many different venues and at different skill levels. I think I have had the most fun when folks are kind, have sportsmanship, interested in friendships, and are courteous.  BUT there are always jerks, always! Suggestion to you teachers, coaches, administrators of pickleball—Teach those qualities just as much as skills; it will make everyone have a much better experience including your clubs, resorts, and even yourself.  And if any of you are really courageous, tell the jerks they are jerks as they usually don’t know it.  Yikes! CoachSpotty says—Not me, those jerks will think I’m the jerk and eat me alive (i.e. jerks don’t even like to be around other jerks)! SweetJane says--I elect just not to be around them! That seems to work!

A friend says--When the gonger gongs it’s over folks! The opposite of prelude is the postscript. Like our legacy. We all leave a legacy if we think we will or not. I continue to believe that the biggest part of our legacy is how folks remember how we treated them and not by what we worldly accomplish but then some of you might think differently than me. Your friends, family, and acquaintances know who you were, don’t kid yourself.  Do you ever get personally attached to a trophy of your past? That trophy could be many things that you admire about yourself and have accomplished. We might have them on our shelf on display or just in our heads. What do you think will happen to those trophies when we die?  For the most part, they are going in the dumpster as no one really cares about the bowling trophies that we won in 1985. OldManBill says--Now that is hitting the nail on the head; I already see that in my increasing age!

I’m pretty much packed up and ready to head down to the Valley of the Sun and to live again in my “little tin hut.” This is just a prelude of my anticipation of an exciting winter! Oh yes!  Can’t wait; this will be a new and different and adventurous and exciting year. Oh ya! “The price of anything is the amount of life you exchange for it.”—Henry David Thoreau

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean said--Never let yesterday use up today.

November 18, 2023

parasitic draw

When in Branson on Halloween night, a comedian told this story.  He said—We have a world class magician in Branson who is sooo good that he can make Thanksgiving disappear.  After the last trick and treater leaves the last door, he makes Thanksgiving disappear and the Christmas lights come on and there is no Thanksgiving. All the shows turn into Christmas shows tomorrow!  Thanksgiving doesn’t make anyone any money, but Christmas is a big money maker. It’s all about the money! I really like Thanksgiving! Yes I do. At our small group, I was reminded once again to never forget my blessings of the past, never never never; always be thankful for them!

WARNING! This “It’s Saturday” is mostly off-the-cuff remarks soooo take that into consideration when reading it. You get what you pay for! Many of you folks like “free” soooo that is the quality you get!  Such is life.

The battery in a friend’s fishing vehicle would be dead each morning. Something was draining the juice, but he didn’t know what. He had to put a trickle charger on it all the time. Sooooo he did a lot of testing but couldn’t figure it out soooo he called a friend who is an expert. His friend asked if he had something in the cigarette lighter and he did, his phone charger, but said he didn’t use it all the time; that is the number one drainer he said. The expert then said—In the auto fixing business, this is called a parasitic draw. That wasn’t it. Soooo he figured it out that it was his radio soooo he removed the fuse and got rid of the parasitic draw a.k.a. the sucker. Bingo, that did it, got rid of the culprit. His life is a lot better!

Nancy, anybody can be a Nancy, says—"When the Bible says we’re sheep, it’s not a compliment. Sheep are helpless and dumb. They get confused and lost: ‘We all, like sheep, have gone astray’ (Isaiah 53:6 NIV).” I hope none of us are a parasitic draw, but we might be at times. Who what me! Baa baa baa!

There’s an old story about a preacher who showed up early for a speaking engagement. Looking around, he noticed a moneybox on the wall. He made a five-dollar contribution to it, thinking it was for the poor. After the service, his host walked him to the door and took the money from the box. “This is where our people contribute to the visiting preacher,” said the man, “and you’ve done better than most. Look, here’s a five-dollar bill.” Later the man told the story to his family. “Dad,” observed his son, “if you had put more into it, you would have gotten more out of it!” My opinion folks is that if we put more love into others, we will get a lot more love out of life. That’s just my opinion folks. CadillacJack says--Don’t be a parasitic draw, be a giver, that makes life way better for everyone!

SusieQ says--I hate it when people act all intellectual and talk about Mozart, when they've never even seen one of his paintings.  A friend told me recently that he has some “sandpaper folks” in his life that just rub him wrong! They are very egotistical and think they know all the answers. Do you know any “sandpaper folks?” Those “sandpaper folks” are a good example of a parasitic draw, I think! Have you ever been egged-on? Maybe really teased into doing something that is not right or isn’t really you but do it to look good. Those eggeroners are not good folks to be around a.k.a. parasitic draws.  ItchieBitchie says—Be careful who you are around. Don’t jump off the bridge just because others do, that’s my opinion. TomSmart says—Don’t do the easy thing to get attention or be popular but do the right thing! Saturday question—Have you ever done something stupid that you wish you would not have done?  Driver:  "What am I supposed to do with this speeding ticket?"  Officer, "Keep it. When you collect four of them, you get a bicycle.

A friend’s grandson was bow hunting for deer on his farm but didn’t get one. In a few minutes he found a picture on social media of a guy who shot a big buck. He put his face on this pic and sent it to his mother.  She was soooo excited for him until he told her it was a fake. I see advertised on TV the new iPhones that can alter a photo about anyway you want.  I had breakfast with a friend who is a professional photographer and asked him about this. He said they can remove double chins, reduce weight, tint hair, increase cleavage, remove zits, change eye color etc., pretty much whatever folks want. A friend told me that pictures aren’t allowed as evidence in court anymore soooo I asked him about that. Yep, they can be altered soooo perfectly that it cannot be determined if altered. Soooo there you go again, a person can’t believe anything anymore, more phony stuff. Now that is a parasitic draw! JoeBlow who can sound like a resounding gong, says-- From the beginning of time, humans have had difficulty discerning what is beautiful and valuable from what is ugly and worthless.

Flip the pancake!  I am around folks (i.e. some are some of you folks) who are just a joy to be around. You just make the world happy! What a pleasure you are.  You uplift me! Ring my bell! You make me feel good! And others not soooo much! Ouchy ouchy! You great folks are the opposite of a parasitic draw, I think! Oscar Wild said—Some people cause happiness wherever they go and others cause happiness whenever they go. An old college friend who I played basketball with became a coach and AD of a college and still does some work at the college (i.e. he says he cleans the gym floor every morning). This year he has a college student (i.e. his work study job) that helps him who is a tall lanky kid with a huge bushy hair style.  He works his butt off scrubbing and scrapping the floor and is just a joy to be around. After some time, they got to know each other, and he found out he was a star on the basketball team (i.e. completely humble and unpretentious). Bingo! BettyLou says—"Let us be quicker to praise than find fault. Let us be quicker to thank others.” I agree BettyLou and may I suggest that we give thanks to God Almighty! For those who don’t believe in God, who do they give thanks to at Thanksgiving? Maybe their Master Charge card!

De-clutter! Toooo much stuff makes us run low on energy a.k.a. a parasitic draw. RickyRick says--Your faith journey is a long one. Too many people start off strong but putter out before the end. God wants you to go the distance.” Maybe get rid of some of the stuff that is a parasitic draw (i.e. drains the life out of us; like useless stuff).  What do you think? That is what I thought. Most employment, employees are working for someone or some company.  Management has the right to terminate our job for many reasons. BUT all of us are unpinkable as to being terminated in how we live our life a.k.a. how we treat others, our morals, our actions, our faith etc.).  I believe that a great part of happiness in life is determined by us. Well, it could be, maybe! But I don’t know for sure! Possibly! WildWillie from north Butler Co. says—For me, I think money is the answer; man, do I like money; I’ll almost do anything for more money!

Jane, anybody can be a Jane, says--Things Aren’t Always What They Seem! Or it could be said as we heard in the  performance of Queen Ester, God works in crazy ways! Or as I read, God turns setbacks into comebacks (e.g. I just burned 1,200 calories; I forgot the pizza in the oven). Or someone said somewhere at sometime (i.e. but I can’t remember who or where or when)—You cheat yourself if you don’t do the right thing.

Flip the pancake of parasitic draw for a second please!  In our lives we have or had folks who are our heroes, folks who we admire and would kinda sorta want to be like. Saturday question—Who are some of your heroes? Well, one of my heroes is Bobby Jones. I just read this about him, and it depicts who he was. I would like to be like him, yes I would. “The unassuming, respectful way in which Bobby Jones treated others set him apart as a true sportsman and gentleman.” Now that’s a person who is not a parasitic draw, my opinion! My Mom, Anna, was a Bobby Jones! Yes she was. I like to be around Bobby Jones type of folks. Many of you are Bobby Jones, I think.

Recalculating your route! Olson, anybody can be an Olson, says—"Disappointment comes when we can’t get something we think we need or want. And while that is natural a.k.a. human, it’s also an opportunity to ask: ‘What am I really living for?’” My opinion, how we answer that question pretty much says who we are.  Saturday question—What are you thankful for?  CrazyMarvin says—I have soooo much stuff that I’m thankful for that I don’t know where to begin. The problem is most of my stuff is on payments and the stuff is depreciating in value! Ouchy ouchy!

CoachB says—Maybe ask ourselves, “why me” to all the good stuff that has happened to us (i.e. be thankful).  Have we ever shared with someone all the good stuff that has happened to us?  Yes, we must have a very good friend to do that with or some folks will think we are bragging about ourselves. And many folks don’t have such a friend maybe. I guess we can be positive or negative.  As my deceased friend, Paul, told me—erv, decisions have consequences and guess who gets to make the decisions.

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean said—If you get something for a song, watch out for the accompaniment.

P.S. I heard a gal say to another gal this week--I'm smarter than you look! The other gal didn't know what to say!

November 11, 2023

de miminis

Toot toot, move over please, I’m coming through.  They didn’t move over for me one little bit! I think I might be too small for them meaning unimportant for them to care about me! Yikes! Such is life.

I sorta kinda like some Latin words; they seem intriguing to me.  De minimis means, essentially, too small to care about!

When I was a kid, I think everyone who found a penny on the ground would pick it up. Not anymore, it is now de minimis. Maybe a nickel or a dime might not even be picked up.  As my 8-year-old neighbor boy said to me when I tipped him a dollar: A dollar, what can I buy with a dollar! He is sorta kinda right even though I didn’t care much for his appreciation. I have to admit that I pick all pennies up as I like to read what it says on them—In God we trust. It’s a good reminder to me. And also, Lincoln’s face is on them, and I like what Lincoln stands for.  Sooooo a penny makes me sorta kinda feel good. Some of you will call me a de minimis! That is okay! You may!

I read again the other day that 99% of stuff won’t make any difference 5 years from now and some stuff won’t make any difference 5 minutes from now (i.e. we think about bad stuff that angers us but maybe it could be good stuff also that we get all bend out of shape about). Actually, some of us might be died in 5 years, maybe. And many can’t remember much now in five minutes! Much of the stuff is soooo de miminis. Saturday question—Then what is important that we should pay attention toooo? ItchieBitchie says-I don't think it was improper when I responded to a neighbor's wedding invitation with "Sorry, I can't make it, maybe next time!" 

I must admit that I’m stiff-necked and stubborn (i.e. that is not a de minimis thing). Are you? I don’t want to be stiff-necked and stubborn but I still am. How about you? Do folks like stiff-necked and stubborn folks?  Sooo what type of person is a person who is not stiff-necked and stubborn?  An antonym of being stiff-necked and stubborn is being humble, unpretentious, and modest. Tom Brady said this about Brock Purdy--"You don't hear of guys like Brock Purdy until Brock Purdy's doing amazing things out on the field, so it's kind of a fun story and I hope it continues for him because he seems like he's a really humble young man, and he wants to go out there and do great things." Soooo how can we lessen being soooo stiff-nicked and suborn?  AverageJoe says—The first thing we have to do is admit we are stiff-necked and stubborn which many can’t do soooo that makes it impossible, maybe. OneSmartPerson who does not like splashy headlines about himself, says—Maybe we need to self-evaluate ourselves and our churches. Maybe. Could be. But I don’t know! But possibly!

This for sure will sound like a de minimis to some of you but not to all of you.  Get counsel!  Get counsel from an expert who is neutral. I have done this on business matters many times. Sometimes from professionals and sometimes from very knowledgeable friends and acquaintances who know what they are talking about. I have never got professional counseling on anything personal in my life. Many of you have and it has been very helpful. Very! I think it’s really great to have a friend who we can talk to who will listen and can be trusted to keep their mouth shut. That itself is a form of counseling, I think. I know of churches and individuals who got counseling and who were given good possible solutions to their issues but didn’t accept where they were wrong and didn’t apply the advice, in which case nuttin probably changed. Soooo the same can gets kicked down the same street. Joesixpack who sounds a lot like a clanging cymbal, says—Yabut erv, at least I know how my current pain feels and I might not like the maybe new pain of change that might happen! I think I will just keep hitting my head against the same wall just like I have been doing!

Our kids think my hearing is bad but I don’t. Our son gave me a membership to Costco for Father’s Day  soooo I could get it tested! Soooo I went recently as my membership was running out. On the information sheet it asked why I am getting my hearing tested. I wrote—to see if our grandkids mumble or I can’t hear!  The technician laughed! The test showed that I had mild hearing loss but not significant. Soooo then it is that our grandkids mumble—the hearing technician said, well erv, our younger generation do seem to mumble—why is that—they do communication by electronic methods and don’t talk face to face and when they do they do a very poor job in talking clearly and looking at folks in the eyes; especially talking with adults.  Now that was her opinion. I will recheck my hearing in a year again and hear what I hear or don't hear then again!

It’s my opinion that it is good to accomplish something every day. It makes me feel way better. It doesn’t have to be much, even something like making my bed, taking a shower, dusting, washing the dishes, reading my devotions, walking my 2.3 miles, mowing the lawn, washing the car, cleaning the bathrooms, talking to friends and family on the phone, sending an encouraging note to someone, doing a fix it project. Actually, anything of an accomplishment is very good for me. It might sound de minimis to you, but it is very important to me. I picked up an old friend for breakfast (i.e. old ‘cause he’s old and old because we have been friends for a long time).  He told me that he woke up at 6:30 and stayed up as he didn’t want to oversleep and miss me and then he got cleaned up, clued his teeth in and dressed; it was a lot of work to go out with me. He told me that he is doing much better than a year ago when it wasn’t good at all.  He did admit that he does not have his initiative/motivation back; he said he is very lazy!

This might sound de minimis to you, but I think it’s very important to me.  That is to be appreciative about my life and my situation. Are you appreciative? We live in a very competitive environment and very comparing environment soooooo they distract me from being appreciative. I think most folks would be much more content and enjoy life more if we could be more appreciative. Sooooo how do I get to this frame of mind if that is true? I have some ideas and have implemented some of them. Yes, I have. I think I need to work on creating them and then working on them. That is my opinion. RickyRick says—"God never meant for you to go through life exhausted. When you’re too tired to love others well, take a good look at how much you’re resting, what you’re eating, and how often you exercise. Then make better and often more difficult choices to take care of yourself.”

Pretty de minimis but…! Soooo I asked both of our teenage grandgirls if they would call me as I have some advice I want to suggest to them. They said they would when they have time. I did tell them they didn’t have tooooo if they didn’t want tooooo (i.e. left them have an out). They both called me when they did have time. I gave them my suggestion a.k.a. advice. I have no idea if they will do what I suggested. It might be de minimis to them but maybe not. I don’t think I will ever know. They are both good kids soooo they might take my suggestion a.k.a. advice. BUT that is ok if they don’t. I’m 77 (i.e. they probably think I'm as old as dirt) and they are teenagers!!! We have a lot of air between us! I understand. Yes, I do! Such is life.

“Finish your broccoli, or you can’t go to the sleepover,” says MissPerfect, the mom. It’s an empty threat, a rash promise that the child knows cannot be true. How many promises have we heard from others that we know aren’t true?  Most everyone knows it except for a few who have their heads up their butts. TomSmart says--C’mon folks, figure it out, quite living in la la land!  Abraham Lincoln said-- “You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of time.”

A friend told me about a private experience she had (i.e. very personal).  I was very impressed with her actions and also her mind set. ANYWAY, she said she talked out loud while doing some actions and it was very rewarding for her. Do you ever talk to yourself out loud?  Do you every talk to God out loud?  It might be a de minimis action we think but it might be very rewarding for each of us. If you haven’t, try it, you might like it! Or let Mikie try it first!

Is this de minimis do you think? What does it mean to be MidWestern anyway? It must mean something! I have lived in Iowa for most of my life soooo I must be MidWestern. Am I MidWestern? Must be! A friend from Butler County told me, I think we are the minority, erv!  And he wasn’t talking about not having a dog either, but I really don’t know exactly what he meant but I think I do! I do know when visiting the Seattle area this summer, that it appeared that some of those folks don’t care much for the beliefs of the folks from Iowa (i.e. why do I know 'cause they told me sooo, very vocal about it). Soooo there! I read this in an Iowa newspaper soooo it must be right—Evangelical voters in Iowa are crucial to Republican presidential hopefuls. I really doubt if voters in New York give a hoot what the Iowa voters think! Maybe they think Iowa voters are nobodies a.k.a. de miminis who live a little west of Nowhere (i.e. just a fly-over state where they grow corn)! This ervie likes to be Midwestern! My evening meal is still supper! I grew up learning that and other stuff from Chester and Anna on the farm a mile and a quarter south of Roseland, MN.

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean said--Everyone wants progress, but few want the change that progress requires. 

November 4, 2023

over cook

Our grandson was invited to help a friend with their family's haunted house. He really enjoyed scaring folks!  Why do we like to be scared or scare others? WARNING! This “It’s Saturday” might scare you to death, or scare your pants off or scare the crap out of you!

Do you like over cooked food; I don’t mean over done; I mean over cooked.  Like the turkey Catherine cooked for the Christmas diner in the movie National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation. Clark said sorta kinda sarcastically--It’s good but just a little dry. He was being nice instead of saying that it’s more than well done, it’s over cooked!

KnowEverthingBob is an overcorrecter! When someone tells someone that they are doing something wrong, some just go on and on like preaching to them a.k.a. over cooking it a bit! It could be a helicopter parent, preacher, coach, friend, spouse. sibling, neighbor, etc. I was visiting with my optometrist during my exam about his three girls, ages college freshman to 8th grader. He told me that he and his wife are demanding of their girls for them to learn how to talk with adults and we make/let them do it as it’s a very important skill in whatever they do in life.  He told me their oldest girl had two jobs this last summer and one was being a waitress at the country club. Her ability to talk to customers, particularly to guys on men’s night, made her a lot of money. Huh, interesting. He has young people who he examines that the parents won’t let their children talk for themselves, they do all the talking for them (i.e. parents over cook their kids). He thinks that is bad parenting. Could be! I’m guessing most children learn by listening to their parents as to how to talk with others. You think soooo? Saturday question—Where did you learn how to talk to adults? Some of you sure sound like your mom or your dad! Some parents must be doing something right or wrong! Such is life.

Yabut erv, you got to put some heat to it for it to go up!  Anyone can go down; gravity will pull all of us down, but it takes energy to go up and energy is usually heat.  Light the fire baby! And to start a fire there is usually friction (e.g. like lighting a match). And many folks don’t like friction of any kind soooo they stay put or go down. Am I over cooking this! You ever over cook noodles? If you have, you know they become mushy and soft! Yuck! Such is life.

Do you believe what everyone says?  I hope not as you will be very disappointed to find out that what they say isn’t always right. There have been quite a few wrong predictions in history. In 1901 Wilbur Wright said that man would not fly for fifty years. Henry Ford’s banker was told by a lawyer, “The horse is here to stay, but the automobile is only a novelty—a fad.” The manager of the Grand Ole Opry fired Elvis Presley and said, “You ain’t goin’ nowhere, son.” And a Los Angeles surgeon said, “For the majority of people, the use of tobacco has a beneficial effect.” We gotta remember that opinions are just that, opinions!  Some folks think they know everything, they just over cook their thinking maybe!

Ya just can’t over cook who you are or can ya!  You are who you are! SusieQ says—I alter my face with a lot of makeup; I cook my face up! I really like real folks, not phony folks (i.e. folks who pretend to be someone who they are not—fakers). Even dogs and little kids can tell when folks are fakes. Who are they trying to fool! Hey listen, pretending is big business in our world. Don’t kid yourself. Abraham Lincoln said—You can fool all the folks some of the time, some of the folks all the time but you can’t fool all the folks all the time. I have had gals who didn’t what me to see them because they didn’t have their face on! They do look different all right! My opinion is--Outside appearance is attractive but inside beauty is more important and is the real beauty of a person which is very important. They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder; I say beauty is inside and out! That is my opinion! BUT have you ever looked at yourself in the mirror first thing in the morning?

I was talking to a person who I do business with and was explaining my situation. I will probably hire her to help me.  She asked about my situation and I told her. She said may I ask who your new friend is.  I told her. Several minutes later, she called me back and said--I know her, and she is a very nice, sweet person; a down to earth gal, a sweetheart. How is that for a raving real endorsement. This business person tells it like it is. A real person who would not give a fake review to get my business She is very sincere. WorldClassLarry says—We all leave a trail now don’t we. Some trails are pretty and some aren’t so pretty. In the wild frontier folks would try to cover their tracks and others would hire very good trackers (i.e. usually Indians) to follow their tracks. Sometimes the folks would leave fake trails to fool the folks after them. Maybe that’s like folks using false information on their profiles! In today’s world we have new ways to track folks like cell phones, security cameras, DNA etc. BUT some folks still try to use false information as fake trials. Even in advertising, there are fake reviews! Saturday question—Have you ever been in a relationship only to find out that they were fake, like phony to the bone!  Wendell Phillips aptly described Lincoln as the Indian hunter, who lays his ear to the ground and listens for the tramp of the coming millions.  IthcieBitchie says—If the apple stinks a little bit now, it will stink a whole lot more with time BUT if the apple looks delicious and tastes delicious now, oh how great it will taste in the future; it’s really a good one!

I was having breakfast with a talented, classy friend who is in upper management. He will be hiring a supportive management employee.  I said—You can hire a “yes person” who will make you look good! He told me that he doesn’t want a person who finds a problem in our management and comes and asks me how I am going to fix it.  I want a person who finds an opportunity to improve our management and comes to me with several possible solutions and shows me which one they think is the best and asks me what I think. I guess he wants more than a complainer; anybody can be a complainer.  A complainer doesn’t have to have much talent! They are a dime a dozen. There is an old question—Are you the problem or the solution to the problem?

Betty Lou says--There seems to be a huge massive difference between ne’er-do-wells and al’ys-do-wells a.k.a. the haves and the have-nots.  Soooo what’s the deal do you think? It seems like some cook the stew better than others or follow the recipe better or just are luckier or God only knows! There seems like there are some basic ingredients that are the same that show up after some time; maybe we don’t like to hear about them but maybe we should. What do you think?  That is what I thought. ThePersonNorthOfTown says—My mom told me what they were, but I didn’t believe her! I thought she was over cooking it!

Sooooo, what’s the difference between being religious, spiritual, a believer, saved, an agnostic or an atheist?  And can you tell the difference between these different types of folks?  It appears that some folks can tell the difference between them or at least they think they can. Abraham Lincoln, one of my heroes, read the Bible many times, had much of it memorized, quoted it in many speeches and referred to it in many speeches. He never joined a church and never said he was a believer, yet he had many religious leaders come and discuss the Bible with him and pray for him. A friend gave me the book, Lincoln in his own time.  In it different acquaintances say this about Abe’s faith: In his early life he had tried hard to be a believer, but his reason could not grasp and solve the great problems of redemption as taught; Lincoln was very cautious never to give expression to any thought or sentiment that would grate harshly upon a Christian’s ear for a sincere Christian he had great respect;  He once said he could never reconcile prescience of the Deity with the uncertainty of events; The only evidence I have of any change was I saw him reading his Bible later in life and he said, “Take all of this book upon reason that you can, and the balance on faith, and you will live and die a happier and better man.” Sooooo did Abraham Lincoln go to heaven?  C’mon, some of you who are judges know! Don’t give me that crap that you don’t know; some of you seem to know everything.  I hear folks at Joes’ and Marys’ funerals that say—Today Joe or Mary is with Jesus in Heaven. They say they know. Maybe they have a direct connection! Or are they just over cooking it!

We visited Jeanne's roots in the area where she was born and lived for her first two years. It is where her grandparents and other relatives are buried (i.e. up 'er in 'em 'er Ozark hills let me t'll y'all), It is near Tin Town. A local told us that there was probably moon shine made in those hills years ago. What a great opportunity to show homage to family. It was a pleasant experience and we do have pleasant hope for our future! 

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean said—If you lighten the way for others, you’ll never be in the dark yourself.