Our grandson was invited to help a friend with their family's haunted house. He really enjoyed scaring folks!
Why do we like to be scared or scare others? WARNING! This “It’s
Saturday” might scare you to death, or scare your pants off or scare the crap out of you!
Do you like over cooked food; I don’t mean over done; I mean
over cooked.
Like the turkey Catherine cooked
for the Christmas diner in the movie National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation. Clark
said sorta kinda sarcastically--It’s good but just a little dry. He was being
nice instead of saying that it’s more than well done, it’s over cooked!
KnowEverthingBob is an overcorrecter! When someone tells someone
that they are doing something wrong, some just go on and on like preaching to them
a.k.a. over cooking it a bit! It could be a helicopter parent, preacher, coach,
friend, spouse. sibling, neighbor, etc. I was visiting with my optometrist
during my exam about his three girls, ages college freshman to 8th
grader. He told me that he and his wife are demanding of their girls for them
to learn how to talk with adults and we make/let them do it as it’s a very
important skill in whatever they do in life.
He told me their oldest girl had two jobs this last summer and one was
being a waitress at the country club. Her ability to talk to customers,
particularly to guys on men’s night, made her a lot of money. Huh, interesting.
He has young people who he examines that the parents won’t let their children
talk for themselves, they do all the talking for them (i.e. parents over cook
their kids). He thinks that is bad parenting. Could be! I’m guessing most children
learn by listening to their parents as to how to talk with others. You think
soooo? Saturday question—Where did you learn how to talk to adults? Some of you
sure sound like your mom or your dad! Some parents must be doing something
right or wrong! Such is life.

erv, you got to put some heat to it for it
to go up!
Anyone can go down; gravity
will pull all of us down, but it takes energy to go up and energy is usually
Light the fire baby! And to start
a fire there is usually friction (e.g. like lighting a match). And many folks
don’t like friction of any kind soooo they stay put or go down. Am I over cooking
this! You ever over cook noodles? If you have, you know they become mushy and
soft! Yuck! Such is life.
Do you believe what everyone says? I hope not as you will be very disappointed
to find out that what they say isn’t always right. There have been quite a few
wrong predictions in history. In 1901 Wilbur Wright said that man would not fly
for fifty years. Henry Ford’s banker was told by a lawyer, “The horse is here
to stay, but the automobile is only a novelty—a fad.” The manager of the Grand
Ole Opry fired Elvis Presley and said, “You ain’t goin’ nowhere, son.” And a
Los Angeles surgeon said, “For the majority of people, the use of tobacco has a
beneficial effect.” We gotta remember that opinions are just that,
opinions! Some folks think they know
everything, they just over cook their thinking maybe!
Ya just can’t over cook who you are
or can ya!
You are who you are! SusieQ
says—I alter my face with a lot of makeup; I cook my face up! I really like
real folks, not phony folks (i.e. folks who pretend to be someone who they are
not—fakers). Even dogs and little kids can tell when folks are fakes. Who are
they trying to fool! Hey listen, pretending is big business in our world. Don’t
kid yourself. Abraham Lincoln said—You can fool all the folks some of the time,
some of the folks all the time but you can’t fool all the folks all the time. I
have had gals who didn’t what me to see them because they didn’t have their
face on! They do look different all right! My opinion is--Outside appearance is
attractive but inside beauty is more important and is the real beauty of a
person which is very important. They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder; I
say beauty is inside and out! That is my opinion! BUT have you ever looked at
yourself in the mirror first thing in the morning?

I was talking to a person who I do
business with and was explaining my situation. I will probably hire her to help
She asked about my situation and I
told her. She said may I ask who your new friend is.
I told her. Several minutes later, she called
me back and said--I know her, and she is a very nice, sweet person; a down to
earth gal, a sweetheart. How is that for a raving real endorsement. This
business person tells it like it is. A real person who would not give a fake
review to get my business She is very sincere. WorldClassLarry says—We all
leave a trail now don’t we. Some trails are pretty and some aren’t so pretty.
In the wild frontier folks would try to cover their tracks and others would
hire very good trackers (i.e. usually Indians) to follow their tracks.
Sometimes the folks would leave fake trails to fool the folks after them. Maybe
that’s like folks using false information on their profiles! In today’s world
we have new ways to track folks like cell phones, security cameras, DNA etc.
BUT some folks still try to use false information as fake trials. Even in
advertising, there are fake reviews! Saturday question—Have you ever been in a
relationship only to find out that they were fake, like phony to the bone!
Wendell Phillips aptly described Lincoln as
the Indian hunter, who lays his ear to the ground and listens for the tramp of
the coming millions.
IthcieBitchie says—If
the apple stinks a little bit now, it will stink a whole lot more with time BUT
if the apple looks delicious and tastes delicious now, oh how great it will
taste in the future; it’s really a good one!
I was having breakfast with a talented, classy friend who
is in upper management. He will be hiring a supportive management employee. I said—You can hire a “yes person” who will
make you look good! He told me that he doesn’t want a person who finds a
problem in our management and comes and asks me how I am going to fix it. I want a person who finds an opportunity to
improve our management and comes to me with several possible solutions and
shows me which one they think is the best and asks me what I think. I guess he
wants more than a complainer; anybody can be a complainer. A complainer doesn’t have to have much
talent! They are a dime a dozen. There is an old question—Are you the problem
or the solution to the problem?
Betty Lou says--There seems
to be a huge massive difference between ne’er-do-wells and al’ys-do-wells
a.k.a. the haves and the have-nots.
Soooo what’s the deal do you think? It seems like some cook the stew
better than others or follow the recipe better or just are luckier or God only
knows! There seems like there are some basic ingredients that are the same that
show up after some time; maybe we don’t like to hear about them but maybe we
should. What do you think?
That is what
I thought. ThePersonNorthOfTown says—My mom told me what they were, but I
didn’t believe her! I thought she was over cooking it!
Sooooo, what’s the difference between
being religious, spiritual, a believer, saved, an agnostic or an atheist?
And can you tell the difference between these
different types of folks?
It appears
that some folks can tell the difference between them or at least they think they can. Abraham Lincoln, one of
my heroes, read the Bible many times, had much of it memorized, quoted it in
many speeches and referred to it in many speeches. He never joined a church and
never said he was a believer, yet he had many religious leaders come and
discuss the Bible with him and pray for him. A friend gave me the book,
in his own time.
In it different acquaintances say this about Abe’s faith: In his early life he had tried hard to be a
believer, but his reason could not grasp and solve the great problems of
redemption as taught; Lincoln was very cautious never to give expression to any
thought or sentiment that would grate harshly upon a Christian’s ear for a
sincere Christian he had great respect;
He once said he could never reconcile
prescience of the Deity with the uncertainty of events; The only evidence I
have of any change was I saw him reading his Bible later in life and he said,
“Take all of this book upon reason that you can, and the balance on faith, and you
will live and die a happier and better man.” Sooooo did Abraham Lincoln go to
C’mon, some of you who are
judges know! Don’t give me that crap that you don’t know; some of you seem to
know everything.
I hear folks at Joes’
and Marys’ funerals that say—Today Joe or Mary is with Jesus in Heaven. They
say they know. Maybe they have a direct connection! Or are they just over
cooking it!
We visited Jeanne's roots in the area where she was born and lived for her first two years. It is where her grandparents and other relatives are buried (i.e. up 'er in 'em 'er Ozark hills let me t'll y'all), It is near Tin Town. A local told us that there was probably moon shine made in those hills years ago. What a great opportunity to show homage to family. It was a pleasant experience and we do have pleasant hope for our future!
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean said—If you lighten the way for others, you’ll
never be in the dark yourself.
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