When Pharaoh would make a decision or issue an edict, he
would say authoritatively, “So let it be written; so let it be done!” The royal
scribes would dutifully record the Pharaoh’s words for posterity. The message
was clear: Pharaoh’s words were powerful; they were the guiding force in Egypt. Sooooo you all know that what is in this "It's Saturday" will not have an impact like what Pharaoh said years ago. Oh no! Many of you will probably think its just sanctimonious twaddle!
This could be hogwash! I hear sports announcers say—They
play like they are angry, like they have a chip on his shoulder (i.e. very
aggressive and with a huge massive purpose—they maybe don’t have a huge massive
contract—they feel like they have been overlooked). Saturday question--Do you ever feel that way? Soooo how do we play our lives.
This could be nonsense! We volunteered and attended an event called Wild Willes, a money maker for our pickleball club consisting of dinner and a dance. We were around some great folks we knew and made some new acquaintances; what fun was had. We met Tom and Sharon from MN who said they have been here for 23 years--do you still volunteer--no we are tooooo old; in fact we use to know everyone on our street but now we don't know anyone, they are all dead! I got a text from my BigCouz, big only in age a.k.a. The Priam Queen,--
We are not doing much this winter in the Valley of the Sun. When you have a lot of friends 90 and older, dinner is at 5. Then everyone has to remember where they parked their car...So, do you think our marriage is doomed!! When we move to our new, miniature abode, we will be sharing a bathroom for the first time in 64 years! We went to church and had the opportunity tooooo sit with a couple of my old friends who are snowbirds (i.e. they are both class and not a flash let me tell ya). One of these two old friends is from MN and the other from back home in Butler County IA. One of my old friends is 87 and I described her to Jeanne as a person who has a big motor and is always on the go doing something. She said--My daughters tell me if I was a youth in our culture now, they would treat me for ADHD. And that's no bunk folks! BUT Jeanne's nickname is Jean the Jumpin' Bean! Soooo there!
This could be balderdash! Dr.J says—"Perhaps the most
challenging idea in biblical Christianity for believers to grasp is the dual
concept of God’s grace and mercy. The ideas that God always loves us and always
forgives us are hard to embrace at first. The grace of God means He
blesses us when we don’t deserve it, and the mercy of God means He doesn’t
punish us when we do deserve it.” There are many folks who say they don’t
believe in God. I disagree with them; I think that everyone has some believe in
God even if it’s an itsy-bitsy amount and maybe they consciously don’t know it. Yes I do. Of course, that is my opinion. I think also that it can be confusing in
many folks’ minds a.k.a. a big struggle which is ongoing). MissPerfect
says—Jumping Jehoshaphat, that is hard to grasp! Take all of this for what’s it
worth; and remember, you get what you pay for! I’m just a little ol’ farm boy
from a mile and quarter south of Roseland, MN.
This could be rubbish! There is a guy in our park who has dated
a lot of women but can’t seem to find one that is right or something. We
overheard a guy tell a gal who this guy just broke up with recently—he said--He has a
hard time with women it seems. This next statement could be a sanctimonious twaddle--“Siri, why am I sooooo bad at relationships
with women?” “this is Alexa.”
This could be nonsense! I was helping a lady in our 55+ park
with selling some real estate. She told
me about herself. She told me that she
has been divorced for a couple of years after 35 years of marriage—wow! what
happened—our marriage was never good and it never got better but only worse; I
am lonely sometimes but I was lonely being married also soooooo there isn’t
much difference really. I felt for her. I read this while eating my oatmeal
with half a banana on it--“Faith, hope, and love abide . . . but
the greatest of these is love.” In his notes, John Wesley called love “the root
of all the rest.” We believe that to love and to be loved is a great feeling, we think the best! What do you think?
This could be baloney! When we were volunteering a supervisor told me
she just used Goof Off to clean something that she couldn’t get clean (i.e. she
said she goofed up with a permanent marker, she made a big mess). Goof Off
really worked, it cleaned it right up!
We both laughed. A fellow volunteer was telling me when I asked him if
he really liked volunteering at Hope Community Center—I really like helping
others; when much is given me much is expected of me. He wasn’t using his time
goofing off; he was thinking of others and not just himself! I read recently that
generosity is a form of spirituality and spirituality is really good for our
mental health.
Do you agree?
This could be poppycock! There is
couple who has this sign in front of their unit in our 55+ park. I know them
and they truly are living their dash (i.e. time between birth and death) in a
very good way it seems. It appears that almost all folks who are older have
some issues and it appears that many choose to handle their issues differently.
It appears that most snowbirds really enjoy life and really make the most of
their life’s situation—all except a few and it’s easy to pick them out it seems
(i.e. maybe they will never be happy). But it appears that most are real
Mountain Lions who are advocates for themselves.

This could be flapdoodle! RickyRick
says—"You don’t plant apple seeds and get tomatoes. In the same way, you
don’t plant bitterness and get love. You don’t plant criticism and then get
encouragement from other people. Everyone used to think the brain was pretty
much set in stone by the time you were an adolescent. Now we know about brain
plasticity and how your brain can continue to be molded for the rest of your
life. That’s good to know! It means if your brain has been naturally molded
toward depression or a quick temper or anxiety, it can change. But you’ve got
to change the way you think. This is referred to as repentance or changing your
mind. You
can change your mind, and when you do, it changes
the way you feel. And when you change the way you feel, it changes the way you
act.” If what RickyRick says is true, well wow, there is hope for us. BUT big
on the BUT as sometimes we don’t want to change. That seems to be the problem.
Especially folks who are human!!!! It appears that this could be almost everyone!
This could be bunkum! There are all
kinds of self-help books telling us how to make our lives better. And some are
just the opposite of each other in their philosophy.
An example, I just read that we are not to be
aggressive and another says we have to be aggressive. Sooooo which one should I
believe. Some say—be non-striving. It’s about
not trying to
get anywhere or trying to make anything happen. It’s about not having
an agenda whatsoever. It’s about non-doing
— about letting
things be as they are and allowing things to unfold without interfering. It
doesn’t mean we don’t get anything done. We still get things done, but we do so
in a more relaxed way. Non-striving is about trying less and straining less.
It’s about allowing, accepting, and letting go. It’s about living with trust
and spontaneity. It’s about floating with the river and allowing ourselves to
be carried by the currents rather than frantically trying to swim in one
direction or another.” You believe that or do you believe we need to be aggressive and
get after it?
How do we decide? Some way I think we need to make our lives to not be a sanctimonious twaddle. That is my opinion which might be hooey!
This could be a sanctimonious twaddle, but you decide. The preacher Sunday said--The world determines what it thinks is right or wrong by which group of folks has the most power a.k.a. money, it's all about the money. But maybe that group of folk might not know what the right or wrong really is. Think about that folks!
My couz on Eagle Lake texted me this--
one good thing about dating at your age is you don't have to worry about meeting the grandparents or probably the parents.
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFrinedJean said--Before you know what direction to take, you've got to know where you are.
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