June 8, 2024

learn the system

Do we need to learn the system as how our family operates, the system at the place we work, or the governmental system or the education system or the welfare system or the computer system or the legal system or the Amazon system, etc.? Does it make life easier if we learn the system? Once we do, it appears that life is easier. BUT sometimes some folks continually buck the system (i.e. we might not like the system or disagree with the system), which can cause problems. LuckieEddie says--BUT that is what forces changes!  Soooo there.

MissPerfect who puts on the dog but has no dog to put on, asks--How important is chemistry in a relationship? It appears that some relationships have better chemistry than others, you know, the folks just seem to get along much better based on something right from the start, something that is deep and strong! And maybe some relationships have a physical attraction but no solid foundation sooo it is just cosmetic in nature. Those two theories seem to have a different system the way I see it. It’s at least something to think about, I guess. It appears when folks have the same chemistry, they have unwritten rules and feelings about each other (i.e. that is my opinion of course); they don’t seem to need to learn the system as they just know the system and they both agree with the system and support the system. Saturday question--Soooo what do you think would be a solid foundation?

Are you in any type of a relationship? Of course you are, everyone has some type of relationship. Is there give and take in our relationships. Oh, the give and take! You know that some relationships don’t last or are not very good. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that out. If both folks in a relationship don’t figure out the give and take stuff, well, it usually doesn’t go soooo well (i.e. my opinion). And it appears that give and take concept can be very difficult for many folks. It’s really hard not to try to insert our believes, business sense, our muscle, etc. unto the other person in our relationships (i.e. we many times think we know what is right).  We think they would be much better folks if they just would copy us (i.e. learn the system) even though we might be a mess and we don't even know it! Da! AverageJoe asks--But aren’t some live styles better than others! SmoothAsSilkSally says--The preacher always preaches that anyway!

Are you a curious person? Do you like to learn? I read a news headline on my phone that San Francisco is trying to force grocery stores to remain open when they want to close their stores. I was curious about that. I found out that some chains what to close their stores in San Francisco as they can’t make any money because of lawlessness (i.e. toooo many folks learned the system). That is what I read. I’m still curious how that will play out.  I also read that Wal Mart went to all self-check outs in some stores but now have changed back to clerk check outs.  I was curious about that tooooo. One article I read said that it was because the consumers wanted human check outs (i.e. didn’t want to learn the new system) and another article said it was because Wal Mart was being stolen blind a.k.a. they were being taken to the cleaners by customer theft (i.e. too many customers learned the system)!   I’m still curious what the right reason was!

While eating my oatmeal with half a banana on it, I read in The Book that the signs of love are compassion, kindness, humility, patience, gentleness, and forgiveness. To me, those qualities make up a pretty good system if you want to love someone. SweetMabel says—Obviously some folks have more of those qualities than others. Saturday questions—Can we learn those qualities? Can we lose them? Are they genetic or environmental? Can we learn the system? Do we ever copy the system that we have been taught by someone? If sooo, who taught us our system?  Soooo Jeanne asked our server the other night if she has to deal with tough customers--Yes, but I kill them with love! OneGreatGuyFred says--That works for me!

Does our mind have a system as how it thinks? I read that Jerimiah described our hearts as “deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked” (Jeremiah 17:9) Yikes! That’s not the same Jeremiah that the Three Dog Night sang about in Joy to the World with the lyrics--Jeremiah was a bullfrog Was a good friend of mine I never understood a single word he said. ANYWAY, is the human mind deceitful and wicked? Is that the system of how our minds work? Is that a basic thought process? Hmmmmmm!

Have we ever said—I doubt it, meaning we don’t really believe it? When we were kids, we had a great imagination (i.e. I still do I think; how about you?). But the older we get, the more our imagination has a tendency to grow rusty. We stop imagining what things could be, and we just start living the way they are. We get stuck in the status quo, which is Latin for “existing state: the mess we’re in.” RickyRick says—"Doubt and fear neutralize what God wants to do in our life. It takes courage to imagine. Do you know why most people don’t imagine? Probably it’s because they’re afraid of failure.” WorldClassLarry says—"Every great thing that I did, I was scared to death to do. But I just said I’m going to do it anyway. Why? Because I’m not about to let fear dominate my life. So I move forward, trembling.”  ItchieBitchie says—Learn the system folks.

Learn the system folks according to Patti--Your attitude is like a box of crayons that colors your world. Constantly color your picture gray, and it will always be bleak. Try adding some bright colors to the picture by including humor, love, and faith, and your picture will begin to lighten up.

Bob Dylan sang the song, “You gotta serve somebody. The chorus goes like this: It may be the devil, or it may be the Lord, but you’re gonna have to serve somebody.” I like that song. I guess we have to decide; we can’t serve both, or can we? We seem to try it appears. We sure like the gray area, maybe! We seem to learn the system. I many times butt up to the line or even slightly cross the line; push the issue with what I can get by with (e.g. going over the speed limit or eating too much or whatever). We seem to learn the system with what we can get by with or think we can. Aren’t we really something?  At least I am! Theguydownthestreet says--The greatest thing is, at any moment, to be willing to give up who we are in order to become all that we can be (i.e. be the best version).  Soooo suck it up cupcake and let’s get going! Or as CoachB says—We got to put the shovel down!

This is an oxymoron to me and seems to be a constant struggle for folks it appears (i.e. we say one thing but do another). Ouchy ouchy! It’s what is important to us and the driving force in our lives. It’s called success. We hear a lot that true success is not money, possessions, position, power, travel, etc. but it seems that everyone kills themselves for it. We say they aren’t important, but humans are envious of others, well some anyway. GeorgeTheCrook says—Making folks compare themselves with others is a great motivator of capitalism and don’t kid yourself, it works (i.e. it wants us to learn the system). Social media is a great tool for that and breeds jealousy, my opinion. I read what Robert said--Success often is not what we gain, but what we are willing to sacrifice. JoeBlow says—And the dog that wins the fight is the dog we feed the most. Such is life.

It appears that our society’s system is “do-everything,” “go-everywhere,” “get-it-done” (i.e. we learn the system). I was talking to a father and his son about their parents and grandparents recently who moved from Butler County to Southern IA maybe 10 years ago. I asked them how they are doing. They told me that they are doing well; they like the slower pace down there. Huh, interesting. Well, I asked them how their business is going—ok, could be better but it could be worse, but we are doing ok. They told me that inflation is really hurting some folks really bad, especially the lower income folks; they are having a hard time making it was their opinion.

Velvet Elvis says—The writers of the Bible go to great lengths to describe God as a being with no edges or boundaries of limits. God has not thingness because there’s no end of God.

Systems can really be good! Oh ya!  I was taught by my parents to always put things back where they belong when done using them. Or as a friend of a friend says—Everything has a home so put it back in its home and you will be able to find it next time. I find I have to put it back right away or I will forget and might not ever find it again. It’s a good system for me anyway. I was talking to a new employee at the golf course on my walk the other morning. He told me that when he retired, he started working for his hometown golf course. The maintenance shed was a mess; couldn’t find anything as nuttin was put away but just left where it was. A total mess.  He cleaned it all up and hung all the tools up soooo he could find them when needed. He quit that job and a couple years later he returned to the maintenance shed and it was again a total mess. Huh, interesting!

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean said—There was never a person who did anything worth doing that did not receive more than they gave.

PS  Thanksamillion for your donations at the "Cream Of The Junk all free tables" at our garage sale. $54

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