June 15, 2024


 Soooo many folks talk talk talk but never get anything done. It’s just overkill! And there are some who hardly say anything but just do it (i.e. under promise and over produce; like always on the uptick going down the interstate at 85 mph)Such is life.

When I think of overkill, the first thing I think about is an old friend who has been deceased for maybe 20 years.  She loved to bake and eat (i.e. not a good combination if you want to control your weight). She was a very nice lady and had a big heart but had an overkill for baking and eating! She told me once that she made blueberry pies that she would give to folks but would try not to eat any herself. Then she said to herself, I will just have one piece but she couldn’t stop herself and she ate the whole pie (i.e. not the breakfast of champions folks)! Now that was an overkill let me tell ya!

RickyRick says—"I suggest you get alone with God and ask these questions: What do I love to do? What do I dream of doing?  ~   What fascinates me? What can I talk about, think about, and study all day and not get bored?  ~   Where have I been most effective in my life? We’ve got to slow down! We’re all in such a hurry, stressed with too much to do, not realizing until later that we didn’t have to do so much.” I really have been trying to slow down and enjoy each moment of my life. It is hard to do at times for me.  I admit it. BUT I am really enjoying my life. And my motor isn’t nearly as big as some of yours. Some of you folks have huge massive motors! You folks are thoroughbreds and make me look like an ol’ plow horse. Such is life.

It appears that when we put things of life in proper perspective life seems to make more sense; it appears that way anyway! When I get my perspectives out of whack a.k.a. overkill, well, life isn’t as good. I then get humbled and need to reprocess, rebut, reprioritize. It isn’t all soooo fun, but it is needed for me. I usually know when I’m getting out of whack; it’s a self-evaluation that I feel. It’s time to take a look at my life a.k.a. re-analyze!

Soooo moderation might be good for us in most cases, maybe. What do you think? But overkill usually never works. It appears that is the case in most everything except in eating green beans and loving others! Can we ever have overkill in being a friend? I don’t know, maybe but generally not I would guess. But what do I know, I’m just a little of’ farm boy from a mile and quarter south of Roseland, MN. BUT I read what David says--Everyone needs friends, deep friends. In fact, there are three kinds of relationships we need in life: (1) a person who ministers to us and for whom we do not necessarily do anything in return; (2) a peer relationship in which we share, build, and minister to each other in a give and take relationship; and (3) a relationship in which we minister to someone else and perhaps, in the process, never receive anything from that person in return. Saturday question—Are we premium performers or just average? 

A valedictorian once said, I think—You’re toooo busy and I’m toooo lazy! A friend complimented a person and said—He always wants to learn something new and more!  Is that overkill or wisdom? Soooo how do we get more wisdom? “The key is not the will to win. Everybody has that. It is the will to prepare to win that is important”—Bobby Knight     WorldClassLarry says—The folks who gain wisdom or more wisdom are the ones who study and work at it and the ones that are stagnant are the ones sitting on the couch, watching Netflixs and eating chips. Ouchy ouchy!

Maybe our busy world is an overkill. AverageJoe says--It appears that way as everyone and their dog has a camper and whats to get away from it all (i.e. get out of Dodge)!  Yep, get away from it all! I think I’m the only one in Butler County who doesn’t have a camper. MygoodolddeceasedneighborKarl would say—They live in an expensive house that have all the luxuries that is imaginable, but they buy an expensive camper to go to a camp area with folks 10 feet on each side to drink beer and eat hotdogs and pick ticks; I don’t get it.

Yes, there is all kinds of overkill. How many pairs of shoes do we need, how many tools are enough, how many toys does a person need, how many trips do we need to make, how much money do we need to make, etc. You understand as we are all human and humans all seem to think that more is better. I’m getting rid of all my stuff and when I move, I will only take along my bare necessities in my duffle bag. Pretty simple you think. What are you thinking erv! I’m either going to sell the stuff or give the stuff away!  I don’t plan to throw much away like the folks down the street; they look like they are really serious!

A friend told me that a narcissist doesn’t ever ask for advice or need any advice as they think they know everything (i.e. they are all about themselves, a way overkill). Huh, interesting. Well, I asked for a lot of advice ‘cause I need it. I seem to think that the wisest folks I know, ask for a lot of advice.  It really seems that way. Soooo I asked a friend for some advice recently and he gave it to me. Later he stopped me on the street and said—I hope I didn’t offend you with my advice. I told him he could never offend me with his advice; I shouldn’t ever ask you for your advice if I was going to be offended by it; I want your unbiased advice and not some yes answer. I read this while eating my oatmeal with half a banana on it--Let’s admit it, at times we all like to be flattered. But does it really help us? Perhaps it more helpful to hear the truth, whether we like it or not. Yikes!

VelvetElvis says—Doctrine is a wonderful servant and a horrible master.

Do you think we all have a purpose or purposes in being on this earth? I think we might, alright, I do! We might know exactly what it is or we might not. MissPerfect says—C’mon erv, that’s a bit of an overkill isn’t it!  You get to decide what you think, it’s your decision and decisions have consequences!  Mordecai said to his young cousin, Esther: “Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” The older Mordecai had served as mentor and counselor to Esther. Dr.J says--Like Mordecai, we are called to be wise and brave—and faithful.

A friend just put new tires on her car.  I asked her how she likes them—They make my car perkier! What!  It seems like my car is different and more excited and fun to drive.  I told her maybe we all should all get some of the those new tires on us! And this gal is already perky!  Yes, she is. Saturday question—Soooo how could new tires make us perkier? RickyRick says--The Bible says in Ecclesiastes 10:10, “If the ax is dull and its edge unsharpened, more strength is needed, but skill will bring success” (NIV). How do you get skill? Practice. God says we need to sharpen our ax. A dull ax takes more energy. He says to work smarter, not harder. Sharpening your abilities—your aptitudes, your skills—it's a spiritual responsibility.” Seee, we don’t always like the advice from people with wisdom! My Daddy, Chester, would say to me—erv, a lazy person is much more innovative! You can bet your booties on that!

We had a garage sale recently to get rid of some of the unnecessary stuff in my house as I am getting ready to sell the house and also move. It was more work than I thought let me tell ya. BUT we got rid of it in two ways: we sold quite a bit and gave the rest away. Bingo! Everyone who came to the sale said that they had enough stuff of about the same kind in their house but still bought some stuff!  It seems that most folks have an overkill of unnecessary stuff and have collected a lot of unnecessary personal stuff through the years.  How about you? BUT they couldn’t turn down such great deals; they had to have it! It felt really good to get rid of all that useless stuff. I wonder if that is an analogy to the useless stuff I have stored in my mind! I wonder! If soooo, maybe it would feel just as good to get rid of the useless stuff that clutters my mind.

Some of you might think this idea is overkill (i.e. you decide, I don’t know). Get it done! CoachB says--To be successful we really don’t necessarily need the ability to do, but what we do need is the ability to get it done. Meaning, I might not be good at something soooo I will have a tendency to not to do it but if I know folks who are good at it, they will help me or teach me (i.e. like YouTube in life). My Daddy, Chester, would say to me—erv, the best way to learn is to ask questions. I ask many of you questions and even ask you to help me as you are much better at certain things that I am. Bingo! It gets done.  If I don’t, well, it just doesn’t get done! --Saturday questions--Does it really matter how it gets done? Is it more important that it gets done?

ItchieBitchie says--I seem to just continue to kick the dead horse over and over again! RickyRick says—"An unexamined experience is worthless. There are people who are 50 years old who haven’t lived 50 years. They’ve lived one year 50 times. They’re still making the same mistakes because they never stop and extract the lessons. They never stop to ask, What happened in this last year, and what can I do differently so that I am living life better?” I really like to learn (i.e. actually I really like to learn watching you; the good stuff you do and the stuff that doesn’t seem sooo good). I believe in self-evaluation of my past experiences (i.e. both good and bad) and learn from them and then move foreword.  JoeBlow says—erv, that’s a bit of an overkill; I like to kick the same can down the same street every day of my life and get the same results. It seems to work for me!

The other Warren from Omaha sent me this (i.e. it could be an overkill soooo be careful how you interpret it, hahaha)—His quartet once sang a song  entitled:  Everyone wants to go to Heaven, but nobody wants to die"   Why is that ???????????? A client of mine was a very old lady who believed that she was going to heaven and was in very poor health.  She said to me—erv, I want to go to heaven very bad but I keep taking these 30 pills that cost a whole lot sooo I can live maybe another month; I just have to laugh at myself! I’m really something else erv!

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean said-- A goal is a dream with a deadline.

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