September 28, 2024

it sure seems that way to me

Bill’s Place in Yakima has a sign outside their business that reads—Bill’s Place; we know our stuff! I won’t go soooo far as saying that what everyone says in this “It’s Saturday” is that they know their stuff. In fact I question if any of us really know our stuff, maybe we just think we do! Soooooo I suggest you read with an open mind and take it for what’s it’s worth. And remember, you get what you pay for!

A newbie friend here in Yakima told us about his son who is married, divorced and now they just live together.  We asked, what’s that all about. Well, he was a penny pincher, and she was a big-time spender, and it just didn’t work; KnowItAllRuben says--I could have told them that. My newbie friend’s wife said—I think they still like stuff about each other, but now each have their own checkbooks! Hey, if it works it works; it sure seems that way to me!

I heard by the apple vine that the apple producers are having a difficult time this fall; the prices are low.  This information came from the apple vine when Jeanne talked to an older lady at the dermatologist’s office waiting room. She said she heard it at coffee at church last Sunday from a lady that knows everything in the lower Yakima Valley. Soooo it must be right! Soooo there you go!

It sure seems that way to me! That is when I change my scene to something green it affects my mind, body and spirit. When I get in the middle of nature it sure affects me for the better (i.e. nature for many produces silence which can produce awe). Nature is really appreciated in WA and one of the activities that is very popular is hiking. It seems that a high percentage of folks do it (i.e. of all ages and abilities) which can produce many opportunities to get stimulated. Nature is like the mean green machine but ya gotta get off the couch! Nature can be as simple as me drinking my morning coffee on the patio overlooking the trees, flowers and the hills (i.e. oh, the quietness of early morning). SusieQ says—I like the green affect tooooo, but I prefer the green backs version at the mall!

Soooo I wanted to watch NFL on Thursday night on Prime. I just couldn’t get it come on. I fiddled and fiddled with it soooo I asked Jeanne to help me, and she couldn’t find it either. What! Some folks came over to our house and I asked them for help. They told me that it’s Monday night and not Thursday and Monday night football is on ESPN. Da! erv’s error as our kids say! All I could do was laugh at myself! Or as a grandson said to me once—Grandpa, you’re funny and you don’t even know it!

Tooooo much, just a little tooo much maybe! It sure seems that way to me!  It appears that some folks are not real but very showy (i.e. way over the top showy). It appear to me that there are big fakers who are not the real deal. But flip the pancake, there are many of you who are very real (i.e. my kind of folks, you have good hearts). Steve, anybody can be a Steve, says--The reason why we struggle with insecurity is because we compare our behind the scenes with everyone else’s highlight reel. I played golf with a new friend on a par three city course. The course was attractive, fun, and very relaxing. We played on Monday, senior day, for $8. Everyone walked and folks were not there to be champion golfers but just to enjoy life. They wore their favorite hats, their favorite tee shirts, and most had old clubs or maybe only three clubs. I doubt if any of them kept score. They were as real as real could be (i.e. I didn’t see any of them pretending to be hot shots). I really enjoyed the atmosphere, a walk in the park. I also enjoyed my new friend (i.e. he’s a real guy). As the guy in the insurance ad on TV says—I over did it, like a showboat, I over did it! MissPerfect says—I know a gal who acts that way constantly, and she needs nothing short of a miracle for her to change! When a person is original, there is only one!

CoachB says—A good way to learn is to find a successful person in an area that we want to learn about and ask questions and listen. Jeanne lined up a conversation with a third-generation apple grower who she knows for us to visit with as I wanted to learn about apple production. He has been very successful and a very delightful person as well. He gave us much information and answered our questions. It was a very good experience. Here are  just a few facts: The apple business is big business and has large input costs which can make good money and also has bad years—the most money is made in the marketing—migrant workers are a must for the labor who are from Mexico; very large percentage of them are legal; the same family has worked for him maybe 50 years; most whites won’t do it anymore; he provides housing and helps them in other ways; he has helped 20 of them become citizens; the labor bureaucracy is unbelievable and is a huge problem for growers—automation is the future to lessen the problem. I don’t want to be an apple grower; man is it a lot of work and a lot of management even though it seems that they make a lot of money! HazelFromTheOtherSideOfTheMountains says—I just ask my brother-in-law Bobby if I have questions about anything; he knows everything, he thinks; it sure seems that way to me! That is maybe one of your problems Hazel, you got to find a person who is successful and knowledgeable and then listen to them!

On our way to hike on White pass we had breakfast at Elk Ridge Lodge which is owned by some old friends of Jeanne. They were right in the middle of a recent wildfire up ‘er in ‘em mountains that destroyed many acres. Their business did not burn but the fire was 15 feet from it (i.e. many fire fighters and a lucky change of wind direction really helped). They had to close for 7 weeks and lost all their food in their cooling units—A huge massive loss! Here is what we felt—When things like this happen to others we say, that is too bad and then we go on with our lives.  If it happens to us, it’s one big event. Aren’t we something else!  That sure seems that way to us! They vented with us for some time and we listened—They told us they are suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. It has been a big event for them!

We seem to think a lot alike! It sure seems that way to me! That is that Jeanne can read my mind, and I can read her mind (i.e. somewhat but there are some surprises, hahaha). Jeanne has a friend who has an Icelandic horse and rides it bareback. Her friend is probably in her early 70s soooo don’t think you are toooo old. She rides her horse using the liberty method which is by commands, body language, and reading each other’s minds. She showed us how she does it. It’s quite amazing. I guess if we are around each other long enough we understand each other (e.g. we know exactly what others are going to say or do before they do it)!  Or is it because we train each other! Crazy huh! Saturday question—How do we train a person without breaking their spirit? Or is it better to train a person by breaking their spirit? Or maybe it’s just better to train a person by using the hocus pokus method! Did you know that Moses and Aaron were in their 80s when they lead the Israelites out of Egypt? 

A super senior, in more ways than one, who I drink weekly coffee with said—I can act as senile as I have tooooo at times and get by with it! He thinks he gets selected for jury duty way tooooo often. The last time he was selected he was asked if he knew the person that was being tried and he said--yes I do and he is a jerk; I don’t know what he did but he’s guilty of it. He didn’t get selected! He said--That is one time when being over the top acting senile and opiniated benefited me; I hogged the spotlight for a long time!

We had our first visitors from IA (i.e. some old friends who are real and have good hearts, our kind of folks). We sure enjoyed them. As an old friend from IA who moved to WA said to me--I think they came to see what is happening to you erv!

ValvetElvis says—Success doesn’t fix anything. We have the same problems and compulsions and addictions, only now we have more stress and more problems and more pressure.

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean said—There are some things we learn best in calm, and some in storm.

September 21, 2024


 Disclaimer: Some folks talk a lot but say little and some talk little but say a lot. BUT when reading this “It’s Saturday” if you get tired of it, you can delete it. It’s unlike when you get cornered by your brother-in-law and the only way you can get rid of him is being rude (i.e. it’s a good thing he doesn’t catch on very easily)!  But don't worry, the next time you see him he’ll start right in again where he left off! CadillacJack says—Soooo I suggest you position yourself circumspectly at the next family get-to-gather! And how do we do that—According to my bother-in-law--Very carefully!

I asked a friend if he talks to his brother much. He said—I’m not the kind to call him as I don’t like talking on the phone, but my brother calls me. When he does, he talks for an hour; sometimes I just put the phone down and let him talk while I clean the bathroom! He said--I think maybe he doesn't have friends soooo he calls me. He calls our sister every morning and they talk for an hour! Flip the Pancake--Many folks would like to have their family or friends call them but they don't.  ThePersonOnTheOtherSideOfTheMountains says—Some folks seem to like to talk more than others! Such is life.

I knew an IA State legislator years ago and he told me how he would manipulate his fellow legislators—He said when I wanted something spread, I would tell a fellow legislator who was at the next urinal whatever I wanted spread and told him he wasn’t to tell anyone; I’m just telling you. He said, within an hour everyone got the message! Last Sunday the pastor told the story of Jesus healing the deaf man and used this verse—“Then Jesus ordered them to tell no one; but the more he ordered them, the more zealously they proclaimed it.” Go figure. Why does that work that way anyway? You got me! I have no idea! You tell me!

A friend from IA called me and we had a good talk (i.e. I tried not to talk tooooo long). I told him that it seems like when I left I just cut myself off as I have pretty much no idea what’s going on anymore in A-town.  He said—erv, I have had folks ask about you; I don’t think they care about you but just are nosey! hahaha  He then said--Maybe it’s like death, after 7 days not many remember you anymore. And that is a friend talking; I have no idea what the general public is saying!  Soooo I said to myself—erv, be circumspect in what you think of yourself! Maybe it’s like all the junk I got rid of in our house; obviously we thought it was very important as we kept it for years, but a lot went in the dumpster or given away!

CoachB says--If we hang around (e.g. talk) with folks who are happy, joyful and have peace in their lives, it will rub off on us and our spirit will change. Bingo! We hiked The Silver Falls Trail on White Pass last Saturday. The 500--year old Douglas Firs and all the ferns were magnificent and the falls was neat. BUT another event was also very enjoyable to us. We connected with a group of maybe 10 developmentally disabled guys who were in their 20s led by two guys maybe in their 50s. We stopped and talked with them for some time as they were eating their lunch. It was pure enjoyment and very humbling (i.e. especially maybe even more for Jeanne who taught some special education). The leaders do this annually for a weekend. Wow! One of the leaders told us--I went to seminary to be a Catholic Priest but dropped out after my first year--what happened--I liked girls tooooo much--I married a Baptist and now we attend a non-denominational church!  Oh, one of the young men had the ability to tell us what day of the week we were born on when we gave him our birthdates. They say he is never wrong! What! Another young man who was eating chicken wings told Jeanne that he lost 40 pounds. One of the leaders asked him to tell Jeanne how he did that--I only eat two pieces of pizza instead of six!

Proverbs 1–9 says--The path through life is filled with traps and snares of all kinds. Dr.J says--The person who strolls through life unaware of these life’s traps and snares will be easily caught by them. Thus, we need to walk “circumspectly” (carefully), making the most of the limited time and opportunities we have. Saturday question—Do you think that over time and our skill in discerning God’s direction will grow as we benefit from His guidance? Or do we just get luckier? Or do we get more prudent? Or maybe we just never change. BUT it seems to me that some folks make better decisions than others. The WA Greater Sage-Grouse says--Just look around, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that out! Maybe some circumspect the situations better; I wonder but I don’t know!

WorldClassLarry says--Test it against the worst possible scenario (i.e. be very circumspect). If it passes that test, it might be a good thing! But it could still go bad ‘cause our culture might change the landscape. The Yakima Valley produces about 75% of the world’s hops. I was told that Germany is a very large buyer plus all the major beer companies in the world. But now there are many microbreweries starting up which use different kinds of special hops which has affected the hop business in the Valley I have been told (i.e. the culture has changed). Mr.Hops says—I didn’t see that coming down the pipe let me tell ya! I tell you what folks, if ervie needs help in making a decision, ervie just listens to my brother-in-law Larry!

In business as in life, many folks try to maximize the opportunities that they are given. Here in the Yakima Valley, apple growers use reflective ground cover (i.e. particularly in growing the Honeycrisp apple I was told). It reflects the sun light up to the underside of the apples to get a uniform color. Crazy huh! But it has been proven and it’s used to produce a better product to make more money. It’s all about the money. Sooooo maybe we should use the reflective product to get the most out of our lives (i.e. maximize our lives) OR we can just sit on the couch and eat chips. MissPerfect says--Pick your flavor folks!

Be careful in making decisions! I remember working with a business person and he wanted my opinion as to what all the downsides were of an opportunity. He wanted an unbiased opinion, not about all the upsides but the downsides (i.e. what could go bad). Some of you might say—that is being negative! But maybe that is being circumspect about reality (i.e. trying to prevent a catastrophe). We try to take the emotions out of decisions when we have others look at them from their perspective (i.e. they don’t have a dog in the fight) who can give a more objective view. AverageJoe says—Many folks don’t like to hear the downsides! Such is life.

My Mom, Anna, never had a pedicure besides a manicure while living on the farm a mile and quarter south of Roseland, MN. Whose idea was that to start this niche! Jeanne just had a pedicure and loved it. She thinks I should have one—I said WHAT! She says men love it! And some folks just come to get their toenails cut as they can’t reach their toes anymore. Very few folks could afford or would spend money on that a few years ago and now everyone seems to do it except me! I’m always a little slow to catch on to the hip stuff (i.e. we live in an affluent society). I might try it, you never know! I don’t know if many of my buddies in Butler County IA do it but hey, now I’m in Yakima County WA!  hahaha

I was in a group and a person asked another about how his brother is doing—ok, but he is soooo negative about everything and it’s not much fun to be around him, he really has a problem. Ouchy ouchy! I really think that we need to try to circumspect our talk and not speak negatively; if we magnify everything negatively, everything will just get worse but if we magnify everything positively, well…! I really think for me anyway, that my positive pair of glasses seem to make my life much more enjoyable. As my friend says—It’s not a problem but an opportunity!  SusieQ says—BUT erv, negative folks don’t much care for positive folks (i.e. they drive them crazy)! FlipThePancake—Positive folks don’t much care for negative folks (i.e. they drive them crazy)!

CoachB says—"Children have never been very good at listening to their elders, but they have never failed to imitate them. Ya just can’t fool kids; they see right through us.” Jeanne told me a story of her years past; they parked their car as they left for some time in a questionable parking spot and when they came back, it was gone. They asked a local lady who was a property owner if she knew what happened to their car—she said she had no idea. When she left, a little neighbor boy said to them—she’s lying, she called the police!

VelvetElvis says--First, no amount of success can heal a person’s soul. And for Jesus to heal my soul, I had to stare my junk right in the face

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean said—We should consider every day lost in which we have not danced at least once.

September 14, 2024


UncleFredFromYakima says--Whatever moves the heart wags the tongue. Disclaimer: Take that into consideration when reading this It’s Saturday.” If what  ever moves ItchieBitchie's heart hurts your feelings you don't have to read it. Or if anything written isn't your cup of tea (i.e. and you are not open minded), you don't have to read it. If that is the case, I suggest you just go on Facebook and find someone who agrees with you about your position/opinion (i.e. or as the old saying goes, crawl in bed with them)!  Hubba Hubba Ding Ding! Holy Cowichc! And everyone is happy!

A friend said that his wife has A-fib and they zapped her in trying to get her heart into regular rhythm. Hey, maybe we all at times need to be zapped to try to get us out of our irregular rhythm and into a good regular rhythm again. How can we do that? My opinion, get around good folks; they sure seem to be good medicine for me (i.e. it appears to me that wise folks show their good lives by deeds done in humility)!  But what is good rhythm and who are good folks to you? Those two might be different toooooo different folks!  Just look around, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that out! Ouchy ouchy! AlpineTheFir says—Just look at their past history, that says a lot! We all know that folks don’t change very easily, some not at all but some do!! The Alpine Fir is my favorite fir up 'er in 'em mountains. They inspire me! They are soft looking, sooo beautiful, soooo tough and sooo inspiring.

SuccessfulMary says--The only way to do great work is to love what we do. We hiked the Naches Peak Loop trail below Mt. Reiner. It’s a beautiful 4-mile loop hike at the Chinook Pass up ‘er in ‘em Cascade Mountains in the Great Northwest. The Pacific Crest Natl Scenic Trail also uses part of this trail. The PCT runs from Mexico to Canada. We talked to several hikers doing it that were from all over the world. One guy from Switzerland told us that he stopped in France and hiked the French Alps, took a boat over to Miami, pedaled his bike to San Diego and now is doing the PCT of 2,700 miles. This guy is in rhythm let me tell ya. I was tired after our 4-mile hike! We didn’t ask the guy from Switzerland if he rowed his boat across the ocean or not! He probably did! He's a regular Secretariat!

Hey, I tasted Huckleberries while hiking; I really like them (i.e. (i.e. me and the bears like them; soooo what does that tell ya). They are a delicacy in the Great Northwest. FlipThePancalke, I tasted kale at a birthday party for the first time, I didn't care much for it; another guy told me that it chews like wood and tastes like dirt (i.e. he probably influenced me). I think I will stick with the bears' choice!

Usually every morning when I get up I make coffee and then step outside on the patio and greet the world. I did it the other morning and it smelt like skunk; there must have been a skunk around. If a person always knows they are right, is there much room for discussion? Do some folks think they are right about most everything? How do we become right about issues or anything? Maybe we get out of rhythm and are just really messed up. If a person doesn’t know what is right, are they better listeners in a discussion? Is there a reason to discuss anything if we are always right?  If we are always right, then we are a lecturer maybe! Can we win a pissing match with a skunk. I went back into the house.

OneGreatPerson says SLOWDOWNERVSLOWDOWN! Brian says—"The Chinese pictograph for “busyness” is a combination of two characters: heart and death. This is stunningly incisive. The heart is the place where the busy life exacts its deadliest toll. Busyness kills the heart, withers the soul, and makes us less human. But I have good news for you: God has a different rhythm in mind. A more liberating, life-giving rhythm! Jesus invites us to come to him and find rest. He invites us to live all of life, even the busy and stressful moments, out of this place of rest. As the saying goes, we need to slow down if we want to catch up with God.” For me, when I’m toooo busy, especially in my mind, I cut off the good oxygen and my life loses its fire and I’m not near as productive or happy!  That is how it appears to me anyway! I try to enjoy each and every moment of my life! I will eat the Huckleberries and not the Kale!

According to Siri, Patrick Mahomes’s jersey is the best selling of all NFL players and Caitlin Clark’s jersey is the top seller of the WNBA. Why is that do you think? Da! I read this--The Irish playwright Oscar Wilde was the first to tell us that “imitation is the sincerest form of flattery”—and that may be true among humans. Does anyone imitate you? Of course someone does!  I also read this--One of the most successful commercials of all time was originally broadcast on August 8, 1991. The product was a sports drink, and the star of the commercial was legendary basketball player Michael Jordan. The commercial showed Jordan playing basketball and consuming the sports drink, ending with “Be like Mike.” And it worked! Sales of the sports drink took off. Now put all this in a pot and stir it; what is the result? Da! ItchieBitchie says—And if you don’t get it, you are out of rhythm!

The only thing I can’t find from my move is my hair cutter; I still think it’s in a compartment of my duffle bag but I just can’t find it. ANYWAY, we went to Wall-Mart to buy another. We found the cutters and they were all under locked glass and I had to press a button for a clerk. The cutter was only $10.49. A young gal said to me—I want to buy a hairbrush, and they are locked under glass as well. The clerk came and we asked her what’s the deal. She said—We keep digital inventory, and the folks just steal us blind of these products; we have no choice! JoeSixPack says—The rhythm seems to be changing folks.

I think I have it right, but I don’t know! That is when we get older, we don’t seem to be as rhytmatic; we become jerkier; we aren’t as smooth as silk in many facets of our life (e.g. my golf swing). Hey, I’m talking about being physical jerking and not being a jerk, that is another story! But maybe we become more of a jerk when we get old as well. But, I don’t know. What do you think? That is what I thought.

You ever jump rope as a kid and got out of rhythm? It just didn’t work did it. And then two jumping at the same time (i.e. called double Dutch) and one gets out of rhythm it’s a mess; it just doesn’t work. I was told of a story of a woman who appeared to be depressed continuously and then her husband died and she was a completely new person. I also have heard many stories that when a mate died, the living person was completely different (i.e. went into a funk) but then they met another person and their life was way different. Did they get in rhythm again? It appears that when we change, others notice our change, they catch our wind and that wind might affect others and some might change toooo! Soooo get in a good rhythm! Hey, I’m not saying to get rid of William or Betsy! Oh no!

I think that my life has got a tad out of rhythm maybe. I just got out of whack a little. I had a couple of small situations that reminded me of this (i.e. I was humbled). It was good for me to have these things happen to me. I now need to analysis myself and get back into the rhythm that I want to be in. I don’t run the world, but I think I thought I did (i.e. that never works for me; I’m not near as good of a person when I act that way).  I need to reboot and go back to my basic foundation (i.e. remembering that I’m just another bozo on the bus). That usually works for me. Such is life. Or maybe I’m like a friend from IA who texted me—erv, you been to the west coast buying wacky weed?

We had coffee with Jeanne's coffee group (i.e. who I really enjoy) this last week and one of the guys was telling us (i.e. I think he told the story a few times to the others before; old folks tend to do that) that he had two heart attacks. The first one he didn’t go to the hospital but the second one he did. Both times his wisdom teeth hurt but the second time he also had a clot in his leg. The doctor told him that the clot could have gone to his brain instead, and if it did, he would have been dead. He beat the system. He then told us that he has, between his pension and SS, received more than 1.25 million. He’s beating the system here as well as he said he didn’t put in near that much. You young folks can’t afford tooooo many of this kind of guy!  And I tell you what, I think he could live another 20 years! He’s a tough old cat! He’s in the rhythm!

VelvetElivs says—Salvation is a way of life. To be saved or redeemed or set free is to enter into a totally new way of living in harmony with God.

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean said--The bitterest tears shed over graves are for words left unsaid and deeds left undone.

September 7, 2024

deoxygenation or oxygenation

JoeBlow says—If you don’t give it oxygen it can’t live soooo sometimes it’s best  not to give it oxygen.  Good advice. One application that I read is to have good relationships it’s best not to contradict. William James, a pioneer in the field of psychology, said, “Wisdom is the art of knowing what to overlook somethings.” Some things just aren’t worth our attention; we simply need to overlook them (i.e. don’t give them oxygen soooo they will flame up). Now I have to make good decisions as to what the “somethings” are! SusieQ says--Sometimes it is better to --Just "let the sleeping dogs lie!"

The Yakima Valley claims to be the Apple Capital of the world. There are huge massive cold storage warehouses to store apples in the Valley. I was very intrigued about how they can store apples for long periods of time. I learned that part of the the process is to suck all to most of the oxygen out of the buildings which prevents decay and spoilage. Very interesting to me.

Basically what we do to prevent rust is to cover it with some type of petroleum product soooo no oxygen can exist; it smothers life. Flipthepancake, if someone is having a hard time breathing, one of the first things they do is give them oxygen or some form of resuscitation soooo they can get oxygen. Jeanne has a butter container that she keeps her butter in called a butter bell. It keeps the butter soft and yet is doesn’t spoil. The water prevents oxygen to get at the butter. Slick as pie and it works. I never heard of it before. We never had one on the farm a mile and quarter south of Roseland, MN while growing up.

According to Paul in 1 Corinthians 13, love is known by its actions more than its words. Some folks have a dog that I’m scared of and don’t care to be around. Its bark is enough to scare me besides it’s huge size. Very intimidating to me especially when it growls at me (i.e. it acts vicious). I don’t think he likes me, and I for sure don’t like him. I think it’s best that I give him some air between us. I have seen really bad dog bites in my business to family members and friends who thought the dog was nice and it wasn’t. Really ugly! I think I’ll keep my distance. The risk seems to be tooooo great to not toooo! And the dog might tear my face apart, I really don’t want to experience that. Some dog owners say—He doesn’t bite and then he does! Homer told me just that just before his dog tore the leg off of my new pants! Homer then said—Geee, I never thought he would do that! There is a old saying--If you don't want to get stung by the bees, stay away from them! Homer didn't buy me a new pants either! I bet Homer didn't pick up his dog's poop either!

I think airplane pilots use simulators to train on. If they crash on the simulator, they don’t die and  they don't kill all the people on the plane (i.e. they just reboot and try again). Maybe we should have simulators in life like simulators helping us learn how to manage our money, live in a marriage, parent, manage our lives, etc. What do you think. How come we don’t do that? It seems we have to crash and burn to learn and then the damage is done. We can’t just reboot! Death is not the best two out of three!

UncleFredFromYakima says--“Fame can be very elusive and unpredictable. To some it comes early in life, to some later, and to others only after death. Take, for example, Mozart, the highly honored musician and composer. When he died, only a handful of people followed the hearse to the cemetery, where the body, wrapped in a sack, was unceremoniously put into an unmarked, mass grave in Vienna. Today no one knows the place where he was buried.” Recently I had folks say some really nice things to me about a friend who died some years ago. This person really wasn’t famous by the world’s standards, but they must of left their mark in a good way. Sooooo that in some way made them famous. Now that is pretty neat I think. Maybe this person was famous to certain folks because they were affected by their life. This person maybe put some oxygen into some folks' lives maybe.

CoachB says--Their is a thick line between reality and fame! Advice was given to Claitlin Clark who has gained a lot of fame. And it was—eat it all up! I really don’t know if that is good advice or not. What do you think? Yes, it’s maybe good to enjoy fame but folks who get big heads usually don’t handle it well and fail big time many times. It appears to me that the famous folks that I know (i.e. some are you folks) and who I have read about are very humble and really don’t like fame (i.e. like to be under the radar). Some really handle fame well; I applaud them and you. You know where you stand if you are famous in any way; and we are all famous in some way. Yes, we are, every one of us!. ItchieBitchie says—Suck in some of that oxygen but don’t blow it out soooo loudly please!

Marcus—"One smart person encourages himself to replace the feeling of desire by the feeling of gratitude. Instead of desiring what we don’t have, we should be grateful for what we do have by imagining the loss of what we hold dear.” Maybe that is good oxygen to suck in!

My trusty ol’ 86 Yamaha golf cart convertible didn’t want to always connect when I pushed on the foot feet; she’s done this for years. She would just click or hum.  But she always worked if I gave her another chance. She worked for me; we got along fine. Well, I sold the ol’ babe.  I probably should have been proactive and put some petroleum product over the terminals to prevent the oxygen from forming corrosion. Minor problem; she’s been a good ol’ gal!

WorldClassLarry says--Be strong enough to stand alone, smart enough to know when you need help, and brave enough to ask for it. It appears that some folks have a hard time asking for help. I really don’t have a problem asking folks for help as you folks know that I need help a lot. I sorta kinda believe that asking for help and helping others are both opportunities.  I like to help others soooo why wouldn't others like to help me. I believe that helping others and asking for help puts oxygen a.k.a. life into all of us. That is my opinion. WildWillie says—I don’t care what you say erv, I’m toooo proud to ask for help; I’d rather struggle and even crash and burn than to ask for help.

RickyRick says—"When you have conflict, focus on reconciliation, not resolution. There’s a big difference between those two words. Reconciliation means re-establishing the relationship. Resolution means resolving every issue. In most cases, resolution isn’t going to happen—there are some things you’ll just never agree on. Can you have a loving relationship without agreeing on everything? Absolutely. But it takes wisdom. When you’re wise, you learn to disagree without being disagreeable; you learn to walk hand in hand without having to see eye to eye. One of the greatest things you can do with your life is to be a bridge builder, not a wall builder.” WorldClassLarry says—Are we the problem or the solution to the problem? If we are the problem, we suck all the oxygen out of a relationship; it will not grow but probably die!

I talked to a friend last week and asked her, how are we different? She said—erv, we are both caring folks, but you want to know how we are going to pay for it, and I never think about that! hahaha Here is a suggestion from CoachB to put some oxygen in our life.  You can take it or leave it, it’s up to you. It sorta kinda works for me but maybe not for you. We are all different now aren’t we. I like to write things down (i.e. it seems to fit me better to remember) but a friend likes to say things out loud as she can remember better that way. And there are some folks retain better when they see a picture. ANYWAY, according to CoachB, a method that works for many folks is to have a vision board (i.e. it can be anyplace or any form), but it is a reminder of what we want to accomplish (i.e. when we have specifics, it improves our probability of getting something done by 10-fold). If it’s nebulous, it’s a 90% probability that stuff will never be done (e.g. we are going to travel). LuckyEddie says—If we just talk about it, it hardly never gets done, we get by but don't fly high!

VelvetElvis says—When we get in a certain abyss we break and ask for help…because it’s only when we hit bottom and are desperate enough that things start to get better.

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean said—Laughter is God’s medicine, the most beautiful therapy God ever gave humanity.