Bill’s Place in Yakima has a sign outside their
business that reads—Bill’s Place; we know our stuff! I won’t go soooo far as
saying that what everyone says in this “It’s Saturday” is that they know their
stuff. In fact I question if any of us really know our stuff, maybe we just think we do! Soooooo I suggest you read with an open mind and take it for what’s it’s worth. And remember,
you get what you pay for!
A newbie friend here in Yakima told us about his son who is
married, divorced and now they just live together. We asked, what’s that all about. Well, he was
a penny pincher, and she was a big-time spender, and it just didn’t work; KnowItAllRuben says--I could have told them that. My newbie
friend’s wife said—I think they still like stuff about each other, but now each
have their own checkbooks! Hey, if it works it works; it sure seems that way to
I heard by the apple vine that the apple
producers are having a difficult time this fall; the prices are low. This information came from the apple vine when
Jeanne talked to an older lady at the dermatologist’s office waiting room. She
said she heard it at coffee at church last Sunday from a lady that knows
everything in the lower Yakima Valley. Soooo it must be right! Soooo there you go!
It sure seems that way to me! That is when I change my scene
to something green it affects my mind, body and spirit. When I get in the
middle of nature it sure affects me for the better (i.e. nature for many
produces silence which can produce awe). Nature is really appreciated in WA and
one of the activities that is very popular is hiking. It seems that a high percentage
of folks do it (i.e. of all ages and abilities) which can produce many
opportunities to get stimulated. Nature is like the mean green machine but ya
gotta get off the couch! Nature can be as simple as me drinking my morning
coffee on the patio overlooking the trees, flowers and the hills (i.e. oh, the
quietness of early morning). SusieQ says—I like the green affect tooooo,
but I prefer the green backs version at the mall!
Soooo I wanted to watch NFL on Thursday night on Prime. I
just couldn’t get it come on. I fiddled and fiddled with it soooo I asked
Jeanne to help me, and she couldn’t find it either. What! Some folks came over
to our house and I asked them for help. They told me that it’s Monday night and
not Thursday and Monday night football is on ESPN. Da! erv’s error as our kids
say! All I could do was laugh at myself! Or as a grandson said to me
once—Grandpa, you’re funny and you don’t even know it!

Tooooo much, just a little tooo much maybe! It
sure seems that way to me! It appears
that some folks are not real but very showy (i.e. way over the top showy). It appear to me that there are big fakers who are not the real deal. But flip the
pancake, there are many of you who are very real (i.e. my kind of folks, you
have good hearts). Steve, anybody can be a Steve, says--The reason why we
struggle with insecurity is because we compare our behind the scenes with
everyone else’s highlight reel. I played golf with a new friend on a par three
city course. The course was attractive, fun, and very relaxing. We played on
Monday, senior day, for $8. Everyone walked and folks were not there to be champion
golfers but just to enjoy life. They wore their favorite hats, their favorite
tee shirts, and most had old clubs or maybe only three clubs. I doubt if any of
them kept score. They were as real as real
could be (i.e. I didn’t see any of them pretending to be hot shots). I really
enjoyed the atmosphere, a walk in the park. I also enjoyed my new friend (i.e.
he’s a real guy). As the guy in the insurance ad on TV says—I over did it, like a showboat, I over did it! MissPerfect says—I know a gal who acts that way constantly, and
she needs nothing short of a miracle for her to change! When a person
is original, there is only one!

CoachB says—A good way to learn is to
find a successful person in an area that we want to learn about and ask
questions and listen. Jeanne lined up a conversation with a third-generation
apple grower who she knows for us to visit with as I wanted to learn about
apple production. He has been very successful and a very delightful person as
well. He gave us much information and answered our questions. It was a very
good experience. Here are just a few
facts: The apple business is big business and has large input costs which can
make good money and also has bad years—the most
money is made in the marketing—migrant workers are a must for the labor who are
from Mexico; very large percentage of them are legal; the same family has worked
for him maybe 50 years; most whites won’t do it anymore; he provides housing
and helps them in other ways; he has helped 20 of them become citizens; the
labor bureaucracy is unbelievable and is a huge problem for growers—automation
is the future to lessen the problem. I don’t want to be an apple grower; man is
it a lot of work and a lot of management even though it seems that they make a lot of money! HazelFromTheOtherSideOfTheMountains says—I just
ask my brother-in-law Bobby if I have questions about anything; he knows
everything, he thinks; it sure seems that way to me! That is maybe one of your
problems Hazel, you got to find a person who is successful and knowledgeable
and then listen to them!
On our way to hike on White pass we had breakfast at Elk Ridge
Lodge which is owned by some old friends of Jeanne. They were right in the
middle of a recent wildfire up ‘er in ‘em mountains that destroyed many acres. Their
business did not burn but the fire was 15 feet from it (i.e. many fire fighters
and a lucky change of wind direction really helped). They had to close for 7
weeks and lost all their food in their cooling units—A huge massive loss! Here
is what we felt—When things like this happen to others we say, that is too bad
and then we go on with our lives. If it
happens to us, it’s one big event. Aren’t we something else! That sure seems that way to us! They vented
with us for some time and we listened—They told us they are suffering from Post
Traumatic Stress Disorder. It has been a big event for them!

We seem to think a lot alike! It sure seems that way to me! That is that
Jeanne can read my mind, and I can read her mind (i.e. somewhat but there are
some surprises, hahaha). Jeanne has a friend who has an Icelandic horse and
rides it bareback. Her friend is probably in her early 70s soooo don’t think
you are toooo old. She rides her horse using the liberty method which is by
commands, body language, and reading each other’s minds. She showed us how she
does it. It’s quite amazing. I guess if we are around each other long enough we
understand each other (e.g. we know exactly what others are going to say or do
before they do it)! Or is it because we
train each other! Crazy huh! Saturday question—How do we train a person without
breaking their spirit? Or is it better to train a person by breaking their
spirit? Or maybe it’s just better to train a person by using the hocus pokus method! Did you know that Moses and Aaron were in their 80s when they lead the Israelites out of Egypt?

A super senior, in more ways than one, who I drink weekly coffee with said—I can act as
senile as I have tooooo at times and get by with it! He thinks he gets selected for jury duty way
tooooo often. The last time he was selected he was asked if he knew the person that was
being tried and he said--yes I do and he is a jerk; I don’t know what he did
but he’s guilty of it. He didn’t get selected! He said--That is one time when
being over the top acting senile and opiniated benefited me; I hogged the spotlight for a long time!
We had our first visitors from IA (i.e. some old friends who are real and have good hearts, our kind of folks).
We sure enjoyed them. As an old friend from IA who moved to WA said to me--I
think they came to see what is happening to you erv!
ValvetElvis says—Success doesn’t fix anything. We have the
same problems and compulsions and addictions, only now we have more stress and
more problems and more pressure.
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean said—There are some things we learn
best in calm, and some in storm.
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