September 14, 2024


UncleFredFromYakima says--Whatever moves the heart wags the tongue. Disclaimer: Take that into consideration when reading this It’s Saturday.” If what  ever moves ItchieBitchie's heart hurts your feelings you don't have to read it. Or if anything written isn't your cup of tea (i.e. and you are not open minded), you don't have to read it. If that is the case, I suggest you just go on Facebook and find someone who agrees with you about your position/opinion (i.e. or as the old saying goes, crawl in bed with them)!  Hubba Hubba Ding Ding! Holy Cowichc! And everyone is happy!

A friend said that his wife has A-fib and they zapped her in trying to get her heart into regular rhythm. Hey, maybe we all at times need to be zapped to try to get us out of our irregular rhythm and into a good regular rhythm again. How can we do that? My opinion, get around good folks; they sure seem to be good medicine for me (i.e. it appears to me that wise folks show their good lives by deeds done in humility)!  But what is good rhythm and who are good folks to you? Those two might be different toooooo different folks!  Just look around, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that out! Ouchy ouchy! AlpineTheFir says—Just look at their past history, that says a lot! We all know that folks don’t change very easily, some not at all but some do!! The Alpine Fir is my favorite fir up 'er in 'em mountains. They inspire me! They are soft looking, sooo beautiful, soooo tough and sooo inspiring.

SuccessfulMary says--The only way to do great work is to love what we do. We hiked the Naches Peak Loop trail below Mt. Reiner. It’s a beautiful 4-mile loop hike at the Chinook Pass up ‘er in ‘em Cascade Mountains in the Great Northwest. The Pacific Crest Natl Scenic Trail also uses part of this trail. The PCT runs from Mexico to Canada. We talked to several hikers doing it that were from all over the world. One guy from Switzerland told us that he stopped in France and hiked the French Alps, took a boat over to Miami, pedaled his bike to San Diego and now is doing the PCT of 2,700 miles. This guy is in rhythm let me tell ya. I was tired after our 4-mile hike! We didn’t ask the guy from Switzerland if he rowed his boat across the ocean or not! He probably did! He's a regular Secretariat!

Hey, I tasted Huckleberries while hiking; I really like them (i.e. (i.e. me and the bears like them; soooo what does that tell ya). They are a delicacy in the Great Northwest. FlipThePancalke, I tasted kale at a birthday party for the first time, I didn't care much for it; another guy told me that it chews like wood and tastes like dirt (i.e. he probably influenced me). I think I will stick with the bears' choice!

Usually every morning when I get up I make coffee and then step outside on the patio and greet the world. I did it the other morning and it smelt like skunk; there must have been a skunk around. If a person always knows they are right, is there much room for discussion? Do some folks think they are right about most everything? How do we become right about issues or anything? Maybe we get out of rhythm and are just really messed up. If a person doesn’t know what is right, are they better listeners in a discussion? Is there a reason to discuss anything if we are always right?  If we are always right, then we are a lecturer maybe! Can we win a pissing match with a skunk. I went back into the house.

OneGreatPerson says SLOWDOWNERVSLOWDOWN! Brian says—"The Chinese pictograph for “busyness” is a combination of two characters: heart and death. This is stunningly incisive. The heart is the place where the busy life exacts its deadliest toll. Busyness kills the heart, withers the soul, and makes us less human. But I have good news for you: God has a different rhythm in mind. A more liberating, life-giving rhythm! Jesus invites us to come to him and find rest. He invites us to live all of life, even the busy and stressful moments, out of this place of rest. As the saying goes, we need to slow down if we want to catch up with God.” For me, when I’m toooo busy, especially in my mind, I cut off the good oxygen and my life loses its fire and I’m not near as productive or happy!  That is how it appears to me anyway! I try to enjoy each and every moment of my life! I will eat the Huckleberries and not the Kale!

According to Siri, Patrick Mahomes’s jersey is the best selling of all NFL players and Caitlin Clark’s jersey is the top seller of the WNBA. Why is that do you think? Da! I read this--The Irish playwright Oscar Wilde was the first to tell us that “imitation is the sincerest form of flattery”—and that may be true among humans. Does anyone imitate you? Of course someone does!  I also read this--One of the most successful commercials of all time was originally broadcast on August 8, 1991. The product was a sports drink, and the star of the commercial was legendary basketball player Michael Jordan. The commercial showed Jordan playing basketball and consuming the sports drink, ending with “Be like Mike.” And it worked! Sales of the sports drink took off. Now put all this in a pot and stir it; what is the result? Da! ItchieBitchie says—And if you don’t get it, you are out of rhythm!

The only thing I can’t find from my move is my hair cutter; I still think it’s in a compartment of my duffle bag but I just can’t find it. ANYWAY, we went to Wall-Mart to buy another. We found the cutters and they were all under locked glass and I had to press a button for a clerk. The cutter was only $10.49. A young gal said to me—I want to buy a hairbrush, and they are locked under glass as well. The clerk came and we asked her what’s the deal. She said—We keep digital inventory, and the folks just steal us blind of these products; we have no choice! JoeSixPack says—The rhythm seems to be changing folks.

I think I have it right, but I don’t know! That is when we get older, we don’t seem to be as rhytmatic; we become jerkier; we aren’t as smooth as silk in many facets of our life (e.g. my golf swing). Hey, I’m talking about being physical jerking and not being a jerk, that is another story! But maybe we become more of a jerk when we get old as well. But, I don’t know. What do you think? That is what I thought.

You ever jump rope as a kid and got out of rhythm? It just didn’t work did it. And then two jumping at the same time (i.e. called double Dutch) and one gets out of rhythm it’s a mess; it just doesn’t work. I was told of a story of a woman who appeared to be depressed continuously and then her husband died and she was a completely new person. I also have heard many stories that when a mate died, the living person was completely different (i.e. went into a funk) but then they met another person and their life was way different. Did they get in rhythm again? It appears that when we change, others notice our change, they catch our wind and that wind might affect others and some might change toooo! Soooo get in a good rhythm! Hey, I’m not saying to get rid of William or Betsy! Oh no!

I think that my life has got a tad out of rhythm maybe. I just got out of whack a little. I had a couple of small situations that reminded me of this (i.e. I was humbled). It was good for me to have these things happen to me. I now need to analysis myself and get back into the rhythm that I want to be in. I don’t run the world, but I think I thought I did (i.e. that never works for me; I’m not near as good of a person when I act that way).  I need to reboot and go back to my basic foundation (i.e. remembering that I’m just another bozo on the bus). That usually works for me. Such is life. Or maybe I’m like a friend from IA who texted me—erv, you been to the west coast buying wacky weed?

We had coffee with Jeanne's coffee group (i.e. who I really enjoy) this last week and one of the guys was telling us (i.e. I think he told the story a few times to the others before; old folks tend to do that) that he had two heart attacks. The first one he didn’t go to the hospital but the second one he did. Both times his wisdom teeth hurt but the second time he also had a clot in his leg. The doctor told him that the clot could have gone to his brain instead, and if it did, he would have been dead. He beat the system. He then told us that he has, between his pension and SS, received more than 1.25 million. He’s beating the system here as well as he said he didn’t put in near that much. You young folks can’t afford tooooo many of this kind of guy!  And I tell you what, I think he could live another 20 years! He’s a tough old cat! He’s in the rhythm!

VelvetElivs says—Salvation is a way of life. To be saved or redeemed or set free is to enter into a totally new way of living in harmony with God.

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean said--The bitterest tears shed over graves are for words left unsaid and deeds left undone.

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