I question if very few folks can handle success very well. I also question if the few that can are folks who are humble. Look around folks, it’s not rocket science. When we’re successful, it’s much easier to fall hard than it is to maintain our success. I question if we experience success, if the natural tendency is to get proud, it’s soooo human. And I can waffle in being humble and proud, but I know when I’m at my best! No question about it. And it ain’t when I’m proud! Perhaps the challenge of properly handling success is why Albert Einstein once said, “Try not to become a person of success, but rather try to become a person of value.” But the question is, I question if he knew what he is talking about!
I read recently that joy and happiness are created by many things. Da! Research says that Arts and Hobbies, Socializing, and Sports and Games are the top tier. A lower tier is Reading, Studying and Thinking. And the lowest tier is Listening to music, Rest and Napping, and Eating. And the bottom of bottom is Watching TV. You might question that research. I personally question if they have missed the number one area of joy and happiness. That is to love and being loved. You can’t buy that at Costco no matter how large their shopping carts are!Do we question if our lives change when we are affluent,
gifted, and strong? I question if nations change when they are affluent, gifted
and strong? The comparison would be to when we are not affluent, not gifted and
not strong a.k.a. weak. I read in The Seattle Times (i.e. Seattle is on the west
side of the Cascade Mountains) which Is much more liberal than the east side of
the Cascades they tell me; (i.e. sorta kinda splits the state); the paper is entertaining to
me. I question if the paper is skewed since its a Seattle paper mainly to be
read by the Seattle folks. The news I read in the paper is that it seems like
everyone is unhappy, everyone! Saturday question—Who are the most joyful and
happy folks we know? FlipThePancake, who are the most unjoyful and unhappy
folks we know?
Comedic actor W. C. Fields said when asked why he was
reading the Bible. He confessed, “I’m looking for a loophole.” Saturday
question—Do we look for good or for bad all the time?
If you are a football fan of a favorite team, do you ever
question the coach on their decision? I do! They get paid millions and I
question if their decisions are very good at times! I think they stink
sometimes. I’m an IA Hawkeye fan and a couple of weeks ago I turned the channel
as I was soooo unhappy with the coach’s coaching; I had enough; He finally saw
the light and made the change that almost every IA fan could see for weeks
(i.e. the coach didn’t really see the light but was forced to because of an injury).
And It worked (i.e. sometimes something that seems bad ends up being really
good). What was he thinking! My opinion, the new QB is a better OB and the team
spirit is much better; it seems to be quite obvious! And I don’t even get paid to see that! I
can’t imagine a.k.a. question how smart I would be if I got paid millions!!!! I
can only imagine!
But there is always hope—There is no medicine like hope, no incentive so great, and not tonic so powerful as expectation of something better tomorrow.
Dr.J says—"It is not surprising that a culture obsessed with self-promotion and self-interest would view a life commitment to others as a low priority. Studies also reveal that for those who have made the nuclear family a high priority nothing is more fulfilling (i.e. where latitude and longitude meet).” Saturday question—What is a nuclear family? Soooo is youth sports about the old adage—It’s not if you win or lose but how you play the game? Or is it about the winner gets the trophy and the glory? A lot of questions for sure. Can we legislate nuclear families? Another question—I was told that the traditional nuclear family is different than the many new cultural nuclear families of our current culture; soooo what does the new cultural nuclear family look like to you?A lot of questions. We are in the Valley of the Sun a.k.a. AZ for the winter living in our little, small tin hut (i.e. we can’t collect a lot of stuff soooo we collect a lot of memories). One of our goals this winter is to work out at the work out center on a regular basis (i.e. pump some iron). We might change into muscled specimens (i.e. I doubt it)! Soooo if there are three frogs sitting on a log and one decides to jump in the water, how many are still sitting on the log? The answer is three, just because one frog decides to jump into the water doesn’t mean that they will; that one frog only decided. That is just like us, if we decide to work out doesn’t mean we will; we just decided.
VelvetElvis says—Jesus commanded us to love our neighbor and our neighbor can be anyone.
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyDeceasedFrindJean said--Today should always be our most wonderful day.
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