November 9, 2024


Webster defines serenity as a state of utter calm and unruffled repose or quietude.

I got up the other morning while it was still dark. I made my usual coffee and sat and watched the sun produce some light and then rise over the hills in the east. I really enjoyed it. It gave me a feeling of serenity. I thought about a million great things; It was inspiring. After a while I started to read my devotions and CoachB’s devotion was about serenity—Very simple but it seemed like it was just directed to me!  It said—It’s just a blessing just to have peace. Peace, what is it worth?

28 years ago I got this letter from a friend which I have kept. What you see is part of his letter. It’s called the Serenity Prayer, which many of you know. I have two friends who are recovering alcoholics and have been sober for many years. They both invited me to go with them to their AA meetings (i.e. what sincere expressions I heard). This prayer is used in that organization as being very powerful in beating alcoholic addiction.  I’m really proud of both of these guys, very much; they are great guys and great friends.

Vance says—"Sometimes medicine bottles have on them, “SHAKE WELL BEFORE USING.” This is what God has to do with some people…. Shake them well before they are ever usable.” WildWille says—It worked for me and then the serenity started for me!  

I read The Measure of a Mountain, Beauty and Terror on Mount Rainier by Bruce Barcott. Barcott said this—"For many the point of hiking is to escape the company of other people.”  I really enjoy the radical silence when hiking my favorite local trail to the bottom of Naches Canyon.  It gives me a form of serenity. But I understand that some of you don’t like radical silence. MissPerfect says—I have TV on the minute I wake up to the last minute before I go to bed; I like noise.

Now this is philosophical. I heard it during a baseball playoff game soooo it must be right: “I can make my own practice plan schedule; it’s up to me.” There is soooo much stimuli that can distract us. I guess we all need self-discipline. I think that is pretty true. What do you think? That is what I thought!  Oh, my Daddy, Chester, told me—erv, self-discipline is the best discipline. Did you know that one definition of philosophical is “Being calm and patient in the face of difficulties or disappointments?”  “The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.”  ~   Socrates

JoeBlow asks--What is perfect peace and where do I get it? I mean peace like a river.  I want it! Don’t we all JoeBlow, don’t we all!

I read this that made me think--It has been ruled by Canaanites, Egyptians, Jebusites, Israelites, Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, Greeks, Romans, Arabs, Crusaders, Ottomans, and British. It has been destroyed at least 2 times, besieged 23 times, captured 44 times, and attacked 52 times. It is one of the oldest cities in the world and is holy to Jews, Christians, and Muslims. It remains the most contested piece of real estate in the world—Jerusalem—the so-called “City of Peace.”

I read this in the Seattle Times, soooo it must be right that a ski area in the Cascades can’t handle all the folks who want to ski, especially on ideal days. It’s just wild and crazy with all the activity (i.e. the skiing experience is supposed to be serine). It’s a huge massive problem. We must be an affluent population to pay big money to experience this. They are basically solving the problem by charging more money; they think this will slow down the numbers a little they are thinking. I don’t know from my observations; it appears that there is a lot of money in the Seattle area. But it might slow down the folks with marginal budgets. It’s all about the money! I also read in the Seattle Times that Seattle ranks no.1 for couples with pet, no kids. That tells ya something!

I think, my opinion, that folks who have peace in their minds are much happier folks. AND gals who have peace in their minds are happier, which makes them prettier and nicer and sweeter. Constant turmoil is not good for our minds. AverageJoe says—It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that out. Just look around. It’s very obvious. BigShowRalph who always thinks he’s a Big Rig, says--That’s a no brainer!

I golfed with a couple of folks recently that made me putt out two foot putts. They said we miss those sometimes soooo you might too; we keep score. Ok, I putted them! But on the next hole one of the those gals kicked their ball out of the ruff and told me that they don’t like to hit out of the ruff.  I could care less what they do.  It’s all about fun; their score means nuttin to me. One hole one just picked up her ball; she had enough! And on another hole one whiffed a couple of times (i.e. I think they count them as practice swings). I just had to laugh. Sooooo I wonder if I whiff sometimes when I have the opportunity in my life to find peace. I wonder in my mind.  Well, shimmy shimmy shake! Most golf scores are only numbers that are just made up! And do they really make much difference?

I talked to a friend who is president of a club in our 55+ community.  I asked her how it’s going—very good; I am not confrontational anymore; I delegate responsibility and let others do it the way they want to even if I might disagree. Besides erv, some of that stuff is not even important to me and in some cases, others are better at it than I am. It has made my life much more peaceful; I spend more of my time and thoughts on things that are personally important to me. Huh, interesting.

Saturday questions—Is world peace a possibility do you think? Is complete peace possible in our own minds?  It seems to me that as long as folks can think for themselves there will be differences of opinions and that usually produces strive, contention and wars. It has always been that way. Maybe someday we will all have implants with AI and we will all think alike (i.e. programed and no one will know any different or have opinions, just all programed the same). Could be! I don’t know. Soooo who would do the programing do you think?

I bought a shirt on line recently. I don’t buy from this company as I think they are too expensive, but I really do like their products. They had 70% off on this shirt for a couple of days. I think they had a “lead in” to get folks to buy this product in hopes we will buy more. They probably know what they are doing. While watching football, KFC had an advertisement called Return Back Meal for $5. I assume that is the same mentality. It seems that everyone wants “a peace” of everyone’s money! JoeBlow says—The problem for me is that I don’t have enough money to give everyone a piece!

On a recent hike in the Cowiche Canyon I was approached by a maybe 70-year-old long time serious, female hiker. She talked about her hiking experiences, etc. She told me that her hiking is becoming limited as her husband has dementia. Her daughter is here for a month to give her a respite; she is taking a trip to hike the Grand Canyon later in the week. I told her about Arlene’s dementia, and we talked about the disease. I told her that folks with dementia get worse and then they die and asked her if she is aware of that. She was and is preparing for both. I asked her if she was a believer—yes, we are; I pray that he may die as soon as possible soooo he can have eternal peace.

Saturday question—What is the stuff that agitates us today? The stuff that takes away our peace? Soooo what are we doing about it?

ValvetElvis says—God uses people to bless other people.

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyDeceasedFriendJean said—There aren’t enough crutches in the world for all the lame excuses.

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