January 25, 2025

in the groove

CarzyMarvin says—Many times I think I’m in the groove but I’m not really, I just think I am, but I have based my thinking on wrong information. Soooo take that into consideration when reading this “It’s Saturday.”

I read in the paper sooo it must be right that REI is struggling and is pruning unprofitable parts of its business. They are going to try to get back in the groove. ItchieBitchie says—For me, it’s a good idea go get rid of parts of my life that aren’t working for the best in my life; Da! It seems it’s a good idea to not continue to throw money down a black hole and watch it disappear. Or continue doing something to satisfy my ego to only produce more bad results. I read recently that we must evaluate our situation and reorientate (i.e. I like that word, reorientate, I think it’s colorful). I personally got up early the other morning and while watching the sunrise, did some thinking about reorientating some of my life; I thought a part of me was nonproductive and was not me! I think it’s best for me to make some adjustments a.k.a. prune (i.e. become more humble was part of it). Saturday question—What groove do you operate best in?

Do we ever get a lot of checks in the boxes but in the wrong column?  Ouchy ouchy!  If that is us, we might be in the groove alright but obviously in the wrong groove! MissPerfect says—But I think I’m groovy). MissPerfect, who decides if we are groovy?

I think we all have a choice as to the perspective we take on life, that’s my opinion. I really think we all have a choice in the perspective a.k.a. the groove we take about living, I really do. If I am right, then we have to decide which is one of the different perspectives we are going to choose. And that perspective can and most likely will change as we grow with experience based on our early life’s perspectives we chose getting to were we are now and our future chooces probably (e.g. have you ever been humbled by having a great disappointment or have you got in a different groove by having great success). Different events sure have changed my life’s perspective! Oh ya!

What are you really sick of?  What are you really happy about? JoeBlow says—Now those are two completely opposite thinkings. MissPerfect says—I really think I’m groovey but maybe I am and maybe I’m not! Who knows for sure! I was told a story by a friend recently who had a conflict with their employer about ethics.  That employee decided to move because of some pressure put on by management to not be completely ethical. That employee landed a great job in an environment that was much more compatible with their ethics. They told me that as time went along, the management in the old company who were not ethical all lost their jobs. It appears that their thinking was wrong!

It’s a “now what moment!” I read that according to psychologists, the ability and skill to have conflict resolution is very important in maintaining good relationships. It was said that if we have conflicts that never get resolved can really hurt relationships (i.e. they just never go away they say).  Soooo if we really want to get in the groove, we need to learn how to resolve conflict as we are all going to have relational conflicts, they are inevitable.  AverageJoe asks—Do we ever think that we could/might be wrong (i.e. maybe even just once that we could be wrong)?

LuckieEddie asks—When is the best time to get in the right groove?  RickieRick says—“The first key to a fresh start in our life: Whatever we’re going to do, do it now. Don’t say, Next year I’m going to make a fresh start, or “Next month I’m going to make some changes, or “Tomorrow I’m going to make that a priority. It’s now or never. Seize the moment!” WorldClassLarry says—The best time to do anything is now! Don’t kid yourself!  Just hit the gas!

Dr.J says—"Faith is the title deed of our hope. If someone has hope, it is because they have faith that God is working things out—faith is “the evidence of things not seen” When someone says they have “lost all hope,” it means they have lost their faith, their assurance.” I pray for and have prayed for a lot of folks for them to get their live in the groove as I think they would be much happier and content. It appears that many are not changing or being changed (i.e. not yet anyway but maybe tomorrow). BUT I hope I don’t lose my hope in others (i.e. but maybe I don’t see the whole picture). I sorta kinda wonder sometimes if a change is even possible for some folks (i.e. am I just blowing smoke in praying for a change in them). Then a little sign of hope might happen, and I renew my hope!  Aren’t I really something! A friend tells me—erv, always believe that something wonderful is going to happen!

Could a groove be a rut maybe!  OneSmartPerson says--I don’t know what step we need to take next, but I do know we need to take it. If you don’t, we’re going to get stuck in a rut. And the only difference between a grave and a rut is the length.” Yikes! Have we ever been in a rut and got out of it?  How did it feel? CoachB says—There are three types of our physical conditions that folks might say to us: you need to work out, do you work out, or where do you work out! And that can be physically or mentally or spiritually!

Have you ever met Violet Stillwater?  You might have and don’t even know it. I have met her.  It is her bar name as she says (i.e. I didn’t meet her in a bar but where we volunteer). She uses that name when she doesn’t want others to know her real name soooo she calls herself Violet Stillwater. She is a hoot! A hoot with a big heart. I like the groove she is in!  Soooo when Violet Stillwater talks, I listen! I hope you get to meet her!  It would be your pleasure; her real name is Syliva Stinkfuss! I’m just giving you a heads up! You believe that that SylivaStinkfull is her real name?

British writer Julia McGuinness said, “Writing prayers down rather than speaking them out loud or voicing them in your head can be a powerful, patient act of worship…. The very act of writing may make you more mindful and attentive to what it is you want to pray.” I find writing anything down is powerful to me; it seems to be more powerful than just saying it. SusieQ says--Talk is cheap but action is more important. We have a tendency to talk a lot about what we should do but never do it but occasionally we do! Such is life!

It’s always a great time to be around family. Probably all families interact differently I would guess. But we had a good time being at our son, daughter-in-law and grand kids in Waukee for the weekend. We laughed a lot and that always seems to be good!  Our family is soooo good to me/us. We packed a lot into our week-end visit before heading back to Mesa where it is a lot warmer! And that is no joke! Such is life.

Part of our belated Christmas and birthday gifts was they took us to their favorite bookstore, Beaverdale Book Store, and gave Jeanne and I the opportunity to each buy two books of our choice. What a fun time we all had (i.e. pretty unique alright). We brought along the game Racehorse which was a fun activity (i.e. we laughed a lot). Rookie got to be the horsemaster! I gave them dimes too play the game in trying to teach them some life concepts (i.e. I don’t know if I did teach all the concepts I wanted as Rookie said to me—It’s only $30 grandpa)! We got to see Charlie perform in her show choir and club volleyball. It’s fun to be with family for sure! Encouragement is always good, we think.

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyDeceasedFriendJean said--A kind word never hurts the tongue. 

January 18, 2025

making my point

One day the late actor Walter Matthau read a book entitled The Secret in the Daisy. It had a profound impact on him, turning him “from a miserable, unhappy wretch to a joy-full, glad-to-be-alive human.” He searched out the author, Carol Grace, fell in love with her, and married her! CrazyMarvin says—Sooooo that tells me what I read can change my life soooo I better be careful what I read! Did I make my point?

Thanksgiving Day, 2024 Jeanne and I came to our 55+ community with excitement as we started the year together. It has really been pleasant, fun, joyous and different (i.e. it seems like most of the folks are much nicer this year). A friend sat on our deck with us recently and she asked us how we were doing—we explained the above but said we don’t know quite what the reason was—she said she could tell us, it’s because you are way happier, and it is very obvious which makes it way different how folks react to you. Wow! I guess we answered our own question!

A buddy of our Buddies Group teaches tennis and asked if we wanted to come to let him teach us some tennis, soooo I went. When I got back, I sent him this text—Coach of the Year, I might not be able to continue my tennis career. When I took off my deck shoes, I noticed that I moved soooo fast on the tennis court that I ruined my shoes. His response was—Maybe after 12 years you’re due for a new pair! Our daughter said—They aren’t wearing out Dad, they ARE worn out! Soooo a friend gives me this web site to buy new deck shoes that have big sales. I bought a pair of size 12 and they came in a couple of days. They were tooooo tight and I had to send them back. When doing so I found out why they were toooo tight. They were size 12 women shoes! Da! Soooo what’s my point?

Jeanne and I have both since we have been in AZ workout at the exercise gym routinely. We seem to enjoy it but…we will not make the cover of Muscle Magazine (i.e. not yet anyway). Steve, anybody can be a Steve, says—"Praying is much like exercising. We know it’s beneficial, we often don’t do it as frequently as we’d like, we can’t always see an immediate impact, and it can be very rewarding. Prayer is the primary way we communicate with God. Through prayer we can praise, confess, intercede for others, express gratitude, and ask for God’s help.” Making my point…!

It’s all about the money. I have said that many times, and it sure seems that's the way it is today as always (i.e. nuttin has changed). I read this in the paper while eating my oatmeal with half a banana on it--When Nick Saban announced his retirement in January 2024, he denied it had anything to do with the growing influence of NIL. However, during a Congressional hearing on NIL in March, he admitted that it did influence his decision, realizing the landscape of college football was changing and that change was driven by money. “It’s whoever wants to pay the most money, raise the most money, buy the most players, is going to have the best opportunity to win,” Saban said and that is exactly what is happening. OneSmartPerson said—It is what it is! My mentor would say to me—erv, the worldly golden rule is, whoever has the most gold wins compared to the Biblical golden rule being—Do unto others what you would have them do to you. Making my point!

A new acquaintance I made through pickleball told me that their large circle of close friends back home is fundamentally the same. They had a couple of “couple friends” who were not fundamentally the same as their circle and as time went along, they disappeared from their circle of friends (i.e. just not compatible). They probably didn’t enjoy being around us and we probably didn’t enjoy being around them. Making my point!

I was at the work out center and overheard a guy tell another guy—My sister is messed up, my brother is messed up, my daughter is messed up and my son is messed up. Maybe he’s the one who’s messed up and they are normal!  I wonder! Who knows! I hear a lot from folks in our 55+ community talk about family dynamics (i.e. all families seem to have problems to some degree with that). Many families don’t agree on many many subjects; some subjects are fundamental and others just trivial a.k.a. micky mouse. JoeBlow says—It’s ain’t nuttin new, it’s been that way for ever. Those differences can really be hard on family relations sometimes thou. Many times, it seems to be generational or cultural or sometimes very fundamental like money management or lifestyles or many more (i.e. you all know what I’m talking about). I learned from my buddies in our buddies group that preaching doesn’t seem to help in changing others including family members. ItchieBitchie says—I just fly away to the south for the winter soooo I don’t have to see those family dynamics; it’s a lot less stressful. We are in IA this weekend visiting our son, daughter-in-law and grandkids.  No preaching erv, keep your mouth shut erv; bite your tongue if need be erv. Making my point!

Makingmypoint!  It doesn’t require a lot of time or money to encourage/bless someone God has put in your life. Myexperience—The giver gets as much uplifting as does the receiver! Now that is how I see it and feel it!  Our spiritual leader where we volunteer said—It is soooo satisfying to be around folks who don’t need self-glorification (i.e. not being egoistic a.k.a. big headed). Suck it up cupcake and let’s get going!

WorldClassLarry says--We are never tooooo important not to be nice to others. I’m surely not very important as I try to boss Leo, our neighbor’s dog, as he doesn’t even listen to me. But treats work!  Don’t forget those treats to manipulate; they work. Preaching doesn’t but treats do!  A friend sent me this to prove the point--I am responsible for Prime rib and deviled eggs for our Christmas meal eaten at 1:30 on Christmas day. Everyone eats prime rib and it gets wolfed down. Sixteen pounds of it. The son-in-laws and I love the deviled eggs. And a few others do too. This year I said it's time for everyone to try deviled eggs so I negotiated all the way down to a five dollar bill for every grand kid who ate one of my deviled eggs. They wanted twenty dollars at first. So it cost me forty dollars but will be remembered forever.

The other day we went for a hike and there was a lady selling her Bonsai plants by the trail head. They just fascinate me. The ones in the picture are 20 years old and she sells them for about $300. She trains and trims them to make them look soooo neat. I thought of the analogy of us being trained and trimmed in making us who we are (i.e. and most of us are still in the process of being trained and trimmed and some maybe not). She trains and trims her plants to all be different and unique (i.e. just like us, all different and unique; some folks are more different and unique than others; some folks are just like everyone else and get the same results just like everyone else, but some folks are outliers)!  My point is…!

Jeanne got a compliment from her pickleball instructor, Jeanne thinks it’s a compliment anyway—Her instructor said, You’re pretty limber for your age! Soooo my point is…! 

Google says—Bible sales in the United States have increased significantly in recent years., with 2024 sales up 22% compared to 2023. This growth is much higher than the overall increase in print book sales, which was less than 1% in 2023. What do you think the reasons are? There must be a point.

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyDeceasedFriendJean said--A word of advice, don't give it.

January 11, 2025

our huggability rating

I was leaving the pickleball court the other morning and met a new friend. I asked her, what’s new?  There was no Tuesday donut talk meeting soooo some neighbors got some donuts and we had our own donut talk. Soooo what did you talk about? Nothing important, just goofy talk.  But free donuts is always the right idea to get folks to join a meeting for goofy talk. Sooooo, folks, this “It’s Saturday” is probably just goofy talk without the donuts!  But remember folks, I’m just another bozo on the bus soooo don't get your expectations toooo high!

During a football game many times they have a noise test seeing how loud the noise is using a decibel meter. The louder the noise many times, the bigger the advantage is for the home team. SusieQ says--It appears that many folks and groups of folks think that the more noise they make about themselves will make them more important and likeable (i.e. it raises their huggability rating). But in reality, it’s a distortion of reality; it usually lessens their huggability rating. Saturday questions—Sooooo what kind of person has a high huggability rating? What actually is a true definition of a huggable person? Are we huggable? Is being huggable an actual physical act or is it a non-tangible reaction to someone?

Social media is a good example that causes a lot of problems especially for folks with low confidence. It appears that the downside of social media can make many folks feel unhuggable. LuckieEddie says—Self-evaluation is very difficult, and most folks are not accurate in their self-evaluation. Some think they are better than they are, and others don’t think they are as good as they are. It appears that it is really hard to be accurate in our self-evaluation (i.e. we have a distorted image of ourselves sometimes). And maybe we can have a distorted purpose of our lives at times. I see Florida has passed a law that outlaws anyone under 14 to set up a Facebook account. A friend says that it should be the responsibility of parents and not the state. BUT not all parents do a very good job doing it.

I wonder if we struggle sometimes in who we want to be. I mean do we want to be a high powered, strong willed, in charge, demanding person or a kind, nice, humble person?  I think I see folks struggling with that. And I think some folks waffle and wobble in who they want to be and who they are. A zillion years ago when I started actually supporting myself, I was a teacher for a few years. I would do sociograms of my classes sometimes.  I would ask the students to fill out a short questionnaire asking questions like who would you like to study with, who is the nicest person in the class, who you would like to be your friend etc. It was always surprising who was the most wanted were. It was not the ones that we would think most of the time. It was many times a person or persons who never thought they were that popular. Huh, interesting. I think that is the same in the adult world most of the time. We soooo often have a distorted idea of what great is

It has been said—While you might spend a lot of time thinking about what other people think of you, the reality is that most people are primarily focused on their own lives and don’t actually give as much thought to your actions or opinions as you might believe. Or a friend says to me—Half of the folks don’t know and the other half don’t care about you. ItchieBitchie says—Most folks are toooo busy thinking about themselves that they really don’t care tooooo much about you. BUT as I read in a novel that I like—The good ones all do it; that is they care about others. Do you know any good ones? Are we good ones? How do we learn to be a good person?

We had the opportunity to be around many like minded folks at Christmas. We really enjoyed them. We also were around some folks who were not like minded and “it was what it was!” It seems like birds of a feather flock together pretty much. Some folks are soooo real, kind and humble which makes them soooo much fun to be around (i.e. very huggable). Did you experience this especially during the Christmas season? BUT we need to cut some folks some slack as Christmas can bring out some bad feelings of all kinds (i.e. some not soooo pretty ‘cause of the past that we have no idea about). Many times folks just show their “social media side” of themselves and not the real side of themselves. Ouchy ouchy!

A rich money tycoon once said—If you think money can buy anything and everything, you never ever never had money! Many folks think if a person has a whole lot of money their problems will be solved. But reality is, money only solves money problems. And sometimes a whole lot of money brings on many problems of its own. Money doesn’t solve every problem but just money problems. AverageJoe says—I will take those problems and the money! Saturday question—Does money make folks better folks? I don’t know, what do you think? Does more money make us more huggable?

Dr. J says—“Jesus: There’s just something about that name! As He is King of kings, so His name is above all names. Jesus is a simple word. Yet somehow His name stirs the deepest passions in humanity. To believers it’s a holy word; to others it’s a curse word.” Playing pickleball the other morning, one of our opponents missed a shot and said loudly, Jesus Christ (i.e. I don’t think he is a priest or a pastor)! Now that is a contradictory thinking probably. I would guess those two types of folks think completely opposite. I know which group of folks I want to be around. No question. I think one group is much more huggable than the other. That’s my opinion.

Are you back being huggable again mothers?  A 2023 survey reported by the American Heart Association noted that out of 1,000 respondents, 63 percent said the Christmas holidays are more stressful than the April tax season. And 51 percent reported that it takes weeks to recover from the holidays, especially for mothers. Hang in their mothers, it’s almost time to start thinking about Christmas 2025!

At Christmas and New Years, we have a tendency to hug more, maybe. Some families and folks are huggers and others not soooo much. Some parents teach their children by example to be huggers and others teach them not to be huggers so much. No question about it. Then there are friends who give us “wet wash rag hugs” and some that hug with great meaning. Such is life.

Are you internally huggable? I mean do we like ourselves or do we have a dog fight going on internally? Are we content or do we have a war going on internally? Do we want more social status, more stuff, more power, are we extremely competitive, or are we really happy in our own skin? A new acquaintance told us he had a minor stroke and can’t do some sport activities like he did before. He is and still is quite competitive, which creates a problem for him. His doctor suggested he learn new hobbies in which are non-competitive, even activities that he never did before which no one expects him to be good at (i.e. has no stress). That might even be a good idea for us as we age. Could be. MissPerfect says—But don’t pick up the hobby of eating!

Robert, anybody can be a Robert, says—"God offers us a new start; through Jesus Christ we can “restart.” And I will give you a new heart, and a new spirit I will put within you. And I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh” (Ezekiel 36:26).

It appears that some folks are more huggable than others. Saturday question—Are we like a snotty nose kid? Maybe we need to wipe our snot away soooo we are more huggable!

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyDeceasedFriendJean said--Praise to a child is as water to a thirsty plant.

January 4, 2025

I usedacould

An old friend said to me when I told him (i.e. kiddingly) that he knows everything—He said—It’s cause I’m soooo old; I knew most of the stuff before you were even born! But the problem is now no one pays any attention to me! I usedathink I was important!

It has been said that Simon Peter was always putting his foot in his mouth. He was eager for the important things but often acted on impulse. Ouchy ouchy, that sounds like me sometimes. Abraham Lincoln said—It’s better to keep my mouth shut and have folks think I’m a fool instead of opening it and remove all doubt! GeorgeTheCrook says—I usedabe better at keeping my mouth shut but now that I’m old, I seem to think I know more soooo I open it more! But it seems like no one listens to me anyway!

“It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves.” ~ William Shakespeare  I know/knew 5 generations of a family and I see similar traits in the folks in all 5 generations. Wow! you say! Dr.J says—"We often hear the expression, “Like father, like son”—and similar expressions: “Like mother, like daughter,” “the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree,” and “chip off the old block.” We know the meaning of all these proverbs: The traits and appearance of a mother or father are often replicated in their children. Traits are not perfectly passed on, but seeing parent and child together makes us think, “Oh, I’m not surprised!” AverageJoe says—I usedawanttobe different than my parents but now I'm more like them; why did I change? A company rep many years ago told me—erv, when we are young and not liberal, we have no heart but when we get older and we aren’t conservative we have no brain! Do you think that is true?

Soooo how do we pick good folks to be around? Look at the folks you have decided to be around. Why do you want to be around them; how did you decide? Are we much like our long-time friends? How about our short-term friends? Do the type of folks we hang around with change as we get older? Do we think about the type of folks we want to be around? Are we happier when around certain types of folks? Should we be concerned about the type of folks we spend a lot of time with? ItchieBitchie says—I usedahave different types of friends than I do now but I don’t know why!

No smoke and mirrors! JoeBlow says--I like the concept of being a team in many situations instead of being all about me,me,me (e.g. like it is written in the book--“That there may be no division in the body, but that the members may have the same care for one another. If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honored, all rejoice together.”) It appears that we see a lot of me,me,me in our culture we life in. My Daddy, Chester, would say to me—erv, if you are good, you don’t have to tell anyone, they will know! HotShotMary says—I usedaremember being that way but now I have changed and have a huge massive ego! Wintering in a 55+ community, because of age, we see many HotShotMarys get humbled by illness, accident, and limitations including ageing. WorldClassLarry says-It appears that the general population don’t care much for the HotShotMarys!

I usedanotcare but now I do.  A new acquaintance down here in the Valley of the Sun said to me—I spent 15 minutes doing something that was useless (i.e. his opinion)—Now that is 15 minutes that I can’t get back. I asked what he thought was the 15 minutes that was useless. It was waiting for his wife and another lady looking at purses that were way over priced and soooo they didn’t buy one. But they looked at all of them and touched them all and unzipped them all!

MissPerfect says--I usedahavetoalwayshavetoprovemypoint (i.e. get the last word in) but not soooo much anymore. I usedatoalways have to be right! At times, I still act that way even when I don’t want to act that way. It’s hard to change; I’ve done it for soooo long; I’m used to running the show! I like to be around folks who I can be the alpha dog, no question. BUT the question is MissPerfect, do others like to be around you!

In the Butler County area where I spent much of my life, there was a family that moved from Germany probably in the early 1900s or late 1800s. They had large families and many named their sons John. As a result, there were a lot of Johns with the same last name. Soooo to distinguish which John they were talking about they useda give them nicknames like Creamery John, Railroad John, John T, Potato Nose John etc. Some families still do name their children after some past family members as a memory.  Do any of you have a given name or middle name of a past or current family member? I think that’s pretty neat! I read that the most popular town name in the United Sates is Washington?  It said there are 89 Washingtons. There aren’t any towns called Mellema!

I usedaget all excited about disappointments and all excited about positive situations. Not soooo much anymore.  I take things more now just as they come. Of course I do like positive situations better; who wouldn’t! Our lives are sorta kinda A to Z and we are somewhere in the middle. As we get closer to the Z somethings don’t look soooo important anymore and some things look more important. Da!  I still play pickle ball but every year I can’t play as well. I don’t like it; I admit it! It is rather hard on my ego; I admit it. I’m even more careful when I play so that I don’t fall and get hurt, an injury would limit myself doing other activities (i.e. seniors get hurt playing pb let me tell ya)! Some folks say to me—erv, you still play well for your age! That doesn’t make me feel any better.

A snowbird friend showed some emotion that we never saw before; she is typically stoic. We mentioned this to mutual friends. Their response was--She’s had a lot on her plate lately and before. And our emotions are more on the surface when we get old.

Comedian Milton Berle said, “Laughter is an instant vacation.” We have really enjoyed this past Christmas season; it was good. We had a lot of good laughter because of fun and fellowship. We really did enjoy it. We all probably go through periods of our life that are more fun than others which is probably natural as we all have events and circumstances that are more pleasant than others. We are no different than anyone else. Sooooo was your Christmas season this year a more pleasant one or more unpleasant one?  One to ten, tell me! And tell me why. I’m interested in your life.

“Wisdom doesn’t come from experience. It comes from reflecting on experiences. Between ages 25 and 75, the correlation between age and wisdom is zero. Gaining insight and perspective is not about the number of years we've lived. It's about the number of lessons we've learned.” — Adam Grant  You think that is true? I wonder how many lessons I have learned! It seems like I useda know more! This quote is rather scary to me—“To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.” ~  Oscar Wilde. You think that is true? I’m scratching my head about that!

Have any of you folks gained any weight between Thanksgiving and the New Years?  Here is a suggestion, don't worry so much about the food you ate during the holidays but be more concern what you eat between New Years and Thanksgiving in 2025!

Dr. J says--There’s not a better plan than recording your thoughts in the form of a prayer as the old goes out and the new comes in. Ireallybelievethat!

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyDeceasedFriendJean said--Laughter is the sunlight of the soul.