I read in the paper sooo it must be right that REI is
struggling and is pruning unprofitable parts of its business. They are going to
try to get back in the groove. ItchieBitchie says—For me, it’s a good idea go
get rid of parts of my life that aren’t working for the best in my life; Da! It
seems it’s a good idea to not continue to throw money down a black hole and
watch it disappear. Or continue doing something to satisfy my ego to only
produce more bad results. I read recently that we must evaluate our situation
and reorientate (i.e. I like that word, reorientate, I think it’s colorful). I
personally got up early the other morning and while watching the sunrise, did
some thinking about reorientating some of my life; I thought a part of me was
nonproductive and was not me! I think it’s best for me to make some adjustments
a.k.a. prune (i.e. become more humble was part of it). Saturday question—What
groove do you operate best in?
I think we all have a choice as to the perspective we take
on life, that’s my opinion. I really think we all have a choice in the
perspective a.k.a. the groove we take about living, I really do. If I am right,
then we have to decide which is one of the different perspectives we are going
to choose. And that perspective can and most likely will change as we grow with
experience based on our early life’s perspectives we chose getting to were we
are now and our future chooces probably (e.g. have you ever been humbled by
having a great disappointment or have you got in a different groove by having
great success). Different events sure have changed my life’s perspective! Oh
It’s a “now what moment!” I read that
according to psychologists, the ability and skill to have conflict resolution
is very important in maintaining good relationships. It was said that if we
have conflicts that never get resolved can really hurt relationships (i.e. they
just never go away they say). Soooo if
we really want to get in the groove, we need to learn how to resolve conflict
as we are all going to have relational conflicts, they are inevitable. AverageJoe asks—Do we ever think that we
could/might be wrong (i.e. maybe even just once that we could be wrong)?
Dr.J says—"Faith is the title deed of our hope. If
someone has hope, it is because they have faith that God is working things
out—faith is “the evidence of things not seen” When someone says they have
“lost all hope,” it means they have lost their faith, their assurance.” I pray for
and have prayed for a lot of folks for them to get their live in the groove as
I think they would be much happier and content. It appears that many are not
changing or being changed (i.e. not yet anyway but maybe tomorrow). BUT I hope
I don’t lose my hope in others (i.e. but maybe I don’t see the whole
picture). I sorta kinda wonder sometimes if a change is even possible for some
folks (i.e. am I just blowing smoke in praying for a change in them). Then a
little sign of hope might happen, and I renew my hope! Aren’t I really something! A friend tells
me—erv, always believe that something wonderful is going to happen!
Have you ever met Violet
Stillwater? You might have and don’t
even know it. I have met her. It is her
bar name as she says (i.e. I didn’t meet her in a bar but where we volunteer).
She uses that name when she doesn’t want others to know her real name soooo she
calls herself Violet Stillwater. She is a hoot! A hoot with a big heart. I like
the groove she is in! Soooo when Violet
Stillwater talks, I listen! I hope you get to meet her! It would be your pleasure; her real name is
Syliva Stinkfuss! I’m just giving you a heads up! You believe that that SylivaStinkfull is her real name?
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyDeceasedFriendJean said--A kind word never hurts the tongue.
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