JoeBlow says--As a friend, warns folks: Don’t wait until you
hit the bottom of the twilight zone to change. Don’t let life force you into
surrender, make a change before that happens. I asked a friend how he
learned to weld. It was a forced event, I had no choice!
I don’t think you folks always believe what I say, that is
for sure, but many of you will believe what AI says!
AI says that Intrinsic motivation in an
inherent satisfaction and pleasure derived from the activity itself. This type
of motivation is driven by an internal desire to perform a task, such as a
personal passion or a genuine interest in the subject matter. Extrinsic
motivation, on the other hand, involves performing an activity to earn a reward
or avoid a punishment that comes from an external source. This type of
motivation is driven by external factors, such as receiving praise, money, or a
good grade, or avoiding criticism or penalties. Understanding the difference
between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation is essential, as it can significantly
impact one's engagement and overall satisfaction with an activity. While
extrinsic rewards can be effective in the short term, intrinsic motivation
tends to foster long-term commitment and enjoyment.
Some folks I just don’t seem to understand
(i.e. they might be motivated by intrinsic motivation or extrinsic
motivation (i.e. we seem to have different motivations). I’m sorta kinda in a
twilight zone in thinking about some folks. I just don’t really understand them. And
that is ok, I guess. I’m taught that I’m not to judge folks so there (i.e. but
I’m human, Da!), Some folks seem to be somewhere between reality and the zoo in
my evaluation. Of course, they might think the same about me, probably. They
provide a blur (i.e. sorta kinda an obscurity) in my mind. That is not either
good or bad, but they just make me scratch my head! SusieQ says—
erv, maybe you
aren’t on the same page, in the same chapter, or in the same book as they are!
Talk about the same book! A friend sent me a couple of books
to read; I think he thinks I need help and he’s right, I always need help (i.e.
doesn’t everyone, well, maybe some folks who are probably in the twilight zone
don’t think they need help). ANYWAY, here are a few thoughts that were in the
UnDistracted by Bob Goff. Like the saying goes—Take them or leave
them! Just remember, you get what you pay for! ~
Find your purpose, and you will experience
more joy. The math is simple.
Things that instantly blow your hair back
might be a yawn for someone else.
A life without reflection is like a
Decide you will transform who you are from a puppet to a real person.
Remember, mere agreement will change very little in your life; only
action has the power to change everything for you.
On March 30, 1863, when the United States was being torn by
the Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln called on Americans to “confess their
sins and transgressions in humble sorrow, yet with assured hope that genuine
repentance will lead to mercy and pardon.” Lincoln assured the people that the
“cry of the nation will be heard on high and answered with blessings.” Some
folks think President Lincoln was in twilight zone in his thinking and others
think he was right on the money.

We had the opportunity to have dinner with some long-time
friends that I made through business many years ago and we have remained
friends. He is retiring after 43 years in business at the age of 62. He has
done 15 Ironman competitions (i.e. you might think he’s been in the twilight
zone for a long time hahaha). We really seem to be on the same page although
his motor is bigger than mine (i.e. he has a huge massive motor). In selling
his business he found out once again that there are jerks in all levels of
business and he is dealing with one once again. He said there are total jerks
in all levels of life. He said--Jerks will not be remembered but forgotten
immediately ‘ cause they are jerks! Many are only where they are ‘cause they
have power. In BobbyBob’s book he says—Remember this: Most disagreeable people
out there don’t think they are mean. They think they are right…When being right
gets in the way of being kind, we need to catch our breath and decide who we
want to be all over again.” Saturday question--Do jerks know they are in the
twilight zone? A life decision that my friend made years ago that I admire is:
He will not ever drink if he is going to drive, not even one! I really respect
him for his decision.

I saw this sign in a gift shop window.
I have a old friend, old in two ways, that I miss as he can’t come to AZ
anymore. We have had soooo much fun through the years and much discussion
together. He is the MI-Engineer who really enjoys life. ANYWAY, I sent him this
sign as he is Polish. Here is our conversation by text—Yak shi marsh!!—Great,
but I miss our golf group a lot. That was a fun group and a fun time. I really miss
you personally as well—Same here
erv…but life goes on! God’s got a plan for
us…I’m with him all the way. I think that is a great testimony. Saturday question--What is your
Jay, anybody can be a Jay,
says—"Some time ago I read this intriguing statement from Winston
Churchill, the one-time prime minister of England: “Success consists of
going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.” Consider that
for a few moments. It seems I like to be around type A individuals and many of them
are entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs take risks and some fail many times. It
seems entrepreneurs have to have a certain mentality. Jay goes on to say—"When
failure comes, my human nature says,
‘Take it easy. Just don’t try
that again, Jay!.’” However, the quote from Churchill reminds me not to be
deterred with a failure, but to press on and try again. And at the same time, I
should maintain a high level of enthusiasm!” AverageJoe says—Failure is handled
differently by different folks; failure puts many in the twilight zone maybe
and they never can get out, soooo they think!
As we were leaving church last Sunday, a super senior lady was doing the same using a walker with wheels on the front. She was a very nice gal with such a great attitude. She said to us--I can drive my car better than I drive this walker! I actually can walk better without it but it makes everyone else happy (i.e. and then laughed)! Such a delight! She tickled our gizzards!
Are we stiff necked?
That could be physically or mentally or spiritually.
If we are, we don’t operate very effectively, at least I don’t. Being stiff is
like rangeomorphs setting in at death (i.e. like being in the twilight zone).
An old friend liked to ask—Are we stiff necked, ornery. stubborn people? Whowhatme!
He really liked that question. My friend was not stiff necked; he tried new
things that transformed our church and many folks (i.e. he took risks). De

We just know! Have you ever met a person
and you just knew what they were; our gut feeling just tells us what they are.
And usually we are right on. We just know! I have many times and I’m now
thinking of one person in particular. I met her maybe 2 years ago but didn’t
really talk to her very much but was around her. Recently I had the opportunity
to have a couple of conversations with her and she is way different than her
public persona might be. I was not surprised; I just knew that she was that
way. How did I know? I just knew that her heart was just very kind.

This paragraph might be for believers
but maybe even more for unbelievers if they are willing to read it and think
about it. I can tell you that it is very important to me, and no one can argue
that with me as I know it works for me. It takes me out of the twilight zone!
Dr.J says—"One of the marks of humility (meekness) is a teachable spirit,
a willingness to learn from God and from others who know Him well (i.e. like minded folks). The psalmist
prayed, “Open my eyes, that I may see wondrous things from Your law” (Psalm
119:18).” LuckieEddie says—I agree, as a friend, let me warn you: Don’t wait
until we hit bottom. Don’t let life force us into surrender.
I had lunch with three good ol’ friends from MN here in AZ.
They all grew up together in northern MN in the iron ore country a.k.a. Ely and
have been friends all these years. I have no idea why they let me be part of their friendship,
but I guess because I will put up with them or something! hahaha They are all diehard
MN Viking fans and I’m just a lukewarm fan as I grew up in MN. ANYWAY, they
told me that when they die, they are going to have the Vikings be their ball
bears soooo they can let them down one more time!
If you’re facing a dilemma or decision today, ask God to whisper His wisdom to your heart as part of His matchless guidance. It works for me!
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyDeceasedFriendJean said--Do your best for people who want to dance with you.