My mentor tells me--Life is not always fair. The only thing that’s fair is the Butler County Fair and that’s in late June I think. You ever feel sorry for yourself? Do you every treat yourself like a “toughluckCharlie”? Do you every feel like you got the rotten end of the stick (i.e. a raw deal in life)? Do we ever have to change our attitude? When Heather and Chet were small and were acting in a strange way, I would tell them that we were going to have a “attitudeadjustmenttime”. Many adults need to have someone take them aside and help them adjust their attitude. Saturday question—Do you and I need an attitude adjustment today? Do we feel like “toughluckCharlie” but in realty it was just our pissy attitude (i.e. we created our own poor attitude). So I always told our kids, if you complain, you have to have a possible solution otherwise don’t complain. So there is the possible solution—Throw those chips away, get your butt off the couch and do something (i.e. do something for someone else). Quit feeling sorry for yourself and help someone else. Such is life.
I read this while eating my oatmeal with blackberries on it—Even if you think of yourself as a “PlainOl’Charlie”, every Charlie has special talents and unique opportunities and you, Charlie, are no exception. Your task, of course, is to discover your talents and to use them in the service of God’s kingdom.
If you are the “toughluckClarliethegopher’ you are in trouble—a friend sent me this--Another quick/easy way to catch a striped gopher. Fill a milk jug full of water and tip it upside down on top of his hole so all the water runs in the hole. Hold the jug steady as the water runs out. Within thirty seconds of the water running out, the gopher will squeeze into the jug.
ToughluckCharlie—A friend sent me this--Over five thousand years ago, Moses said to the children of Israel "Pick up your shovels, mount your asses and camels, and I will lead you to the Promised Land." Nearly 75 years ago, (when Welfare was introduced) Roosevelt said, " Lay down your shovels, sit on your asses, and light up a Camel, this is the Promised Land." Now the government has stolen your shovel, taxed your asses, raised the price of camels and mortgaged the Promised Land! I was so depressed last night thinking about Health Care Plans, the economy, the wars, lost jobs, savings, Social Security, retirement funds, etc . . . I called Lifeline. I got a call center in Pakistan. I told them I was suicidal. They all got excited and asked if I could drive a truck!
ToughLuckCharlie, here is a way to change your luck (i.e. it works every time). A friend sent it to me--Seek wise counsel When Solomon was given a choice between wealth and wisdom, he chose wisdom. Why? Because wealth is temporary and uncertain, while godly wisdom is eternal and provides a solid road map for life. That is why the Bible counsels us in Proverbs 15:22 to surround our- selves with diverse perspectives as we make important decisions. Proverbs 19:20 builds on the principle that we will be successful and wise "in the end" when we seek the advice of other believers. Practice generosity One of the most challenging questions Christians face as they plan their financial futures is "how much is enough?" While the answer to that question will legitimately differ among believers, it is an important question to resolve. In doing so, we can fulfill the vision of 2 Corinthians 8:13-15, using our "plenty" to supply the needs of others. As author Randy Alcorn has pointed out, God prospers us not to raise our standard of living, but rather our standard of giving.”
CharlieCharlieCharlie! I was around a gal recently (i.e. none of you but if the shoe fits…) who I have known for years but really haven’t been around too much. We shared a responsibility for maybe 10 minutes the other day. She looks very nice from the outside but I wonder if she looks as nice in the inside. She was very critical of everyone and everything a.k.a a small person (i.e. ouchy ouchy)! My impression is that she isn’t a very nice lady (i.e. maybe very self-centered, a ShowboatCharlie a.k.a THEBIGSHOWCHARLIE who will hurt others to puff herself up. That’s not my kind of person to be around. I wonder if others have the same opinion as me? Maybe I’m all wrong? Maybe she just had a miserable emotional experience. Could be. I’m wrong a lot. I think I will still keep my distance. Well flip the pancake. That same day we were dinner guests at some long time friends along with another long time friend (i.e. real folks with massive huge hearts—my kind of folks). As we were sitting drinking coffee after a delicious dinner, we shared some stuff and we had a crying session (i.e. ‘cause we care about each other). I like real people with good hearts. KindHeartCharlie says—CarryingCharlies keep passing through little moments of friends’ lives. I observed a high school student who when she got done with her homework, helped her neighbor who really struggles. She was sooooooooo nice to him (i.e. gentle and kind). I talked to her later and told her that she was a good person with a kind heart (i.e. a ServantCharlie)—she just smiled. Such is life.
I had the opportunity to be around a SpecialCharlie a.k.a a special friend who is a great papa! ANYWAY he has lost 20 pounds on his 6’4” frame (i.e. from 215 to 195). Sooooooo how did you do it—counted calories; consumed 1,600 calories and exercised moderately. Pretty simple formula—less intake and more output My Daddy, Chester, always told me—Thebestdisciplineisselfdiscipline. Such is life.
I read this in HagarTheHorrible comic strip (i.e. Hagar was lecturing his son Charlie)—Son, I’ve been everywhere and I’ve seen everything! And I’ve learned that people are the same the world over!! That’s why you must guard your money at all times!
I read it in the paper so it must be right—Hawkeye football tickets will be sold out by the end of this week (i.e. ticket orders are “aboveandbeyond” supply and a decision will have to be made how to handle the overflow. What! I thought the economy was tough for the AverageCharlie. And you know what, they increased the cost of a ticket this year tooooooooo! It’s all about supply and demand folks. That is why ya gotta win! It’s all about money folks.
SusieQ says—We all have years of bad decisions runnin’ down our faces at times. ~ They are LuckyCharlies! We had the opportunity to have dinner with a friend who we haven’t seen for many many years. She wanted us to meet her husband and he wanted to met us. It was a very enjoyable evening (i.e. real folks with good hearts). They told us their stories—quite amazing—very amazing—absolutely amazing! It would be a best seller if it would be in book form. MissPerfect says—Most of the stuff we usually talk about is the silt of tomorrow! Our conversation was not the silt of tomorrow MissPerfect; it was heart wrenching stuff. They are really LuckyCharlies or is it something else. What do you think? LuckieCharlie says—The past exists only in our memories, the future only in our plans. The present is our reality. Such is life.
I played golf with a miniature John Daley (i.e. without the gastrial bypass a.k.a. stomach staple) the other day. He is a FlexibleCharlie all right. His back swing is about 240 degrees. When he stops his back swing, he sees the ball and his club head at the same time. He hits it hard and long. I kidded him about it and he said—When I get older and lose some feasibility, I’ll be at about 180 degrees! Such is life.
I had breakfast with my mentor a.k.a. OneSmartCharlie (i.e. we try to do it every Wednesday morning). He told me that to be successful ya gotta get things done and the best time to do things is to do them right now (i.e. he’s the engine of boxcars). I told some of my classes this as well—don’t waste your time, do things right now! Or as my neighborKarl says—The best time to trim the trees is when the saw is sharp and the saw is sharp! I also told a gal when she came into class late—You know what we would do with you in business?—there was a long silent time when finally another student said—you would fire ‘em. Another AwareStudentCharlie then said—Unless you are part of the union! Such is life.
Guess what? I was on my walk and saw that lady who I wondered about if she was a nice lady or not. I always wonder how she could be married to her husband who is on the “jerky” side (i.e. my opinion). BINGO maybe it all makes sense Charlie!
One of our neighbors died this week. He was agoodCharlie and his wife is aneatCharlie. Mel did the leg work for our golf cart purchases about 1990. We each purchased a 1986 Yamaha from the same dealer (i.e. they were rentals). He replaced his years ago with a newer one—I still have mine!!!! ANYWAY every spring when I change the oil in it, I go to Mel and borrow his metric ratchet set to remove the oil plug (i.e. I don’t have a metric ratchet set). I could have purchased a ratchet but it was sooooooooo much fun to go and borrow Mel’s every spring (i.e. I really enjoyed it). It was the only time the ratchet set was ever used he said. He had it on a shelf in the back of his garage and it was put back the same place every year. This year, his sweet wife and I had to go and get it and I told her the story of how much I enjoyed the opportunity. She and I stood in the back part of the garage and just talked about Mel. It was such a good time.
Folks, there are many reallygoodCharlies like you guys. Here is just an example of a goodCharlie that a good friend sent me,238912
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
KR’s thought of the day—To get the full value of joy, you must have someone to divide it with.
TheProfessor’sPithySaying—Lovely is the bloom of youth but it quickly fades away whereas the education mind continues to grow and mature.
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