I was sitting in the sun porch one beautiful spring day, watching the children during their recess on the school ground next to our back yard (i.e. about 30-40 away). Maybe 8 3rd grade girls were chasing this stripped gopher. I went down the basement and got some string and went out there. I was showing them how to snare a gopher (i.e. something my Daddy, Chester, taught me on the farm a mile and a fourth south of Roseland, MN). Soooooooo I made a loop and put it over the hole and then backed away some 15 yards. Gophers seem to always poke their head up to see what is going on—then you pull the string. We were ready but the teacher blew the whistle and the recess was over. Have any of you ever snared a gopher? Snaring gophers is a lot different that playing video games or listening to the ipod or watching TV. What will happen next?
What’s next in your life? Saturday question—Are you sitting on the fence or standing in the light? The choice is yours…and sooooooooo are the consequences. Such is life.
What in the world is next? I have a friend a.k.a. the big warranty, who I play golf with. This guy buys a new driver (i.e. on ebay—second hand). It’s one of those new Taylor Made drivers with the screws on the back. You can adjust the screws to fit your swing. He wanted a new driver to enhance his drives. He has played with this driver for about a year now and hasn’t adjusted the screws to fit his swing. He uses it the same as the previous owner. I keep telling him that I’m bringing a screwdriver along next time and adjust it for him (i.e. ya gotta use your noodle). Actually I’m just trying to get in his head. Can you tell. I hope he doesn’t think about that the next time we play. Surely he won’t will he?!
What’s next? Here is a snapshot of my life—excitement, adventure, discouragement, amazement, wonder, disappointment, peace, uproar, I can’t believe it, why, confused, in awe, helpless, courageous, holy molly, really, it can’t be, what’s it all about, I don’t understand, I hurt for that person, I’m sooooo happy for that person, it just fell in my lap, I didn’t ask for this, tranquility, I need help God, God lift that person up, it doesn’t make any sense, I don’t understand, it feels oh sooooo good, I don’t deserve this great feeling, I need advice and direction, oh those opportunities, I’m humbled, I’m honored, I’m cocky, I’m confident, puzzled, self-centered, joyful, enthusiastic, rejected, powerful, I feel low, frustrated and what’s next?! The difference between pro golfers and amateurs is that pro golfers hardly ever have compound mistakes (i.e. back to back). That’s why they are soooooo good compared to a 10 handicapper (i.e. or many folks in life who seem to make compound mistakes over and over and over). Such is life.
I wanted to watch some of the NBA playoffs the other night. The game I wanted to watch was on ESPN. It was on regular programming but not on HD. So I called “Sam from India” (i.e. like that’s his real name) and told him about the problem and all of a sudden it was on HD. He said he pushed a button! I wonder what next SamFromIndia can do for me by pushing a button from India.

What’s next! When golfing with a young adult friend the other day, we talked about another young guy who I’m associated with and is a mutual friend. He is now the assistant coach of a college golf team. I understand he really likes it. I sat in the same pew Sunday of the head coach and asked him about him. He told me that he is doing a great job and is a very good student recruiter for golf. He uses Facebook and text messaging (i.e. email and cell phone calling are old and out). It’s a new culture folks. Sooooooooo what’s next?
The Book says—I am the Lord, I do not change. The book I’m reading, Zen And The Art OF Motorcycle Maintenance by Robert M. Pirsig (i.e. it’s not about Buddhism or motorcycle maintenance or Christianity but about philosophy of life. It says this—If it was truly a new route over the mountain it’s certainly a needed one. For more than three centuries now the old routes common in this hemisphere have been undercut and almost washed out by the natural erosion and change of the shape of the mountain wrought by scientific truth. The early climbers established paths that were on firm ground with an accessibility that appealed to all, but today the Western routes are all but closed because of dogmatic inflexibility in the face of change. To doubt the literal meaning of the words of Jesus or Moses incurs hostility from most people, but it’s just a fact that if Jesus or Moses were to appear today, unidentified, with the same message he spoke many years ago, his mental stability would be challenged. This isn’t because what Jesus or Moses said was untrue or because modern society is in error but simply because the route they chose to reveal to others has lost relevance and comprehensibility. But the fact that the old rouges have tended, because of language rigidity, to lose their everyday meaning and become almost closed doesn’t mean that the mountain is no longer there. It’s there and will be there as long as consciousness exits. So what’s next folks?
What’s next! James and Heather both had the flu at the same time. James called it the Catholic shuffle; kneel, sit, stand, kneel, sit, stand. Ouchy ouchy!
LuckieEddie says—Where no oxen are, the manger is clean! I was golfing one day and decided that I wanted to be a substitute teacher. Most of you think I’m crazy. I’m not; I enjoy youth and I enjoy teaching. I emailed Jon (i.e. my neighbor and superintendent of schools) and told him I think I have a permanent professional certificate, which I got when I got my MA a zillion years ago. He emailed me back and said he called the Iowa State Education Department and, yes I’m ready to go. I had to take a child abuse class on line and bingo, I’m substituting. I did 3.5 days this week. It has been 34 years since I’m been in the classroom. It was an opportunity that I was really looking forward to. I told the students I don’t have to do this (i.e. I don’t need the money) and I can go play golf tomorrow. I really had a good time. I treated the students as ladies and gentlemen and they treated me with respect (i.e. there’s always students who have problems). I found out that there are many really nice kids. The first day teaching math classes, I basically taught about being a team and what it was all about and then used the team concept to teach somewhat. They were quite responsive about the team concept and how it is used in their life outside of school. There is a huge massive difference between work ethics, abilities, personalities, and students as individuals. Why? For many reasons I would guess. The grouping of students is sooooooo interesting to me. I guess in the adult world it isn’t much different now is it? I also was amazed how students dress differently. That is very interesting to me as well. Some students are part of a group, some are individuals, and some aren’t quite sure what they want to do. I find this all interesting. I wonder what’s next for each of these students. Are we all created equal? My mentor says—no we are not created equal even if it does say so in our constitution! MissPerfect says—Happiness walks on busy feet! And she also says—It’s not the vehicle, nor the clothes, nor the shoes; it’s the heart that matters. There were two girls who were rather pretty but had such scour faces in one of the classes—I told them that they would be soooooo much prettier if they would smile. One did somewhat later and the other actually talked to me. Attitude, oh that attitude (i.e. it’s a decision and decisions have consequences). Such is life.
What in the world will happen next to me! I have said many times that I pray for opportunities and that I may recognize them and I may have the courage to act on them. ANYWAY Wednesday night I was on my nightly walk on the golf course (i.e. it was a cool night with the wind rather brisk). I was the only person out there. I was thinking about a young man (i.e. a high potential young man) I met in a high school class I taught on Tuesday and how I could make some contact with him. I was making my homeward way at about 8:20 when I say a young man with a stocking cap on carrying his clubs coming down the #1 fairway (i.e. we were going to meet as I was coming from an angle heading home). Guess what! It was the young man whom I was thinking about. Happenstance, na I don’t think so folks. Unbelievable! We had the nicest visit and decided we are going to play some golf together. Incredible! It just fell in my lap!
What’s next for Rick? I know and it is good folks. No question. I really like this guy and have tried to pick his mind. ANYWAY remember when I asked you to vote for Rick for the free cruise ‘cause I thought he was soooooo deserving? Well read this http://wcfcourier.com/news/local/article_47acbb0c-52c5-11df-8e8f-001cc4c03286.html Now you know why I think he’s soooooooo neat. I pray that God might lift him and his family up.
What’s next! Martin Luther said—When prayer transforms from speaking to being silent, and from being silent to listening, the voice of God will come through.
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
KR’s thought of the day—The virtues of being punctual are largely offset by having to wait for people who aren’t.
TheProfessor’sPithySaying—Sports weakens the mind and learning we once despised, we later find pleasing and essential--Hesiod
PICTURES!!! At this pace your blog is headed toward a website. Looks great.
ReplyDeleteOpportunities and needs are everywhere; we just need to pay attention. Harvest is plentiful and the laborers are few. Thanks for the reminder and you have a great day too!
Erv, the blog looks great! Very user friendly and more appealing. Thanks for sharing about when you were thinking about the young man and ther he was, not happenstance, the Holy Spirit. I had a choice this morning on what car to drive, my car of the one we have for sale. Well, I took the one that is for sale,(even though it was low on fuel), and someone stopped to look at it and bought it! Listening to the Lord even if it seems like a trivial matter.