MissPerfect says--They will perceive what they perceive! Staging is putting on a performance or play on stage. Ya stage something to make it look as it is not. It's not real maybe but a show. GeorgeTheCrook says--Pretending doesn't always work well but sometimes it does. In the real estate business you can hire staggers who come in and tell you how to stage your house in order to make it sell better. These folks have experience in what buyers what to see. They stage your house for you for a fee. I was told of a condo that was on the market for a couple of years but would not sell. The owner hired a stagger and within a couple of months it was sold. Was it the stagger or just luck? LuckieEddie says--Maybe I should hire a stagger for my life! LuckieEddie, I think you should!!!
Joesixpack says--It's predictable, some folks work the crowd better than others. Oh ya! They are just plain better staggers. Some folks can work the crowd into a frenzy. To a point that the crowd will do anything for them. Some guys are a lot better with woman than others toooooo (i.e great staggers). Some are called womanizers. And some women just love it. These guys are just plain good staggers. Oh ya! Some women are good staggers tooooo. They know how to work the crowd. They lose weight to attract a guy--display more cleavage to attract a guy--buy better quality clothing to attract a guy--make up their face more attractively--get a high quality hair due, learn to talk what guys like a.k.a. learn the lingo to get them excited (i.e. learn about football or say they look good etc). Oh ya, they can stage the show alright. They can radically transform themselves. I hear some males and females say after a divorce--I got to make myself marketable again. SusieQ says--(i.e. it's time to set the record straight) I got my man soooooooo what you see is what you get! I don't have do any more staging. What SusieQ lacks in impressing folks, she makes up with her being real (i.e. I like real folks--to a certain point anyway--I really do like Arlene looking good even if it's staging a bit--I don't mind her spending money on that staging--she did just that this past week!). Such is life.
No staging here folks; nutten but the real thing. A former employee/friend use to work for an attorney before working for us. She mentioned to me several times how much she liked this guy and why. I read in the paper that he just passed away. I sent her an email about him. This is what she sent me back (i.e. printed with permission)--Your “kind of people”, Erv. Not pretentious; had money cuz he worked very hard; however, didn’t sport it. Very “fatherly” to us gals in the office – wouldn’t let us walk to the parking ramp alone – we had to walk as a group. If anyone had to stay late to work on a project, we ALL stayed late until the work was done – team player. The attorneys who are in the firm now would have gotten their book of business from Louis’ shirttails. I was told by someone when I worked in his firm that Louis helped a lot of homeless people in Waterloo and that’s why you didn’t see them on the streets – Mr. Beecher did not brag about it however.
What is real is real and what is fake is fake no matter what you say. Joesixpack says--There are really some quirky birds out there--oh ya! Some of those quirky birds have some issues but they mask them (i.e. stage them). They use doohickeys and doodads. They seem to work sometimes and for a short period of time anyway but not for the long haul. And then...reality shows it's ugly head. That's when those quirky birds loose their feathers (i.e. get exposed to the bare bones). Ouchy ouchy!
Here is a recipe for better living (i.e. staging yourself). It's much like the recipe for making Holy Water--boil the hell out of it! I read recently that you can stage yourself to make your life better. Here are 5 simple ways: minimize TV watching, exercise, read challenging books, get adequate sleep, and take time to reflect. I would guess if folk would do that, they would be a lot better off. What do you think? ItchieBitchie says--Yabut I like to do what I want. I like to sit on the couch and eat chips. I don't understand why I weigh soooooo much though! It must be in my genes (i.e. or in your jeans)! ItchieBitchie, your a lot like this--Adam blamed Eve. Eve blamed the snake and the snake didn't have a leg to stand on! And you know what ItchieBitchie, it's like this analogy--Meanness doesn't happen overnight! And ItchieBitchie, there are some questions that can't be answered by google.
LuckieEddie says--Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer. That is staging ourselves when we can keep our mouth shut just at the right time. Really, most folks really don't care what you say or what you think anyway. The good folks are the real folks who really care; they are interested in what you think and say. One more thing LuckieEddie says--Don't judge folks by their relatives. That's staging them. They can't help who their relatives are if they are bad or good. Their relatives might burp in public but maybe they don't. Flipthepancake--Just 'cause their relatives are good doesn't necessarily make them good. Don't stage them okay. Test them before jumping to a conclusion (e.g. Arlene and our kids are a lot nicer than I am). Such is life.
I'm not always very patient. I want to get things done--now! I'm a fixer (i.e. men typically are--particularly business guys). Some things I cannot fix--that is hard on me. Can any of you relate to that? But some patient folks drive me crazy as they never get anything done (i.e. don't do anything and think it will just fix itself). I also know folks who act fast but don't make very good decisions which results in even more trouble. It seems like some folks seem to make good decisions more than others (i.e. look at their past performance). Some seem to always make bad decisions. Why is that anyway? MissPerfect says--Sooooooo act fast but make good decisions and you won't have any problems. Henri J.M. Nouwen says--Patience is not waiting passively until someone else does something. Patience asks us to live the moment to the fullest, to be completely present to the moment, to taste the here and now, to be where we are. When we are impatient, we try to get away from where we are. We behave as if the real thing will happen tomorrow, later, and somewhere else.

Saturday question--Is your life real or just staged? SmileyJim says--It's not what you gather, but what you scatter that tells what kind of life you have lived. Enjoy the scenery, we are just passing through.
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--One thing you can't recycle is wasted time.
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