'I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is necessary ingredient in living. And it helps develop a sense of humor, which is awfully important in this day and age.'
Joesixpack says--I wonder if we sometimes look in the wrong direction for our help? Ouchy ouchy!! MissPerfect says--I just close my eyes when it gets scary. Years ago when I hunted ducks, we would be looking one way for the ducks to come in (i.e. into the wind) when all of a sudden they would come in from another direction (i.e. not suppose to) and they would completely surprise us. This reminds me of my most favorite ever ever ever duck hunting story. My buddy and I were in a boat with our decoys out front. There were a lot of other boats out there this day. It was rather a slow day. When all of a sudden this bunch of ducks start working and coming into our decoys. We emptied our guns and didn't hit one. We sat down in the boat rather embarrassed. Then some one in another boat shouted real loud--You guys couldn't hit a bull in the ass with a scoop shovel. We laughed too!
Why men fail (i.e. what's inside their heads)? I read it in the paper soooo it must be right that financial rewards to education have increased over the past few decades, but men failed to get the memo. To succeed today, you have to be able to sit still and focus attention. You have to be emotionally sensitive and aware of context. You have to communicate smoothly. For genetic and cultural reasons, many men stink at these tasks. Men are rigid; women are more fluid. To succeed you have to be more adaptable to new circumstance and explore new surroundings more enthusiastically. Men are not as flexible and resilient as women. Men have to be less like Achilles, imposing their will on the world, and more like Odysseus, the crafty, many-sided sojourner. They'll have to acknowledge that they are strangers in a strange land. Joesixpack says--It appears that men are not the governors of how to get it done on this issue. Men might have the metal smashed to the floor but don't have the direction right. Such is life.
I noticed...DuaneTheWorm is really full of himself. He doesn't ever want to be second fiddle. Flip the pancake, I know some folks who have massive huge hearts and are very real folks (i.e. my kind of folks). They have the attitude of -- Not being somebody but of making friends with the nobodies. I think those are the folks who "ringthebell". I think DuanetheWorm is going the wrong direction. His attitude makes me feel topsy-turvy! AverrageJoe says--Some folks just seem to need more attention that others. Do you think AverageJoe that maybe those type of folks are insecure?
ItchieBitchie says--Don't worry, be happy, Christians! Don't waste your time responding to atheists and critics of the Holy Scripture--the Bible (i.e. they are going the wrong direction). God's word has and will always stand the test of time. Keep in mind this fact: When all of the naysayers, past, present and future turn to dust and are blowing in the wind, the word of God will remain as eternal truth, until Christ returns. Until then don't let your heart be troubled, rather sing that uplifting song: "Don't worry, be happy!"
Wouldn't it be to bad that we climb the latter of success one painful rung at a time (i.e. killing ourselves) then get to the top of the latter only to find out we have our ladder against the wrong wall (i.e. going in the wrong direction).

SlamminSamie is big and nasty. His direction is really questionable. And he doesn't even know that his direction is questionable. But, it really depends who is deciding what the correct direction is. Your direction might be different than my direction. You might think you are exactly absolutely correct in your direction and others might think you are goin' the wrong way. Sooooo how do you know then? SusieQ says--I think his actions are just a cover up folks. A big shindig! That is what I think. He knows better but is just a game player. It's all for attention.
GeorgeTheCrook is a stubborn as a mule. It's hard to change his direction. All the king's horses and all the kings men have tried without any success. GeorgeTheCrook is stubborn folks. Really stubborn. Being stubborn on your direction is good as long as you are going the right direction.
I taught middle school physical education the other day. I only had one fight in the locker room. Not bad. I asked the girls in the class if they ever fought--ya we do, about we only use words! At noon I asked if I could sit with 3 sixth graders (i.e. 2 girls and 1 boy) in the cafeteria. Sure they said. I had a very enjoyable time with them. They were really neat kids. They say they know who the trouble makers are in the class, who the ones are who think they're really hot stuff, who are the true leaders etc (i.e. they already know who the DuaneTheWorms are). I can be in a class bout a half hour and tell you what direction most of the kids are going. Oh ya.
CadillacJack says--One of the virtues of being young is that you don't let the facts get in the way of your imagination a.k.a. fantasy. GeorgeTheCrook says--If you give folks what they want or even tell them what they want to hear, they like you. If you can't produce, they seem to not like you. I like over producers better than over promisers. BUT in politics it's about whateverworks. Folks don't seem to figure that out. Never have and never will. If your life is going the right direction (i.e. have money in your pocket) everyone is happy. The direction of our lives can change sooooooo fast and over some strange stuff. Nate Kaeding said--Football like life is a fragile game. The difference between being at the top of the NFL's all-time kicking accuracy chart (i.e. which is he) and losing your job can be a few gusts of wind or a slip in the rain-soaked sod. Such is life.
Good way to change the direction of a discussion is by changing the conversation. Time is a good way of helping folks changing the direction tooooo. Time lets folks forget how mad they were by letting them concentrate on some new problem taking the focus off the old situation. It works in politics and in anything. The press is real good at this. Just change the subject (e.g. same sex marriage in Iowa or Benghazi assault in Libya). WildWilly says--erv, be light on the trigger! JoeBlow says--It's only weird if it doesn't work. It's only weird if others don't agree. It's only weird if the folks don't agree with you about the direction you are going. Yabut JoeBlow, if it's not weird (i.e. accepted by the majority) doesn't necessarily mean it's right.
Sometimes stuff comes sooo fast that if you don't know the direction it's coming from, you will miss it (e.g. the T-38 Talon jets doing the fly over at the Iowa/Purdue game last Saturday @ 400 knots honoring our veterans). Zooooom and they're gone. Ya can't be picking your nose or or picking your seat or you will miss them.
Come on! I watched a little of the Bears Texans game Sunday night. I saw the hit that Tim Dobbins put on Jay Cutlar. TV showed a close up of Cutlar after the hit. I could see immediately that he had a concussion. I could; sooo if I could why can't the doctors, coaches and trainers on the field. He played until half time! Da! "It was good that he was out," Dobbins said. "You always want to take the quarterback out of the game. I hit him in his chest. I did not hit him in his head. Nowhere near."
Bears players disagreed. "That was ridiculous," center Roberto Garza said. "You shouldn't hit players in the head." I wonder if this is all sooooo good folks. It seems to be part of the direction Americans love. Dobbins got fined $30,000.
I got to know Bruce sitting at a state BB tournament game maybe 5 or 6 years ago. I really respect what this guy says (i.e. has creditability with me). He's right on target on what he stands for and what he does. Is that integrity? I think soooo. Anyway we communicated this week about an athlete. Bruce said this--"Goes right back to character Erv. You can not measure that part of life but it was the difference for..."(i.e. this person). Character without a doubt is a big part of the direction our lives will gooooo! No question folks. Many think it's luck or catching a break but almost always character and attitude are big components in our success (i.e. what ever you consider success is). Hard work and determination don't hurt either. Such is life.
I went and saw Skyfall this week (i.e. 143 minutes of pure fantasy). It was tooo much fantasy for Arlene. She didn't want to see it. It was a typical James Bond 007 movie. Pure fantasy. I guess folks needed some fantasy after all the political action and all the fiscal cliff talk. Skyfall took in $87.8m for the weekend. That seems like a lot of money or is it my fantasy!!! I walked out with a guy who said to me--Wow was that good. I have seen all the James Bond movies and this was the best. Man was that good! Soooo there you go folks. What more can I say. Pure fantasy! Gobble gobble!
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--Whatever ya do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto man.
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