November 24, 2012


After reading this "It's Saturday", you might need to take some Alkalizer Plus+!

Everyone likes riding in a parade (i.e. like the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade)!  But not everyone gets tooooo.  Plus+ it's more fun to be the grand marshal then picking up the horse manure.  But very few get to be grand marshals.  More of us get to pick up horse manure.  Joesixkpack says--We all like things the way we like them.  It's a real plus+ to us when things go the way we want them to go (i.e. even when our way might be wrong). 

Arlene said to me the other day--That person is not nice plus+ they are very obnoxious.  When sweet and tender hearted Arlene notices this and actually says something, this person must be really be a noticeable "stick out"!  Wine drinkers are not "stick outs"!  The reason I know that is 'cause MyBigSister says--Jonah is the only book in the Old Testament that does not have wine or vineyard in it.  Soooo wine must be a plus+ for folks through the ages or she is just justifying her wine drinking. 

SusieQ says--It's not rocket science but just common sense folks.  The average grade is a C.  To get a C in high school (i.e. my opinion) is as easy as falling off a rock.  In college it's about the same.  They want to keep students in college.  Da!  It's all about the money folks.  I volunteer for the Wheaten Fanciscan Healthcare.  I do the orientation for the volunteers.  I have folks from 16 to 80.  These are really good folks a.k.a the cream of the crop (i.e. plus+ plus+ folks).  Why?  I think there are 2 reasons:  1.  Givers have that mentality (i.e. givers are happy folks, takers are never happy).  2. Many of the college age students need volunteer hours to get into post graduate programs in the medical field.  These students are not the C students folks.  They are the students who are motivated and driven.  They are above average and even excellent.  I tell all the volunteers--you don't want to be a C volunteer but you want to be an excellent volunteer.  98% of them will (i.e. they are that good).  One college student told me--On campus the joke is, C is a degree!  AverageJoe says--The problem is a C degree doesn't get you a job.

Talk about the cream of the crop (i.e. some things a guy never forgets).  Years ago, one of our insurance companies we sold for was a small family owned company.  It has been sold probably a couple of times by now.  ANYWAY they always had a golf outing each fall.  Afterwards we had a dinner and the president always told us how they appreciated our business. They had two companies.  One was a sub-standard company (i.e. took business that was sub-standard like folks with OWIs).  He said--We don't want your shit business, we what the cream of your shit business! 

Somethings a guy just doesn't forget.  I was maybe 6 or so.  My Mom, Anna Beatrice Dykema Mellema and I were feeding the chicks at the brooder house.  I said something that was not nice.  She was going to punish me but I ran around the brooder house with her after me.  She couldn't catch me.  Finally she gave up.  Then she played the sly ol' fox by pretending everything was ok and she acted like she forgot about it.  I got tooooo close and she grabbed and and took a stick and gave me a "whale of a whipping".  Ouchy ouchy!  I will never forget that.  That was 60 years ago folks.

FuneralHomeGuy told me--I don't think funerals are as sad as they use to be (ie. not as much crying their make-up off) .  That is from his bird's-eye view.  I asked how come?  He didn't know for sure but our culture has and is changing he said.  Could be.  Maybe our emotions change.  Talk about emotions, a friend went to over eating anonymous and they told her that hunger was only an emotion.  RunningFriend says--Running is an attitude; pain is just an emotion!  Ouchy ouchy!  It's all in your head sooooo suck it up cupcake and let's get going.  Throw those chips away and get your butt off the couch.  We're burning day light here, let's get going.  My Daddy, Chester, use to say--Self-discipline is the best discipline.  Soooo if we can control our emotions it's a plus+ in life.

DuaneTheWorm is a phony plus+.  He is Oscar worthy for his acting.  Sorta kinda like the famous "NBA Floppers".  They are great actors let me tell ya.  Saturday question--Are you phony or are you real?  You should know that answer unless you have been living in la la land for soooo long that reality has totally escaped you (e.g. our government).  But being phony seems to work in our culture.  Sooooo DuaneTheWorm you are in! I don't care what anyone says DuaneTheWorm, you are a phoneyplus+!

You might think this idea is like a plumber's butt but...! Here is a plus+ plus+ idea that just might work.  It appears to get elected (i.e. according to Mitt Romney) you gotta buy the votes.  Sooooo in Iowa the two guys spend about $70 million for their campaign.  Auction off the votes to the middle class and poor.  Once one of the candidates get the needed number of votes, it's done--bingo!.  They don't need to campaign anymore.  This way the money goes directly into the taxpayers hands (i.e. common folks--folks with income of the median Iowa households of $47,177) instead of the corporations who own the newspapers and TV stations.  It's like a direct stimulus package.  There are about 2m registered voters in Iowa.  You only need a majority to win soooo that would be a little over 1m of votes.  1.2 m into $70m is about $58 dollars a vote.  Do you think there could be voters who could be bought for $58?  That $70m would be spent within a week I bet.  Good for the local Iowa economy.  It would not go out of state.  What do you think?  That $70m would buy a lot of Twinkies folks!

Icon cake Twinkies plus+ Ding Dongs plus+ Ho Hos plus+ Zingers are gone!  Hostess is liquidating their assets 'casue of of bankruptcy.  They make them here in Waterloo.  Sad day for many if you are a Twinkie eater.  I have a friend who ate a Twinkie every day at his 9 o'clock coffee break for maybe 20 years (i.e. then he had a heart attach and his doctor told him he had to quite).  Looking at the size of Americans, there could be a lot of eaters of the Hostess products.  I bet they will find a replacement product.  Ya wanta bet.

AverageJoe says--It's maybe a cornucopia of events why stuff happens and why folks don't agree with you.  It's hard to accept sometimes that you are not in the majority group.  Just 'cause you are not in the majority doesn't mean you are wrong.  It just means that more folks don't agree with you.  Plus+ you could be wrong in your thinking toooo.  It was very interesting to me to see what type of person voted for Romney or Obama (i..e. the demographics).  Like black and white, married and not married, single women and married women, young folks and seniors, Evangelical Christians to others, metropolitan folks to rural folks, coast folks to middle American folks, university locations to non university location cities, Latinos to white.  That has to say something doesn't it.  I would like to see statistics as too which party the folks voted for who receive some entitlement from the government, those who have a government job (i.e. those who's incomes or part of their incomes comes directly or indirectly from the government). Also the statistics as to which party those who pay taxes and those who don't.  I have talked to both Democrats and Republicans and many folks are pretty scared as to the future of our great country.  I have said many times and will say it again--It's all about the money folks.  WildWillie says--The Republicans were clearly wrong on a whole range of fronts according to the majority of voters.  To get elected you have to give folks what they want even if you can't.  You just borrow money.  It's politics folks.  The ones who get elected are the folks who just get it.  When you give or promise folks what they want, it helps the party party.  Oh ya!

Joesixpack says--There's no doubt about it, reality affects us.  I think it's just a plus+ if a person can stay focused on what is important.  It's really hard sometimes as the world really tugs at me.  But when certain things happen in our lives, it puts everything in proper perspective.  It happens all the time to me and this last week I talked to others who had reality affect their lives and their thinking.  My mentor use to say--When things are going well, we think they will always go well and when things go bad, we think they will always be bad.  Not soooo but it sure feels that way.  I don't care what the ESPN announcers say, there's no doubt about it, Iowa football isn't very good right now!  ItchieBithcie says--If you don't have the speed in football and like in life, you can't keep up!  Such is life.

MissPerfect says--Make it happen; figure it out!  Step up and be responsible!  It's a big plus+ if you can. But for many, it's easier not to deal with it and just be average.  Just be average.  Just let someone else take care of me.  If you don't take an interest in yourself or have a advocate who does, more than likely, things will not go oh-so-well for you.  The world is moving oh-so-fast that many folks can't keep up or don't want to keep up.  Technology has done some of this.  Folks are going to learn and change or be left behind.  That is a very hard adjustment for many.  That is my opinion.  Some don't want to and some are not capable.  It's easier to just not try; let someone else take care of me (i.e. the government).  It is just too over whelming for many.  And in some cases it's just a lot easier.

I have three questions; 1.  Will Iowa win another football game this year?  2.  Will our decision makers care more about the future of our great country more than about what they do so they can get reelected?  3.  Is my financial situation going to better regardless of what decision our country decides to do about the financial cliff situation?  The answer to all those questions is no, in my opinion.  It's a plus+ if I can accept reality and move on.  Such is life.

Saturday question--Is Thanksgiving just a day thing or is it an attitude?  If you think it's an attitude, it a massive huge plus+ for you (i.e. my opinion).  SusieQ says--Thanksgiving is the day before Black Friday a.k.a. the "granddaddy of all retail shopping days, with a following and fervor in Iowa only second to tailgating before an Iowa-Iowa State football game."  Such is life.

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans.  (-:


MyFriendJean says--People may doubt what you say, but they will believe what you do.

The following is a It's Saturday plus+!  I had the opportunity to get to know this guy from Syria a few years ago.  Our mission committee through our church had the opportunity to have him around us and our community for a week.  He stayed with us in our homes and did speaking in our church and in our communities.  He was and is a Christian leader in Syria.  I sorta kinda keep in touch with him.  This is what he wrote on facebook (i.e. it's about as real and personal as it can get--my opinion):  These days we feel we are burnout. As if we are burning the candle at both ends. We lost strength of keep going because we feel we have nothing left to give, unable to push on, and tapped out emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually. In our current turmoil times, it is not surprising that we become psychologically exhausted and feel drained, paralyzed and less ambitious. Our body, mind an...d soul are eating itself. No physical exercises, no getting out, not enough sleeping, too much TV news and facebook, less organized work and less sincere friendship. Sometimes what seems to be strong is very weak. The key issue is not external appearances and maturity rather internal burnout and stress. The world around us is rushing in a high speed towards brokenness, warfare, bloodshed, evilness, atheism, injustice, and self-destruction. The level of social ethics and morale is low. Discipline relationships are corrupted and dried up. Individualism, hypocrisy and mistrust are drastically over-ruling human relationships. Human rules and conducts are upside down. The ceremony of joyful and spiritual life is lost. Even religion is manipulated and used for mean interests. Values of love, compassion, hope, connectedness, consciousness, assertiveness, reconciliation, discipline, faith, fellowship, humility, integrity, mercy, productivity, and spiritual gifts are at stake. We need a divine sign to uplift us from this junk pool. But collective human awareness and efforts are also needed.

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