"Maybe Christmas", Joesixpack thought, "doesn't come from a store." "Maybe Christmas... perhaps... means a little bit more!" Sometimes it takes Joesixpack's heart a little longer to catch up folks! I read in the Book while eating my oatmeal with a half a banana on it--The disciples said to one another, "What does he mean by saying, 'In a little while you will see me no more, and after a little while you will see me'...We don't understand what he is saying." Some times we don't understand right away. We need to become more mature. ItchieBitchie says--I don't think we speak the same language! Yabut ItchieBitchie, you're 70 and they are 17. You didn't speak soooo mature when you were 17 I bet. In fact there are days that you still don't sound soooooo mature (i.e. my opinion).
We all get in those "kicks" when we get all excited about something (e.g. like trying to be a massive huge giver at Christmas). Many times those "kick times" don't last very long. We retreat to our normal life. It's much like getting on a diet crazy, an exercise crazy, a saving crazy etc (i.e. many don't last very long). You understand probably what I'm talking about. There are a lot of givers who give of their life all their life and not just at Christmas. These are the big people (i.e. you and I both know such folks). Little people give only at certain times to make themselves look bigger (i.e. you and I both know such folks). This is just my opinion. Big people have staying power. Little people are about good for the day or a week.
LeapenLena (i.e. who is on a whole another planet) says--Why buy stuff for folks they don't need, with money you don't have, to impress folks you don't like. It might be called status! MissPerfect says--It makes me feel good for a minute. Da! That statement sorta kinda reminds me of something a friend told me recently. He said he doesn't watch the news and doesn't read any newspapers. Maybe he has an iPhone or looks on Yahoo. That could be but I really don't know if he has any interest in the news. I'm going to call him let him know that Christmas is coming! I don't want him to miss it. I bet he missed cyber Monday. What do you think? BigDogWally says--Anybody who's anybody buys into the Christmas buying trap! I bet my friend doesn't buy into the Christmas buying trap (i.e. soooo does that make him a nobody). Maybe but I don't think sooooo folks. He just doesn't watch the news or read the paper!!!! Maybe his wife tells him. You think sooooo?!
I enjoy watching Big Ten Basketball this year. I have learned that--If you don't score off the press, you'll see it some more! It's a long day if you can't handle the pressure folks. Big Ten looks tough this year. Sooooo if you can't run with the big dogs, it will be a long year. There will be no Christmas presents in this league this year folks. Have you ever noticed that teams that are unselfish usually are much more successful and seem to have much more fun. Teams that are made up of individuals who only think of themselves a.k.a DuaneTheWorms, usually have a hard time to be really successful (i.e. I love myself the most of anything). I knowaguy who says--Maturity is when we are in a position to take the credit but decide to pass it on to someone else. That passing on the credit would be a pretty nice Christmas present I think. My opinion.
I went to the HS basketball games the other night. I sat with a friend who's son plays. He told me that there are 43 boys playing bb this year and 33 boys wrestling. Wow! What's the deal. The deal is the football staff encouraged all the boys to participate in a winter sport. I emailed the head football coach and school board president telling them how impressed I was. The head football coach said--We want our athletes to do something competitive in the winter. The school board president said--Participation is the ultimate goal. I wish I could take credit but they are just good people erv.
I have watched the Creighton Blue Jays play a couple games on TV recently. I like to watch them mainly 'cause Greg McDermott plays on that team. McDermott is a unique (i.e. my opinion). I watched him play some at Ames HS (i.e. at the state tournament with Arlene and BruceMyRecruiterFriend) along with Harrison Barnes who went onto NC and is now a rookie with the Golden State Warriors. McDermott was over shadowed by Barnes some what but he had something about him that really intrigues me--he always seems to be in the right spot at the right time. I had a young man I coached in HS many years ago who had this quality too. Sooooo is this a gift or a learned behavior? What do you think? McDermoit also works very hard, has ability and seems to have a great attitude (i.e. that is why I enjoy watching him). He is now an All American. I know folks in life who always seem to be in the right spot at the right time. Flip the pancake--I know folks who always seem to be in the wrong spot at the wrong time. I know folks who seem to say the right things at the right time (i.e. folks who just seem to get it). I know folks who seem to always say the wrong thing at the wrong time (i.e. always seem to be in a hornets' nest). Is that a gift or is that learned. CadillacJack says--Be careful with social media folks. You might think it's funny today but it will bit your butt in the future. On facebook and in life, if you don't know, keep your mouth shut!
GeorgeTheCrook says--It seems like some folks always have their life on cruise control! We saw the movie Lincoln. I was reminded once again that Lincoln was a great negotiator. He used the right folks and did it at the right time. Some folks are really great at this and others aren't. It's very obvious. Is this a gift or is this a learned behavior. Joesixpack says--A lot of major money is made through good negotiating (i.e. open sesame). Ya gotta know when to step back and when to go forward. My Daddy, Chester, told me--You are a good negotiator when you really don't need something (i.e. that's not rocket science but just common sense folks). If you really want something and let your emotions take over, you are not a good negotiator. Basically that is what Christmas shopping is--my opinion. You say, erv, you are tooooo conservative. Maybe soooo and maybe not. A very smart, young person told me recently--I know why you are conservative erv; it's 'cause you had to work and fight for everything in your life (i.e. wasn't born with a golden spoon in your mouth). Maybe sooooo. My mentor told me--erv, you will probably never change. Maybe round the corners a little but not do a 180 degree turn. Could be mentor.
Suggestion--Pray for wisdom--pray for wisdom often. It says in the Book that if you do, God will give it to us. That is what it says. God, help me make wise decisions. Now that's the cat's meow folks--wise decisions. I pray for opportunities, for the ability to recognize them and the courage to act on them. I do. My mentor use to tell me--I pray that the Holy Spirit may help me with my decisions each day. Sooooo does He help you? Every day. Now that is a true gift folks, a true gift.
My family always want to know what I want for Christmas. Well, I have a gift wish for Christmas. Oh ya. I want a pair of gloves that I can wear when I ride bike or run when it's sorta kinda cold out. I really don't need them but I would like them. It makes me look better. Soooo other folks don't look at me as I'm some old codger a.k.a a hayseed). Ya know, I sorta kinda like being like a hayseed. I do! It's good for me to not forget where I came from. It reminds me that I'm not as important as I think I am (i.e. it humbles me). I wear my Farm Mutual yellow ones now (i.e. they were free). I rode the other day and they worked well. But it would be nice to have some better looking ones. Don't need them but sorta kinda want them. My wish list is very limited and my needs are even less. Such is life.
Here is some free Christmas advice from The Farm Bureau (i.e. I read it in the paper soooo it must be right)--The Christmas family get-to-gather is not the time to talk about "the succession of the family farm". It doesn't always make the dessert taste "oh soooo goooood" if someone is getting the short end of the stick a.k.a. money. If you know what I mean! Such is life.
Oh a gift! A gift is a gift. Not a business transaction. There are no strings attached (e.g. here is your Christmas money but you can only buy clothes with it--here is your Christmas gift but where is mine). Here is a donation but I want my name on it or my picture in the paper (i.e. that is advertising). Jesus is a true gift folks. No strings attached. That is what Christmas is.
Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:
MyFriendJean says--Do you see difficulties in every opportunity or opportunities in every difficulty.
P.S. Just got a note from my Canadian friend BigPete, who I play pickle ball with in AZ about the Fiscial Cliff-- just don't raise the price of beer or cigarettes... that wouldbe terrible? !2 Heinies in Canada $24.. in US $10.. hmmmm. oh weel the grandkids will take care of it...
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